View Full Version : Military in Japan

10-24-2012, 01:57 AM
This thread is mostly directed towards anyone stationed on the mainland.

In about a year, I'll be going to Misawa AB. Very far north in the, what I assume, is the coldest area of the country for those of you who aren't familiar with this base or military installations of Japan. I'm trying to calculate the amount of money it would cost to buy a car, insure it, pay taxes and any other expenses needed to own/drive a car. I've read some sites saying it's cheaper to own a car if you live in the countryside compared to the city. Is this true? Will I have to show certificate of ownership of a parking space if the car will be parked on base? What type of cars have what type of license plates? Is the convenience/fun of having a car even worth the cost?

If you could, please write prices in US dollars (if that's not too much to ask). I understand everything will be paid for in Yen, however.

Thanks in advanced for checking the thread and replying ;)

10-24-2012, 05:02 AM
Youp it gets really fucking cold up here, and ALOT OF SNOW so a 4wd vehicle is recommended.

Price for a car depends on what kinda car you want and how nice of one you want.

average price for say a Subaru Legacy B4 4WD EJ20 TT from a dealership is around 5K-6.5K (comes with 2 year JCI and maybe snow tires) insurance depends on rank and marital status, probably $190 for 3 months.

You will WANT a car around here go get around and visit the cities. Def wroth it

All vehicle registration, road tax and Parking stuff will be taken care of when you buy the car.

If you're married or an E3 or below you WILL be living on base no exceptions. If your a single E4 over 3 years you MIGHT be able to live off base.

10-24-2012, 05:14 AM
I was definitely hoping to get a Subie since it's AWD and I know it snows a lot. I am an E3 1 year TiS right now so I'll put on E4 sometime early 2014. If living on base will save me money, then I'm doing that. Is it better to buy from private seller or dealer?

10-24-2012, 05:33 AM
Opps meant single E4 with 3 years you might be able to live off base.

Living off base is way better though. but more than likely you will be in the dorms.

Only pro of living on base is they plow the roads fast and keep them clear during the winter.

10-24-2012, 12:23 PM
lived off base in misawa for a few years.
you dont NEED 4wd, just be smart with your driving and youll be fine

10-24-2012, 12:30 PM
^yes, off base is WAAAY better, move off if you can.

and remember you wont be the first one to buy a car and live off base. Pass & ID and the housing office can answer all your questions. $5K should be plenty to get you something decent when its all said and done.

Rob at EAW can get you anything you want, including stuff off YAJ.

local misawa car forum:
GaijinDrift (http://gaijindrift.com/)

most of us have moved away but theres decades of misawa related car knowledge there, just ask

10-25-2012, 01:19 AM
Is it tough making the switch to RHD?

10-25-2012, 04:42 AM
probably take about a month before you get the hang of turning into the correct lane and not driving to close to the inside lane

10-25-2012, 04:17 PM
Yeah I've heard some stories about american's driving into oncoming traffic haha. That would scare the shit out of me.
If, for instance, I wanted to buy a new(er) and take it back to the states after a few years is that possible? What kind modifications do you need to make?

Midnight Shift
10-25-2012, 09:11 PM
Regarding the fees, etc... I don't know if there are any special exemptions for military, as I am not in the armed forces...However, this is what you're looking at...

If you have a white (license) plate car (anything from 660cc's and up)
You'll have to pay taxes on your car every year. the bill will come in May and you'll probably have to pay it by June. You're are taxed on your engine size; if you have an economic car or not; and if your car is old there is an increase in taxes after (15 maybe?) years. So, I pay 42,000 yen ($523) a year in taxes alone, just because I own a car.

Then you have shaken which is your compulsory car inspection that your car must have every 2 years. The shaken certificate they issue serves as your registration, ownership, etc. If you do the shaken process yourself, like I do, it can save you a lot of money. I paid 53,000 yen ($662) for my girlfriend's Nissan Bluebird. If you have a company or dealer do this for you, then I've seen prices start at around 90,000 yen ($1,124) and up. I've never heard of shaken costing more than 200,000 yen ($2,494,) cause at that point, people just buy a new car. The expensive costs associated with shaken come from dealerships charging you for a bunch of servicing on your car which you may or may not need. However, this is why many people's cars are in very good condition...cause they blow a ton of money in their cars for maintenance.

As for insurance, I use the JA (Japan Agriculture) or also said "nougyou" and pay 4,600 yen ($57) a month for liability insurance. You technically don't need this, because basic insurance is included in your shaken costs, but if you hit or kill someone, they usually don't pay shit. So you'll definitely want this secondary insurance!!! I was paying full coverage for my Toyota Altezza I had a few years back, and it was 20,000 ($249) a month!!! Way too much...

I'm not sure of all the fees/costs for a yellow (license) plate car (under 660cc's,) but the yearly tax on them is only 8,400 yen ($104) a year! Cheap as chips! shaken costs on them are significantly lowered as well.

So, in summary, costs:
1. A car/acquisition tax ...(your budget is the limit)
2. Pay yearly tax on your car (8,400 yen and up)
3. shaken car inspection (40,000 and up)

10-25-2012, 09:40 PM
man i miss japan, fully build 98 FDs going for 7 grand everywhere on and off base. have fun out there man!

dos eses
10-25-2012, 10:30 PM
Buy a Delica for the snow. Bad ass vans. I was in Okinawa and the first time I saw onw I was pretty suprised seeing a van on 32 inch tires and a lift. It never snowed in Oki obviously, but bad ass vans none the less.

10-25-2012, 11:17 PM
What the F*** would I want a van for? That's just stupid. FD's I've been told are pretty costly because insurance is so high. I'm not looking for anything too crazy. I'm looking at like a 10k limit(unless I get rich somehow), which I assume will get me something pretty nice. But what I've concluded from all this is, just like in America, your cost to own a car depends on what car is it. Sports car, "expensive." Tin can, "cheap." Am I right?

10-25-2012, 11:25 PM
you gonna crash some osprees into the mountains?

10-25-2012, 11:26 PM
I'm not a cv-22 pilot, so no hahaha. I'm comm and I hate it

dos eses
10-26-2012, 08:38 AM
What the F*** would I want a van for? That's just stupid. FD's I've been told are pretty costly because insurance is so high. I'm not looking for anything too crazy. I'm looking at like a 10k limit(unless I get rich somehow), which I assume will get me something pretty nice. But what I've concluded from all this is, just like in America, your cost to own a car depends on what car is it. Sports car, "expensive." Tin can, "cheap." Am I right?

