View Full Version : 3rd Debate - Are you really undecided...still?

10-22-2012, 06:41 AM
Have you decided who to vote for yet?

In lieu of the upcoming final debate is anyone out there, honestly, still undecided? Realistically, did either debate sway anyone one way or the other?

To be honest I watched neither the past two, nor will I watch the final debate. I decided long ago more or less based on party. Just like 90% of America, I already knew what party I was voting for even before the primaries started. What I have come to believe is that the entire debate process is pointless. After all, what do we come out of these debates talking about? The issues? The plan, the platform? Oh Hell No!

We talk about teleprompters, who smiled more, who was obnoxious, who was “presidential”, who had better one liners and of course who could time there political rhetoric correctly. I believe the era of electronic media has driven us to vote for the men and not for the ideas. We will never see a fat-dumpy balding President again. Never will we again have a squeaky voiced, lazy eyed President, hell we won’t even get one as a primary candidate.

One hundred years ago parties where forced to post up large boards with their platform, laying out exactly what they intended to do. This was really the primary way of picking a candidate…

Here is Lincoln’s 1860 Party Platform. This is by and large the only reason and exposure those who voted for him, voted for him. He didn’t have commercials, he didn’t have interviews – you may have saw a few snips in the newspapers and been lucky enough to see him at a convention. But when it came time to vote most people saw a few of these things posted on the walls around the ballot boxes.


So, in my off tangent, would it not be better for Presidents/Parties to continue this tradition. Why don’t we expect candidates to put together a PDF that lays out exactly what they want and intend to do. What laws they want enacted, what laws changed and what laws removed. Their view on taxing structures, major cultural issues and pretty much layout a 4 year business plan, line by line, subject by subject, year by year of what they hope to accomplish and how they will do this.

Then we can debate on how realistic this plan is as well as how much we agree with it. For the city official we can then go back and line by line look at what the accomplished, what they failed to accomplish and why. We can also evaluate the… “hey, you said you wanted to expand American oil drilling but you signed two laws restricting it”. You wouldn’t have to go back and review sound bites about “at what time did he say it was terrorists”. It would be plain as day – this is what you said you wanted to accomplish – this is what you ACTUALLY did.

10-22-2012, 06:47 AM
Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney - Difference and Comparison | Diffen (http://www.diffen.com/difference/Barack_Obama_vs_Mitt_Romney)

I was pretty split between the two till 4 issues came up, I wont say what those issues are and who I ended up siding with though.

10-22-2012, 07:23 AM
I watched the previous debates because it was better television than anything that happened to have been on at the moment. I had already done my homework on the local issues and my mind was made on who I was voting for in the presidential race, so I did early voting this past Friday.
It will depend on how I feel whether or not I actually watch the debate tomorrow.
To answer another question; in my opinion, the only REAL “undecided” voters this late in the game are the people who are undecided on whether they WILL vote or not, not WHO they will vote for. People who planned to vote all along have known who they were voting for since at least the Conventions at the very latest. Debates will not have swayed them

10-22-2012, 07:32 AM
I just watch the debates because they're entertaining, I'm looking forward to this one, I love foreign policy/international politics.

10-22-2012, 08:55 PM
diffen.com is skewed.

Position on Healthcare:

I completely agree with romney. Let the states decide on their own what they want to do. What if everyone in California wants universal health care but no one in Florida wants it? Why should californians impose their ideas on Floridians?

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:03 PM
Obama kicked his ass

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:04 PM
diffen.com is skewed.

Position on Healthcare:

I completely agree with romney. Let the states decide on their own what they want to do. What if everyone in California wants universal health care but no one in Florida wants it? Why should californians impose their ideas on Floridians?

There are/where people in the south that wanted segregation.

10-22-2012, 09:10 PM
Obama kicked his ass

"the surge worked"

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:11 PM
Poll: Obama wins final presidential debate - CBS News Video (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50133681n&tag=breakingnews)

10-22-2012, 09:14 PM
HANDS DOWN Romney got his ass handed to him.

10-22-2012, 09:16 PM
Poll: Obama wins final presidential debate - CBS News Video (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50133681n&tag=breakingnews)

Just 23% thought he won!? Holy crap he did worse than I thought..
That's terrible...

