View Full Version : Buy cars in JAPAN

10-25-2012, 01:45 AM
Me and some friends are planning a trip to japan and we are most likely buying cars. But we need to know how to ship the cars here to the States.

10-25-2012, 01:46 AM

10-25-2012, 01:53 AM
Do you even know how/where youre going to being being these cars? The afghani's had a good plan doing this buying trucks but im curious do you?

10-25-2012, 02:21 AM

10-25-2012, 02:26 AM
this trip is along ways away. and where just planning a head and asking questions.

10-25-2012, 02:34 AM
Do you even know how/where youre going to being being these cars? The afghani's had a good plan doing this buying trucks but im curious do you?
im curious of your stuttering typing http://icandy.zilvia.net/img/smilies/owned.gif

10-25-2012, 02:46 AM
Mod LOCK pls

10-25-2012, 03:33 AM
Florida, makes sense...

10-25-2012, 03:36 AM
Florida, makes sense...

Florida makes more sense than California. :stupid:

10-25-2012, 11:15 PM

10-27-2012, 08:57 AM

10-27-2012, 09:28 AM
Nice try, FBI agents.

10-30-2012, 01:45 PM
Everybody sing it with me...

10-30-2012, 02:44 PM
I just drove mine back, but you can tow it with a jetski. Or just hide it in a shipping crate like all the guys with the drugs do in the movies. Nobody even checks those things.

10-30-2012, 05:59 PM
Ask around for Han....

10-30-2012, 08:31 PM
AH! Florida strikes again!


10-30-2012, 08:40 PM
If it was that easy more people would do the same thing. If you want JDM cars try Canada, they have most of the cars you would look for in japan. Good luck getting them across the boarder.. lmao

Grocery Cart
10-30-2012, 08:48 PM
There's some great info in here.

11-19-2012, 11:10 PM
Fuck man. At first I didn't see why people always bash Florida on here.

Then I read this.

I'm ashamed.

11-19-2012, 11:19 PM
i called out flordia years ago before the fad even started here.


11-19-2012, 11:22 PM
Lol I'm not really sure what everyone's beef is. Florida is a pretty diverse place. Same ratio of good, smart people and morons as anywhere else. I've been everywhere in the country, and I've seen much worse.

11-19-2012, 11:46 PM
Lol I'm not really sure what everyone's beef is. Florida is a pretty diverse place. Same ratio of good, smart people and morons as anywhere else. I've been everywhere in the country, and I've seen much worse.

heres how it goes on zilvia if you haven't noticed..

One person with a high post count says something about a place/car/anything really, others want to look cool and gain rep amongst the majority so they follow, assuming its correct.

People on this forum fail wayyyy harder than florida. They are just jelly they don't have white sandy beaches(gulf coast) with sexy drunk women everywhere.

Besides that, op fails harder than anything previously mentioned above

11-19-2012, 11:50 PM
heres how it goes on zilvia if you haven't noticed..

One person with a high post count says something about a place/car/anything really, others want to look cool and gain rep amongst the majority so they follow, assuming its correct.

People on this forum fail wayyyy harder than florida. They are just jelly they don't have white sandy beaches(gulf coast) with sexy drunk women everywhere.

Besides that, op fails harder than anything previously mentioned above

Haha well I guess I have noticed. I guess that's why I normally stick to write-ups and for sale threads and execute my social life away from the internet.

11-20-2012, 12:36 AM
heres how it goes on zilvia if you haven't noticed..

One person with a high post count says something about a place/car/anything really, others want to look cool and gain rep amongst the majority so they follow, assuming its correct.

People on this forum fail wayyyy harder than florida. They are just jelly they don't have white sandy beaches(gulf coast) with sexy drunk women everywhere.

Besides that, op fails harder than anything previously mentioned above


Once you have been an active member of the Zilvia Community long enough you will notice that pretty much 80% of the fail threads are from Florida.

Hence the "Florida Fail" Joke.

This thread is a prime example. To me (and probably everyone else) its a pipe dream. a couple of kids wanting go to Japan and buy JDM cars and bringing them back tot he states without doing research. Instead of doing research on something thats been cover for years they decide to be lazy and try to make other ppl do the research for them.

If you have to come to a fourm and ask questions thats been covered for years then you are not ready to do whatever it is your about to do, espeically on importations laws.

Asking questions on fourms should be a "Last Resort", You've done research and tried everything but either its not working or your case is different, then you ask a question.

Not "hey guys what do I have to do to being a car back to the US."

11-20-2012, 12:47 AM

Once you have been an active member of the Zilvia Community long enough you will notice that pretty much 80% of the fail threads are from Florida.

Hence the "Florida Fail" Joke.