Cause they are bad ass. B4's are pretty lame. They arent bad cars, but every american in Japan has one. Its kinda lame. But to each his own. Since your looking for something nice look into the Toyota Chaser Tourer V. One of my personal favorites from Japan and not too many americans drive them.

10-26-2012, 07:55 PM
I see the Tourer V here on base at Osan every now and then. I guess what I'll have to do is just see what's around base and pick from there. Can't plan on buying a car and then turns out there's no one selling that kind. Either way, I'd like to get something that is turbocharged. I'll just see what I have to choose from.

10-27-2012, 05:48 PM
One word of advice, if you can, buy the car yourself from a site like this one: Japanese used cars. | tradecarview.com (http://www.tradecarview.com/) Then JCI (shakken) it yourself and you'll save about 2K+. I've bought several cars through here and haven't had a problem. If not, at least you can see what kind of cars are out here in Japan. GL!

10-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Thanks. I've been looking at the exchange.goo-net website a lot. Just seems like anything for sale is near the south side of the island.

10-27-2012, 11:00 PM
there are a good bit of used car lots around the base. just depends on what you want

10-28-2012, 12:13 AM
What the F*** would I want a van for? That's just stupid. FD's I've been told are pretty costly because insurance is so high. I'm not looking for anything too crazy. I'm looking at like a 10k limit(unless I get rich somehow), which I assume will get me something pretty nice. But what I've concluded from all this is, just like in America, your cost to own a car depends on what car is it. Sports car, "expensive." Tin can, "cheap." Am I right?

Eh, still cheaper than in the states. The only catch with an FD is stupid ass gas mileage (14 mpg city) and for your age, insurance is kinda pricey. Not pricey like $300 a month you'd pay for being under 25 in the states but pricier than what you'd pay for an S-chassis. I think my troop was paying $160 a month. Doesnt sound much but I was paying $650 a year for an S14 and an R33.

Anyways, what AFSC are you and which sq are you going to? You're either going to base comm or to the secret squirrel shit out there if they're telling you to get a TS right now.

10-28-2012, 02:37 AM
I'm doing the secret squirrel stuff. Not sure what I can and can't talk about but I know for sure where I'm going. I'm a 3D1x2. Cyber transport. And I hate it. I already have a TS but I gotta get my SCI to go there.

As long as it's not like paying for insurance in the states then I think I'll be okay. Not gonna get anything too crazy just so I have money to do stuff lol

10-29-2012, 11:01 AM
Thats the same sq I was in

Im a 3d1x3, RF Trans.

s0fa king
10-29-2012, 11:41 AM
id love to get stationed there. i bet its beautiful. totally jelly.

10-30-2012, 01:42 PM
Yah, I knew a couple people out there working 3D1X3. One of my co-worker's in Kadena is up there working secret squirrel. And a buddy of mine (Luvs2Slide) is up there too, working at the PMEL shop.

10-31-2012, 01:55 AM
What's needed for registration? I'm currently stationed in Korea, but would like to bring a vehicle over here.

I'm interested in purchasing and registering a vehicle in Japan then bringing it over to Korea via Ferry and registering it like I brought a vehicle from a previous duty station in order to avoid paying the 50% import tax that Korea has on Japanese vehicles.

What do you guys know about this?

10-31-2012, 09:59 AM
miss that place

but to answer your question (kind of)...99% of the people you ask are gonna tell you its not worth it. Why? because they've already tried and realized its a huge pain in the ass. And in the long run, you are not really saving any money unless you have some importer hook up smowhere.

Its not impossible but trust us when 9 out of 10 people say its not worth it

10-31-2012, 04:51 PM
Gotcha, thanks Russ. I was just trying to take advantage of being able to drive the vehicle for a year then chopping it up and sending the half cut home in a container.

It's pretty silly to think you can bring it home to the US easily.

11-01-2012, 01:36 AM
I wish I knew how anyone gets RHD cars back to the states. Everyone I have ever asked is an asshole and tells me to figure it out myself.

11-01-2012, 02:20 AM
Fries, there's a guy in Osan that bought a white 180sx from Japan and had it shipped to Korea. Not that it can't be done, but takes some leg work. But granted its a remote, you may or may not have a DL.

11-02-2012, 01:13 AM
In order to have a car here, you have to be of a certain rank, or have a tour of 2 or more years. Or be an officer of course. They get whatever they want haha

11-02-2012, 03:17 AM
None of the above. My wife is also military. ;)

Id the guy that got the 180sx on here? Id love to talk to him.

11-02-2012, 06:55 AM
Other than civilians or spouses, idk anyone that is lower than E5 with a car that's in a 1 year tour

11-02-2012, 08:24 AM
I'm dual military / Joint Domicile. Just have to wait for the memorandum to be approved and I'll be able to own/drive a vehicle here in Korea. I've already been here for 7 months, but will have to extend for another 10.

My wife just got here and I'm extending so our DEROS will match, that way we PCS together.

11-02-2012, 10:05 AM
Get your ass to Yokota!!!

11-02-2012, 08:39 PM
Get your ass to Yokota!!!
I'm Army brother. I'm definitely not against getting stationed in Japan after Korea, but I really don't think my branch manager will let me do two consecutive overseas tours.
Also, the chance of me getting stationed on Yokota, is about as likely as insurgent groups popping up in Japan. I highly doubt there's a need for a e-3/e-4 interrogator on an Airforce Base.

11-03-2012, 05:39 AM
im glad I didnt get Yokota.. Track is 30 min from my house here in Misawa and im not in traffic. I dont care for Tokyo and dont mind driving down south to drift etc.

11-03-2012, 06:28 AM
Biggamehit, you're stationed at Misawa? What's it like up there? Fill me in on the goods/bads

11-03-2012, 07:52 AM
I'm no longer military, I'm a civilian contractor now :). All I can say is Misawa is not a representation Japan as a whole. those who come here thinking that get all pissy. there is tons of things to do up here just can't be lazy. For me it's perfect. cheap houses, land for my cars, track 30 min away and the Toll road about 10 min from my house that gives me access to all of mainland Japan and womanz.

In Misawa though you have to be prepared for the winters. I have NEVER had nor will I ever have a AWD vehicle.. I'm also single, family people seem to opt for one AWD vehicle normally because the wife can't handle a FR car. Whats good for me might not be good for you so it's kind of hard man to say what good and bad. Basically for me.. I got Drifting, Martial Arts, Music, porn and Snowboarding that keeps me busy at all times. All of those things that I do are super rich here in Japan and up here in this area so I'm happy and most who don't live in their house or dorm are as well.