CNN's polls aren't look much better for Romney either.

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:17 PM
Romney showed an inability to improvise. He just returned to the same talking points over and over. Obama has a much stronger ability to ad lib, even with the uh's and pauses.

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:21 PM
CNN fact check.

Libya cost more in two weeks than Iraq costs divided by weeks x 2.

Obama - False.


10-22-2012, 09:35 PM
Do people really base their vote on a F-ing televised "debate"?
I'm sure some do.

edit - sorry, stupid question. lol. continue the nonsense!

10-22-2012, 09:43 PM
Do people really base their vote on a F-ing televised "debate"?
I'm sure some do.

edit - sorry, stupid question. lol. continue the nonsense!

Lol I love the jackassery. 'Murrica!

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 09:56 PM

1. Obama won the debate: 53/42

2. Who are you planning to vote for in the presidential election?

Barack Obama............................................. ... 51%
Mitt Romney............................................ ........ 45%

men: 47% 50%
women: 55% 41%

Fuck is wrong with American men?

10-22-2012, 09:58 PM
I agree on Romney got his ass kicked pretty good.

I don't know.. How will I take another 4 more years? Not sure.

I wish I could vote so mine could be a little help..

1 88 U
10-22-2012, 10:01 PM
I agree on Romney got his ass kicked pretty good.

I don't know.. How will I take another 4 more years? Not sure.

I wish I could vote so mine could be a little help..

four more years of slow growth?

10-22-2012, 10:14 PM
There are/where people in the south that wanted segregation.

I don't get what you're trying to say. We have tons of laws in place such as the interstate commerce clause that states a lot of things that States cannot do and can do. One of these laws states that a state cannot separate from the union. How the civil war/south wanting to separate have anything to do with letting each state decide how to manage their own health care plans?

four more years of slow growth?

oh wait, was bush president these last four years?

My bad!

I don't get this it's Bush's fault crap. I can spend 20 years building the sickest 240 ever and it will only take 20 seconds to completely destroy it. Bush could have destroyed our economy over night. You can also buy a POS car and make it look amazing within 1 month of hard work. Obama's had four years and our economy went from ok to worse. He even had a majority in congress (senate? I forget which) for 2 of the four years.

10-22-2012, 10:26 PM
four more years of slow growth?

Huh? that was growth? I guess I don't have statics but it sure doesn't look like it.

10-22-2012, 10:27 PM
You can also buy a POC car and make it look amazing within 1 month of hard work. Obama's had four years and our economy went from ok to worse. He even had a majority in congress (senate? I forget which) for 2 of the four years.

What is POC car??

Obama sure did have almost 4 years but he sure didn't make our economy better.

10-23-2012, 01:16 AM
POS my bad.

10-23-2012, 06:42 AM
I don't get what you're trying to say. We have tons of laws in place such as the interstate commerce clause that states a lot of things that States cannot do and can do. One of these laws states that a state cannot separate from the union. How the civil war/south wanting to separate have anything to do with letting each state decide how to manage their own health care plans?

oh wait, was bush president these last four years?

My bad!

I don't get this it's Bush's fault crap. I can spend 20 years building the sickest 240 ever and it will only take 20 seconds to completely destroy it. Bush could have destroyed our economy over night. You can also buy a POS car and make it look amazing within 1 month of hard work. Obama's had four years and our economy went from ok to worse. He even had a majority in congress (senate? I forget which) for 2 of the four years.

Our economy was ok when Bush left office? You must have an impressively selective memory, you know forgetting the collapse of the economy as a whole in levels unseen since the Depression.

Do you realize it took over a decade to recover from the depression and that was only really brought on by the second World War (The reviving of the economy)?

The President really can't have that much impact on the economy, he can put policies in place and they can stop the bleeding and things such as that, but he doesn't have the power to reverse a drop with the drop of a bill.

And from ok to worse doesn't make sense since unemployment is back to where it was and the stock market is booming.

10-23-2012, 07:24 AM
Do you realize it took over a decade to recover from the depression and that was only really brought on by the second World War (The reviving of the economy)?

It's been proved out that FDR's policies lengthened the depression considerably.

