View Full Version : Why does Florida fail?

05-25-2012, 04:52 PM
I even googled that shit to no avail. Forgive me for asking. I just want to know why lol

05-25-2012, 04:54 PM
Lol this is going to stir some shit up, but I think it's the humidity.

05-25-2012, 05:08 PM
Bunch of morons, consistently good weather means nothing but "party time". No time to pick up a book and gain some knowledge or learn a skill. Combined with old people waiting to die and immigrants from the carribbean.

I would imagine various parts of southern California share similiar traits.

05-25-2012, 05:11 PM
LOL yeah so cal has its share of that stuff thanks for the input it helps a lot!

05-25-2012, 05:13 PM
I like Florida. the gulf coast is nice, i've been as far south as Naples, where my parents have retired. the gulf beaches are pretty, full of dolphins, warm, and generally inviting as long as there isn't a hurricane pushing through... the weather isn't as bad as people make it out to be. the drive down from the midwest through the south is hoosier as fuck, though. can't really speak for the Atlantic side.

it's pretty much southern California, but with nicer beaches. more sandwich shops, less taco trucks. more old people waiting to die, less lifestyle clothing companies run out of mom's condo. more hurricanes, less earthquakes.

05-25-2012, 05:16 PM
In Miami there are some parts where NO ONE knows English. One time I got lost and went to various CVS / Walgreens and gas stations for directions and none of them could help me. It was like I entered the goddamn Twilight Zone.

05-25-2012, 05:22 PM
In Miami there are some parts where NO ONE knows English. One time I got lost and went to various CVS / Walgreens and gas stations for directions and none of them could help me. It was like I entered the goddamn Twilight Zone.

is Miami otherwise worth visiting? I'm thinking about driving across while visiting down there this fall. check out that art deco shit, take some black and white pictures, you know.

05-25-2012, 05:24 PM
In Miami there are some parts where NO ONE knows English. One time I got lost and went to various CVS / Walgreens and gas stations for directions and none of them could help me. It was like I entered the goddamn Twilight Zone.

Lol, same shit in Homestead.

Florida honestly isn't that bad. There are "less-than-intelligent" people here but for the most part its like any other state except we have baller weather all year.

05-25-2012, 05:25 PM
The weather is nice? Yeah if u like humidity... It fails because ppl are just fucking rediculous there. And yes it is similar to so cal

word sux
05-25-2012, 05:30 PM
humidity sucks and the bugs are huge..

some of those mosquitos can carry away children and small animals

05-25-2012, 05:38 PM
the bugs are huge..
some of those mosquitos can carry away children and small animals[/QUOTE]

^^^^^^this lol...
humidity is not that bad..ive been working outdoors down here for 13yrs..
love it..a few tracks for drifting

05-25-2012, 05:41 PM
Arizona is right there with Florida. Probably also a combination of retarded politicians who have their heads shoved so far up their asses they can't seem to encounter what is common sense from fairy land.

05-25-2012, 05:47 PM
For people hating on FL. If you never came here yourself then you can't say shit. FL is just like any other state.

05-25-2012, 05:57 PM
The vast array of races of people combine together to produce tremendous amounts of fail. When it comes to building cars these people have totally different taste and motives.

Born in Florida, i've seen it change big time. 80's-90's it was big mud trucks and lower riders. 21st-century began the import cars and then the donks.

When it comes to weather/bugs. Tropical climate,it's not for everybody.

05-25-2012, 06:06 PM
The only thing I enjoy about Florida is the hot women and lackidasical rules when it comes to vehicles. No emissions. No annoying cops pulling you over for nothing. I got pulled over one time for speeding and I was let off with a warning, the cop also told me my tints were too dark and I said the only reason why I have darker tints because my car doesn't have A/C, he didn't really argue with me after that. LOL.


And the weather is only nice when the humidity is low. On most days you could slice through that shit with a kitana.

05-25-2012, 06:22 PM
Arizona is right there with Florida. Probably also a combination of retarded politicians who have their heads shoved so far up their asses they can't seem to encounter what is common sense from fairy land.

Beat me to it.

At least we don't have bugs and humidity

05-25-2012, 06:22 PM
Arizona is depressing. All the buildings and houses are the color of sand/dirt.

05-25-2012, 06:26 PM
I will say a positive about the weather is that the humidity there does lead to the women wearing alot less at the beach :wackit:

05-25-2012, 06:26 PM
Arizona is depressing. All the buildings and houses are the color of sand/dirt.

Quoted for the truth

05-25-2012, 06:30 PM
i would continue to add on to this but i feel like everyone says shit about their own state and rants about wanting to leave lol

drift freaq
05-25-2012, 06:38 PM
I like Florida. the gulf coast is nice, i've been as far south as Naples, where my parents have retired. the gulf beaches are pretty, full of dolphins, warm, and generally inviting as long as there isn't a hurricane pushing through... the weather isn't as bad as people make it out to be. the drive down from the midwest through the south is hoosier as fuck, though. can't really speak for the Atlantic side.

it's pretty much southern California, but with nicer beaches. more sandwich shops, less taco trucks. more old people waiting to die, less lifestyle clothing companies run out of mom's condo. more hurricanes, less earthquakes.
LOL ya the beaches here suck until you get to southern OC and San Diego county. I would take Earthquakes over Hurricanes any day of the week though. At least we only have Earthquakes occasionally vs Hurricanes every season type thing.
Plus there are some redeeming things here that Florida just does not have. IMO.

Ya and fuck humidity. That is definitely fail and Florida has a shit ton of it. Give me dry heat any time over humid heat.

Oh and ya women wear skimpy clothes here because of the heat as well. :D

Oh and don't listen to what people from Norcal say about SoCal. Most of them were taught to hate SoCal since they were babies. Its a right of passage. ( they stole our water, the people are plastic, to many stars, to much traffic, blah blah blah. Its all propaganda and San Francisco is the best place on earth :rofl:) Don't get me wrong San Francisco can be cool but come on people the best place on earth? sheeesh.

How do I know this? I grew up in NorCal :rofl:

05-25-2012, 07:08 PM
I love Florida. Keeping my cars registered there saves me tons of $$$ and I'll never hafta deal with smog again. There are tons of babes there, but every time I go to Miami everyone automatically assumes I speak Spanish. I can get by with SoCal Spanish, but north-Cuba, aka Miami, is a whole different ball game. It's fucking miserable there from April/may till almost sept. goddam love bugs and crazy humidity. Not having to pay state income tax is rad too. The housing market is dirt cheap right now, and the cost of living is cheap too.

Too bad so many of the people are dumb as shit tho. My brother said it best, "Florida is just the south, with a beach".

05-25-2012, 07:27 PM
North Florida weather is terrible and the beaches suck haha. Atleast north of Daytona has blue-ish water... Jacksonville has brown water. The humidity is pretty rough some days but thats what air conditioned shops are for.

Oh and...

05-25-2012, 07:36 PM
Oh and don't listen to what people from Norcal say about SoCal. Most of them were taught to hate SoCal since they were babies. Its a right of passage. ( they stole our water, the people are plastic, to many stars, to much traffic, blah blah blah. Its all propaganda and San Francisco is the best place on earth :rofl:) Don't get me wrong San Francisco can be cool but come on people the best place on earth? sheeesh.

How do I know this? I grew up in NorCal :rofl:

I lived in so cal for 23 years that's how I know it sucks... Only nice thing about it is the weather. Most of the people are idiots and douchebags, also the traffic sucks among other things.

05-25-2012, 07:48 PM


morons with too much money and not enough sense.

word sux
05-25-2012, 07:48 PM
no one in talking about california, no one gives a fuck about california. Why do you guys always feel the need to make the conversation about you when talking about states.

cali = state full of insufferable douche nozzles

05-25-2012, 07:51 PM
cali = state full of insufferable douche nozzles
California = North Mexico.
Florida = North Cuba.

Generally, the closer a place is to the Equator, the more terrible it is.
This applies to every continent.

05-25-2012, 08:12 PM
too much money and not enough sense.



05-25-2012, 08:18 PM
half of your argument is invalid. g50's are cheap.

05-25-2012, 08:20 PM
I would take Earthquakes over Hurricanes any day of the week though. At least we only have Earthquakes occasionally vs Hurricanes every season type thing.

Hurricanes do not happen every season. You really only have to worry about hurricanes if they are CAT4/5 and you live on the coast. With CAT1/2 you can literally go outside and walk around and be fine (as long as you're not directly on the coast). I was always scared of hurricanes when I was younger but living in Florida for 10 years now they are nothing to be afraid of. I'd be much more concerned with tornadoes, but those rarely happen here, and if they do they are weak.

California = North Mexico.
Florida = North Cuba.

Generally, the closer a place is to the Equator, the more terrible it is.
This applies to every continent.

No. More like...

Miami = Cuba / Jamaica.
Orlando = NYC/Puerto Rico/Dominican Republic
Rest of Florida = white trash / red necks.

drift freaq
05-25-2012, 08:21 PM
I lived in so cal for 23 years that's how I know it sucks... Only nice thing about it is the weather. Most of the people are idiots and douchebags, also the traffic sucks among other things.

One mans wine is another mans grape juice. The trick to SoCal is living in the right places. I am not championing all of it. Truth be told the trick to anywhere is picking the right places.

On the NorCal tip though the bay area can be nice its one of the most expensive places in the world to live.

no one in talking about california, no one gives a fuck about california. Why do you guys always feel the need to make the conversation about you when talking about states.

cali = state full of insufferable douche nozzles

Ya and typically you completely miss the fact that a non Californian brought up California in this thread.
Oh and that happens quite. often. Are we supposed to just let people talk shit about our state and not speak up? Wow, I think have discovered another Zilvia double standard. People can talk shit about California but good forbid Californians say anything in defense.

Hell Even some Florida fans are defending Florida .

perhaps you should take some time to rethink your words because they are making you look exactly like you claim Californians are. :rofl:

05-25-2012, 08:37 PM
Florida is great. It goes for any state, you have your share of complete idiots and fucktards. We have a plague of poorly done cars and ghetto ass rides, But I am sure you can find those anywhere.