E Double and Russ left my heart has not stopped crying yet... :/

11-04-2012, 05:21 AM
Life sounds good up there, how much is a house in Misawa? I think they are cheaper than here in Okinawa.

11-05-2012, 02:43 PM
I'm Army brother. I'm definitely not against getting stationed in Japan after Korea, but I really don't think my branch manager will let me do two consecutive overseas tours.
Also, the chance of me getting stationed on Yokota, is about as likely as insurgent groups popping up in Japan. I highly doubt there's a need for a e-3/e-4 interrogator on an Airforce Base.

Camp Zama!!! I'm AF and they got AF slots in Camp Zama, I'd rather go there than Yokota!!! AF guy on an Army Base, nobody would ever fuck with me!!!

Life sounds good up there, how much is a house in Misawa? I think they are cheaper than here in Okinawa.

You talking about renting or buying/building a house? Rent, not sure if they're pulling the same racket in mainland as they do in Oki. Housing offices in Oki knows what your max BAH rate is for your rank, so they'll always hit you up with the max they can milk out of you. It wasnt uncommon for them to charge $5k for a house because they know you're an O-x or GS-1x and higher.

11-08-2012, 01:34 AM
Life sounds good up there, how much is a house in Misawa? I think they are cheaper than here in Okinawa.

housing ranges from 40,000 to 200,000yen a month my house is 40,000yen hahah and its great for me.. garage. Its cheap because its at the end of the runway. As a military member you will be forces to pay between 120,000 and 200,000 for your house.

12-09-2012, 05:20 PM
so I'll put on E4 sometime early 2014.

You should be getting your E4 way before that. Hopfully. I came as a E1 in March 2005 and was a E4 by Feb 07 in Iraq. I was in the Army, may be a little different.

12-10-2012, 11:56 AM
Roughly 3 yrs for AF, might be a few month sooner if he got college credit when he came in, 6 yr enlistee and got below the zone promotion.

12-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Wow, little bit different then the Army.

Sent from my Damn iPhone4

12-10-2012, 04:27 PM
Yup, harder to make rank on the AF side. Its almost unheard of somebody putting having E-5 on by the time you hit your 4 yrs.

12-23-2012, 02:21 AM
ok ive read the thread so now i want to chime in cause im also a gearhead that just transferred to Atsugi Japan since i am in the Navy. What i want to know is where do you go out here to get parts like whole motors and heads and stuff. Next year i will be in Austrailia so i will be picking up a rb30 shortblock to build a sick rb30det while i am out here for my 83 280zx turbo

12-25-2012, 07:52 PM
upgarage and the shitload of shops right in your area

12-29-2012, 05:47 AM
Atsugi is like right down the street basically from Tomei. Go crazy.

12-29-2012, 05:47 AM
Upgarage headquarters building in on that side of town - ish too. Big ass store with everything. I must have spent 8-10000 dollars there.

02-13-2013, 04:48 PM
Any Air Force guys know about people putting in for a mailroom job on virtual mpf to get a job on base over there.

02-13-2013, 08:42 PM
Any Air Force guys know about people putting in for a mailroom job on virtual mpf to get a job on base over there.

Its a special duty...atleast a 3 yr controlled tour iirc. Whatever you do, DO NOT PUT IN FOR KADENA!!! You'll hate life if you're postal there...

02-13-2013, 08:48 PM
Okay thanks man, tomorrow when I go in I'll get on virtual and see what I can do. Is it only Kadena that has the 11pm curfew?

02-14-2013, 07:57 PM
If you go to Kadena, the curfew is the least of your worry. Kiss holidays good-bye and you'll absolutely hate Christmas. Imagine a shop of 40 people trying to handle mail for roughly 100k military personnel, families and contractors...

02-14-2013, 08:00 PM
Ahh man, thanks for the heads up. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to my career advisor cause I couldn't figure out how to put in for the position.

02-14-2013, 08:08 PM
What about importing a car into japan, such as a usdm s14 or 1971 Pontiac gto?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

02-14-2013, 09:12 PM
What about importing a car into japan, such as a usdm s14 or 1971 Pontiac gto?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

IIRC, you can bring anything 74 and older on the military's dime. Anything newer, they almost always dont allow it. I say almost always because I've seen a handful who managed to bring their newer car to Japan, on the military's dime, they just jumped thru hoops to do so.

Personally, if you're in the states, find a 240Z or a muscle car, japanese folks would buy it.

02-18-2013, 05:55 AM
Man you guys are lucky your in mainland! I pray that my next assignment is over there and maybe I can take my S14 with me :\

02-19-2013, 10:21 PM
Yea when time allows Id like to come visit Oki. I know a handful of people there, mainland is where ill forever be. I actually turned down Hawaii to get orders to Japan back in 2008. I just had no desire to go to a small island.

Question though, for those who have been both places.. how do the woman compare or should I say... how are Okinawan woman in comparison to Japanese woman?

T chop
02-20-2013, 05:29 PM
At the bases with all the American chain stores, can non-military people shop in them?

02-20-2013, 06:22 PM
I wish I had orders to Misawa, Shaw sucks lol. Might be putting in for Korea next year so I can hopefully get a follow on to Japan.

02-21-2013, 05:23 AM
At the bases with all the American chain stores, can non-military people shop in them?

No, you must hold an ID card.

02-21-2013, 08:15 PM
I wish I had orders to Misawa, Shaw sucks lol. Might be putting in for Korea next year so I can hopefully get a follow on to Japan.

Why in Gods Name would you wanna wish that? There's 3 other base in Japan that's better than Misawa.

02-26-2013, 05:29 PM

1. Track 30 mins away from base
2. Away from big cities less traffic ( you can go to cities)
3. Mainland
4. Relaxed car laws base doesn't care or bother

3.Ken Blocks
5.Poor work flow and management
4.Away from big city tuning shops and ready to buy parts
5.Must order nearly everything.

I will be moving down south for competition ease.. but Im glad I didnt get Yokota or Kadena when I was military. But we all have our own opinions.

02-27-2013, 07:59 AM

1. Track 30 mins away from base
2. Away from big cities less traffic ( you can go to cities)
3. Mainland
4. Relaxed car laws base doesn't care or bother

3.Ken Blocks
5.Poor work flow and management
4.Away from big city tuning shops and ready to buy parts
5.Must order nearly everything.

I will be moving down south for competition ease.. but Im glad I didnt get Yokota or Kadena when I was military. But we all have our own opinions.