10-23-2012, 07:38 AM
It's been proved out that FDR's policies lengthened the depression considerably.

What!? You want to cite some of those sources?

10-23-2012, 07:39 AM
The President really can't have that much impact on the economy, he can put policies in place and they can stop the bleeding and things such as that, but he doesn't have the power to reverse a drop with the drop of a bill.

So then how is it "Bush's fault"?

I love how everyone has forgotten about 9/11.

9/11 basically had the country chomping at the bit to kick some ass - Cha-Ching two wars.

9/11 destabilized markets and industries- so low credits and tax cuts came in to calm investor fears.

Oil Prices went up.

The entire Federal Government was restructured, Homeland Security, ect

Of course Bush has to be a nice guy, good Christian he is, and there was an expansion of social welfare programs under him.

As far as the banks, go as Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. That was a mess 25 years in the making with biggest scumbags out there overseeing it.

Bush never tried to sell him self as a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate conservative".

10-23-2012, 07:41 AM
dont give two shits about the debates to be honest. didnt vote for obama last time and wont vote for him this time. he hurts my paychecks too much.

10-23-2012, 08:10 AM
So then how is it "Bush's fault"?

I love how everyone has forgotten about 9/11.

9/11 basically had the country chomping at the bit to kick some ass - Cha-Ching two wars.

9/11 destabilized markets and industries- so low credits and tax cuts came in to calm investor fears.

Oil Prices went up.

The entire Federal Government was restructured, Homeland Security, ect

Of course Bush has to be a nice guy, good Christian he is, and there was an expansion of social welfare programs under him.

As far as the banks, go as Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. That was a mess 25 years in the making with biggest scumbags out there overseeing it.

Bush never tried to sell him self as a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate conservative".
Are we getting sidetracked? How did this discussion go to Bush's issues.

I believe he was trying to make a point on how republicans expect the nation to recover from such a crisis so quickly. Is thinking this mess should be solved or corrected with amazing growth all within 4 years realistic? Any idea on the years it took to get into trouble?

And to your credit-
Bush never tried to sell him self as a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate conservative".

I guess that is clear with you and that's cool, but let's talk about Romney "trying" to sell himself as what? Can you confidently say that you know what he sells himself on? Agreeing with the president on most of foreign policy, after going against him weeks before?

Highway Riding
10-23-2012, 09:01 AM
I love how everyone has forgotten about 9/11.


Werd.... Some of us who was put thru that BS neva forget!

10-23-2012, 09:26 AM
So then how is it "Bush's fault"?

I love how everyone has forgotten about 9/11.

9/11 basically had the country chomping at the bit to kick some ass - Cha-Ching two wars.

9/11 destabilized markets and industries- so low credits and tax cuts came in to calm investor fears.

Oil Prices went up.

The entire Federal Government was restructured, Homeland Security, ect

Of course Bush has to be a nice guy, good Christian he is, and there was an expansion of social welfare programs under him.

As far as the banks, go as Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. That was a mess 25 years in the making with biggest scumbags out there overseeing it.

Bush never tried to sell him self as a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate conservative".

I did not blame the economy on Bush. I blame the two wars on his regime, I don't put the economy at his feet.

9/11 only leads to two wars if the country is running on faulty logic. Iraq had no part in 9/11, Afghanistan will never be a war worth fighting.

At the very most we should've gone into Afghanistan, eliminated some baddies, left and never returned.

Anyone who says terrorism is a threat to national security is lying.

Would love to see your 'proof' that FDR extended the Depression.

10-23-2012, 10:02 AM
I guess that is clear with you and that's cool, but let's talk about Romney "trying" to sell himself as what? Can you confidently say that you know what he sells himself on? Agreeing with the president on most of foreign policy, after going against him weeks before?

Romney is "Not Obama", and I think that is his only appeal. I certainly would have never put him on the Republican ticket, then again now way in hell would I put McCain and Pallen on one either!

Bush made sense back then, it was more about values and American traditions. People cared about our failing schools, gun control and stem cell research - everything changed with 9/11.

But back to the Romulan and Obmao. By and large the majority of people that voted for Obama don't know him or care. It's all about the marketing campaign of Hope and Change, people are enthralled with his cult of personality.