05-25-2012, 08:56 PM
Im from Jersey City originally, and I moved down here. Big mistake.

Fuck old people and all these damn idiots. Love the straight ass roads, and no emissions tho.

05-25-2012, 09:33 PM
Things That confused me about Florida (and I'm a born and raised Californian)
-traffic circles everywhere but no one knows how to use one
-love bugs that will turn your car black, and turn into diamond hard muck if they dry on your car
-the population skyrockets in the winter
-old people
-you can get parking tickets at meters at fucking 4 am in ft Laudy.
-it's fucking FLAT
-rains at 1:30
-doors open outwards.
-fucking giant iguanas in canals???
-turtles all over the road on sawgrass xpwy
-if you are doing 80 on the turnpike you're getting passed by crotch rockets with stretched rear swing arms and no helmets doing 110
-the entire panhandle = Alabama
-Jville is the largest city in the US, by square mileage
-"welcome to miami/dade, hope you brought your passport"
-homestead is segregated
-duvall street????
-it's fucking FLAT.

05-25-2012, 09:39 PM
Looks to me like everybody in this thread is mad because we don't have emissions.


05-25-2012, 09:43 PM
I like Florida. the gulf coast is nice, i've been as far south as Naples, where my parents have retired. the gulf beaches are pretty, full of dolphins, warm, and generally inviting as long as there isn't a hurricane pushing through... the weather isn't as bad as people make it out to be. the drive down from the midwest through the south is hoosier as fuck, though. can't really speak for the Atlantic side.

it's pretty much southern California, but with nicer beaches. more sandwich shops, less taco trucks. more old people waiting to die, less lifestyle clothing companies run out of mom's condo. more hurricanes, less earthquakes.

More Guns, Less CARB.

05-25-2012, 09:51 PM
Things That confused me about Florida (and I'm a born and raised Californian)
-traffic circles everywhere but no one knows how to use one
-love bugs that will turn your car black, and turn into diamond hard muck if they dry on your car
-the population skyrockets in the winter
-old people
-you can get parking tickets at meters at fucking 4 am in ft Laudy.
-it's fucking FLAT
-rains at 1:30
-doors open outwards.
-fucking giant iguanas in canals???
-turtles all over the road on sawgrass xpwy
-if you are doing 80 on the turnpike you're getting passed by crotch rockets with stretched rear swing arms and no helmets doing 110
-the entire panhandle = Alabama
-Jville is the largest city in the US, by square mileage
-"welcome to miami/dade, hope you brought your passport"
-homestead is segregated
-duvall street????
-it's fucking FLAT.

Ever been to Nebraska?

05-25-2012, 09:54 PM

05-25-2012, 09:55 PM
For people hating on FL. If you never came here yourself then you can't say shit. FL is just like any other state.

I think we have all been there on vacation once, the dumb ones just can't find their way home :rofl:

In all seriousness -


Florida is the Michigan of the south.

05-25-2012, 10:02 PM
Lame Self-Importan Celb Videos

I see your propaganda and raise you -



word sux
05-25-2012, 10:19 PM

this junk just makes me hate cali that much more...

glad I live in a state that is actually awsome...

05-25-2012, 10:26 PM
Fuck yeah its flat LOL. Cars perform better closer to sea level though. I feel bad for people in Colorado and other high elevation areas, gotta make 500+hp just for the car to get off its ass.

05-25-2012, 10:29 PM
In Miami there are some parts where NO ONE knows English. One time I got lost and went to various CVS / Walgreens and gas stations for directions and none of them could help me. It was like I entered the goddamn Twilight Zone.

I'll be down that way Thanksgiving time...gonna be at Brandenton where my parents are at. Probably gonna spend a couple days down Miami since I've never been....I'll try to hit you up when im back down south from VA.

05-25-2012, 10:31 PM
I think we have all been there on vacation once, the dumb ones just can't find their way home :rofl:

In all seriousness -

Florida is the Michigan of the south.

DUDE HOLY SHIT. Please tell me those don't get driven on the street.

To be perfectly honest though, that huge white ford truck looks like an absolute riot to be in.

05-25-2012, 10:34 PM
I'll be down that way Thanksgiving time...gonna be at Brandenton where my parents are at. Probably gonna spend a couple days down Miami since I've never been....I'll try to hit you up when im back down south from VA.

Sweet. I despise Miami ever since my Twilight Zone experience. Taking I-95 down that way, once you get to Ft. Lauderdale area people drive fucking insane. You'll start to see donks, people doing 90+ swerving lanes, you really have to be careful. One time on my home from Miami I saw a bad accident, some unknown car was crushed into a tin can and a red F150 was split in half.


Driving down Ocean Drive is super busy, you'll see Maserati's, Lambos etc everywhere. All the restaurants on the strip were probably $Texas, I never bothered to even attempt to eat anywhere in the area LOL.

Oh yeah and if you're ever in a swamp or wooded area, there is always the possibility of alligators. And they are like little concentrated dinosaurs.

05-25-2012, 10:53 PM
Sweet. I despise Miami ever since my Twilight Zone experience.

You clearly have never been to the south west.

05-25-2012, 10:56 PM
To be perfectly honest though, that huge white ford truck looks like an absolute riot to be in.

Certainly not as a Daily or anything. Those are not broke-red necks by any stretch of the imagination. A truck like that will set you back $80k easily. Not everyone wants a new Porsche or some stupid ass tuner Supra.

Some guys just want to go bogging or romping thru the dunes, more power to them.

05-25-2012, 10:58 PM
Looks to me like everybody in this thread is mad because we don't have emissions.
fuck yeah. no emissions, i can buy my tags 2 years at a time, hell, the last new vehicle i bought i didn't even hafta take it to florida, bought it in atlanta, and i registered it by mail and just waited for my tags to arrive at my brothers house in San Diego.
More Guns, Less CARB.
Ever been to Nebraska?
lolol akshully yes. every time i drove cross country that way i'd stop in grand island and have dinner at this shitty little dive bar called the upper deck. total hole in the wall but that place would get packed with young girls who didn't know any better.
Fuck yeah its flat LOL. Cars perform better closer to sea level though. I feel bad for people in Colorado and other high elevation areas, gotta make 500+hp just for the car to get off its ass.
and there is 93 octane at the pump for cheaper than cali pays for 89
Sweet. I despise Miami ever since my Twilight Zone experience. Taking I-95 down that way, once you get to Ft. Lauderdale area people drive fucking insane. You'll start to see donks, people doing 90+ swerving lanes, you really have to be careful. One time on my home from Miami I saw a bad accident, some unknown car was crushed into a tin can and a red F150 was split in half.
Driving down Ocean Drive is super busy, you'll see Maserati's, Lambos etc everywhere. All the restaurants on the strip were probably $Texas, I never bothered to even attempt to eat anywhere in the area LOL.

donks = :picardfp:
especially all the ones with dr pepper paint jobs, or churchs chicken or fucking snickers. i really don't get why you would make your car into a billboard for something like that. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Tz9aNm7J9Cs/TcvkVxYN9zI/AAAAAAAAGPw/-UVvSt3AbUs/s1600/Cheetos_Donk_Art_Car.jpg

05-25-2012, 11:02 PM
You clearly have never been to the south west.

I've been to Arizona. Never to California though.

05-26-2012, 12:44 AM
This just in... Socal quickly becoming the new Florida...


05-26-2012, 01:27 AM
if my mother in law didn't live in florida i'd consider moving there LOL.

cali has the mediterranean weather, florida's more tropical. hence the humidity, and the rain at odd times of the day/night. i think the whole "florida fails" thing is from how the ppl in the south approach car modding. other than that florida's a nice state. the beaches look much cleaner than socal's hah.

Touge Noob S13
05-26-2012, 04:05 AM
Florida fails because it always tries biting the California style and fails miserably.

Funny how California has the strictest laws against cars yet has set the standard for the rest of the nation. If it wasn't for California everyone would still be running KA's with open air intakes and drop springs.
I think Nitekids said it best.

"You also have to remember southern california is the epicenter of import performance so during that time while everyone else in the US is running piggy back systems alot of us were running stand alone systems. We would get all the top end shit first.

Also another thing is to find a tuning shop to even tune it wasn't even an option for you bfe boys while we had:

XS Engineering

SP Engineering.

Another claim for fame for us is James of G-dimension.com is the first in the US to ever drop in a SR in a US 240sx in march of 1995."

"Also gotta hand it to non fugita of Enovative force. In Late 1998/Early 1999 he put this thing together long before the 240sx caught wind in the US.us

Custom2 aero
In house fender flares
(KA at the time of this first photo shoot and even droped in a fully built tomei (before anyone heard of them) motor in 2000/2001. Talk about california cars being ahead of the rest of the US"

05-26-2012, 07:53 AM
Florida fails because it always tries biting the California style and fails miserably.

Funny how California has the strictest laws against cars yet has set the standard for the rest of the nation. If it wasn't for California everyone would still be running KA's with open air intakes and drop springs.
I think Nitekids said it best.

"You also have to remember southern california is the epicenter of import performance so during that time while everyone else in the US is running piggy back systems alot of us were running stand alone systems. We would get all the top end shit first.

Also another thing is to find a tuning shop to even tune it wasn't even an option for you bfe boys while we had:

XS Engineering

SP Engineering.

Another claim for fame for us is James of G-dimension.com is the first in the US to ever drop in a SR in a US 240sx in march of 1995."

"Also gotta hand it to non fugita of Enovative force. In Late 1998/Early 1999 he put this thing together long before the 240sx caught wind in the US.us

Custom2 aero
In house fender flares
(KA at the time of this first photo shoot and even droped in a fully built tomei (before anyone heard of them) motor in 2000/2001. Talk about california cars being ahead of the rest of the US"

Get your head out of your ass, nobody cares...we don't bite anything. We do what we want when we want how we want and don't have to worry about the law. TX and FL have the fastest street cars running on highways daily and Cali has show cars

05-26-2012, 08:58 AM
no one in talking about california, no one gives a fuck about california. Why do you guys always feel the need to make the conversation about you when talking about states.

cali = state full of insufferable douche nozzles

It was an open question relax.:picardfp:

05-26-2012, 10:25 AM
I've been to FL to go on a Cruise and I thought it was pretty cool. There were $100k cars and hot Latinas everywhere. It was humid as fuck though like Guam and the Philippines. So that's why I asked.