I just hate the fucking cold...I'd probably jump off the towers if I'm snowed in for 4 months out of the year. But on the plus side, I liked Hokkaido (snowboarding and Sapporo Snow Festival). But I'd take Okinawa's weather, our summer full of festivals and getting into the water 8 months out of the year. Motorsports may not be that great now but there are better things to do than just car stuff.

If I still get an option, Camp Zama...AF detachment on an Army base...nobody fucks with you.

03-02-2013, 01:49 AM
yea bro I hear ya.. I cant stand snow and the worst is I gotta work in it and do car stuff in it hahaha.

03-28-2013, 08:21 AM
Why in Gods Name would you wanna wish that? There's 3 other base in Japan that's better than Misawa.
Yeah, Korea sucks for car people. I was just there. The flights to Japan are pretty cheap though, I got my hands on round trip tickets for $250.

03-29-2013, 07:15 AM
Yeah, Korea sucks for car people. I was just there. The flights to Japan are pretty cheap though, I got my hands on round trip tickets for $250.

Shit, thats cheaper than flying to mainland from Oki. Speaking of which, did you guys bring me some goodies?!?!

03-29-2013, 09:13 AM
Have they relaxed the restrictions on the Navy/ Marines yet. I have a chance to go to Japan for a 3 month TAD.

Thanks Whiters for the info, im an E-6

03-29-2013, 03:49 PM
There's still curfew in effect. Check your navy guidance for more details.

03-29-2013, 10:16 PM
Have they relaxed the restrictions on the Navy/ Marines yet. I have a chance to go to Japan for a 3 month TAD.

got a little better. if you're E-6 and above theres no curfew. E-5 below has midnight curfew. After 1900 i believe, need liberty buddy.

03-30-2013, 03:22 AM
What's going on guys I'm stationed at Yokota and I got 3 more years left here.

04-01-2013, 10:59 PM
What's going on guys I'm stationed at Yokota and I got 3 more years left here.
Where do you work? I'm at Yokota 'til next January. I love the area, close to the mountains and a the city. Was going to stay a little longer, but I'm ready to get back to the states now. Hardly have time for car stuff, but I've mangaed to get my hands on a decent amount of parts for my car in the states.

05-09-2013, 02:26 PM
Why in Gods Name would you wanna wish that? There's 3 other base in Japan that's better than Misawa.

Misawa and Kadena are the only bases I can go for weapons. F-15s in Kadena sound nice compared to f-16s which is what Im working here at Shaw. Just not sure I want Kadena because of the amount of people. But Im pretty sure they dont deploy and only TDY to Nellis and Tyndall once a year.

05-17-2013, 07:19 AM
Misawa has its good and bad.

Good- Drift tracks are close by and we are allowed to drift. A lot more Nissans/Toyotas to choose from. Snow is fun to drive in.

Bad- Curfew. Its pretty country up here. If married you HAVE to live on base No matter what rank you are. If your single and a E5 you MIGHT be able to live off base. Internet service is fucking garbage on base.

Gotta drive a ways to go places, Upgarage is not very impressive. But if you have a Japanese Friend they can order parts for you off the YAJ or UG website

Auto Hobby shop sucks balls, Snows A LOT up here so Rust is an issue so finding a non rust bucket chassis can be a challenge. and keeping it from rusting can be an issue since the AHS wont allow painting in the shop.

Kadena- Good- Island is awesome, Very Pretty in the summer. Lots to do on the island. More close knit car community. Base is more up to date, 2 story BX which is fucking huge! Better AHS.

Bad- Curfew. A lot of heat on that island from the past year, cannot drift at the "tracks"

rust is still an issue for the chassis's down there, selection of cars can be limited/ more expensive.

Im sure there is somethings im forgetting at the moment

05-17-2013, 06:21 PM
someone based in japan:
buy me shit from YAJ auctions + ship from base (for a commission) = makes us both $$

05-18-2013, 07:41 AM
Kadena- Good- Island is awesome, Very Pretty in the summer. Lots to do on the island. More close knit car community. Base is more up to date, 2 story BX which is fucking huge! Better AHS.

Bad- Curfew. A lot of heat on that island from the past year, cannot drift at the "tracks"

rust is still an issue for the chassis's down there, selection of cars can be limited/ more expensive.

Im sure there is somethings im forgetting at the moment

I'm on kadena right now and it sucks... We're still on lockdown so no drinking off base(have been for over eight months now). To add onto that the bullring got shut down and now the only track left is nago circuit which you can't drift at. I'd take mainland over this place any day.

05-19-2013, 02:56 PM
I'm on kadena right now and it sucks... We're still on lockdown so no drinking off base(have been for over eight months now). To add onto that the bullring got shut down and now the only track left is nago circuit which you can't drift at. I'd take mainland over this place any day.

Its summer time, find other shit to do on island. If you havent taken advantage of the water, you're missing out. If I was back there, I'd take my ass up to Kouri Island and just bum on the beach out there all day.

There are still spots that people drift at up north. Would just suck if you crash since its a looooooong way back when you're almost up in Hedo. Then you still have all the lil roads that cut back and forth between the island. You could spend a couple hours just cutting back and forth as you head up to Nago. We used to go and blast thru the back roads from 10 till 6 in the morning.

As far as the track, there's a small cart track down in Itoman, its not much but its pretty technical. Just gotta know the right people who'd take you there. Then you can always jump in on the RCCA events in Nago.

05-25-2013, 12:18 PM
Just got out to Yokosuka in January and love it so far. Only met a few people out here so far.

09-21-2013, 02:46 PM
Currently in Korea. Bumping this up because I'll be stationed at Misawa come summertime. How's the car selection at the lemon lot? Does anyone know any good websites with cars for sale off base?

09-21-2013, 04:39 PM
lemon lots hit or miss, Right now there is a R32 GTST, S14 Zenki, and a FD.. thats about it for a sports car. 4WD cars are big up here due to the shit ton of snow around here.

09-25-2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks! Yeah, that's what I hear. Too bad I can't bring my F-150. I spent the last 5 years in the midwest, so I have experience driving in the snow.

09-28-2013, 11:28 AM
Currently in Korea. Bumping this up because I'll be stationed at Misawa come summertime. How's the car selection at the lemon lot? Does anyone know any good websites with cars for sale off base?

When you get there, let us know how you are enjoying all the fun motorsports activities there are to do...:rolleyes:

But in all seriousness, some military folks from yokota might want to fill some folks in on the recent changes...while im aware, im not stationed there and things can change over-night.