Haha it must just be the 240 game. There are a lot of clowns.
There aren't that many here it seems. All my friends drive Hondas.

11-20-2012, 01:07 AM
Haha it must just be the 240 game. There are a lot of clowns.
There aren't that many here it seems. All my friends drive Hondas.

I wouldnt know as far as other forums go, Zilvia is the only one Ive really been active with.

Ive tried Nico but that place is too big, Too many forums and subforums, plus a alot of tards over there.

11-20-2012, 05:53 AM
Guys it was just a question and I all ready found the answer to getting it here so......... Just drop the whole thing.

11-20-2012, 11:58 AM

Once you have been an active member of the Zilvia Community long enough you will notice that pretty much 80% of the fail threads are from Florida.

Well if i didn't notice that then the band wagoners who i was previously talking about didn't either so therefore i am correct.

11-20-2012, 12:09 PM
the funny thing is you guys are bashing on florida, but a large percentage of the bullshit grey market cars are coming in from florida..so someone down there is doing something..lol

11-20-2012, 12:11 PM
the funny this is you guys are bashing on florida, but a large percentage of the bullshit grey market cars are coming in from florida..so someone down there is doing something..lol

thats why theyre bashing from what I can tell.

11-20-2012, 12:13 PM
thats why theyre bashing from what I can tell.

oh okay lol

11-20-2012, 10:54 PM
Well if i didn't notice that then the band wagoners who i was previously talking about didn't either so therefore i am correct.
That's because your from Florida.

11-21-2012, 03:03 PM
That's because your from Florida.



11-21-2012, 03:13 PM
Wow these guys. I was a question i asked a while ago and found the answer to it. So shut the fuck up all ready you guys are 30 year old kids.

11-21-2012, 03:16 PM
and to all who talk about FL like its shit. why don't you come down here then and say that shit at one of our events. I can say all of the same things about California. but i don't go around bashing everyone about the state the live in. In fact no state is better than the other.

11-22-2012, 01:06 AM


lol that's all you got?

That's Pathetic.

and to all who talk about FL like its shit. why don't you come down here then and say that shit at one of our events. I can say all of the same things about California. but i don't go around bashing everyone about the state the live in. In fact no state is better than the other.

GTF outta here with that internet badass shit.

My daddy can kick your daddy's ass....

You clearly missed the reasoning behind the FL joke.

Its a fucking Joke Grow up. Or does Florida fail at that too? Hey-Oooooo, Ok im done.

11-22-2012, 01:17 AM
lol that's all you got?

That's Pathetic.

Didn't know this was a competition to see who has a better comeback..
I was just pointing out your fail while you were trying to say that a whole state fails.

11-22-2012, 01:51 AM
Didn't know this was a competition to see who has a better comeback..
I was just pointing out your fail while you were trying to say that a whole state fails.

It's not, just saying if you gonna talk shit you should try something better than a spelling error in a sentence I typed at 3am.

11-22-2012, 10:06 PM
Guys it was just a question and I all ready found the answer to getting it here so......... Just drop the whole thing.

care to share? That way the information is here for people who don't know can know.

11-23-2012, 08:03 PM
Fuck, what happened with this thread? This turned into FL is not a lame state thread and seems like we got some butt hurt people in here. Why do any of you give a flying fuck what some random person on the internet says about your shitty state? Grow some fucking thick skin and move the fuck on...

And fuck you because I am technically from FL...got a license, cars registered and physically down here for 2 more weeks.

11-23-2012, 08:08 PM

Once you have been an active member of the Zilvia Community long enough you will notice that pretty much 80% of the fail threads are from Florida.

Hence the "Florida Fail" Joke.

This thread is a prime example. To me (and probably everyone else) its a pipe dream. a couple of kids wanting go to Japan and buy JDM cars and bringing them back tot he states without doing research. Instead of doing research on something thats been cover for years they decide to be lazy and try to make other ppl do the research for them.

If you have to come to a fourm and ask questions thats been covered for years then you are not ready to do whatever it is your about to do, espeically on importations laws.

Asking questions on fourms should be a "Last Resort", You've done research and tried everything but either its not working or your case is different, then you ask a question.

Not "hey guys what do I have to do to being a car back to the US."

You're absolutely right. That's why I was ashamed to say I was from Florida too.

I've been to Japan four times and planning my 5th trip now. I understand the condescension. It's ridiculous to ask a question like that.

By the way, is that a picture of your girlfriend in Japan, or are you a Japanese girl (highly unlikely)? Haha

11-23-2012, 08:16 PM
You're absolutely right. That's why I was ashamed to say I was from Florida too.

I've been to Japan four times and planning my 5th trip now. I understand the condescension. It's ridiculous to ask a question like that.