05-26-2012, 10:48 AM
blah blah i think California is the hot center of the universe blah Nitekids says

Nitekids really shows how classy California can be.


05-26-2012, 11:20 AM
Blah blah blah


Living in the past bro, let go, time to move on. Tupac is dead.

From what I can see all the guys killing it in the 240sx scene are all out of the Midwest or South East. They also don't have pages and pages of whining about CHP, Smog testing and having their car stolen.

The whole California life-style to me is just a giant PR campaign.

05-26-2012, 01:20 PM
Nitekids really shows how classy California can be.


Haha did he get in another freeway chase? Lol... True shit tho that car is pretty dope IMO

05-26-2012, 05:17 PM
Georgia is better than Florida

Touge Noob S13
05-26-2012, 10:19 PM

Living in the past bro, let go, time to move on. Tupac is dead.

From what I can see all the guys killing it in the 240sx scene are all out of the Midwest or South East. They also don't have pages and pages of whining about CHP, Smog testing and having their car stolen.

The whole California life-style to me is just a giant PR campaign.

SP Engineering > AMS
It took the rest of the country this long start catching up to California? You just can't deny the facts Corbic. Nobody out here has heard of rust and finding parts is no problem at all.

05-26-2012, 10:28 PM
Can I get parts for this?


Nevada doesn't have rust either, as well as the rest of the south west actually. Florida as well.

I have UPS delivers parts to my house too. Most of which are over night from LOLhio, not Kali (Jegs).

The Dude
05-26-2012, 10:36 PM
SP Engineering > AMS
It took the rest of the country this long start catching up to California? You just can't deny the facts Corbic. Nobody out here has heard of rust and finding parts is no problem at all. What exactly is available in CA that isn't available anywhere else? You aren't special, get over yourself.

05-27-2012, 05:13 PM
We do what we want when we want how we want and don't have to worry about the law.

What a badass.


05-27-2012, 10:38 PM
Florida gun laws and no emissions testing = win

05-28-2012, 12:07 AM
Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html)


05-28-2012, 03:27 AM
Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html)



So damn predictable, Florida would be where the zombie apocalypse originates from

05-28-2012, 04:22 AM
Looks to me like everybody in this thread is mad because we don't have emissions.


Oklahoma has no vehicle inspections, more shoreline than the atlantic and gulf coasts combined, less old people, less douchebags, and less people in general. Curved roads, strait roads, mountains and plains. Concealed carry (And in effect Nov. 1st, open carry) I also like our gun laws a bit better than FL. You can shoot someone who has a weapon, but you can't zimmerman someone.


Conclusion: OK > FL

05-28-2012, 09:13 AM
Florida fails because it always tries biting the California style and fails miserably.

Funny how California has the strictest laws against cars yet has set the standard for the rest of the nation. If it wasn't for California everyone would still be running KA's with open air intakes and drop springs.
I think Nitekids said it best.

"You also have to remember southern california is the epicenter of import performance so during that time while everyone else in the US is running piggy back systems alot of us were running stand alone systems. We would get all the top end shit first.

Also another thing is to find a tuning shop to even tune it wasn't even an option for you bfe boys while we had:

XS Engineering

SP Engineering.

Another claim for fame for us is James of G-dimension.com is the first in the US to ever drop in a SR in a US 240sx in march of 1995."

"Also gotta hand it to non fugita of Enovative force. In Late 1998/Early 1999 he put this thing together long before the 240sx caught wind in the US.us

Custom2 aero
In house fender flares
(KA at the time of this first photo shoot and even droped in a fully built tomei (before anyone heard of them) motor in 2000/2001. Talk about california cars being ahead of the rest of the US"

both of my parents are from Cali and I even lived there at one point and never have I ever seen anyone trying to "bite California style" just because you guys think you're awesome cause you had the Fast and the Furious doesn't make it so.

05-28-2012, 09:18 AM
I've been to FL to go on a Cruise and I thought it was pretty cool. There were $100k cars and hot Latinas everywhere. It was humid as fuck though like Guam and the Philippines. So that's why I asked.

equator man, equator.

and the tourists, if you go to the local shops here, there are a lot of morons but thats everywhere. where we hurt most is those stupid fucking tourists that don't know how to drive or the kids who think that because they own the most overrated car in America that it automatically makes them awesome, but then again, thats everywhere also.

05-28-2012, 09:45 AM
Went to Orlando recently for work. Weather was nice and some decent stretches of road. The flight over there was a daycare in the air, but that's Disney's fault.

05-28-2012, 09:54 AM
The only thing I enjoy about Florida is the hot women and lackidasical rules when it comes to vehicles. No emissions. No annoying cops pulling you over for nothing. I got pulled over one time for speeding and I was let off with a warning, the cop also told me my tints were too dark and I said the only reason why I have darker tints because my car doesn't have A/C, he didn't really argue with me after that. LOL.


And the weather is only nice when the humidity is low. On most days you could slice through that shit with a kitana.

Lol... Do you enjoy life in general????

05-28-2012, 09:58 AM
Colorado. Because we will be the only state to survive THE BIG ONE.
hah ok all kidding aside.

05-28-2012, 10:10 AM
Oklahoma has no vehicle inspections, more shoreline than the atlantic and gulf coasts combined, less old people, less douchebags, and less people in general. Curved roads, strait roads, mountains and plains. Concealed carry (And in effect Nov. 1st, open carry) I also like our gun laws a bit better than FL. You can shoot someone who has a weapon, but you can't zimmerman someone.


Conclusion: OK > FL
The info on that map is incorrect. Floridians are allowed to open carry in certain circumstances(traveling to and from and while fishing/hunting as well as going to a shooting range). Also, don get me started on the numerical difference of hot lookin women in Fl vs Ok.

Touge Noob S13
05-28-2012, 09:12 PM
Guns? Oklahoma? I forget that we have members of the evangelical white right on here.

05-28-2012, 11:11 PM
The info on that map is incorrect. Floridians are allowed to open carry in certain circumstances(traveling to and from and while fishing/hunting as well as going to a shooting range). Also, don get me started on the numerical difference of hot lookin women in Fl vs Ok.

How else would you get them there? I doubt if a cop pulled you over with a loaded AK-74 sitting in your passenger seat, he wouldn't give you shit. Why would you need to get started on the numerical difference in hot women? Of course there are fewer here... There are also fewer greased up meatheads fist pumping and trying to date rape them. Also it would be safe to assume there are fewer people with STDs.

Plus if you fucked a different hot chick every night of the week, you still couldn't run through all the hot chicks in OK... You east coast people are such gluttons.

05-28-2012, 11:28 PM
I'm sorry but, is someone in this thread trying to compare Oklahoma to the likes of Florida and California? LOL.

Now that's a Florida move.

05-29-2012, 02:00 AM
How else would you get them there? I doubt if a cop pulled you over with a loaded AK-74 sitting in your passenger seat, he wouldn't give you shit. Why would you need to get started on the numerical difference in hot women? Of course there are fewer here... There are also fewer greased up meatheads fist pumping and trying to date rape them. Also it would be safe to assume there are fewer people with STDs.

Plus if you fucked a different hot chick every night of the week, you still couldn't run through all the hot chicks in OK... You east coast people are such gluttons.

he said Florida not New Jersey.

05-29-2012, 02:04 AM
he said Florida not New Jersey.

That shit runs rampant in Miami too.

05-29-2012, 02:19 AM
Only in Florida
Miami police kill naked man found eating another man’s face - BostonHerald.com (http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/south/view/20120528miami_police_kill_naked_man_found_eating_a nother_mans_face/srvc=home&position=recent)

05-29-2012, 03:44 AM
I think we have all been there on vacation once, the dumb ones just can't find their way home :rofl:

In all seriousness -


Florida is the Michigan of the south.


05-29-2012, 09:48 AM
Georgia is better than Florida

the only reason the st. johns flows north is because GA sux..

More guns, less taxes, no emissions.

Cali = democrat florida = republican generally..

There are more "accessories" here like boats, cars and planes.

If you want to be captain swinging dick of boats, in jacksonville area you need around a 50-60' boat. Down south to west palm, about a 75-100' boat. miami 100+.

150k gets you a nice 3bdrm, 2 bath, house in jacksonville
150k gets you a nice 2bdrm 1 bath condo in miami.

Everything else has already been said cept hatians have their own community down in dade county.. they speak bastardized french..

05-29-2012, 10:23 AM


Who gives a fuck.. Love your state, hate others, go eat a panini, and close this thread.

05-29-2012, 10:57 AM
don't forget to add avocado for us californians in the panini. :D

05-29-2012, 11:16 AM
Born and raised in Miami. aside from cubans who dont speak english, insane drivers, and Haitians chopping each other with machetes, its a interesting place to live. Night life never stops, theres always something going on, cops could care less about your pos 240, and beautiful women are abundant. Now, Orlando on the other hand is terrible. Fkn little puerto rico, higher crime rate, bullshit night life, etc. A lot of it goes unreported thanks to Disney. Got to keep the image clean, if not tourists will stop flocking to the BS parks. Can't wait to go back to miami.

05-29-2012, 11:47 AM
Guns? Oklahoma? I forget that we have members of the evangelical white right on here.

yeah guns and midwest states are only for white people who love jesus

05-29-2012, 11:51 AM
yeah guns and midwest states are only for white people who love jesus

Clearly you have never been to Benton Harbor, Detroit, Gary, Goshen or Chicago.