09-29-2013, 05:06 AM
well you can forget about it for a while. Commander just past a NOTAM saying drifting is illegal at Tracks....sooo yeah

09-30-2013, 03:11 PM
well you can forget about it for a while. Commander just past a NOTAM saying drifting is illegal at Tracks....sooo yeah

My buddy at Misawa was Just telling me about that, said the wing commander banned racing/drifting till further notice. Any idea what happened?

I came in this thread though because I'll be at Yokota come January, just seeing if anyone is out there now.

09-30-2013, 03:59 PM
My buddy at Misawa was Just telling me about that, said the wing commander banned racing/drifting till further notice. Any idea what happened?

I came in this thread though because I'll be at Yokota come January, just seeing if anyone is out there now.

I'll be leaving in Yokota in January.

09-30-2013, 04:37 PM
I'll be leaving in Yokota in January.

Ahh damn, right when I get there. Any notable spots where I can meet some up with some enthusiasts? and any recommendations on best places to look for a S13 coupe? Ive been looking at yokotaads already.

10-01-2013, 04:42 AM
There are a number of S-chassis owners on base, but there are way more R-chassis guys. I didn't have the time or take the time to meet any car people here. I mostly just scoop up parts for my S14, back home, when I come across a good deal or something hard to get in the states. You could probably post what you're looking for on one, or more, of the Yokota FB groups that deals with selling stuff, and someone that has access to the auctions will offer to help you out.

10-01-2013, 08:27 AM
Hmm, yeah the only R chassis I'll probably consider is a 32 gtst. Cool though, appreciate the info. Yeah I just joined two auto sale groups on FB for Yokota, Ill be sure to make some posts once Im there.

10-27-2013, 09:07 PM
I do not know that there is a so cold place in Japan. :duh:

10-30-2013, 12:12 PM
just pcs'd to kadena from moody. been here about 3 months now. loving it so far. the whole curfew and not drinking thing really isn't that bad, theres already so much more things to do on island. Then again im probably just used to island life from growing up in the Philippines lol

12-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Yokota here. Love it.

12-08-2013, 08:35 AM
You guys should post pics of cool cars you see over there. Like any cool car a person on base has.

12-23-2013, 02:56 PM
Okinawa 10 years ago :)

12-24-2013, 05:34 AM
You guys should post pics of cool cars you see over there. Like any cool car a person on base has.

Or, you can join a few of the Americans in Japan forums like Zeroyon, Hypertek and Gaijin Smash, and see all the pictures and build threads you want.

12-26-2013, 02:01 AM
hypertek is dead
we moved to gaijindrift
then that died
and we moved to facebook:

01-07-2014, 05:03 PM
A friend of mine is in the AF and flying to Japan. Is it crazy to assume he might be able to pick up a few random SR parts or is the language barrier going to be too much?

01-07-2014, 11:02 PM
Depends on where he's going...

01-08-2014, 02:26 PM
A friend of mine is in the AF and flying to Japan. Is it crazy to assume he might be able to pick up a few random SR parts or is the language barrier going to be too much?

What do you need? I might be parting out. Language barrier is no big deal if you know the right people. The majority of what I have came back with me in crates... Tore some streets up with FlipRay!

01-08-2014, 04:04 PM
Depends on where he's going...

^definitely, but theres a good chance he will be fine

01-20-2014, 09:55 PM
Do the bases in Japan have flat rate shipping. Basically what I wanna know is if it will be cheaper to ship something from Japan to California on or off base.

01-20-2014, 10:16 PM
It is far, far cheaper to ship from an on base address to California than from a Japanese address to California.

They have flat-rate USPS boxes at the post office here on base. Sending a letter to anywhere in the USA is just one stamp, like it is in the USA.

Sometimes for large items or for certain retailers, they won't mail to the US bases overseas (the "State" for pacific bases is "AP"). If that happens, you can use a mail forwarding service like www.apobox.com

01-20-2014, 10:17 PM
Awesome thanks, looks like my evil plan will come together quite well.

01-21-2014, 04:08 AM
Awesome thanks, looks like my evil plan will come together quite well.

Yup, APO shipping is basically an extension of USPS. So if you can ship it thru USPS, you can ship it thru APO. Max weight is 70 lbs and bulk is 120" in total girth, usually shoot for 110" just in case they give you crap for it. So dont expect to ship out bodykits, unless you're okay with it getting cut in half and you putting it back together when it gets to you.

03-08-2014, 07:49 AM
Just registered with Zilvia. Here in misawa.

03-09-2014, 12:57 PM
Moving to Kadena this summer!

03-09-2014, 07:36 PM
Moving to Kadena this summer!

Time to sign up in Zeroyon.com. Also, there's a FB page called Okinawa Tuners.

04-05-2014, 08:56 PM
Ill be graduating from tech school here this week and pcsing to Kadena. My sponsor was talking to me about the many dealerships aroudn the island...but id rather find a car from mainland, preferably an S15 or late model 180sx.

Think there will be anyone I can find at the auto hobby shop to help me out? Obviously I dont know ANYONE at the base yet. Unless someone on here is at Kadena right now that can help?

04-06-2014, 08:34 AM
Try what the post above yours says and join ZY and the FB page.

I'm stuck on Andrews for another year, hoping to get back to Japan(11 years of my childhood spent there).

04-29-2014, 05:11 PM
Graduating tech school in a couple months..headed to Misawa. Anyone over there?

05-01-2014, 11:21 AM
Tony, PM me.. im here in misawa with a few other Zilvians..

05-01-2014, 05:50 PM
Ill be graduating from tech school here this week and pcsing to Kadena. My sponsor was talking to me about the many dealerships aroudn the island...but id rather find a car from mainland, preferably an S15 or late model 180sx.

Think there will be anyone I can find at the auto hobby shop to help me out? Obviously I dont know ANYONE at the base yet. Unless someone on here is at Kadena right now that can help?

Zeroyon or look up Okinawa Tuners in FB. Those are your 2 resource for modified cars out there. You can also check Okinawayardsales but its pretty much hit or miss.

If you want a car from mainland, see if you can find B&M, talk to Bill and he can get either find you a car in auction or shop, get it shipped down and get a fresh JCI on it. Or there's another guy in Okinawa Tuners who's doing that service right now, just cant remember who it was.

As far as getting help, just post up and ask, people would usually roll out and help. Worst case scenario, talk to Josh (white guy with the slick backed hair) at the KAB Hobby shop. Tell him Flip Ray misses his snookums and bring him some Starbucks Cappucino from the shoppete.

