View Full Version : New 96 240sx owner...help me choose some new parts...

08-21-2012, 10:31 AM
Sup guys, recently just bought a 96 240sx se 5spd w/ leather interior the other night and it needs a few stuff. Would like to know which brands you recommend, opinion on parts, and any particular place you buy parts from. Thanks :D

-Diff bushings
-knock sensor
-Driver and pass window seals
-Sunroof trim
-Front windshield trim
-oem zenki lip or greddy lip?
-Pass turn signal
I hate the stock antenna, any one tried the s2000 antenna if it works?

Guy I got it from also changed the cluster and the mileage isnt moving up but every thing else on it works. Easy fix?

Really want to change all those stuff by end of this year so I can start with the typical modding. Intake exhaust kouki sides coilovers and so on.

Other than that, love the 240, its a great looking car and plans for the future is 350hp ka-t.

08-21-2012, 10:37 AM
Meh, wind-shield trim is great if you have stock, but I have a rubber universal strip that goes around and it looks fine. Granted, my car is black.

You defiantly need to buy www.240SXTECHDVDS.org Home Page (http://www.240sxtechdvds.org)

08-21-2012, 08:32 PM
i need windshield trim for mine too that i just bought

08-27-2012, 09:38 AM
Energy Suspension, PBM, DIF ect. Depends on what you'll use the car for.

Check out Courtesy parts for OE stuff. FRSport sells some good stuff for OE as well as lots of aftermarket stuff. Both are Zilvia Advertisers, check their review threads.

Anything you can't find on those sites, Google.

08-28-2012, 09:34 AM
Energy Suspension, PBM, DIF ect. Depends on what you'll use the car for.

Check out Courtesy parts for OE stuff. FRSport sells some good stuff for OE as well as lots of aftermarket stuff. Both are Zilvia Advertisers, check their review threads.

Anything you can't find on those sites, Google.

Thanks man. Bought the energy suspension diff bushings and a few stuff from courtesy parts.

08-28-2012, 10:18 AM
Listen man, it's great that you decided to become a fan boy and everything, but no one is going to hold your hand during your quest. Do some research instead of asking us to spoon feed you. There is a plethora of information on this site, it has a search feature to assist you, I suggest learning how to us it. There are so may options and parts on the market for this chassis, that no one is really going to know what YOU want. This is your car, use your head and ideas/imagination and make it YOUR car, not what someone on the forum suggests you to do with it.

08-28-2012, 10:39 AM
hey jr ss dont be a douche , he is new to forums, give the guy a break.
The big Fanboys tend to come from Florida anyways!!

08-28-2012, 10:50 AM
Listen man, it's great that you decided to become a fan boy and everything, but no one is going to hold your hand during your quest. Do some research instead of asking us to spoon feed you. There is a plethora of information on this site, it has a search feature to assist you, I suggest learning how to us it. There are so may options and parts on the market for this chassis, that no one is really going to know what YOU want. This is your car, use your head and ideas/imagination and make it YOUR car, not what someone on the forum suggests you to do with it.

Cool story bro, tell it again.

08-28-2012, 01:22 PM
hey jr ss dont be a douche , he is new to forums, give the guy a break.
The big Fanboys tend to come from Florida anyways!!

If anyone is being a douche, it would be you sir, with your piss poor attempt at a played out Florida joke. And I offered sound advice for the new comer.

08-28-2012, 01:29 PM
You can get the window triming from Z1 motorsports or Courtesy as Superblack said ... Suspension i would try Stance, SPL, PDM, etc...

08-28-2012, 03:37 PM
being a dick to all the new guys is so played out jr,I give ya credit for giving some advice but why start out being a dick.Every body is such big guy behind a computer keyboard,try being nice to the new guys an help them out so they can become a valuable member of the forum.
Every fan boy on here throws out the "use the search feature" they are here trying to learn about the cars they own , and broaden our community.Just because you have a high post count does not make you an expert , so relax jr

08-28-2012, 04:02 PM
Well. I did some spoon feeding, but I have a search-gif in my sig. People should come here and search, so as not to clutter up the forums with things that have been answered before. There's nothing wrong with asking opinions. We're one of the biggest most populace car forums right now but there are a lot of members who are jaded and sick of reading about newbie stuff that could have been learned with a search.