05-29-2012, 12:01 PM
Florida is the first to get the zombie break out. Be ready

05-29-2012, 12:05 PM
Florida is the first to get the zombie break out. Be ready

For people who don't know what your talking about..
Source: Face eating man shot by police identified | News - Home (http://www.local10.com/news/Source-Face-eating-man-shot-by-police-identified/-/1717324/14244018/-/qt3p3kz/-/index.html)

05-29-2012, 12:07 PM
I could have swore somebody above me posted it already. But thanks

05-29-2012, 02:36 PM
this thread is hilarious, Earth Quakes are much better....... no notice and shit falls off the wall.

Hurricanes, one year in my life time(now 25 years) has it been serious problem, and we had 5 DAYS to plan for it. If you died, got hurt, or even broke a nail.... that is natural selection working you.

Beyond that we rarely, if ever, get hurricanes here and what little tropical storms we see are better than any snow storm.

I have friends who are leaving base in Jville now, who are looking for what they have to do to modify their fire arms to be ok to even legally posses in cali. Seriously? they are military men and women and Cali is concerned about them having weapons.....

Cali is beyond underwater with debt and economic crisis. Hell, entire cities are going into bankruptcy.

as for hate crimes and violence in Orlando? Did I miss something? this place is pretty tame compared to most major metro areas.

I like Florida, Christmas was a freezing 76 degrees at our river house and we spent the entire day on the river fishing after opening presents. When my husband and I wanted to buy a house we scored a 4bed/2Bath/2Car garage in a upscale area for 100k that had been entirely refinished. We debated buying a brand new home 3/2/2 for 119k, but we the drive was a bit more from there.

Don't forget The tax code in florida is awesome.

The Florida Fail things come from the idiots who can afford to buy a car here(S13s are still cheap, not cali's driftard tax of 7k) and this allows anyone who wants to drive a 240 and thinks their "drift Racing" an opportunity to show people how dumb they are. We don't have more idiots than anyone else, we just simply have more idiots with enough money to own cars an video cameras to show how "special" they are.

On the upside, it makes procuring parts that much easier and the parts don't rust when someone "nick hogan's" their car. There are plenty of well built cars here, and people like Titan, Enjuku, Gato, ect will continue to show how Florida does things.

Ps the Ricans can be irritating, but damn if they don't love their rotaries.....

05-29-2012, 02:51 PM
^BEST answer yet! :)

05-29-2012, 03:57 PM
People are complaining about all the cubans, while cali is all mexicans and phillapinos. No different, there will always be a mix of cultures everywhere, hence the word "free country" you can do w.e you want.

and honestly you learn to live with humidity, beaches are great all year round, and as always over all ! we have the most beautiful women!

05-29-2012, 04:50 PM
People are complaining about all the cubans, while cali is all mexicans and phillapinos. No different, there will always be a mix of cultures everywhere, hence the word "free country" you can do w.e you want.

and honestly you learn to live with humidity, beaches are great all year round, and as always over all ! we have the most beautiful women!

Cali is full of "phillapinos"? Really?

How ignorant of you.

05-29-2012, 06:33 PM
Cause of Casey Anthony

Cause of Man eating another man's face, naked
Man fights to live after face is eaten by naked attacker in Miami - NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-fights-live-face-eaten-naked-attacker-miami-article-1.1085553)

05-29-2012, 06:42 PM
You nerds are just made because we get to watch The Walking dead live and up close.

05-29-2012, 06:42 PM
ive been here my whole life, my theory is.....

there's not near as much money going around as cali and other places, so people start doing half assed stuff, and it gets worse and worse, plus the hillbilly-rappers think if those fancy people out west can do it, why the hell cant i? so they say hold my beer and try somethin.

05-29-2012, 08:19 PM
I believe u guys fail because you have NO restrictions
Its rules and regulations that force people to be creative while also holding them to some kind of a standard.

05-29-2012, 08:24 PM
because of zombies.

Sent from my DROID X2

05-29-2012, 11:07 PM
People are complaining about all the cubans, while cali is all mexicans and phillapinos. No different, there will always be a mix of cultures everywhere, hence the word "free country" you can do w.e you want.

and honestly you learn to live with humidity, beaches are great all year round, and as always over all ! we have the most beautiful women!

I guess just like every PHILLAPINO is concerned with swag, everyone from Florida fails right? You're well on your way if you can't even spell imo. I'm Filipino and can say that I posses little to no swag. Way to be ignorant.

05-30-2012, 12:40 AM
^ this dude said nothing about filipinos and swag. Calm down young buck

05-30-2012, 12:59 AM
this thread fails...and if you cant spell your own nationality you deserve to be exiled

05-30-2012, 02:12 AM
I call Filipinos, "failipinos."

05-30-2012, 04:02 AM
this thread is hilarious, Earth Quakes are much better....... no notice and shit falls off the wall.

Hurricanes, one year in my life time(now 25 years) has it been serious problem, and we had 5 DAYS to plan for it. If you died, got hurt, or even broke a nail.... that is natural selection working you.

Beyond that we rarely, if ever, get hurricanes here and what little tropical storms we see are better than any snow storm.

I have friends who are leaving base in Jville now, who are looking for what they have to do to modify their fire arms to be ok to even legally posses in cali. Seriously? they are military men and women and Cali is concerned about them having weapons.....

Cali is beyond underwater with debt and economic crisis. Hell, entire cities are going into bankruptcy.

as for hate crimes and violence in Orlando? Did I miss something? this place is pretty tame compared to most major metro areas.

I like Florida, Christmas was a freezing 76 degrees at our river house and we spent the entire day on the river fishing after opening presents. When my husband and I wanted to buy a house we scored a 4bed/2Bath/2Car garage in a upscale area for 100k that had been entirely refinished. We debated buying a brand new home 3/2/2 for 119k, but we the drive was a bit more from there.

Don't forget The tax code in florida is awesome.

The Florida Fail things come from the idiots who can afford to buy a car here(S13s are still cheap, not cali's driftard tax of 7k) and this allows anyone who wants to drive a 240 and thinks their "drift Racing" an opportunity to show people how dumb they are. We don't have more idiots than anyone else, we just simply have more idiots with enough money to own cars an video cameras to show how "special" they are.

On the upside, it makes procuring parts that much easier and the parts don't rust when someone "nick hogan's" their car. There are plenty of well built cars here, and people like Titan, Enjuku, Gato, ect will continue to show how Florida does things.

Ps the Ricans can be irritating, but damn if they don't love their rotaries.....

Sicario racing....damn crazy lol

05-30-2012, 07:22 AM

Sent from my DROID X2

05-30-2012, 09:04 AM
^ this dude said nothing about filipinos and swag. Calm down young buck

sowie I enjoy being an e-thug... lol

05-30-2012, 11:05 AM
People are complaining about all the cubans, while cali is all mexicans and phillapinos. No different, there will always be a mix of cultures everywhere, hence the word "free country" you can do w.e you want.

and honestly you learn to live with humidity, beaches are great all year round, and as always over all ! we have the most beautiful women!

lol has your eyes only set to see mexicans and PHILLAPINOS? california has every other ethnicity.

theres 2 different things you can complain about mexican and PHILLAPINOS

both can be illegal in different ways haha. mexican cross the border without proper papers but most PHILLAPINOS are legally entering USA but likes to overstay

05-30-2012, 11:45 AM
SP Engineering > AMS

That's a joke right?

09-21-2012, 03:02 PM
I've lived all over the country, moved here a little over a year ago. The humidity argument is pure ignorance, I grew up in NC, then lived in Michigan, the humidity in the summer at either place, is way worse than here. I live on the gulf, really close to the water, it's a nice breeze everyday. It's to the point that I find it strange and unsettling when I go outside and its still. As for the car scene end of the fail, that's happening across the country, apparently Florida is just quick to post their half assed jankiness online as fast as possible. Plus we were hit hard with the YOLO virus of 2011. It's starting to really get under my skin with this "Florida fail" shit when it comes to cars, especially when a good portion of the nicest cars on this site are Florida cars.

09-26-2012, 04:50 PM
I found an answer! lol http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/478334-problem-floridians.html

09-28-2012, 07:55 AM
WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - POLICE: Intoxicated horse rider leads police on 30-minute chase in Florida (http://www.cbs12.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_2404.shtml)

BUNNELL, Fla. (AP) -- A man was intoxicated while riding his horse as he led police on a half-hour chase through a northeast Florida town, authorities said Tuesday.

Charles Larkin Cowart, 29, was arrested Monday afternoon in the city of Bunnell, about 60 miles south of Jacksonville.

A police officer was responding to a report of "an intoxicated male riding a horse" when he turned on his emergency lights to stop traffic as Cowart crossed the street, according to the charging affidavit. Cowart said he was on his way to his grandmother's house in nearby Flagler Beach, but refused officers' order to dismount and "in an aggressive manner reared the horse back" and took off running.

Officers did not immediately chase after him, the report said, citing the public and the horse's safety. Cowart continued to ride through town, "causing a crowd of people to come out of their homes" and a train to slow down as Cowart crossed over a set of railroad tracks. Police kept their emergency lights on, but did not use their sirens to prevent the horse from being frightened and "potentially making the situation worse."

Cowart ignored several verbal commands to get off the horse, which after more half an hour, became exhausted. Cowart eventually jumped off and took off running. He was captured a short time later. The horse returned to Cowart's family and is doing fine, police said.

Cowart was booked into the Flagler County Jail on charges that included disorderly conduct, resisting arrest without violence and cruelty to animals. He was being held Tuesday on $7,000 bond.

A message was left Tuesday at a phone listing for Cowart in Bunnell, about 60 miles south of Jacksonville. It was not immediately known if he has an attorney.

Cowart was arrested for petit theft on Sept. 9 and on a DUI charge in October 2010. The disposition of those charges wasn't immediately known.

09-28-2012, 12:13 PM
↑ I watched the News story this morning, you should see the mugshot of that guy...strange looking mfker. North Florida is just a bunch of rednecks and other trash.

