View Full Version : Tech at willow spring?

08-31-2012, 08:30 AM
For example. I have an out of date bride seat and crow harness battery relocation with a solid tie down. Full cage, no leaks. Will I have any issues?

08-31-2012, 08:53 AM
It would be best to contact the org that is holding the event to ask what they would check/inspect.

08-31-2012, 08:07 PM
Yeah like zoopreme said the best way to go is by calling the event holders and asking for a list of regulations/requirements and write them down and then if your question on here isnt mentioned in the list they tell you.. ask them if your setup is ok.

09-01-2012, 12:34 AM
I will do that. I figured I might be able to get some quick info here cause a lot of people hit the just drift events.

09-01-2012, 01:10 AM
If your going to top drift you wont have a problem.

09-01-2012, 04:19 PM
every organization have different rules, grassroot drift organizers are more easy with the rules since we do not go really high speed and if it is just balcony or HTM, a good helmet, good seat and 4 point harness is A-OK.

IF you go big willow and is being hosted by SCCA or PCA, good luck with your EBay harness and out dated seats. You will not get passed Tech. They are really strict and to the point.

Have Fun

09-07-2012, 09:48 AM
Next month I'm doing my first drift event at willow springs and I'm wondering if there's anything specific they look for that I may be forgetting. I have no leakage, my battery is secured by a metal bracket, it has no case or box around it though. The terminals are covered too. I don't see any glaring flaws but i may be forgetting something. Any help from you veterans is appreciated. Cheers!

09-07-2012, 03:49 PM
Sealed batteries don't need boxes. But If the battery is not sealed then you need a box and a hose venting to atmosphere.

09-08-2012, 10:43 PM
Next month I'm doing my first drift event at willow springs and I'm wondering if there's anything specific they look for that I may be forgetting. I have no leakage, my battery is secured by a metal bracket, it has no case or box around it though. The terminals are covered too. I don't see any glaring flaws but i may be forgetting something. Any help from you veterans is appreciated. Cheers!

You should be fine, also make sure your wheel bearings are good and all your wheel studs are present. That's about it.

Cartoon Writer
09-09-2012, 07:39 PM
Extremespeedtrackevents.com will be at HorseThief Mile on Sept 15,they have details on there website on the tech requirements.

09-19-2012, 05:04 PM
NASA also has a large PDF document you can download each year with up to date requirements for normal cars (hpde participants) and race cars. They also seem to prefer stock seats and belts unless you are going to a full, proper 5-6 point harness set up.