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04-01-2012, 08:48 AM
As much as I would love it to be my man Ron Paul it won't... With that being said what are ur guys' thoughts on who's gonna be the next republican candidate? What are ur thoughts on their ideas, beliefs, policies, track records, etc. And finally how do you think either candidate stacks up against Obama?

I already have my own opinions on it, was just curious about what you guys think... First and foremost I believe that the problem with Washington is that it's filled with politicians, ppl who are more focused on getting re-elected than fixing the fucking problems of this country. It's almost like monkeys in suits would be better qualified for the jobs. Personally I feel that in this election, as with the past three elections, it seems like ur just picking the least WORST person for the job. And I definitely feel like its time for a THREE PARTY system.

T chop
04-01-2012, 10:57 AM
It will be Obama for another 4 years, Clinton for 8 after that.

04-01-2012, 11:00 AM
Obama for another 3 years then the financial system will collapse and he will declare himself "dear leader" forever. Lol

But I'm sure Romney will lose against him in November.

T chop
04-01-2012, 11:06 AM
Obama for another 3 years then the financial system will collapse and he will declare himself "dear leader" forever. Lol

But I'm sure Romney will lose against him in November.

Ya because the economy was perfect when Obama took over.

Extreme conservatives like Santorum make a joke out of the republican party.

04-01-2012, 11:07 AM
It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

04-01-2012, 11:36 AM
Barrack Hussein Obamasama fucked it up and im sure he will go another term before we get any kind of change. I mean look at whats happening to this nation, we are discussing politics on a car forum! Hahahaha

04-01-2012, 01:08 PM
record numbers of republicans will go out to the polls... and then drive on bye to work..

it would take a lot to get excited about mitt romney

04-01-2012, 01:58 PM
Yeah I mean in reality Obama will prob get a second term, that is unless enough people get pissed off about the political bullshit and vote for Ronny P... I am a registered republican and I really am not a fan of Romney, prob wont vote for him, wasn't much of a super huge fan of McCain but still voted for him cus I didn't buy into Obamas bs and didn't think he was fit for president with only 3 years of senate experience under his belt, wasn't a super huge fan of G.W. either but oh well... Sometimes I wish we could have that adulterous Billiam back

04-01-2012, 03:37 PM
i'm more of an independant...but damn if the republicans didn't make themselves look like idiots this year. every week another debate. and the candidates themselves? no thank you. looks like we're going to be stuck with another term of obama...yipee :(

04-04-2012, 01:24 PM
It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

The economy had already imploded before Obama was even elected. Remember TARP? The $700 Billion fund hastily authorized to prevent the destruction of the entire banking industry? It was signed into law on Oct 3, 2008, a month before Obama was even elected. People were already fearing another Great Depression by the time TARP was enacted.

The only thing Obama (or any president at that point) could do is try to manage the aftershocks of the banking failure.

04-04-2012, 02:31 PM
Yeah by passing a stimulus plan that made the new deal look like my kids piggy bank. Oh and that was shovel ready right? Oh that's right he was supposed to cut the deficit in half. Defending Obama is like saying you like taking it in the butt but you're not gay.

04-04-2012, 02:34 PM
Romney will fail terribly against obama. so will santorum.

Ron Paul is the only one that stands a chance when it comes down to it.

he is also the only one that would make a difference.

04-04-2012, 02:36 PM
If rp stood a chance he would be winning some states. Unfortunately it's gonna be Romney

04-04-2012, 05:04 PM
The republican candidate choices for this term are so weak and unappealing that I am sure Obama will just end up getting a second term, so this entire year-long pre-election charade is just another giant waste of money, time, and effort that could be better spent elsewhere.

04-04-2012, 05:28 PM
It was getting bad and then Barack totally fu**ed it up

How can some of you continue to say,"Obama made it worse..." when all signs point to the opposite? Where are your facts? Stop re-using talking point from yer' uncle Bubba.

Anyway, there is no viable Republican canidate to challenge Obama.

