View Full Version : Sputting ka24de HELP

08-28-2012, 11:24 PM
So I got a 89 240sx with a 96 ka24de swap. Everything was running fine untill recently when I noticed the engine rocking a bit more than usual. As a precaution I stopped driving it in hopes that some one would could come help me figure it out. But after several canceled plans and no idea whats wrong I started checking out some forums and started working on little things. After all ive done the problem continues. But I felt a little more comfortable to take it for a drive. Thats when I noticed the sputtering when I accelerate and that my car accelerates slowly like theres a limiter or something. I have no clue.

So far ive done:
A throttle body cleaning
Oil change
(when i checked my oil i was running low which is mostly why i stopped driving)
Put in a new O2 sensor

My thoughts are:
Bad Idle Air Control Valve
Clogged Fuel Filter
Broken Fuel Pump
Bad or clogging Fuel Injectors

Things ive checked:
Motor Mounts which was my first thought are good.
My Mass Air Flow is clean and not fried.

Problems I had before this one:
Exhaust leak
Idle control (car would cut off when coming to a stop after running for a while)(low idle almost stalling)
Takes a few times to get started after running for a while and resting a bit. (Always clicks doesn't always turns over though)

I don't have any other ideas of what it could possibly be. Im not a pro at this but ive been doing some research and figured it wouldn't help unless I ask myself and explain my unique problem. I would just get all new parts if I had the money. I figure i'd try to get some direction before I go spending money.

Thanks for taking a look and putting in some thought if you do.

08-29-2012, 02:04 AM
is the check engine light on? check what code or codes are stored if the CEL is on and start from there.

08-29-2012, 08:30 AM
nah my check engine light is off but i plan on checking the ecu to dignosis the problem

08-31-2012, 11:51 AM
So today I threw in a new Fuel Filter just to try it out and im having the same problem. -_-' I also manually checked the ECU and got a code 55 which from what I read means everything is ok.

08-31-2012, 01:08 PM
I had the same problem with no CEL leading me in any direction, it was an injector seal. I changed/replaced so many things chasing the problem, then finally it started smoking and filled the oil with gas...after that it was easy to diagnose but it did take a while to get that bad.

09-01-2012, 01:40 PM
Looks like a cheap fix ill try that out next