09-28-2012, 01:10 PM
double post failed =/

09-28-2012, 01:12 PM
like most of u stated only reason floridans get hated on its cuz they got money n always brag about wut they have and post it up

cultures n immigrants? the only real natives live separate from the rest of us without paying taxes and getting rich off their casinos, everyone else in the country is of immigrant decent.

weather? summer all year maybe sometimes 2-3 months of chilly weather, and sometimes theres no hurricane for years, best weather for sure

no ground elevation, so cars make decent power with less mods compare to mountainous regions

e-85 and c16 available locally, along with a bunch of good tuners and shops

no emmissions = HUGE PLUS , attach a huge turbo to ur car put a 40$ worth of 3.5" inch mandrel bend and make a hole on ur fender , best exhaust ever, u can pretty much have a "track car" on the streets here as long as it has clean title u are good

i have only lived in cuba and now in miami and i really dont know how any other state is but every state has to have it ups and downs, as far as the car scene goes i love it here and the regulations just compliments them, theres just no restrictions n bs here

10-09-2012, 04:35 AM
Man dies after live roach-eating contest in Fla.

MIAMI (AP) — A contestant in a roach-eating contest who downed dozens of live bugs and worms collapsed and died shortly after winning the contest in South Florida, authorities say.

About 30 contestants ingested the insects during Friday night's contest at Ben Siegel Reptile Store in Deerfield Beach about 40 miles north of Miami. The grand prize was a python.

Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach became ill shortly after the contest ended and collapsed outside the store, according to a Broward Sheriff's Office statement released Monday. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. Authorities were awaiting results of an autopsy to determine a cause of death.

The sheriff's office said none of the other contestants fell ill.

"Unless the roaches were contaminated with some bacteria or other pathogens, I don't think that cockroaches would be unsafe to eat," said Michael Adams, professor of entomology at the University of California at Riverside. He said he has never heard of someone dying after consuming roaches.

"Some people do have allergies to roaches," he added, "but there are no toxins in roaches or related insects."

There was no updated phone number listed for Archbold in West Palm Beach.

"We feel terribly awful," said store owner Ben Siegel, who added that Archbold did not appear to be sick before the contest.

"He looked like he just wanted to show off and was very nice," Siegel said, adding that Archbold was "the life of the party."

A statement from Siegel's attorney said all the participants signed waivers "accepting responsibility for their participation in this unique and unorthodox contest."

The bugs consumed were from an inventory of insects "that are safely and domestically raised in a controlled environment as food for reptiles."

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/O50SsRkHTGoRwjN2TEqkLw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Y2g9ODY0O2NyPTE7Y3c9MTA5ODtkeD0wO2 R5PTA7Zmk9dWxjcm9wO2g9MTUwO3E9ODU7dz0xOTA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/71edcd19782e751c1d0f6a70670013f1.jpg
http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/xIvDgZTvkU_gFMmBL29mlg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Y2g9NzA0O2NyPTE7Y3c9OTc5O2R4PTA7ZH k9MDtmaT11bGNyb3A7aD0xMzc7cT04NTt3PTE5MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/5da2f004782e751c1d0f6a706700a3fd.jpg
http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/0LYDW_N9UdgSAsfekO8_eA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Y2g9Nzc5O2NyPTE7Y3c9MTE4MjtkeD0wO2 R5PTA7Zmk9dWxjcm9wO2g9NDE2O3E9ODU7dz02MzA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/259c0fe7782f751c1d0f6a7067003e9b.jpg

10-09-2012, 12:12 PM
Some of FL is cool i guess. Never liver there but visited and have friends that live there.

My argument would be:

Hurricane comes along 1 maybe 2 times a year... Fucks up most of the coastal area and sub sea level cities.

"fuck it, we will rebuild"

Repeat this process every year, FOR EVER....

Not logical to me

Humid, big ass bugs(or maybe small rodents, not sure), old people, state shaped like penis, warm water... but sharks and no waves, ect...

No smog(as far as smog, who actually would not swap or mad a car becuase of this ? Its a plus but does not really mean shit at the end of the day), women in next to nothing on the beaches is nice, warm water, latin food, ect...

Highway Riding
10-09-2012, 12:27 PM
Florida wins.......

10-09-2012, 03:26 PM

10-10-2012, 02:25 AM
How the hell is CALIFORNIA even mentioned in this Florida =FAIL thread?

The best thing that could ever happen is if California became its own Country, and Florida should just break off and become a Caribbean Island.

10-10-2012, 05:17 AM
How the hell is CALIFORNIA even mentioned in this Florida =FAIL thread?

The best thing that could ever happen is if California became its own Country, and Florida should just break off and become a Caribbean Island.

Unfortunately for.you according to the fault lines its way more likely to happen to you...also making fl island proof...another reason fl wins

10-10-2012, 06:12 AM
How the hell is CALIFORNIA even mentioned in this Florida =FAIL thread?

The best thing that could ever happen is if California became its own Country, and Florida should just break off and become a Caribbean Island.

Because if California was its own country, it would be just like Greece. You want to make any more dumbass moronic statements from the most bankrupt state in the union?? Stop living in this dream world that Cali is so fucking awesome it can survive on its own.

10-10-2012, 07:12 AM
Southern and Central Florida is where its at. Ever where else above Daytona, Tampa, Orlando is useless, Tallahassee can stay also.

10-10-2012, 01:23 PM
^ I don't know why but your statement reminded me of this video:


10-10-2012, 06:19 PM
^^^ lol my favorite video when it came out way back when

10-12-2012, 10:23 AM
The fact that there was even a thread started...about florida failing...
is fuking stupid in itself....
every state in the union has its pros and cons....
theres alot of shady and retarted ppl all over this damn country.
and the zombie Apocalypse shit is our funniest joke here among the floridians....:eek2:
and damn near all the ppl in the 240sx scene here
r really fukin cool ppl that we all help each other
and we all kno each other thru events or fb...
just because some ppl rnt fanbois and drive a janky ass 240 and drift the shit outa it... means...the positive side of drifting is workin...cool ppl+drifting=fun

10-13-2012, 02:30 PM
^Now that KDF did a Florida segment, Florida will suddenly be cool with all the drift fanboys.

10-14-2012, 04:34 PM
It fails because it's full of cocaine babies from the 80's.

10-14-2012, 05:20 PM
^^^^ the fuck?????????????????????

10-25-2012, 03:28 PM
Baggy Pants Ban in Florida Sparks Controversy | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine (http://shine.yahoo.com/fashion/baggy-pants-ban-florida-sparks-controversy-161500571.html)

No more baggy pants, apply skinny jeans!

Maybe the fashion police should crack down on saggy trousers, but real law enforcement? A new ordinance by passed in a three-to-one vote by the city council of Cocoa, Florida prevents a "person in public view from wearing pants or skirts below the waistline that expose the undergarments or the skin…." The law will go into effect on January 1, 2013.

Although members of the city council say they passed the ban in order to increase civility in their "family oriented" town of 17,000, critics claim it's a mask for additional "stop and frisk" type activities by the police. "This is nothing more than a vehicle for further harassment of young people," Alberta Wilson, president of the Central Brevard Branch of the NAACP told FloridayToday.com. "I don't like the saggy pants anymore than you do, however, I respect people's Constitutional rights." Police Chief Mark Klayman acknowledged that the ordinance would provide greater opportunity to confront individuals on the street. "This would give the police officers the probable-cause stop," Klayman said. "This could also be a measure to allow us to get drugs and guns off the street just based on this stop."

Wilson expressed her concern that the new law might lead to violent confrontations between violator and the police. "I'm worried about enforcement, I fear a police officer getting some resistance and resorting to some means and doing bodily harm to a child," she said.
The town tried to pass a similar ordinance in 2010, but backed down when constitutional court challenges were mounted against other municipalities, although some bans have been successfully passed. The first day a 2011 saggy trousers law went into effect in Fort Worth, Texas, 50 people were kicked off of the public bus system.

The saggy pants ban will be a three strike policy: violators will pay a fine of $25 for the first offense, $50 for the second, and $100 for every additional offense thereafter. It will be up to the police officer to determine the fine.
Tyler Furbish, the lone dissenter on the city council, pointed out that in an era of budget cuts, the new law would burden a police department that was already stretched thin. "I think it is going to put a strain on our law enforcement people who have better things to enforce," Furbish argued to the council. "I think we have a risk of too much regulation. What do we do next, outlaw blue houses?"

10-27-2012, 12:15 AM
Bunch of morons, consistently good weather means nothing but "party time". No time to pick up a book and gain some knowledge or learn a skill. Combined with old people waiting to die and immigrants from the carribbean.

I would imagine various parts of southern California share similiar traits.

ignorant as fuck. 80% humidity isnt nice weather.

10-27-2012, 09:55 AM
Read this article. I'd like to point out a specific line

The 6 Most Horrific Lessons Ever Taught in Elementary School | Cracked.com (http://www.cracked.com/article/211_the-6-most-horrific-lessons-ever-taught-in-elementary-school/?wa_user1=1&wa_user2=Weird+World&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=recommended)
Wait, what the fuck? That's three of our entries that are from Florida. What the hell is going on down there?

tire shredder
10-08-2013, 06:54 PM
I love Florida, talk about old people like you all gonna die young, people a lot friendlier on roads compare to northern states, a lot friendlier period actually, we don't get no snow, we ride our rwd cars all year round, bugs? humidity? its all the same on entire east coast during summer, in fact NY NJ is more humid more traffic etc, so yeah we got it made here, just a friendly advice though if you down this way in FL and stopped at red light in your tunner and diesel truck with side exhaust parked next to you, you have two option, 1. rev it up and dump that clutch and hopefully you will pull on him 2. roll up your windows and wait to get smoked literally lol

10-08-2013, 07:01 PM

We can now use you as an example as to why people "hate" on Floridians so often on here.

- Your grammar is horrible.
- You bumped a topic that is over a year old.

tire shredder
10-08-2013, 07:20 PM
well my grammar is not great because I'm still learning English Language, I came to Florida from South Russia, so I can speak not bad English ( I say not bad because you got the meaning of what I was saying ) I speak Russian, I also speak my native language which is like a lot like Mongolian.
How many languages do you speak sir?

and yes I bumped up old thread because it already exist and that what this is for right? to post and communicate, or you rather me opening a new thread with a title why Florida awesome?