05-01-2014, 06:56 PM
holy hell Josh still works at the AHS?? No way hes been there for over 10 years now has he? unless its a totally different Josh lol

05-02-2014, 12:36 PM
holy hell Josh still works at the AHS?? No way hes been there for over 10 years now has he? unless its a totally different Josh lol

Doubt it, he got out of F15 MX, never left Oki. He must be pushing 15 yrs there at this point. He still has his Sunny truck, an S14 drift slut that was permanently fixtured at Bullring (till they shut down) and a C35 Laurel.

05-09-2014, 09:54 PM
Wow have things changed on the island.
I was USMC stationed at hansen from 01-03. The Street scene and drift scene back then was booming and any given friday or sat. night you could find action.
Seems the 08 slump hit them hard.
I also have been told that s-13's are almost impossible to find on oki where as in 02 they where the cheap car to pick up.
What does the car scene look like to you fly boys over there now?

05-10-2014, 07:11 PM
Yah, it was pretty much dead when I got there in 07. Drag racing on 58 was dead, once in a while you'll have a handful of folks be out there but wont be there for more than 30 mins before the cops roll thru. Drift scene is barely alive, Bull Ring got shut down a year ago or so, to put a solar panel farm. Streets are not what it used to be, nobody goes to Aja anymore really, got a few touge spots that people would drift but thats about it really. Only thing that really happens regularly is Custom's Night at Mihama/Jusco. Even that went away for a bit after Jusco shut it down back in 2011 but I guess its back again.

Cheap car now are S15s and JZX100s. Its rare to find an S13 nowadays, alot more S14s than S13s and R32s combined when I left and worst now. Beauty of that, you can pretty much find a Spec S S15 for less than $2k.

05-10-2014, 07:21 PM
That saddens my heart. Some of the best times in my life were aja, nago circuit and the shipping yards. I miss big anobe and little anobe mountain.
That is where I learned how to really drive. There is so much talent in those areas, that the rest of the world will never see. I learned from the "joint" boys and if you know the area you might have heard of them.
Ah memories.

05-10-2014, 08:51 PM
Joint boys? Team Hinga?

05-10-2014, 09:00 PM
Dang, I'm getting old.
There used to be a group of hard core drivers in japan, not far from onnason, that would dominate... like really shatter the anobe mountain pass. We are talking backwards entry blind corners in 2002 on mountain roads before it was a style of driving.
Mostki, (goofy) our good friend Yuko, and a few others showed us crappy americans how to drive full tilt boogy on back roads.
Team joint!
Shit I have been doing this way to long.

05-10-2014, 09:36 PM
LoL...never heard. Like I said, pretty small handful of folks does the street thing. Awase and Aja was dead, folks still hit up Enobi from time to time. Most of us just hit the touge spots and cut across the island back and forth all the way up Nago. People still ran Takiyama since its close to the base, could roll thru there and there would be atleast a handful of gaijin and locals hanging out. Folks would pull all nighters up north in Benoki Dam and basically camp up there/drift until the sun comes up. But kicker is, you crash up there, goodluck getting back south. You're pretty much at the last exit before Hedo.

05-14-2014, 04:50 AM
Awase is actually still hoppin', I hear them from my balcony nearly every night. Such much JZ noise.

05-31-2014, 06:11 PM
Hey all, just joined zilvia here earlier this month. my second trip in misawa and just looking to get together with othe silvia guys in the area!

06-13-2014, 11:12 AM
Anyone at Yokota AB? 2t2?

PCS'ing there in October. Trying to get some info on prices for 180sx type x's over there??

06-13-2014, 02:01 PM
Depends on where or who you get them.

06-19-2014, 01:11 PM
Depends on where or who you get them.

Any advice on getting one? Trying to plan this out ahead of time.

Was gonna contact Jesse Streeter to see if he could source one out for me but have gone thru with it yet.

Also, do you have an idea of what they go for over there, price wise?

06-23-2014, 05:23 PM
Anyone at Yokota AB? 2t2?

PCS'ing there in October. Trying to get some info on prices for 180sx type x's over there??

ill be there in Sept

06-30-2014, 01:05 AM
Also, do you have an idea of what they go for over there, price wise?

Search for 180sx type X on here:


As you can see, it really depends on the km's and mods it has.

If you buy through private party, auction, or from someone on the base, it is usually a few thousand cheaper than through a used car dealer like those listed on Goo-net.

07-08-2014, 05:36 PM
Search for 180sx type X on here:


As you can see, it really depends on the km's and mods it has.

If you buy through private party, auction, or from someone on the base, it is usually a few thousand cheaper than through a used car dealer like those listed on Goo-net.

Seem pretty pricey on there but thanks for the heads up!

07-09-2014, 04:54 AM
Anyone at Yokota AB? 2t2?

PCS'ing there in October. Trying to get some info on prices for 180sx type x's over there??

Fellow porter myself here, i'm down in Kadena.

07-10-2014, 12:58 AM
Anyone at Yokota AB? 2t2?

PCS'ing there in October. Trying to get some info on prices for 180sx type x's over there??

I work with 2T2s here at yokota. Whats your sqd? And a nice type x will cost you decent, ive seen mint ones out here owned by locals. You can find a 180 however for pretty cheap. Yokota youll wAnt to go thru a military guy, auctions, or ruby. If you go thru ruby youll need to know whAt youre looking at cuz he doesnt know shit about condition, but he can get you a good price. Check yokotaads.com ruby posts his cars there. Auctions are good too but youll need a contact to buy from there. Just have 5k ready to go id say and you can get you something decent.

07-20-2014, 06:10 AM
Seem pretty pricey on there but thanks for the heads up!

Hey man! Don't stress out looking for a chassis quite yet. 180's are sort of picky to get ahold of. Once you get here if you really just need to get a temporary car go to Ruby. I wouldn't quite suggest trying to obtain your 180 thru him though. Try KidsHeart,Carkoubou,Accurate basically any tuner-type shop in hopes of scoring something good.

07-28-2014, 01:26 PM
Just got to Misawa. Already saw a ton of skylines/S15s/FDs etc on base so I know there's some of you on here lol

07-29-2014, 04:31 AM
Just got to Misawa. Already saw a ton of skylines/S15s/FDs etc on base so I know there's some of you on here lol

yeah man currently deployed. but when i get back im going hard on my baby

08-02-2014, 12:36 AM
This might be the wrong place to ask, but if I wanted to join the the forces to expand my experience in network operations, administration, and IT which branch would be the best of my choices and how would I land my ass in Japan? any help is appreciated, I'm thinking long and hard about my life... I think it's that point where I need to pick up and go, or stay here and be stuck in this point of life.