I've had more than one person say "how could you not vote for him, it was like making history..."

This is Ben Harris vs LBJ.

10-23-2012, 10:05 AM
I did not blame the economy on Bush. I blame the two wars on his regime, I don't put the economy at his feet.

Obama controlled the entire Government for two years, we actually stayed longer in Iraq under Obama's plan then what Bush had intended.

Also, we killed Binladen, so ask Obama why are we still in that shit hole.

10-23-2012, 10:12 AM
Would love to see your 'proof' that FDR extended the Depression.

"I" don't need to prove it. It's a done... Deal.

Google "FDR prolonged the depression" and you'll find plenty of news articles and academic journals about it, from both American and foreign economists.

You can also check out the book "New Deal, Raw Deal". It will shock the shit out of you how much your 9th grade text book omitted.

10-23-2012, 10:51 AM
Romney is "Not Obama", and I think that is his only appeal. I certainly would have never put him on the Republican ticket, then again now way in hell would I put McCain and Pallen on one either!

Bush made sense back then, it was more about values and American traditions. People cared about our failing schools, gun control and stem cell research - everything changed with 9/11.

But back to the Romulan and Obmao. By and large the majority of people that voted for Obama don't know him or care. It's all about the marketing campaign of Hope and Change, people are enthralled with his cult of personality.

I've had more than one person say "how could you not vote for him, it was like making history..."

This is Ben Harris vs LBJ.

Fair Enough, I see where you are coming from.

10-23-2012, 11:56 AM
Obama controlled the entire Government for two years, we actually stayed longer in Iraq under Obama's plan then what Bush had intended.

Also, we killed Binladen, so ask Obama why are we still in that shit hole.

We killed Osama in Pakistan though.

I honestly can't tell you why we're still in Afghanistan. It was a moronic choice to try to develop a functioning state there, it will never work. The arbitrary national borders put so many different groups in there, combine that with the terrain which make true interaction between nearly impossible, make it a pipe dream to have a real gov't.

"I" don't need to prove it. It's a done... Deal.

Google "FDR prolonged the depression" and you'll find plenty of news articles and academic journals about it, from both American and foreign economists.

You can also check out the book "New Deal, Raw Deal". It will shock the shit out of you how much your 9th grade text book omitted.

I could find things that say exactly the opposite from equally credible sources. We don't know what would have happened had we let the invisible hand guide the US economy.

10-23-2012, 12:10 PM
We killed Osama in Pakistan though.

I honestly can't tell you why we're still in Afghanistan. It was a moronic choice to try to develop a functioning state there, it will never work. The arbitrary national borders put so many different groups in there, combine that with the terrain which make true interaction between nearly impossible, make it a pipe dream to have a real gov't.

I could find things that say exactly the opposite from equally credible sources. We don't know what would have happened had we let the invisible hand guide the US economy.

If they are saying the opposite, then they are not creditable.

Nobody is supporting the "invisible hand" theory, which is better left to 9th grade teachers and middle school logic.

The policies put in place did not target economic growth, but the increased power and control of the central government. These also strangled communities and industry. The entire farce was well planned and staffed to help FDR consolidate power.

I love how many people gloss over the fact that while every president before him graciously stepped down from the ballot after two terms, FDR was content to make it a "for life" positions.

These are the same people that scream and cry over what Putin is doing.

10-23-2012, 12:33 PM
If they are saying the opposite, then they are not creditable.

Nobody is supporting the "invisible hand" theory, which is better left to 9th grade teachers and middle school logic.

The policies put in place did not target economic growth, but the increased power and control of the central government. These also strangled communities and industry. The entire farce was well planned and staffed to help FDR consolidate power.

I love how many people gloss over the fact that while every president before him graciously stepped down from the ballot after two terms, FDR was content to make it a "for life" positions.

These are the same people that scream and cry over what Putin is doing.

One would have to be naive to complain about what Putin is doing, he's exploiting the system he's in to its fullest.

And FDR didn't have to be reelected, the American people wanted more.

