View Full Version : Need Paint Shops in So Cal to Resolve an Issue

04-18-2012, 02:35 PM
(Sorry if its long, but help is appreciated)

So I took my car in to a shop (who at the moment shall remain nameless) to have the gas tank replaced cause it was leaking like hell. I picked up my car and noticed these spots on my paint that looked like splattered liquid going from my hood all the way across it to my trunk that were not their before dropping it off.


I immediately drove it back to the shop and pointed it out, they offered to keep the car for a day or two to "buff out" the spots. When I picked up the car the spots were mostly gone, couldn't really see them unless you were looking for them. For the next couple of days I was still finding sections of wax that were never buffed out, which were full of metal flakes from my paint. About a week or two after picking it up it just so happened to rain like hell, and when I walked to my car for work after, I noticed it looked like this...

(my hood, trunk, and roof all look this bad.)

I called the shop back up, and they agreed to look at it a second time. I dropped my car off in the morning on Monday, picked it up today, and noticed they didn't even try to wash it (its still fairly dusty) and told me it was "just hard water spots because it has no clear coat," and they couldn't do anything about it.

I've had the car for almost a year now, and its been rained on, parked next to sprinklers and what not many times since, and nothing like this has happened until after I picked it up from that shop. The entire rest of my car has a visible clear coat, only in the affected areas is it extremely thin, or completely missing where the spots are (you can feel the ridge where the clear coat ends around them).

I just need a few names/locations of some places around Ontario/Rancho/Rest of So Cal that do primarily paint jobs to have an expert look at it and tell me if I'm just horribly mistaken and it's only happenstance that my car gets this fucked after it sat in their shop for 3 days, or if their just trying to get out of having to repaint my car, and give me a 2nd/3rd/4th opinion on it before I bring it up with the higher levels of management in the company.

04-18-2012, 03:03 PM
It looks like to me that maybe a solvent (gasoline) dripped all over the paint, and was not cleaned off right away. When they went to buff it out, they didn't realize that it was 17yr old clear that has thinned out over time. When they buffed it they took off the clear...(not hard to do when buffing really old OEM clear coat). I would bring it up to the management...

04-18-2012, 06:47 PM
It looks like your car got wet from smebody wet sanding something else near/ next to it.And it wasnt washed off right away,they let it dry & it has now spoted your car. If your clear coat is already gone then the stain is in the color,only way to remove is repaint.... or chance wet sanding extremly lightly with 3000 in a small area first to see how it reacts to sanding

04-19-2012, 02:16 AM
Yeah it looks like either gasoline or maybe break fluid, but I need to take it to a couple of paint shops and have them look at it so I verify its not what that shop claims it to be when I bring it up to their management. Unfortunately I don't know where any decent ones are around here. :duh:

04-19-2012, 08:34 AM
call a good detailer, they would be able to analyze the condition of your paint better than anyone else. a paint thickness gauge does wonders, but i doubt you own one let alone know if your car has been painted.... not talking shit, just saying.

if its oem paint, its super thin and will be needing repaint soon anyway.... ide end-ties with the shop that worked on your car, going back to them for "repair" is a moot point as most shops just keep fucking you over more and more.

04-19-2012, 08:55 AM
I tend to go there a lot cause its right down the street from my house. Its nice for the shit I'm too lazy to do myself or don't have the proper tools to fix. I've taken it there many times before, I'm just kinda pissed they basically blew me off after they realized they couldn't do a quick-fix on it and it might actually cost them money. I've been pretty chill considering how badly they fucked up my paint, but after pretty much getting a giant middle finger about it when I picked it up yesterday I'm done playing nice.

But yeah, I'll see if I can find a detail shop or three around here to inspect it and give an honest 3rd party opinion on it. Along with whatever paint shop I might find's thoughts, it should just solidify my case with their upper management.

04-19-2012, 09:05 AM
pac auto body call ozzie he's in long beach area! he's not new to 240s and drifting hehe

04-19-2012, 09:09 AM
If only Long Beach wasn't 65 miles away haha. Though considering what I normally drive anyway that's not too bad.

04-19-2012, 11:00 AM
im not sure if you painted your car there or not, from my experience if they have and the clear coated it, and it wasn't fully dry and water got on it, it'd look like that, happened to me a few times, washed a car, painted it, and unmasked it, got spots wet, looked like that, had to repaint everything, thats IF you got your car painted, and if you just went there for gas tank then idk, sorry.

04-19-2012, 11:09 AM
pac auto body call ozzie he's in long beach area! he's not new to 240s and drifting hehe

I have a close friend who got his car painted from there. Worst paint job ive seen. They didnt prep at all and just sprayed over the existing paint. Used wood screws to screw in the sideskirts from the outside as well as plastic drywall screws to hold in the turn signals. Personally I wouldnt go there.

04-19-2012, 01:18 PM
this is out of your way, but you could try donlyson auto concepts (http://www.donlysonautoconcepts.com/). they're located in eagle rock/glendale. they painted my car and i love their work.