08-04-2014, 09:03 AM
Sounds like you'd want to be a 3D1X2 - Cyber Transport

Chances are you won't get an assignment to Japan right out of tech school. I did, but I think that was just dumb luck. So it's possible, but improbable.

Best bet would be to volunteer for a short tour in Korea(Osan AB, preferably). This will not guarantee your next follow-on assignment will be the one of the ones you asked for but it bumps you up on the priority list during the assignment selection process. This is how I secured my second tour in Japan.

I am AF so I can't speak for the other services.
This is first hand experience.

08-05-2014, 08:09 PM
still in Misawa since '03!!! I work at the MDG!

08-05-2014, 08:11 PM
speaking of which, are you back in Japan Razz?

08-06-2014, 04:23 PM
I work with 2T2s here at yokota. Whats your sqd? And a nice type x will cost you decent, ive seen mint ones out here owned by locals. You can find a 180 however for pretty cheap. Yokota youll wAnt to go thru a military guy, auctions, or ruby. If you go thru ruby youll need to know whAt youre looking at cuz he doesnt know shit about condition, but he can get you a good price. Check yokotaads.com ruby posts his cars there. Auctions are good too but youll need a contact to buy from there. Just have 5k ready to go id say and you can get you something decent.

Selling all my stuff here and my 180sx project here so should have more than enough saved by the time I get out there.Hey man! Don't stress out looking for a chassis quite yet. 180's are sort of picky to get ahold of. Once you get here if you really just need to get a temporary car go to Ruby. I wouldn't quite suggest trying to obtain your 180 thru him though. Try KidsHeart,Carkoubou,Accurate basically any tuner-type shop in hopes of scoring something good.

Found some clean ones, but they're pricey. Was going to see if I could get someone out there to look at one for me before I actually get over there. Probably do that when its closer to my pcs date.Also, not actually sure how long i'll be there yet. Trying to plan it out so I get the newest car possible that I could bring back.

08-19-2014, 07:25 AM
What's going on brothers? Any 11B over in Japan? Shout out from Florida.

08-19-2014, 08:41 AM
Any of you guys can source me a Toyota 4-VU engine haha

08-19-2014, 04:45 PM
Just got to Misawa. Already saw a ton of skylines/S15s/FDs etc on base so I know there's some of you on here lol

Not a whole lot of ppl on here from Misawa. maybe 2 other ppl.. (if that)About 90% of GT-R owners in Misawa are Band Wagoners. Very sad and depressing

08-19-2014, 06:27 PM
It would be the fan boys that get to enjoy that beautiful machine

08-20-2014, 02:02 PM
Not a whole lot of ppl on here from Misawa. maybe 2 other ppl.. (if that)About 90% of GT-R owners in Misawa are Fanboi's. Very sad and depressing

Why are you calling yourself a fanboy Pat?

Not all of them are fanboys, I imagine a few are "entrepreneurs" since they think they'll make lots of money on them, when they try to sell them stateside.

08-21-2014, 07:39 PM
Why are you calling yourself a fanboy Pat?

Not all of them are fanboys, I imagine a few are "entrepreneurs" since they think they'll make lots of money on them, when they try to sell them stateside.

Damn it, it was 7:00am when I wrote that. What I ment to say was Band Wagoner, cuz none of these ppl know anything about skylines or even how to work on the car they just know them from F&F movies. Ive had to fix a few of them and tell them how to do stuff or how it works.

Saldy im pretty much the most modded GT-R on base that wasnt bought that way.

yeah thats about 60% of the ppl that bought them hoping to make a quick buck and they still owe a shit ton of money on them

08-22-2014, 03:53 PM
Well see how flooded the US market will be with R32 GTRs in the next year or so. I see the supply coming in pretty constant and the demand going down the shitter since nobody has $15-20K cash to drop on a 25 yr old car. USAA will tell me to go fuck off if I try to get a loan for one. :p

09-17-2014, 08:12 AM
Anyone have an idea how much shipping/customs fees blah blah blah would cost for a 25 yr old car?

Debating on just getting a chaser or s15, paying a company to hold it when i leave and ship it when it hits 25 yrs instead of buying a 180sx like i had planned.


As of right now ill be able to ship a car with a build date of 11/1992.

11-03-2014, 04:25 PM
Bump will arrive at Yokota the 19th

11-04-2014, 08:01 PM
Anyone have an idea how much shipping/customs fees blah blah blah would cost for a 25 yr old car?

Debating on just getting a chaser or s15, paying a company to hold it when i leave and ship it when it hits 25 yrs instead of buying a 180sx like i had planned.


As of right now ill be able to ship a car with a build date of 11/1992.

I've always thought it was free when we PCS?

11-05-2014, 06:20 AM
I've always thought it was free when we PCS?
Depending on if you have a car in storage already, but if you plan ahead you can have them ship for free for you. I'm taking full advantage of this in a few months with my '89 K's

11-13-2014, 03:22 PM
Anyone have an idea how much shipping/customs fees blah blah blah would cost for a 25 yr old car?

Debating on just getting a chaser or s15, paying a company to hold it when i leave and ship it when it hits 25 yrs instead of buying a 180sx like i had planned.


As of right now ill be able to ship a car with a build date of 11/1992.

So if you buy an S15 you are gonna pay a company to store a car for 10 years? you will be paying more for storage then what the car is worth. And id find it hard to believe you could find a friend that would let you store it at their place for 10 years. and you'd be in the same boat depending on what model Chaser you buy.

11-20-2014, 12:19 AM
So if you buy an S15 you are gonna pay a company to store a car for 10 years? you will be paying more for storage then what the car is worth. And id find it hard to believe you could find a friend that would let you store it at their place for 10 years. and you'd be in the same boat depending on what model Chaser you buy.

Thought that out wrong lol

Just got to Yokota today. Anyone wanna give me a tour around?

So many different cars on base, seemingly all modded too. Then i pull into the graveyard, i mean the hobby shop lol.

11-24-2014, 02:24 PM
Anyone here?

12-05-2014, 07:48 PM
Anyone know any shops around the Fussa/Tokyo area where i might be able to find a 180sx?

All the 180sx I find are in shitty condition. Auctions aint helping either. Looking for 1992-1993 year.

12-05-2014, 10:00 PM
Anyone know any shops around the Fussa/Tokyo area where i might be able to find a 180sx?