10-23-2012, 01:39 PM
I'm still undecided. in terms of policy, Obama is better unless you're rich. In terms of the economy, both of them have NO clue of what they are talking about. As an economics major, the debates where like a comedy show because all they were saying was non sense, I think only one statement by Obama in yesterdays debate actually made sense, but I can recall it. When Mitt Romney talks about creating X number of jobs(believe he said 2 million) he can't do that with out significantly increasing the national debt since it will throw his budget way off.

but aside from that there is an economic model that we reviewed in class dealing with presidential elections, and the result was that Romney will most likely win(this was done after the first debate)

Basically you have both left and right wing parties. From both sides we have people who will vote for the smaller parties no matter what, then we have the people who are either republican or democrats, and in the middle we have the undecided(medium) voter. they are the ones who basically decide elections.

Now in 2008, there were significantly more voter than in previous elections. That was because a large portion of the medium voters actually voted. Now, the economic model says that they will only show up if there is something significantly different than before. and in 2008, there was a candidate that was from a minority group(African american) thus they wanted to make history, by electing him.

Now in 2012, they do't have that motive anymore so experts expect the number of voter to be less than in 2008.

Now after the first debate, the media said Romney won, thus people opinion change when there is new information available to them, so after the first presidential debate Romney had pulled a greater percentage of the Medium voter.

finally, It is not decisive because of the last two debates and the uncertainty and error of the economic model, but in order for Obama to win he has to swing a large portion of the medium voter to his side. If he did that or not it's up to each and every individual but we'll see come election day

Highway Riding
10-23-2012, 01:58 PM
I'm still undecided. in terms of policy, Obama is better unless you're rich.

One of the greatest misconceptions. His policies will in fact bury the middle class further into debt with soaring health costs and day to day costs of living. He speaks of making it more affordable to those looking to get higher ed but all this is doing is increasing the debt owed to the government without creating jobs. He acts as if he is the greatest savior to the middle but he is not. Now this can be said of the poor. When he speaks of the middle class he almost always says " AND THOSE STRIVING TO GET INTO THE MIDDLE CLASS" . (meaning fixing the middle is not his real agenda) What he really has done has driven the middle closer to poverty. Extending those devilish BUSH era tax cuts while providing no tax plan of his own which was worthy. The real life now is the evidence to all of this. Cronyism at it's worst. There is a reason all the mickey mouse polls are now showing a different picture. Let's just hope it's a not a bait and switch so the media can get back some respect if any at all!

10-23-2012, 02:04 PM
One of the greatest misconceptions. His policies will in fact bury the middle class further into debt with soaring health costs and day to day costs of living. He speaks of making it more affordable to those looking to get higher ed but all this is doing is increasing the debt owed to the government without creating jobs. He acts as if he is the greatest savior to the middle but he is not. Now this can be said of the poor. When he speaks of the middle class he almost always says " AND THOSE STRIVING TO GET INTO THE MIDDLE CLASS" . (meaning fixing the middle is not his real agenda) What he really has done has driven the middle closer to poverty. Extending those devilish BUSH era tax cuts while providing no tax plan of his own which was worthy. The real life now is the evidence to all of this. Cronyism at it's worst. There is a reason all the mickey mouse polls are now showing a different picture. Let's just hope it's a not a bait and switch so the media can get back some respect if any at all!

Where are these soaring health costs? I don't feel that.
Day-to-day costs are rising yes, but how is the president going to control this? Subsidize EVERYTHING?

What's wrong with wanting people to be able to rise in socioeconomic class? An inability to elevate one's class is a recipe for instability within the country.

Highway Riding
10-23-2012, 02:11 PM
Where are these soaring health costs? I don't feel that.
Day-to-day costs are rising yes, but how is the president going to control this? Subsidize EVERYTHING?

What's wrong with wanting people to be able to rise in socioeconomic class? An inability to elevate one's class is a recipe for instability within the country.

Well i can speak for my self. My heathcare has gone up in preparation by about $200 per month in the last 3 months after 11 years employment. And yes nothing wrong with improving classes but at what cost? Again your are not un-decided if you don't see what is wrong today and it is ok. This is why we have a multi party system.

10-23-2012, 02:40 PM
One would have to be naive to complain about what Putin is doing, he's exploiting the system he's in to its fullest.

And FDR didn't have to be reelected, the American people wanted more.

