View Full Version : obd1 or obd2? how do u find out for sure? 95 s14 please!!!

08-16-2012, 01:11 PM
hey guys i have a 95 s14 that was converted to manual and i still have the auto ecu.
now i know they made both obd1 and obd2 that year and i have the obd2 plug in connector under the glove box that im able to pull codes off of but does that necessarily mean that i have an obd2 system? or is it just a perk that the 95 obd1 s14's come with?

cause this guy im trying to buy an ecu off of has an obd1 1995 ecu and he said he was still able to pull codes off with his scanner. he said he had plugs at both sides.

so what i want to know is how to actually find out if my car is just obd2 or obd1 or both.
would an obd2 ecu work with my car? or vise versa.

please help me cause im quite confused and i need to get an ecu asap to get rid of my codes so i can go smog my car the legit way.
thank you

08-16-2012, 01:49 PM
i think all 95 are obd1 and it started obd2 in 96. all s14 has the obd2 connector

08-16-2012, 06:17 PM
thank you thats all i needed to know :)

Promise Land
08-19-2012, 03:38 PM
OBD-1 was made until Sepember 1994. OBD-2 started after Sept. 1994. So it depends on the manufacturing date of the car. Another way you can tell is if your O2 sensor has a single wire (OBD-1) or a 4 wire (OBD-2) in the exhaust manifold. The OBD-2 cars will have a second O2 sensor after the catalytic converter also.