10-08-2013, 07:42 PM
I love Florida, talk about old people like you all gonna die young, people a lot friendlier on roads compare to northern states, a lot friendlier period actually, we don't get no snow, we ride our rwd cars all year round, bugs? humidity? its all the same on entire east coast during summer, in fact NY NJ is more humid more traffic etc, so yeah we got it made here, just a friendly advice though if you down this way in FL and stopped at red light in your tunner and diesel truck with side exhaust parked next to you, you have two option, 1. rev it up and dump that clutch and hopefully you will pull on him 2. roll up your windows and wait to get smoked literally lol

God dammit...


10-08-2013, 09:32 PM
Oh you funny Florida boys. Perpetuating the stereotype perfectly. Thank you.

10-09-2013, 09:23 AM
why Florida awesome?


06-03-2014, 11:07 AM
Well, I can speak for Tampa, and Pinellas county.
A lot of the time its the non-car enthusiast that drive like dicks. I'll drive the speed limit and here comes some Mr.Rogers looking dude hitting 20+ the speed limit. People will honk at you for doing the right thing ( literally got honked at for yielding to an emergency vehicle???).
Honda heads here are the worst. A lot of them do not know how an engine works and boast all the time about how fast their cars and how great V-tec is.
Idiots race all the time, and because of that people profile any import car .
But the 240sx community is pretty close-nit and we're all cool with eachother.

06-03-2014, 12:14 PM
Relevant thread bump (http://www.reddit.com/r/floridaman)

06-03-2014, 12:59 PM
^^^Wait... Hold up...lolFlorida man judge tells lawyer to step out of court room because he's gonna beat his ass.Florida Man Judge beats up Florida Man Public DefenderFlorida Man, a judge, tells public defender to "go out back or I'll just beat your ass."Then I turn around and see CNN talking about this exact same story... LOLWTFROFL

06-03-2014, 02:58 PM
At least we're not California.

06-03-2014, 07:34 PM

need i post more?

06-03-2014, 08:09 PM
At least we're not California.

Coming from somebody who's lived on both side, FL will NEVER be CA. I'll take socal or norcal over anywhere in FL.

06-03-2014, 10:03 PM

This is not the first time that a Florida man has assaulted a woman with a cheeseburger. In 2008, a man was charged with domestic violence for shoving his cheeseburger into his girlfriend’s face. In 2011, another Florida man was charged with a misdemeanor for throwing a cheeseburger at a car in a McDonald’s drive thru. Police found a “large spot of ketchup measuring 6 inches by 6 inches on the side of the victim’s vehicle and cheeseburger pieces on the hood” that could be traced back to the culprit.

06-03-2014, 10:38 PM
Lmfao "I have problems"

06-03-2014, 10:39 PM
ignorant as fuck. 80% humidity isnt nice weather.

Join us up here. It's only humid when it's not -11 with 30" of snow 9 months a year.

06-04-2014, 12:43 AM
I've been living in Florida for so long now that when I encounter elevation change, it is quite fascinating.

06-04-2014, 01:27 AM
.....oh you guys, lol

06-04-2014, 03:40 AM
I lived in Florida all my life. I moved to NorCal. I don't miss home at all yet. But the car game wasn't bad back home. Bunch of haters.

06-04-2014, 07:27 AM
Florida sucks, wish I was back in Jersey City. Not like NJ is that much better anyways :(

06-04-2014, 07:42 AM
need i post more?
Everyone was drooling over this car at winterfest. I had to just sit back and shake my head.

06-04-2014, 08:44 AM
Everyone was drooling over this car at winterfest. I had to just sit back and shake my head.

That isn't just a FL thing, stuff like that is liked among certain demographics in California as well. Mostly weaboos that jerk off to kid hentai and think natto breakfasts make them Japanese.

06-04-2014, 09:24 AM
need i post more?

Pretty sure there are never any cars like that at all in Cali.



06-04-2014, 10:04 AM
Everyone was drooling over this car at winterfest. I had to just sit back and shake my head.

looks like every bad car fad threw up on that car.

06-04-2014, 11:56 AM
Pretty sure there are never any cars like that at all in Cali.



Hahahahah shieettt

06-04-2014, 12:20 PM

We can now use you as an example as to why people "hate" on Floridians so often on here.

- Your grammar is horrible.
- You bumped a topic that is over a year old.
In reference to posts by:
tire shredderYou know, usually I'm a grammar N̶a̶z̶i̶ police too...but the fact that this guy is something other than Cuban or Haitian that came to FL is just so refreshing that I'll actually let it slide.

06-04-2014, 01:07 PM
Honestly, I hate most of the people that live here too.

And every time I get on here and see some 19 year old from Florida say something stupid, I cringe a little knowing that it makes all of us look just that much worse

06-04-2014, 02:25 PM


redline racer510
06-05-2014, 08:51 AM
Criticism checklist:
1.Have you been to said state?
2.Have you stayed there longer than a month?
3.Is the statement able to be backed up?
If you said yes to all of these your ok otherwise your just flapping your gums.
Florida: Hot, sauna like humidity, nice women and beach.
Are there stupid people in Florida, yes but so does everywhere else.lack of vehicle emissions is nice.
Cali: By far the best place to live in my opinion(coming from a person that has visited and or lived in a majority of the states from Cali to Georgia as well as visiting many Mediterranean countries as well as many northeastern states) yea we have strict emissions and high cost of living but like that saying goes "you got to pay to play" and as far as earthquakes we rarely get them and the only way I find out we had one is waking up and watching the morning news.

06-05-2014, 09:08 AM

06-05-2014, 09:42 AM
Honestly, I hate most of the people that live here too.

And every time I get on here and see some 19 year old from Florida say something stupid, I cringe a little knowing that it makes all of us look just that much worse

I know exactly how you feel. Most people in our car scene dont know shit and its sad.
Makes me feel ashamed to say that I live in Tampa.

Highway Riding
06-05-2014, 10:41 AM
I like Florida :) gimme a café con leche a Cuban samich and I'm all good

06-05-2014, 10:57 AM
Criticism checklist:
1.Have you been to said state?
2.Have you stayed there longer than a month?
3.Is the statement able to be backed up?
If you said yes to all of these your ok otherwise your just flapping your gums.
Florida: Hot, sauna like humidity, nice women and beach.
Are there stupid people in Florida, yes but so does everywhere else.lack of vehicle emissions is nice.
Cali: By far the best place to live in my opinion(coming from a person that has visited and or lived in a majority of the states from Cali to Georgia as well as visiting many Mediterranean countries as well as many northeastern states) yea we have strict emissions and high cost of living but like that saying goes "you got to pay to play" and as far as earthquakes we rarely get them and the only way I find out we had one is waking up and watching the morning news.
The real reason Californian's hate on FL, and why FL will always be better if you're an auto enthusiast. I'll take all the stupid people in the world if it means not getting harassed by the police over mods and face having your car impounded for no reason. I'll bet all of you kids living in Cali grew up there and don't know any better, because no enthusiast would willingly choose such a critical environment.

06-05-2014, 11:06 AM
The real reason Californian's hate on FL, and why FL will always be better if you're an auto enthusiast. I'll take all the stupid people in the world if it means not getting harassed by the police over mods and face having your car impounded for no reason. I'll bet all of you kids living in Cali grew up there and don't know any better, because no enthusiast would willingly choose such a critical environment.

For the most part you're right. But here in FL we do (sometimes) get harassed by cop for mods. But really the only one we'll get shit from the cops for having is aftermarket exhaust. But really thats anywhere and it usually only happens during the quota weeks.
Might I add its fightable in court.

06-05-2014, 11:23 AM
For the most part you're right. But here in FL we do (sometimes) get harassed by cop for mods. But really the only one we'll get shit from the cops for having is aftermarket exhaust. But really thats anywhere and it usually only happens during the quota weeks.
Might I add its fightable in court.
I went to Lowes to get exhaust hardware with open headers, I was fine. After I had a big loud slightly more abnoxious than anticipated exhaust that I haven't been pulled over for. I've only ever been pulled over for speeding, cops have never said anything about mods. I know not all of FL is this lenient, however this has been my experience up in the panhandle and now on the midwest coast.

06-05-2014, 11:41 AM
Criticism checklist:
1.Have you been to said state?
2.Have you stayed there longer than a month?
3.Is the statement able to be backed up?
If you said yes to all of these your ok otherwise your just flapping your gums.
Florida: Hot, sauna like humidity, nice women and beach.
Are there stupid people in Florida, yes but so does everywhere else.lack of vehicle emissions is nice.
Cali: By far the best place to live in my opinion(coming from a person that has visited and or lived in a majority of the states from Cali to Georgia as well as visiting many Mediterranean countries as well as many northeastern states) yea we have strict emissions and high cost of living but like that saying goes "you got to pay to play" and as far as earthquakes we rarely get them and the only way I find out we had one is waking up and watching the morning news.

Sorry, I'm not paying an extortion-level rate of taxes to be told what I can and cannot do to my car, what guns I can or cannot own, or whatever else I'm "allowed" to do in my life.

Keep drinking that kool-aid, buddy.

06-05-2014, 11:48 AM
the Kevin and Bean morning radio show on KROQ in LA has a segment called "whats up with Florida" and they talk about all the crazy stuff that happens down there.

redline racer510
06-05-2014, 06:57 PM
Sorry, I'm not paying an extortion-level rate of taxes to be told what I can and cannot do to my car, what guns I can or cannot own, or whatever else I'm "allowed" to do in my life.

Keep drinking that kool-aid, buddy.

It is a mild inconvenience at most, your the one that needs the "kool-aid" with your blistering heat and swamp-ass inducing humidity, but hey your probably used to it, buddy.

06-05-2014, 07:11 PM
It is a mild inconvenience at most, your the one that needs the "kool-aid" with your blistering heat and swamp-ass inducing humidity, but hey your probably used to it, buddy.

So how about that traffic?

redline racer510
06-05-2014, 07:12 PM
The real reason Californian's hate on FL, and why FL will always be better if you're an auto enthusiast. I'll take all the stupid people in the world if it means not getting harassed by the police over mods and face having your car impounded for no reason. I'll bet all of you kids living in Cali grew up there and don't know any better, because no enthusiast would willingly choose such a critical environment.