Negative Ghost Rider.

Read that book. Its a easy read. Part of the whole "shovel ready" thing comes from basically district bribery. No-Vote - no money.

10-23-2012, 02:46 PM
Where are these soaring health costs? I don't feel that.
Day-to-day costs are rising yes, but how is the president going to control this? Subsidize EVERYTHING?

What's wrong with wanting people to be able to rise in socioeconomic class? An inability to elevate one's class is a recipe for instability within the country.

Why not remove the laws restricting insurance companies from competing across state lines?

How is making it mandatory to have insurance going to make it less... seems like they can then charge whatever they want... since we HAVE to pay. :down:

Obviously you don't pay your own rates, it has gone up DRAMATICALLY in the last 4 years.

10-23-2012, 03:03 PM
Negative Ghost Rider.

Read that book. Its a easy read. Part of the whole "shovel ready" thing comes from basically district bribery. No-Vote - no money.

I'd rather not read it. Political opinion pieces are boring, I read enough political trash as it is. If I'm reading a book for something other than class, I'm reading something I enjoy.

10-23-2012, 05:25 PM
I'd rather not read it. Political opinion pieces are boring, I read enough political trash as it is. If I'm reading a book for something other than class, I'm reading something I enjoy.

It's hardly a "political opinion piece." Its a historical book full of factual information. It tells you about all those other programs and laws omitted from your 9th grade text book.

So what, your not going to read a book about the Nazi's cause the author may have a bias against them?

10-23-2012, 06:00 PM
It's hardly a "political opinion piece." Its a historical book full of factual information. It tells you about all those other programs and laws omitted from your 9th grade text book.

So what, your not going to read a book about the Nazi's cause the author may have a bias against them?

Why do you keep throwing out the 9th grade?

I wouldn't read about Nazis, outside of Mario Puzo's "Six Graves to Munich."

10-23-2012, 06:15 PM
Corbic: Would it kill you to quote all of one person's points in one post, or is it a tactic of yours to combat your horrible spelling and grammar to spread it out over 2-5 posts at a time?


Also: 45 posts in, Mike Godwin wins again

10-23-2012, 06:21 PM
uch as that, but he doesn't have the power to reverse a drop with the drop of a bill.

And from ok to worse doesn't make sense since unemployment is back to where it was and the stock market is booming.

Yes stock market is booming...... new 7 week low today... I'll even put $10 on the fact that unemployment gets revised above 8% from the last fake jobs report.

Dow tumbles 240 points to seven-week low - Oct. 23, 2012 (http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/23/investing/stocks-markets/index.html?iid=HP_LN)

Show me the growth!!! For the financials on obamacare, SSN and medicare to work out, GDP should be at 4+% for the next five years. It's at 1.3% down from 2% down from a peak of 3% where it was preceded by a 1.8%, 1.3%, 0.4% quarter. Show me the growth!!! Words are nice but at the end of the day there's alot more said than done. Obama proves that in spades. Runs his lips. Sits on his ass.

Along with the fact that obama's platform is basic class warfare. Surprise no one with any money wants to hire. "Social Justice" is for thieves plain and simple.

No one should have to work for my existence, and I shouldn't have to work for someone else's.

10-23-2012, 08:22 PM
Corbic: Would it kill you to quote all of one person's points in one post, or is it a tactic of yours to combat your horrible spelling and grammar to spread it out over 2-5 posts at a time?


Also: 45 posts in, Mike Godwin wins again

Eye blaim TAKATAWK an der iFone. Brake to hard up one qwote and respawn to eech point.

10-23-2012, 08:29 PM
Why do you keep throwing out the 9th grade?

I wouldn't read about Nazis, outside of Mario Puzo's "Six Graves to Munich."

So you have no intrest in either history or better educating your self on world events?

That explains a lot.

9th grade has become even more relevant because I'm sure that is the total extent to what you know about FDR. 9th grade is referenced (in place of say 10th) because that is the year I personally had a lengthy American history class in which we covered all the presidents and had to write a paper about the most important.

I still remember how half the class wrote about FDR as if he was fucking Jesus Christ returned to us. I in my youth I wrote about Teddy. If I was to do it again I would clearly pick Lincoln, like any other rational person.