04-04-2012, 05:43 PM
If RP makes it as a Primary, I'd vote for him. Unfortunately, he wont make it. Maybe in another 4 yrs, specially if Obama gets re-elected. Romney is too pro big business...I'd never vote for somebody who made money the way he does.

04-04-2012, 06:07 PM
How can some of you continue to say,"Obama made it worse..." when all signs point to the opposite? Where are your facts? Stop re-using talking point from yer' uncle Bubba.

Anyway, there is no viable Republican canidate to challenge Obama.

Watch the news. Any channel, any time of day, and you'll see some facts. Signs don't mean crap. It's the deficit, unemployment numbers, and things like that. Obama is in over his head. He has no clue what he's doing. Also bush was a financial socialist so don't even try the bush talk. Obama is just taking what Clinton and bush did to the next level. We are the next Greece.

04-04-2012, 07:00 PM
I don't watch my news on the tele, I research my own, subscribe to many supposed non-partisan podcasts, and I read.

When bush left office, unemployment was at +10million but, now we're +8million and these numbers are continuing to trend downward.

The deficit? Obama has lowered, not increased, the deficit. The biggest driving factors for our national debt, are from policies of the previous administration, NOT new spending under Obama.

These are facts, and not of the Fox "News" type.

04-04-2012, 08:45 PM
All of your statements are false. If your in Austria then who cares what you think. Podcast? What a joke. Unemployment is 8.8 right now and real unemployment is at 15.7% When bush left office unemployment was 4.9% Go to the us debt clock and look at the deficit. It's up 3 trillion since Barry took office. He is laughable as a president and he had no previous experience running anything. You won't hear that on fox or anywhere else. It's all on the actual cbo website and the debt clock website.

04-04-2012, 09:44 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/431593_3237049562724_1161273738_4668741_943277878_ n.jpg

04-04-2012, 11:20 PM
^ Oh I get it... it's supposed to be Irony.cc

04-05-2012, 03:07 PM
Yeah by passing a stimulus plan that made the new deal look like my kids piggy bank. Oh and that was shovel ready right? Oh that's right he was supposed to cut the deficit in half. Defending Obama is like saying you like taking it in the butt but you're not gay.

lol. The Stimulus bill was $787 billion. Of that amount, 37% of it was tax cuts ($288 billion). Actual spending on 'shovel-ready' projects was only $357 billion spread over 2 years. That represents only 1.22% of GDP over 2009 and 2010. New Deal spending was 6-7% of GDP or more. Spending during WWII hit 40% of GDP. In other words, Stimulus Bill spending was just a fraction of the New Deal. The stimulus spending also only lasted 2 years, while New Deal projects lasted a decade.

All of your statements are false. If your in Austria then who cares what you think. Podcast? What a joke. Unemployment is 8.8 right now and real unemployment is at 15.7% When bush left office unemployment was 4.9% Go to the us debt clock and look at the deficit. It's up 3 trillion since Barry took office. He is laughable as a president and he had no previous experience running anything. You won't hear that on fox or anywhere else. It's all on the actual cbo website and the debt clock website.

Actually, when Bush left office, the unemployment rate was already 7.8% (Source (http://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2009/feb/wk2/art02.htm)).


Let's take a look at job losses per month during the recession and recovery:

(Source (http://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/ceshighlights.pdf))

When did job losses peak? Oh, hey, look at that, they peaked in January 2009. And when did Obama take office, oh, that's right, at the end of January 2009. Yep, it sure looks like he made it a lot worse.

Reality: The economy was already way over the cliff when Obama took office.

04-05-2012, 03:16 PM
Watch the news.

If you had any credibility up to this point, you just lost it all.

However, I am glad to see that there are some reasonable people posting in this thread.

04-05-2012, 04:45 PM
We will see if you guys are still banging the Obama drum after a second term. Dude is an idiot. I don't have all kinds of stats for you guys but all you have to do is check around. The guy bows to Saudi kings and countless other stupid things. The question is are you better off today than you were when he took office? I'm not and I don't know anyone else that is either.

I'm pretty sure the "numbers and facts" can be spun all kinds of ways. One place says good while another says bad.

And I never said I supported Bush. Obama is just another Bush. Trying to spend us into oblivion. You can't spend your way out of debt.