At the same time, it seems there is no coddling between OG members and Newbies anymore. That's a bit sad, but again its questions that have been answered a hundred times before and when this is pointed out, people become indignant and start fighting.

Granted I probably shouldn't have spoon fed the new kid, because I had to learn all of it myself, I did my research, asked opinions and formulated my own opinions after doing more research. I'm not an expert by any means, but I've gotten more out than I've put in. So i try and fix that. Simple questions or reminders to check the FSM are easy to answer. It's the whole teach a man to fish deal.

Let's be honest, it wasn't the best thread to begin with. But it's been handled. The guy got some feedback, some advice from someone who's been here longer and made his own decision. I say Good job Zilvia!

08-28-2012, 05:09 PM
being a dick to all the new guys is so played out jr,I give ya credit for giving some advice but why start out being a dick.Every body is such big guy behind a computer keyboard,try being nice to the new guys an help them out so they can become a valuable member of the forum.
Every fan boy on here throws out the "use the search feature" they are here trying to learn about the cars they own , and broaden our community.Just because you have a high post count does not make you an expert , so relax jr

I'm not a dick to all the new guys, nor was I to this one. He obviously didn't even attempt to search. Fuck, it's his 6th post.

I'm not a big guy and I never claimed to be, nor did I claim to be an expert? However, I will tell you how it is to your face.

Maybe in hindsight I came off as a dick, but all these new guys want is a fucking handout, without doing some legwork. I amongst others use/d the forum to it's full potential, I learned what the search button was, if I couldn't find an answer to something after extensive searching, I asked. It's a simple process, but I really shouldn't expect more from these new kids on the block.

Learning is reading, reading will teach you more than a couple of guys sitting infront of a computer commenting on his spoonfeed me thread.

Best of luck with the "new" car OP.

08-28-2012, 05:38 PM
Anyone else hungry?


08-28-2012, 07:54 PM
jr ss seems a little hungry...
Believe me I did use the search button but didn't find what I was looking for.
I'm 16, bought my first car and of course like all used cars, they need some work.
And I'm sure when all of you first joined the forum you made a few stupid posts and got flamed to use the search button. Shit happens.
Can't wait till I have 2000 posts so I can start telling noobs to use the facking search button.

Promise Land
08-28-2012, 08:25 PM
I like Enjuku Racing for most of the aftermarket parts, but either of the other choices are quality shops to buy from. I have done some of the work you are asking about. Some is easy and some requires more skill and better tools. Use the FSM as much as possible and of course the search function or google are great. If you don't get many search results, try varying your inputs. Sometimes things are called differently by location in the country.

08-28-2012, 08:53 PM
jr ss seems a little hungry...
Believe me I did use the search button but didn't find what I was looking for.

Can't wait till I have 2000 posts so I can start telling noobs to use the facking search button.

I could use a nice juicy sirloin and baked potatoe...

Vary your search inquiries. People tend to use different terminology then others.

I'm not sure what post count has to do with anything? You're the second person to mention it in this thread, but it means nothing. I've been around since before my actual join date, times were different and so were the forum members.

Frsport.com, 240sxmotoring.com, enjukuracing.com and any of the forum sponsors that I haven't mentioned usually have parts in stock or high availability. Touge Factory has exceptional search.

Have fun!

08-28-2012, 09:18 PM
hahaah oh you guys. :hey:

08-28-2012, 09:27 PM
I like Enjuku Racing for most of the aftermarket parts, but either of the other choices are quality shops to buy from. I have done some of the work you are asking about. Some is easy and some requires more skill and better tools. Use the FSM as much as possible and of course the search function or google are great. If you don't get many search results, try varying your inputs. Sometimes things are called differently by location in the country.

I could use a nice juicy sirloin and baked potatoe...

Vary your search inquiries. People tend to use different terminology then others.

I'm not sure what post count has to do with anything? You're the second person to mention it in this thread, but it means nothing. I've been around since before my actual join date, times were different and so were the forum members.

Frsport.com, 240sxmotoring.com, enjukuracing.com and any of the forum sponsors that I haven't mentioned usually have parts in stock or high availability. Touge Factory has exceptional search.

Have fun!

Thanks guys. Appreciate the help.