10-23-2012, 09:51 PM
I never got a job from a poor person! Vote Romney! That's all...

10-24-2012, 12:20 AM
I never got a job from a poor person! Vote Romney! That's all...

that's good, but If you're implying that Rich people, create jobs then, you are probably miss informed. about half of the people who are employed in the US are hired by small businesses and not the big firms(LINK (http://web.sba.gov/faqs/faqIndexAll.cfm?areaid=24)). Now I don't know if Romney wants to keep the Bush tax cuts but I'm assuming he is, then the Rich people, those who make above $250,000 a year, invest in stocks or in another for of nominal asset, rather than in actually opening a business. Thus the trickle down theory of Reaganomics does not work because buying stock and similar assets doesn't help create jobs nor help the production process. all it does is give a revenue to the stock holders in the form of dividends.

As far as poor person hiring someone is not possible, but how about a middle class person?

One of the greatest misconceptions. His policies will in fact bury the middle class further into debt with soaring health costs and day to day costs of living. He speaks of making it more affordable to those looking to get higher ed but all this is doing is increasing the debt owed to the government without creating jobs. He acts as if he is the greatest savior to the middle but he is not. Now this can be said of the poor. When he speaks of the middle class he almost always says " AND THOSE STRIVING TO GET INTO THE MIDDLE CLASS" . (meaning fixing the middle is not his real agenda) What he really has done has driven the middle closer to poverty. Extending those devilish BUSH era tax cuts while providing no tax plan of his own which was worthy. The real life now is the evidence to all of this. Cronyism at it's worst. There is a reason all the mickey mouse polls are now showing a different picture. Let's just hope it's a not a bait and switch so the media can get back some respect if any at all!
Well his Healthcare reform wasn't that great. But through economics, this health care was included when calculating the wage you get paid form the benefits part of the equation. Assuming healthcare was paid by your employer. So like taxes, no matter if you or your employer your would have to send a check to the Government. And the middle class was affected by the tax cuts because the government did not get that revenue in order to have a balanced budget or help with transfer payments or government expenditure. and actually I think he mention eradicating the Bush tax cuts on people earning $250,000 or more. Now if you're hoping to see all the information in the media, as in TV, newspapers or even some internet sites, I don't think it's ever going to happen, since they are sponsored and not free media.

10-24-2012, 07:45 AM
So you have no intrest in either history or better educating your self on world events?

That explains a lot.

9th grade has become even more relevant because I'm sure that is the total extent to what you know about FDR. 9th grade is referenced (in place of say 10th) because that is the year I personally had a lengthy American history class in which we covered all the presidents and had to write a paper about the most important.

I still remember how half the class wrote about FDR as if he was fucking Jesus Christ returned to us. I in my youth I wrote about Teddy. If I was to do it again I would clearly pick Lincoln, like any other rational person.

I'm fairly well versed in the Nazis, how/why they rose to power, etc.

My education on FDR goes well beyond the 9th grade, we obviously believe in different economic models. I'm a firm believer in Keynes' theory, you're not.

Highway Riding
10-24-2012, 07:56 AM
that's good, but If you're implying that Rich people, create jobs then, you are probably miss informed. about half of the people who are employed in the US are hired by small businesses and not the big firms(LINK (http://web.sba.gov/faqs/faqIndexAll.cfm?areaid=24)). Now I don't know if Romney wants to keep the Bush tax cuts but I'm assuming he is, then the Rich people, those who make above $250,000 a year, invest in stocks or in another for of nominal asset, rather than in actually opening a business. Thus the trickle down theory of Reaganomics does not work because buying stock and similar assets doesn't help create jobs nor help the production process. all it does is give a revenue to the stock holders in the form of dividends.

As far as poor person hiring someone is not possible, but how about a middle class person?

Well his Healthcare reform wasn't that great. But through economics, this health care was included when calculating the wage you get paid form the benefits part of the equation. Assuming healthcare was paid by your employer. So like taxes, no matter if you or your employer your would have to send a check to the Government. And the middle class was affected by the tax cuts because the government did not get that revenue in order to have a balanced budget or help with transfer payments or government expenditure. and actually I think he mention eradicating the Bush tax cuts on people earning $250,000 or more. Now if you're hoping to see all the information in the media, as in TV, newspapers or even some internet sites, I don't think it's ever going to happen, since they are sponsored and not free media.