04-06-2012, 07:39 AM
I don't have all kinds of stats for you guys but all you have to do is check around.

So, in other words, all you have is unfounded opinions with no basis in reality?

The guy bows to Saudi kings and countless other stupid things.

Is that better or worse than kissing and holding hands?

(commentary on top of the video is stupid, but it's the first one I found from a quick youtube search)

The question is are you better off today than you were when he took office?

Yes, I am. Is the economy better than when Obama took office? Yes, it is. Do I attribute it all to Obama? No. The economy is like a huge tanker. The President, and the policies proposed by the President, do not steer the tanker, they can only nudge the economy in one direction or another.

And I never said I supported Bush. Obama is just another Bush. Trying to spend us into oblivion. You can't spend your way out of debt.

If you are concerned about the debt, what will Romney or Santorum do to reduce the debt? The reality is that the Republican Party is only concerned about debt when a Democrat is in office. The only thing they really care about is cutting taxes, especially for the rich. If they were really concerned about cutting the debt, they wouldn't keep demanding that the Bush Tax Cuts be extended year after year. They were supposed to expire 2 years ago, but the Republican Party holds the budget ransom and demands that they be extended.

04-06-2012, 09:47 AM
All I hear and read is the dumb and hippocratic things that he does and says. I don't go around collecting these facts and remembering numbers. Obama sucks, Bush sucked, and so will Romney. I know I won't vote for Barry again

04-06-2012, 11:41 AM
All I hear and read is the dumb and hippocratic things that he does and says. I don't go around collecting these facts and remembering numbers. Obama sucks, Bush sucked, and so will Romney. I know I won't vote for Barry again

You should run for president. You sound like you know exactly what we should do to turn this country around.


04-06-2012, 11:50 AM
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

04-06-2012, 11:55 AM
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

Not trying to get into a politcal debate at all, but its honestly people like you thats the problem. You are so closed minded and hate Obama that how could he get anything done?

Please read this: Nytimes (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/04/us/politics/obama-attacks-house-gop-budget.html)

You watch the news which are all so politically biased its ridiculous, please do some actual research like what has been provided above.

04-06-2012, 12:09 PM
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

See, now you’re just repeating things you’ve heard people smarter than yourself saying, you thought it’d be cool to keep in the memory banks and now you repeat them. I do not think you understand what you’re saying. Speaking to get a rise or response out of people, and that makes you a troll until you prove otherwise.
Notice how axiomatik had a rebuttal and brought his opinion equipped with quotable numbers and links to sources? Yeah, you’re not doing it right.

04-06-2012, 12:16 PM
And you do? I know our president has no respect for the constitution or the other branches. He wants to be king that makes him unfit. Same as bush, just doing what he wants and accepting no blame for anything.

You really need to working on your internet trolling skills. Nice try though.

See, now you’re just repeating things you’ve heard people smarter than yourself saying, you thought it’d be cool to keep in the memory banks and now you repeat them. I do not think you understand what you’re saying. Speaking to get a rise or response out of people, and that makes you a troll until you prove otherwise.
Notice how axiomatik had a rebuttal and brought his opinion equipped with quotable numbers and links to sources? Yeah, you’re not doing it right.

He's obviously trying really hard to troll us. I mean, he would have provided us with citations and sources for what he claims to be factual if he wanted to be taken seriously. Right? Right? Anyone? Bueller?

Not falling for his trollbait.

04-06-2012, 12:50 PM
Isn't this a republican rep thread? You guys are trolling in here trying to tell everyone Barack is doing a good job. No republican is gonna vote for Barry.

And if you want some quotes just listen to Obama talk any day of the week.

Vote Ron Paul! I'm done with this thread.