I wouldn't call my self a auto enthusiast, but if you make poor decisions while driving your car you need to take responsibility. No we don't know any better but at least we aren't Floridians. Cali for me IS the best place to live, go to school,work, raise a family and retire. I just don't see my self doing it in any other place.

redline racer510
06-05-2014, 07:20 PM
So how about that traffic?
You mean the 20 extra minutes it takes to get home from work on one of the busiest freeways? I know LA has some pretty bad traffic but here in the Bay Area its not that bad. Usually there is a light breeze and you could roll both windows down and just roll at like 5-10mph and the traffic just gradually dissipates, usually people slowing down to watch people getting tickets. It has been averaging mid to upper 70's here lately

06-05-2014, 07:47 PM
the Kevin and Bean morning radio show on KROQ in LA has a segment called "whats up with Florida" and they talk about all the crazy stuff that happens down there.

Funny as hell.lol.

06-05-2014, 09:22 PM
It's pretty rarely super humid btw...and that's not just an immunity from being used to it

I see everybody keeps running to that...heat is heat dry or humid nobody likes 90+degrees lol

06-05-2014, 09:35 PM
CA chicks > FL chicks :kiss:

06-05-2014, 10:19 PM
Hot girls from anywhere > moose faced females

06-06-2014, 12:36 AM
I wouldn't call my self a auto enthusiast, but if you make poor decisions while driving your car you need to take responsibility. No we don't know any better but at least we aren't Floridians. Cali for me IS the best place to live, go to school,work, raise a family and retire. I just don't see my self doing it in any other place.
I will never understand geographic based pride. Being proud of living in California because it's California is retarded, same goes for everywhere else.

If you're getting swamp ass in FL maybe you should invest in some air conditioning. And while everyone else is freezing their ass off half the year, I'll be casually slothing around in shorts like it's no one's business.

06-06-2014, 01:31 AM
It is a mild inconvenience at most, your the one that needs the "kool-aid" with your blistering heat and swamp-ass inducing humidity, but hey your probably used to it, buddy.

I spent several years living in North Dakota, where for 4-5 months out of the year it never gets above -20 degrees. I spent time in the Middle East off the Persian Gulf where it's more humid than Louisiana in the summer, and the temp never gets below 100 degrees.

Georgia is a very happy medium in my books. And no, bad politics is not a mild inconvenience, but I guess if you're used to being railroaded by a state government that taxes and spends into oblivion, it will suit you just fine.

redline racer510
06-06-2014, 08:27 AM
Fyi a/c isn't a necessity here in the bay area, and I ain't whining about the taxes but hey your entitled to your opinion man.I don't like California for the geography it's just a much easier environment to live with whether it be socially, economically, as well as having a Mediterranean climate.

06-06-2014, 08:45 AM
I wouldn't call my self a auto enthusiast, but if you make poor decisions while driving your car you need to take responsibility. No we don't know any better but at least we aren't Floridians. Cali for me IS the best place to live, go to school,work, raise a family and retire. I just don't see my self doing it in any other place.

Cool story? Your theory is it is better, so thank god you aren't in Florida (sound reasoning). Is it all corruption, hand outs, or massive amount of illegals you like the most?

I mean, just about any other thing you like about cali you can find in another state, but that's great if you think it isn't possible.

btw, if you aren't an auto enthusiast, wtf are you doing here?

I will never understand geographic based pride. Being proud of living in California because it's California is retarded, same goes for everywhere else.

If you're getting swamp ass in FL maybe you should invest in some air conditioning. And while everyone else is freezing their ass off half the year, I'll be casually slothing around in shorts like it's no one's business.

This, is pretty accurate. Christmas day we went out on the boat and cruised the st. Johns. I spend 2 years in an S13 w/o a AC and other than a funky tan line from my drivers side window being open, it wasn't horrible. Then again I'm a girl what do I know...

I do know my cars are mine and my choice what I do with them. Same for my guns which a few of them came with stickers saying "illegal to sell in Cali" and most of all I enjoy the lack of tax burden. Sure we don't have a robust and great economy in the welfare sector that Cali does, but is that anything to be really proud of? I don't think Florida is great and believe me there are things we need work on, but to think Cali is some sort of great place is funny as hell. Almost as funny as when one of their members of congress tries to infringe on another one of my rights. Cali is so great..... we aren't even able to have production Diesel vehicles anymore w/o exhaust fluid because there is a theory it might help build one more ice cube, but hey it is an theory and that is what matters. Facts and proven reduction in fuel consumption with diesel instead of gas is pure hog wash... Soviet Euro does it, but even that is not socialist enough for cali I guess?

CA chicks > FL chicks :kiss:


06-06-2014, 09:27 AM
You mean the 20 extra minutes it takes to get home from work on one of the busiest freeways? I know LA has some pretty bad traffic but here in the Bay Area its not that bad. Visited LA for the first time last summer. The 405 showed me the worst traffic I'd ever seen in my life. Took us more than 2 hours to travel like 15 miles. And the cause of the traffic? Not a goddamn thing. Just too many damned cars. And it wasn't even rush hour.

redline racer510
06-06-2014, 09:33 AM

redline racer510
06-06-2014, 09:51 AM
Yea LA traffic got to be the worst but it has a extremely dense population density.

06-06-2014, 10:30 AM
http://cdn.lolzbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/babes-in-florida-omg.jpg^^^ZOMG. NSFW, guys... lol

06-06-2014, 11:12 AM
I've never been to Cali so I cannot judge the girls there...
But if you want to see some amazing snow..come to FL

06-06-2014, 12:44 PM
Visited LA for the first time last summer. The 405 showed me the worst traffic I'd ever seen in my life. Took us more than 2 hours to travel like 15 miles. And the cause of the traffic? Not a goddamn thing. Just too many damned cars. And it wasn't even rush hour.

dude, we have mass freeway expansion projects going on all over the fucking place in LA and OC. I live a half mile from the 5 freeway and it takes me, on average, 20-30 minutes to get to the on-ramp because of street closure and overall piss poor project planning.
Not to mention the 405 project's completion is X-years past due and $xxx-million over budget. any nice houses for sale out by you?

Trap Star
06-06-2014, 12:54 PM
Yea LA traffic got to be the worst but it has a extremely dense population density.
I'd say Atlanta is right up there. Our state laws are actually designed to PREVENT a viable mass transit system. In fact the DOT is required to spend like 90% of its budget on road construction and repair. All of the highways around the city are completely jammed going in all directions during rush hour. A few of them are 9-10 lane highways that are reduced to parking lots for about 6 hrs a day if not more. Combine that with a road network that was based off a 3 year old's crayon drawing of spaghetti and you end up in traffic hell.

I've never been to Cali so I cannot judge the girls there...
But if you want to see some amazing snow..come to FL
I've lived about half my life in Florida (Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando) and traveled all around the state and while there are some great looking girls down there FL can't come close to Newport Beach. I lived out there for a little while a couple years ago and it was awesome. I forgot what a fat chick looked like, which made my return to the south east pretty depressing since 60% of the girls here seem to survive on fried foods.

I think Florida's main issues are, heat/humidity, shitty/expensive weed, and I'm pretty sure the whole state is sponsored by Bud Light. I've also noticed that southern Florida seems to fail a hell of a lot harder than other parts of the state. Maybe its all of the people from New York and New Jersey that can't handle the heat and thus resort to trashy behavior.

06-06-2014, 01:01 PM
any nice houses for sale out by you?Yep! My wife is a real estate agent, so we got the inside track too. It's a weird year though. We had an abnormally rough winter so new house construction is slow this year meaning everything currently on the market is going quick to the most aggressive buyers. When you consider our projected population growth & the fact Toyota NA is about to move their headquarters out here from Cali, its about to create a real housing shortage. Prices already starting to climb, but still cheap in comparison to Cali.

06-06-2014, 01:09 PM
I275 in the downtown tampa area / i4 junction have been under construction as long as I can remember, and probably will be forever. Sometimes takes me an hour to make it 10 miles home in rush hour

Trap Star
06-06-2014, 01:33 PM
I275 in the downtown tampa area / i4 junction have been under construction as long as I can remember, and probably will be forever. Sometimes takes me an hour to make it 10 miles home in rush hour
Yea thats a shitty spot. Things get pretty out of hand up around USF as well in the afternoons. Tampa has bad traffic but its not on the same scale that you see in LA/Atlanta. Imagine the same kind of situation with 9+ lanes on either side of the highway.

I will say that Tampa has some of the worst police officers I've ever come across. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department is way over staffed and damn near incompetent. I racked up 12 tickets in less than a year, none of which were moving violations. I even had an officer tell me that my insurance information was fake because my car (which I had purchased a week or so before) wasn't registered. He actually told me that you CANNOT insure a car without it being registered, which is obviously completely false.

06-10-2014, 12:06 PM
I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10 people bragging about Cali are under 30 years old, don't own a house, and definitely haven't tried to start their own business in that state. And if you have done all of these things, talk to me in 5 years when your entire state follows suit with the City of Detroit and files for bankruptcy on all levels of the government. Oh and btw, your property values are skyrocketing again at an artificial rate, so expect another pop around the same time that will cripple most of the west coast.

06-10-2014, 12:27 PM
Merced California

A 22-year-old man wearing a Spiderman outfit was arrested this week by Merced police after he allegedly tried a steal a purse from a woman.

Daniel James Bradley was taken into custody not long after the incident, reported around 12:30 p.m. Nov. 10 near V and 15th streets, according to Lt. Bimley West.

The victim, a 24-year-old woman, reported she’d parked her car and had exited, when the suspect began staring at her, and walked toward her, West said.

The suspect, who was wearing a brown and green jacket over his Spiderman outfit, allegedly walked over and said "give me your purse," West said.

The woman looked at the man and saw that he appeared to be holding something under his right sleeve, which appeared to be a gun. The woman ran, screaming for someone to call police. The suspect panicked and ran from the scene, police said.

