View Full Version : Anyone have pics of Silver advan RG's?

02-05-2004, 06:34 PM
I have searched for quite a while and I can not find any pictures of cars with silver advan RG's. The only pictures I can find have gold or the occaisional white but no silver. I am getting to the point where I would settle for a picture of a yugo as long as it had silver RG's on it. I would apreciate any help I could get. :confused:

02-05-2004, 11:42 PM
Here's one from the nissan dyno day held at Secret Services. There are more on there website. Jed

02-06-2004, 02:18 AM
Is this a new color? Last time i checked (couple months ago cause my friend was gonna get the 17x9.5 +22s) they still only made gold and white.

Anyways, RGs only look good on Civics. And thats the truth.

Well unless you get the GTR sized ones. They have a sunken in face with curved spokes ala TE37 and LMGT4 style. And at 17x9.5 +22 (or was it +12) they are the best looking/fitting sizes for 240s...