View Full Version : fuel in oil problem! please help!

BC S14
07-22-2012, 06:19 PM
Ok i have an s14 with an s13 redtop. front mount, exhaust, wiring specialties harness, and a walbro. thats it. Story is, i had a black top. within two weeks it spun a bearing. Oil was full of fuel and washed everything down. Rebuilt it, not knowing it was the oil, happened again within a week. So i said screw it and bought a whole new swap from phase 2. ecu, maf, all different. Only thing that remained the same is the tps, o2 sensor, wiring, fmic, and fuel pump. now this new swap is doing the exact same thing. heres what i've done:
injectors aren't leaking
o2 checks out great
no boost leaks
symptoms are it takes forever to start and runs fat as hell, however it pulls very very hard.
I hope someone can help me because im at the end of my rope.
I know the trans mount is bad, and i was wondering if the vibration would cause it. i dunno. I AM OFFERING 50$ VIA PAYPAL TO ANYONE THAT SOLVES MY PROBLEM. I'm an honest guy. I will send the cash. Thankyou.

07-22-2012, 06:22 PM
if fuel is going into oil. either you have a leaky injector, or one of them keeps dumping gas.

BC S14
07-22-2012, 06:41 PM
well i pulled the rail out, plugged the fpr, and turned the pump on. none of them leaked. I thought about having them tested but i saw how they test em and they just turn on the fuel and see if they leak. I also removed them and pressurized them with an air pump and none went through. I might send them off. I have a stock fpr. I was wondering if mabe the walbro is just pump too much fuel?

07-23-2012, 07:49 PM
if it's the same wiring i'd go with that. get a pulse reader and check the pulse on all injector wiring. one might be just dumping fuel.

BC S14
07-29-2012, 08:41 PM
ok i have'nt restared the car yet, but I put a fuel pressure guage after the filter, and turnthe key on, it jumps to 43psi, but then falls off almost instantly. Sometimes sticks. Should it do that? I figure even with just the key on it should hold pressure, not return it to the tank.

07-30-2012, 12:18 PM
Damn hope you find the problem.

08-02-2012, 12:03 PM
give us a left right and top picture of your engine bay. something may be incorrectly hooked up. thats my assumption.

boost addict
08-03-2012, 12:46 AM
Yea it will gradually fall off, do you have a wideband? Hows comp on the motor? Could be passing though the rings if theyre bad.

08-03-2012, 01:01 AM
ok i have'nt restared the car yet, but I put a fuel pressure guage after the filter, and turnthe key on, it jumps to 43psi, but then falls off almost instantly. Sometimes sticks. Should it do that? I figure even with just the key on it should hold pressure, not return it to the tank.

it really looks like a leaking injector. And if it falls off almost instantly, it is a serious leak.

08-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Ecu tuned in anyway? maybe from the previous owner or something? sounds like its running rich and thats why ur oil is getting washed with fuel

BC S14
08-05-2012, 01:41 PM
well i pulled the fuel rail out and turned the key on and let it pressurize. None of the injectors leaked. And the ecu is stock. Same as the last one. im starting to suspect the fuel pressure regulator because when you try to start it it takes FOREVER. I mean a long time. And when you turn the key on, the fuel doesnt slowly bleed off, it drops instantly. Also when you turn the key, you can hear the fuel very well, just rush through the regulator. Does anyone elses do that? I mean you can really hear it. My other 14 has a ka and it doesnt do that. I'll try to post some pictures tonight. dont have a wideband but it's definetly rich. burning eyes rich. And I got the engine from phase 2 so I know its good. I'll comp test it anyway.

08-06-2012, 07:39 AM
dude i had the same problem on my s13 it was my ecu it was making my motor run rich and gas was getting in the oil also try telling a friend to let you barrow there ecu hope i can help

BC S14
10-20-2012, 09:00 AM
Swapped ecu. no changes. Still stinks. I really think it's the walbro pumping too much volume.

10-20-2012, 09:52 AM
you changed the ECU... but have you changed the oil yet?

BC S14
10-20-2012, 05:27 PM
Well it usually only smells after its been running hard. And you can really smell it when I get on it. It'll burn your eyes.

10-24-2012, 07:05 AM
i would borrow an ecu n get a new fpr and if that doesnt work check your rings..better yet change your injectors n see if you get the same issue before you dig into it to check rings

10-24-2012, 08:19 AM
Check your MAF before anything, I know you said you said you replaced it but check the voltage anyways. I have a feeling you're going to find that it has a bad ground. Check the voltage of the MAF when the car is in the ON position but not running, should be around .034-.050V. Also try unplugging the MAF and try and start the car and see what happens.

As far as the FPR going bad, when they do go bad they fail open meaning they can't keep pressure as the feed and return lines are the same size, there is no bottle neck to create pressure IE the FPR.

10-24-2012, 09:16 AM
The fuel pressure regulator fails closed, unless the spring is broken.
It uses vacuum to allow fuel to bypass, the natural position of the fuel pressure regulator is closed.

You may have you lines reversed.