View Full Version : alexisthemovie (wheelflip?!)

scooby steve33
11-05-2012, 01:34 PM
I dont know if its just me being impatient but I bought a set of wheels from alexisthemovie on OCT19 and haven't heard a single thing. His paypal account was @wheelflip.com so I was guessing he worked at wheelflip. After multiple PMs an email to the email address and a call to the shop I have made no contact with anyone. The number wheel flip has listed on the site has been disconnected and the email I sent to them went un answered as well. Just hope I can at least make some kind of contact.

11-06-2012, 07:39 AM
Registered here to post that I'm also dealing with the same issue with Alex, and so are several others according to their facebook wall. I have emailed him several times, posted on wheelflip's facebook wall, called (number is still disconnected as of this morning), and have had no success.

Here's a link to my thread about them on s2ki Wheelflip Number Disconnected - S2KI Honda S2000 Forums (http://www.s2ki.com/s2000/topic/987644-wheelflip-number-disconnected/page__pid__22132648#entry22132648)

Last I heard, the wheel he was working on for me was done and shipping the next day, and that was about 2 weeks ago. since then, no wheel nor tracking number. If I get a hold of him, I'll let you know. Post on their facebook wall and keep putting the pressure on them

11-09-2012, 01:42 PM
I had posted several messages to many of the sellers inquiring about their for sale posts and never got a reply from them so I stopped going to that website altogether.

It's wheelflip's loss and an unfortunate tainted reputation due to poor communication and lack of staying on top of a very fundamental and significant element of any business which is contact information. They are not the only one's selling wheels or providing a means for other sellers to advertise wheels. Buyers can easily find other places.

11-09-2012, 03:27 PM
Wheelflip has horrible customer service just like many other custom wheel shops. I asked for matte finish powercoat on some wheels, but got gloss and was told that gloss was what I had asked (when I had them jot down matte finish when i first placed my order) and that matte clear can't be applied over the finish, which was wrong. I had the matte clear applied over at a local powder shop.

It sucks that there are such few shops that do this type of wheel customization service and the ones that do it cannot take care of their customers.

11-10-2012, 09:53 AM
Doesnt that dude Yuta work at wheelflip? I couldve sworn I saw somewhere on here that he does.

11-10-2012, 05:37 PM
When it comes to companies that sell boutique-style products, you have to expect a certain degree of neglect as a customer or prospective customer. Everybody and their mom is contacting shops like this trying to be buddy buddy, ask questions when they aren't ready to buy, or trying to snoop around for ways to imitate their hustle. There isn't enough money to hire somebody to just sit around and BS with all these people because they can't charge enough to the generally stingy demographic they cater to. So until they get big, which usually never happens either due to lack of customer base or no desire to expand, it's just gonna suck. This takes place in every type of business. Nobody has custom, nice things without patience.

I have waited 4+ months for parts, and it sucks, but I don't bite the hand that feeds me. I just got a $4k kit the other day I was supposed to get in 4-6 weeks after 4 months. Did I yell, raise my voice, or harass them? No. When it was ready, they contacted me. Sure, in my head I wanted to fucking kill them, but 99.9% of the time when circumstances arise such as this, it's because it's beyond their control.

If I didn't want to risk playing the waiting game, I could have easily purchased generic off the shelf products from a company with a lot more employees to ensure I get my shit sweat shop fast. I didn't want that, I wanted something I won't see at any events I attend, that is unique.

I run wheelflip modified wheels and I have no complaints. If I ever rebuild another set, they'll be who I call.

Doesnt that dude Yuta work at wheelflip? I couldve sworn I saw somewhere on here that he does.

He used to. From what I know he left on good terms and works at Chargespeed now or something.

11-10-2012, 05:52 PM
I read on wheelflip fb that they were having some internal problems...maybe that was it. I do know that he's on nwp4life.com a lot since he's popular there. Try there.good luck...