View Full Version : Heisman Trophy is Bullshit

12-11-2012, 02:02 PM
I'm sorry but even after almost 5 days I'm still fucking pissed off with the Heisman award. :down:

I'll be honest. I fucking hate Notre Dame. Spartans all the way, however it boggles my mind how they could not award Manti Te'o the god damn Heisman.

The Heismans mission statement is
The Heisman Memorial Trophy annually recognizes the outstanding college football player whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity. Winners epitomize great ability combined with diligence, perseverance, and hard work. The Heisman Trophy Trust ensures the continuation and integrity of this award. The Trust, furthermore, has a charitable mission to support amateur athletics and to provide greater opportunities to the youth of our country. Our goal through these charitable endeavors is for the Heisman Trophy to symbolize the fostering of a sense of community responsibility and service to our youth, especially those disadvantaged or afflicted. All assets of the Trust beyond the expense of maintaining the annual presentation of the Heisman Memorial Trophy are reserved for such charitable causes. The Trustees, who all serve pro bono, are guided by a devotion to college football and are committed to community service and the valued tradition which the Trophy represents.

How Johnny Manziel fits that is beyond me. The fucking rich punk is awaiting trial for three misdemeanor offenses, A&M has 2 losses and only even played 3 ranked teams this year. LSU and Florida both shut his ass down and it was A&M's defense, not their offense that defeated Alabama. Alabama was stopped 4 times on the goal line and even after that, if it was not for a off-sides call, could have ended up beating A&M.

Football is a team sport, and if at the end of the day you are still ranked 10th, personal stats don't mean shit. I'm not going to get into the whole "character" aspect of this, but it seems to me Johnny "Football" won the award for all the wrong reasons.. unless we're saying Jersey Shore is now what means to be "all American"

Maybe they should just be honest and admit that the Heisman Award is simply for the best Quarterback or Running Back. Fuck, I think only one wide receiver has ever won the award and not a single defensive player*.

What a diservice to both the players and fans.

The Dude
12-12-2012, 11:42 AM
I gave up after they gave the heisman to charles woodson instead of peyton manning. It's just a popularity contest anyway.