04-06-2012, 05:02 PM
Hahaha why did this turn into a pro Obama anti Obama debate... In any event some one asked why Ron Paul isn't leading in the primaries - because he's libertarian, progressive, and speaks his mind. These are things that normally scare the shit outa the GOP and everyday American republicans... Besides that there is a lot more bullshit and politic-ing that goes into the primaries if you think the "people" are really deciding the next candidate ur mistaken it's all about endorsements and backing. Simply put our man Ronny doesn't get no love, I'm still gonna vote for him though... If only enough mofos would then we could really restore this country to its former greatness... If not I say we elect him as the next governor of Cali and secede lol

04-06-2012, 07:07 PM
Hahaha why did this turn into a pro Obama anti Obama debate... In any event some one asked why Ron Paul isn't leading in the primaries - because he's libertarian, progressive, and speaks his mind. These are things that normally scare the shit outa the GOP and everyday American republicans... Besides that there is a lot more bullshit and politic-ing that goes into the primaries if you think the "people" are really deciding the next candidate ur mistaken it's all about endorsements and backing. Simply put our man Ronny doesn't get no love, I'm still gonna vote for him though... If only enough mofos would then we could really restore this country to its former greatness... If not I say we elect him as the next governor of Cali and secede lol

Coupdnt put it better myself. But im voting for RP even if he doesnt make it. His numbers matter to his campaign leaders and they can at least see that there is a large support for him. Otherwise ill be throwing my vote towards the leaser of the two evils. And whoever posted the unemployment chart - it lacks some footnotes. Employment numbers dont take into account the number of people who have left the labor force due to lack of jobs. There are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are statistics, im sure some of you have heard that quote.

04-07-2012, 04:57 AM
This thread is all sorts of lol. Should I stay out and eat popcorn or put on my flame suit and shit storm hip waders?

I would love to see Ron Paul be the candidate but the Republican Party will do all in its power and anything it can get away with not in its power to stop him.

The sensible alternative is Mit Romney. He has all the real world skills in running big shit to run even more big shit. I have full confidence he will do a mediocre job and have nothing change from the status quo.

The neo cons(and those that feed off them) would have Santorum as President. I see no positive outcome of him winning. He has abuse of power and religious nut written all over him.

If anyone needs me to give reasons why Newt Gingrich should never be allowed another oath of office please book the next rocket to moonbase Newt.

04-08-2012, 12:30 PM
If anyone needs me to give reasons why Newt Gingrich should never be allowed another oath of office please book the next rocket to moonbase Newt.

Hahaha omg this was good for some chuckles... As for everything else u said couldnt agree with u more

04-10-2012, 12:16 PM
NBC Politics - NBC: Santorum to suspend presidential campaign (http://nbcpolitics.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/10/11122920-nbc-santorum-to-suspend-presidential-campaign?lite)

Darn, I wanted Santorum to get the nomination too

04-10-2012, 08:10 PM
On second thought nevermind

04-11-2012, 01:13 PM
I'm going to throw my two cents in here and see if I can't get anyone to see what I see.

Over the short years that I have been paying attention to what matters (the direction of the nation and my future (amongst anything else that is important, not that those things are the only important things to be thought about)) I have learned that nothing at all can be done to change minds except sliding ideas in between sentences and hoping that the other person thinks about them later on and makes their own decision.

However, what's being done here, can not be ignored. While it is easy to believe what you see in front of you, I was once told to "believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see". This applies especially to the news and politics. In the past there have been many dictators and many people to learn from (if you wanted to try and control a nation are large group of people). The U.S. constitution is set in place so that the U.S. never gets a Hitler of it's own. It has been documented that Obama has indeed ignored this doctrine for the governing of the country. Some examples, trying to force citizens to buy health care (no official can force anything), bypassing Congress about implicating sorties over near Egypt and what not, amongst other things we do not know about. The unemployment numbers spoken of in this thread are biased towards Obama, it is election year after all and we must remember that. Look for the "OK" for the Keystone Pipeline near November. It can be argued that a competent president would not have to strategically make himself look good to get re-elected. Taking control of a nation is not done with force as in the past, the citizens have rights here, you do it covertly. Let me now discuss the healthcare plan. It is a mandate. Not everyone has healthcare, and making yourself look like a savior for the weak makes you look very, very good. Once the government has their foot in the door, the question remains, what else can they mandate? Anything with enough time. They can make you not drive gas driven cars anymore because it hurts the ozone, or not use the phone during certain hours because it uses to much energy and pollutes more. Seemingly innocent ideas but covertly government control. Do you see what is meant by "reading in between the lines"? It seems to me, as the one that speaks alone and ridiculed is the one that is correct. Why? Because they can see the truth through the lies. Returning to Obama. The Democrats love him. There is no one running against him. The Republicans are ridiculed because of their actions. But let us note however, that during Bush's reign (I will use the term "reign" lightly for Bush as well as Obama) when gas hit $2.00 a gallon the country was ready to storm the White House, but under Obama mind you, $4.00 is the "new norm". I'd like to ask foolish axiomatik if that sits well with him.