I'm not hoping for a garsh darn thing other than electing Mitt Romney. His theories on Job creation are spot on. The POTUS had 4 years to address the inevitable and did not. He focused on healthcare and nothing else. Let's not forget that the POTUS also wasn't the abortion advocate he is now being portrayed thanks to Biden. I have ZERO confidence that the POTUS will do anything different in the next 4 years other then increase debt. Which in turn will increase the decay of this country. Fiscal cliff also looming. But that gets swept under the rug.

1 88 U
10-24-2012, 09:12 AM
I never got a job from a poor person! Vote Romney! That's all...

No you just sell them goods and services. Vote Obama so the poor and middle class actually have money to drive the economy.

10-24-2012, 09:49 AM
I'm fairly well versed in the Nazis, how/why they rose to power, etc.

My education on FDR goes well beyond the 9th grade, we obviously believe in different economic models. I'm a firm believer in Keynes' theory, you're not.

Oh do tell.. what is Keynes' Theory besides some snarky news bites and rhetoric.

Did you actually do any research into various economic theories, read about actual economic events, how certain mandates where put and place and what the real life consequences where?

ND/RD has nothing to do with Romney, Tea Party, Reagan or any other modern garbage. It is exclusively about the 20's and 30's and the poor choices made back then. Those who refuse to learn from failure and study history are doomed to repeat it.

10-24-2012, 09:54 AM
Man, you hop all over the map in order to give yourself some sort of feeling of superiority.

You brought up the ND, you brought up LBJ, you keep repeating that today matters, pick a side and stick to it, Mitt.

word sux
10-24-2012, 05:49 PM
This debate was pretty hilarious. It was funny watching rommney reverse many of his statements that he used to woo republicans and pander like the sleezeball he is. Not that I like obama any better. Republicrats and demicans are two sides of the same coin to me. Honestly I really don't know who I would prefer get elected but rommney and ryan scare the crap out of me. After hearing some of ryan's statements he seem like a warhawk.

10-29-2012, 09:12 PM
Liberalism is a mental disorder!

10-30-2012, 05:20 AM
Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Well Churchill once said..

"I'd call any young man who is not liberal heartless, but any old man who is an idiot".

Or something to that effect.

The Dude
10-30-2012, 08:14 AM
Well, as George W. Bush once said, "There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on --shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."

Are you sure he wasn't a liberal?

10-30-2012, 01:45 PM
and as Harold Weir said, "You know, everyone's a Democrat until they get a little money. Then they come to their senses."

10-30-2012, 02:53 PM
Little money = trailer park sipping Busch Lite?

These guys must have made too much money:

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett & Larry Ellison

All 'liberals'


10-30-2012, 08:17 PM
Little money = trailer park sipping Busch Lite?

These guys must have made too much money:

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett & Larry Ellison

All 'liberals'


No, they fall under the "celebrity" category - which is so wealthy and detached from reality they don't give a shit about the rest of us or the world. They become the people that think if you send Kim Il Sung a birthday car and throw away our nukes the world will be full of piece and love.

These are the guys that think if we put a $10 per gallon gas tax, the whole country will become more green and thank them.

10-30-2012, 08:36 PM
$10/gallon gas would be awesome.

10-31-2012, 01:22 AM
Both candidates suck. Romney and Obama should have brawled to the death in Hurricane Sandy, and the winner get the presidency. I don't know why people make such a fuss about the presidential race anyhow. A good portion of people who vote don't know a damn thing about the candidates running for Congress in their state, so the elected president is pointless if he has a Congress that is just gonna bicker with him like toddlers for 4 years.

10-31-2012, 09:52 AM
Wait so who here is voting for Based God?

10-31-2012, 09:48 PM
After watching the 3rd Debate, I turned the channel to MSNBC... The Rachel Maddow Show was on... LOL What else is there to say, or something to that effect.

1 88 U
10-31-2012, 10:15 PM
Mitt vs. Mitt — the story of two men trapped in one body (http://www.mittvmitt.com)