By the way, is that a picture of your girlfriend in Japan, or are you a Japanese girl (highly unlikely)? Haha

He has a radioactive vagina from Fukushima...

11-24-2012, 01:11 AM
By the way, is that a picture of your girlfriend in Japan, or are you a Japanese girl (highly unlikely)? Haha

lol close, its my Wife.

He has a radioactive vagina from Fukushima...

Bingo lolz

11-24-2012, 08:34 PM
lmfao dumba$$es lmafo first you can start to plan on getting your passports thatd be a start haha 2nd why japan just go to canada theres plenty of silvias and skylines... KIDS...shipping isnt cheap thats why a lot of military leave their cars behind IT ISNT WORTH IT i agree lock this up

11-24-2012, 08:53 PM
lol close, its my Wife.

Bingo lolz

Solid call, lol. Dated a girl in Okinawa for a year. Was fun while it lasted.

11-24-2012, 08:57 PM
lmfao dumba$$es lmafo first you can start to plan on getting your passports thatd be a start haha 2nd why japan just go to canada theres plenty of silvias and skylines... KIDS...shipping isnt cheap thats why a lot of military leave their cars behind IT ISNT WORTH IT i agree lock this up

To be honest i agree with you to go to canada and get one. very true. but me and my friends just wanna experience japan. but you are totally right i can just do that but i just wanna see japan with my own eyes. and plus ill have enough cash to get it here anyways so i figure ill just get it there.

11-24-2012, 08:58 PM
care to share? That way the information is here for people who don't know can know.

you'll have to research dude. shipping does cost alot. but the answer is.............CANADA

11-24-2012, 08:58 PM
Solid call, lol. Dated a girl in Okinawa for a year. Was fun while it lasted.

Should have stuck with her, Fun would have lasted a life time.

11-24-2012, 10:01 PM
Should have stuck with her, Fun would have lasted a life time.

Great white buffalo...

11-25-2012, 01:03 AM
you'll have to research dude. shipping does cost alot. but the answer is.............CANADA

you mean i can't just start a thread on this topic and get answers?

so you expect people to provide you with answers but when you can provide it you won't?

11-25-2012, 01:15 AM
This mother&%#@*r is like James Bong with his shit!

11-25-2012, 04:57 AM
you mean i can't just start a thread on this topic and get answers?

so you expect people to provide you with answers but when you can provide it you won't?

Not saying that at all. You have to research it for the cost of shipping and were you want it shipped to.

11-25-2012, 01:38 PM
Should have stuck with her, Fun would have lasted a life time.

Not unless she's a kokujo or an amejo. She just wants to go to the land of the big bx and get lots of coach purse and sketcher shoes!!!

11-25-2012, 08:30 PM
Not unless she's a kokujo or an amejo. She just wants to go to the land of the big bx and get lots of coach purse and sketcher shoes!!!

true but thats easy to tell if they are

01-31-2013, 06:18 AM
hai guyz. I have the reverse problem...i wanna import a dodge neon to Japan...how do I go about doing that? Is it easier to ship it to Korea first?

lol. gravedigging.

01-31-2013, 08:00 AM
Shin is a troll...

01-31-2013, 04:24 PM
Han is the man! He helped me with every step along the way.:coold:

Ask around for Han....

02-01-2013, 01:46 AM
*Getting high off bath-salts*

Hey man! Lets go to Japan and buy cars dude!

K man!! hurrhurrr

02-03-2013, 12:46 AM
to the OP. if he still uses this forum, it's actually quite easy. we do it all the time in the military.

Buy the car in japan. have the car inspected, once passed take it to a shipping import/export terminal for large freight shipping on a boat.

go to the states.

wait 2-3 months.

Pick up your "package" aka the car from one of the import/ export Boat terminals. 99% sure it will be either California or texas. good luck.

take paperwork to DMV and process it as a "kit car" and have it inspected, if things need adjusted to pass inspection, do it.
Have the DMV write up a VIN number for it, and stamped on the car, along with other things.

Will take you a good 6-8 months to complete this process, and hope you have a spare 10 grand AFTER buying the car for shipping charges,inspections, repairs, changes, etc etc.

Good luck man! LOL

( p.s. totally not worth it for a GTR/Skyline, they DO EXIST here in the states, unless it was a damn McClaren F1 or Lambo.. well I wouldn't attempt)

02-07-2013, 09:42 PM
^^^We do it all the time? If it was that simple and easy, I would have just shipped my damn 500hp S14 Silvia back. Military wont ship it back, and it'll cost you atleast $8k to get a container to ship it back...assuming customs doesnt pinch your container at the port, specially since ICE is cracking down on the whole gray market cars.

02-07-2013, 09:47 PM
I was being sarcastic.. it's hard as hell.