All the 180sx I find are in shitty condition. Auctions aint helping either. Looking for 1992-1993 year.

how much are you looking to spend?

12-05-2014, 10:26 PM
how much are you looking to spend?

Depends on how clean it is.

Just looking for a stock 180sx

12-08-2014, 11:54 PM
Anyone here in the Irabaki Prefecture area? or maybe know someone there?

Found a 180sx, but want to have someone take a look at it before I buy it if possible.

12-10-2014, 05:38 PM
im in yokota. I know maybe know where there is a couple 180's for sale

cell: 070-1441-7354

01-08-2015, 02:43 AM
Ahh damn, right when I get there. Any notable spots where I can meet some up with some enthusiasts? and any recommendations on best places to look for a S13 coupe? Ive been looking at yokotaads already.

there are other chassis you might enjoy like c33 laurel or a31 cefiro. one tip you can build either of those chassis while you are in japan and almost all parts can fit the s-13 when you get back to the states. just strip your car and put your parts in your pack out when you head back.

01-09-2015, 10:01 AM
heading to Atsugi Sept-Oct time frame. looking for people in the 180sx community to kick it and hang out.

01-13-2015, 03:42 AM
I've been stationed in Misawa 2 months now. Have an R32 GTR coming up from Tokyo this week so i'll have a nice project for the next couple years

01-13-2015, 11:27 PM
heading to Atsugi Sept-Oct time frame. looking for people in the 180sx community to kick it and hang out.

What command will you be in?

01-14-2015, 09:18 AM
What command will you be in?

ill be attached to HSC 12.

01-14-2015, 05:40 PM
Anyone stationed in Okinawa here? Been here for a year trying to find parts worthy enough to ship back home but haven't found anything. Feels like parts are kept very underground here, Or I'm just blind and retarded.

01-15-2015, 06:44 AM
ill be attached to HSC 12.

Nice, we share hangar bay. I'm with hsm-77.

01-16-2015, 01:31 AM
Have only seen a couple clean 180sx's besides mine and my friend car. If I keep buying parts every month, I'm going to have a pretty nice car by summer smh... Need to save money but parts are just so cheap!

Oh and we're in Fussa

01-16-2015, 02:47 AM
Have only seen a couple clean 180sx's besides mine and my friend car. If I keep buying parts every month, I'm going to have a pretty nice car by summer smh... Need to save money but parts are just so cheap!

Oh and we're in Fussa

where do you buy parts from?

01-23-2015, 08:43 PM
where do you buy parts from?

Some new parts in the states, used parts here in Japan - Up Garage, YAJ, etc.

01-26-2015, 03:45 PM
Nice, we share hangar bay. I'm with hsm-77.

ill hit you up when i get there. how much longer you gonna be there? i got a friend whos getting stationed in Atsugi but drives a 240Z.

01-26-2015, 07:16 PM
Heading to Misawa AB in June... pretty devastated I'll have to live on base. -____- At least it's not the dorms, but still.

This is a great thread, glad somebody started it.

What's off-base snow removal like? If I were to just get something fwd for winter (like a Pao or something) would it be difficult to get around? Also, what are ferry costs like to get to Hokkaido?

Also, has anybody here been stationed and retired over there? Is it any different than retiring stateside, if even possible?

01-26-2015, 09:09 PM
ill hit you up when i get there. how much longer you gonna be there? i got a friend whos getting stationed in Atsugi but drives a 240Z.

Till end of 2016. What's your rate?

01-27-2015, 11:23 AM
Till end of 2016. What's your rate?

LS. still got a long way to go. how you liking it out there?

01-27-2015, 07:45 PM
LS. still got a long way to go. how you liking it out there?

Nice, I'm an LS as well. Squadron is pretty chill Man you'll like it here

01-28-2015, 09:25 AM
Nice, I'm an LS as well. Squadron is pretty chill Man you'll like it here

i hope so. im pretty excited to transfer. something different from being attached to a carrier.

03-06-2015, 10:22 AM
Heading over to Atsugi soon just wanted to know what the scene is like over there and how easy is it pick up an s-chassis

03-30-2015, 06:14 AM
Heading to Misawa AB in June... pretty devastated I'll have to live on base. -____- At least it's not the dorms, but still.

This is a great thread, glad somebody started it.

What's off-base snow removal like? If I were to just get something fwd for winter (like a Pao or something) would it be difficult to get around? Also, what are ferry costs like to get to Hokkaido?

Also, has anybody here been stationed and retired over there? Is it any different than retiring stateside, if even possible?

Off base snow removal is pretty bad.. they don't plow the roads much if at all off base here. AWD is ideal for the winter here (you can get a subaru for dirt cheap) but this past winter wasn't too bad.. it was my first winter here so I haven't experienced a bad winter here yet, but supposedly they're normally pretty bad. FWD should be fine though unless it just dumps snow one day (happens on random occasions).

03-30-2015, 08:05 AM
Off base snow removal is pretty bad.. they don't plow the roads much if at all off base here. AWD is ideal for the winter here (you can get a subaru for dirt cheap) but this past winter wasn't too bad.. it was my first winter here so I haven't experienced a bad winter here yet, but supposedly they're normally pretty bad. FWD should be fine though unless it just dumps snow one day (happens on random occasions).

Awesome. Thanks for the reply! I'm not against getting a subbie so long as I can get a 4 door skyline come summer. :coold:

04-07-2015, 07:21 PM
well looks like ill be going to yokosuka instead of atsugi... anyone on the mccampbell thats on here?

06-15-2015, 02:58 PM
sup guys new to site but known about it forever just never made an account lol but I'm Eriel located in yokosuka and I drive a black PS13 nice to meet all of you.

06-15-2015, 03:00 PM
well looks like ill be going to yokosuka instead of atsugi... anyone on the mccampbell thats on here?

not on the mccampbell but I'm station on CFAY and like you I also came from HI lol

06-15-2015, 03:21 PM
not on the mccampbell but I'm station on CFAY and like you I also came from HI lol

we'll link up when i get there! haha. i arrive sept 22. what part of hawaii you from?

06-16-2015, 04:29 PM
we'll link up when i get there! haha. i arrive sept 22. what part of hawaii you from?

I was a haole lol stationed on a oahu for 3 years before coming to Japan. I love hawaii I hope to go back again one day

06-17-2015, 08:26 PM
Nice profile pic eriel lol

09-27-2020, 06:24 PM
Gonna be stationed in Camp Carrol South Korea. does anyone know the car scene there or the surrounding areas.