The suspect placed his jacket and a metal pipe he'd been holding behind a bush. An officer arrived at the scene and spotted the suspect jogging down the street. The suspect ran after seeing the officer, but was captured after a short foot pursuit, West said.

West said a witness saw the attempted robbery happen, and identified Bradley as the suspect. The victim also identified Bradley. When police questioned Bradley about why he was wearing the Spiderman outfit, he replied it was part of his "disguise."

Bradley was booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of attempted robbery. He’s being held in lieu of $65,000 bail.

Read more here: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/2012/11/15/2653082/alleged-robber-arrested-in-spiderman.html?storylink=addthis#.UKW40rbFgU0.redd it#storylink=cpy

06-10-2014, 12:27 PM

06-11-2014, 11:07 AM

Florida cops arrested the wrong woman twice for the same offense.

06-11-2014, 11:14 AM

Florida cops arrested the wrong woman twice for the same offense.

OMFG, I'd sue so fast. Most ppl would lose their jobs if this happened to them.

06-11-2014, 12:04 PM
OMFG, I'd sue so fast. Most ppl would lose their jobs if this happened to them.

What's the problem?
She was released once the mistake was realized.


06-12-2014, 01:25 AM
I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10 people bragging about Cali are under 30 years old, don't own a house, and definitely haven't tried to start their own business in that state. And if you have done all of these things, talk to me in 5 years when your entire state follows suit with the City of Detroit and files for bankruptcy on all levels of the government. Oh and btw, your property values are skyrocketing again at an artificial rate, so expect another pop around the same time that will cripple most of the west coast.

Crickets chirping to this response, of course.

06-12-2014, 01:27 AM
Meet Crystal Metheney...

http://jezebel.com/woman-who-shot-missile-into-car-has-most-florida-name-e-1589467389?utm_campaign=socialflow_jezebel_faceboo k&utm_source=jezebel_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

06-12-2014, 08:27 AM
i think the worst part of Florida is that 45% of the people who live there now are from the fucking north east!!!

I-95 used to be so much driving and riding on until everyone decided to move there, yet these are the very same people who talk about Florida being a retirement place.

besides a lil bit of humidity Florida rocks! best weather aside from maybe arizona... best looking chicks, entertainment, schools! anyways thats my .2!

06-12-2014, 09:26 AM
Don't worry, because here in Florida you can provoke someone to hit you, then if they hit you , you can kill them in cold blood with a gun, in the name o "self-defense".
But if you're a woman and fire a warning shot at your abusive husband, you can be facing time in jail for attempted murder.

06-12-2014, 09:32 AM
Don't worry, because here in Florida you can provoke someone to hit you, then if they hit you , you can kill them in cold blood with a gun, in the name of "self-defense". But if you're a woman and fire a warning shot at your abusive husband, you will get locked up for 20 yeas for attempted murder.Corrected for thatsfuckedupness.

06-12-2014, 09:35 AM

link to story here

06-12-2014, 09:44 AM
Don't worry, because here in Florida you can provoke someone to hit you, then if they hit you , you can kill them in cold blood with a gun, in the name o "self-defense".

Because that is not how self defense laws work in Florida or any other state.

But if you're a woman and fire a warning shot at your abusive husband, you can be facing time in jail for attempted murder.

Warning, or just shitty aim?

Also past aggression doesn't count for self defense. Immediate danger is required.

How about....duct tape and kill your child, party while the kid rots in your trunk, then lie about the nanny kidnapping her for months and when finally caught say your parents molested you...

06-12-2014, 09:49 AM
Because that is not how self defense laws work in Florida or any other state.

Warning, or just shitty aim?

Also past aggression doesn't count for self defense. Immediate danger is required.

How about....duct tape and kill your child, party while the kid rots in your trunk, then lie about the nanny kidnapping her for months and when finally caught say your parents molested you...

That bitch...still can't believe she's free.
And as far as what I was talking about, I hate to be "that guy", but depending on what side you take, you can still admit that Zimmerman provoked that whole encounter. And the fact that the woman is going to jail while Zimmerman is being let free with the same gun that got himself into deep shit in the first place...:picardfp:

06-12-2014, 10:17 AM
That bitch...still can't believe she's free.

And as far as what I was talking about, I hate to be "that guy", but depending on what side you take, you can still admit that Zimmerman provoked that whole encounter. And the fact that the woman is going to jail while Zimmerman is being let free with the same gun that got himself into deep shit in the first place...:picardfp:

Sorry but I have to disagree. At no point was anything ever shown to say Zimmerman "provoked" Martin. Martin failed to use proper judgment and just leave the situation by going home.

"Provoking" would have been Zimmy following Marty around shouting insults and slurs, poking and shoving him etc.

So not "to be that guy" but regardless of what side you are on you have to admit there the prosecutors case was based on speculation and a terrible testimony of Martins "girlfriend" while the defense built theirs on interpretation of physical evidence.

Zimster would likely have beaten this in any state. If Martin was Latino, Asian or White or Zimmerman been black, it would be unlikely that it would have ever hit the news circuit.

Now let's get back to Zombies tripping on bath salts killing each other with giant purple dildos.

06-12-2014, 10:20 AM
Because that is not how self defense laws work in Florida or any other state.

Warning, or just shitty aim?

Also past aggression doesn't count for self defense. Immediate danger is required.

How about....duct tape and kill your child, party while the kid rots in your trunk, then lie about the nanny kidnapping her for months and when finally caught say your parents molested you...

Sorry but I have to disagree. At no point was anything ever shown to say Zimmerman "provoked" Martin. Martin failed to use proper judgment and just leave the situation by going home.

"Provoking" would have been Zimmy following Marty around shouting insults and slurs, poking and shoving him etc.

So not "to be that guy" but regardless of what side you are on you have to admit there the prosecutors case was based on speculation and a terrible testimony of Martins "girlfriend" while the defense built theirs on interpretation of physical evidence.

Zimster would likely have beaten this in any state. If Martin was Latino, Asian or White or Zimmerman been black, it would be unlikely that it would have ever hit the news circuit.

Now let's get back to Zombies tripping on bath salts killing each other with giant purple dildos.

...Glad I played a lot of COD lol

06-12-2014, 10:25 AM
...Glad I played a lot of COD lol


Yes but those are Nazi zombies. Homeless Zombies are much worse!!


06-12-2014, 10:55 AM

link to story here

Wait... They are trying to triple her sentence to life for that shit?!? Geezus Christ... Talk about railroading! How on earth can anyone justify that?! Please explain how this can make any damn sense to someone outside of Florida..

06-12-2014, 02:41 PM
Visited LA for the first time last summer. The 405 showed me the worst traffic I'd ever seen in my life. Took us more than 2 hours to travel like 15 miles. And the cause of the traffic? Not a goddamn thing. Just too many damned cars. And it wasn't even rush hour.

only 2 hours?

california is deff not for everyone. the traffic sucks and yaa the cost of living is outragious once you hit LA (paying 1300$ for a 1bdr apartment)
but you get used to it, you leave a little early and learn to balance your money a little wiser. the people here are some of the most rude and the most polite, that all depends on how there day is going. we"ll cuss you out in traffic and honk for no reason, but thats half the fun of driving
very diverse
inland empire sucks though,
rest of cali is dope
if florida is anything like it seams to be, i think ill stay away. lololol

06-13-2014, 03:17 PM
this thread is gonna get nominated at the next playa haters ball

Greater Miami tri-county area.....WINNINGGGG

06-13-2014, 05:18 PM
I had a quick lulz when this thread was starting to turn into Florida vs Cali.

Even if you win the Special Olympics.......

06-14-2014, 09:43 PM
I had a quick lulz when this thread was starting to turn into Florida vs Cali.

Even if you win the Special Olympics.......
Works every time.

06-16-2014, 10:55 AM

A floridian kidnaps her daughter because she doesnt want to vaccinate her or have her learn about black history month. she only wants her daughter to learn about the Confederacy.

06-30-2014, 02:46 PM
Florida just sucks all around. Not ALL the car people suck/have poor fast, there are plenty of nice cars here, cool people etc. But Florida itself sucks. No fun roads, either unbearably hot, or raining. Everything is spread out, so no good meets. I'm out of here the first chance i get. Who cares if we don't have a winter when during the summer you can't go outside without sweat dripping down your face. I've also notice that people take less time during builds because unlike some states, we don't have a "off season" if your car is down, you're missing events, I think that's a big part of the reason the cars here are of such shitty caliber. Same with events, we can have events all year long so there no build up, it's just another event.

07-04-2014, 11:29 PM


2011 Stats


Stop sending us your morons.

S. FL should secede from the rest of the state anyways.

If you've never lived here shut the fuck up.

If you don't like where you live get the fuck out.

If you don't like America do something positive or also, get the fuck out.

Don't like Earth GDIF and save the planet.


07-05-2014, 10:36 AM
Don't worry, we're just sending you most of our old people. No room for them here in the tri-state and we're tired of silver alerts.

07-05-2014, 10:59 AM
Don't worry, we're just sending you most of our old people. No room for them here in the tri-state and we're tired of silver alerts.

while this is partially true there are a large majority of squares that are in their 20-30s that moved from NY/NJ area, PA, and the Midwest now residing in SFL and the rest of the state.


07-05-2014, 01:54 PM
while this is partially true there are a large majority of squares that are in their 20-30s that moved from NY/NJ area, PA, and the Midwest now residing in SFL and the rest of the state.


But they are not the idiots we see on the evening news.

It's typically Florida natives that are oblivious to the rest of the country.

07-05-2014, 03:53 PM
Flo Rida.

07-06-2014, 11:34 AM
But they are not the idiots we see on the evening news.

It's typically Florida natives that are oblivious to the rest of the country.

There is practically no such thing. S. FL is composed of immigrants from Latin America and Europe. The rest are retirees from New England states. Ask most anyone in Florida with a "southern" accent and you can trace their origin to the surrounding states (Texas, Alabama, Louisiana and Georgia).

07-07-2014, 12:06 AM
Florida fails because its all about CALI!