Of course anyone who says "he's trying to take the country over" will sound like a fool and anyone with him as well. I am uncertain what his plans are, I am uncertain what will happen all over the world in the next year, but what I do know is that Obama isn't on our side. Our government officials (not, leaders) would not cater to the enemy. Radical Islam is not one take lightly or be respected. Obama recently welcomed leaders of the Egyptian Brotherhood into the White House which you didn't hear on ABC. To put it more intelligently, here is a quote from Churchill:
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

Without bipartisanship, is this really the type of government that is to be in place in the U.S.? The facts are all "there" and here a like. All you have to do is see them for what they are. I am an Independent. If the democrats were where the Republicans are and the Republicans where the Democrats are I would vote Democrat. I am lead by what is right after painstakingly long deliberation. And this is not right.

04-11-2012, 02:36 PM
The unemployment numbers spoken of in this thread are biased towards Obama

Thank you!

The Republicans are ridiculed because of their actions. But let us note however, that during Bush's reign when gas hit $2.00 a gallon the country was ready to storm the White House, but under Obama mind you, $4.00 is the "new norm"

while I agree with this statement in principle let us not forget that it was actions of certain ppl while Bush was in office that raised the oil prices to the 3-4$ range. Not saying Bush was to blame for this in fact I'm somewhat certain it wasn't him, nonetheless the gas prices were still high during his second term... But still LOWER than they have been during Obama's term

I am uncertain what his plans are, I am uncertain what will happen all over the world in the next year, but what I do know is that Obama isn't on our side. Our government officials (not, leaders) would not cater to the enemy. Radical Islam is not one take lightly or be respected. Obama recently welcomed leaders of the Egyptian Brotherhood into the White House which you didn't hear on ABC

This man is speaking 110% truth. In order to not start any kind of religion bashing or heated argument I'm going to keep this simple and light... Radical Islam is not our friend, I dunno where this misconception came from (prob bleeding hearts and the lib media), but much of America is completely unaware of the threat that radical Islam poses and how much these people really want to see us cease to exist

To put it more intelligently, here is a quote from Churchill:
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

:l101: Elegantly put sir I like ur style

04-11-2012, 05:37 PM
I wish I could take you seriously enough to post a real reply.

04-11-2012, 06:10 PM
I wish I could take you seriously enough to post a real reply.

And what parts do you have issues with?

Highway Riding
04-11-2012, 06:59 PM
Romney was the best out of the bunch the entire time. This was long due. Sure Ron Paul has great theories and is passionate in his approach but his approach in change is too radical for the republican party and would cause as much as a stale mate as the POTUS finds himself in time and time again. Moving on to Romney. He IMHO is the best in change from the current cluster fawk where are in now. The guy is a republican who initiated the same "health care law" in his own state in which the current POTUS has based his entire presidency on. He backed off on clear issues like abortion and has spoken against the BS which occurs in his own religion and is extremely successful. Has ties to Mexico, France and his son speaks fluent spanish. With Marco Rubio as a running mate he could be a force but Rubio has his own issues with the Latino base in Florida so I dunno. IMO Romney is a guy who has good ole core values, has shown leadership within his own right and has the potential to smooth things over as a whole if elected. But that honestly is a long shot.

04-11-2012, 07:32 PM
All of it.

The only boogy man to be feared and blamed for problems in a republic is those who vote. If you don't like what's going on blame the people that shaped the events.

Religious conservative corporatist have ruled this country for 50 years and the idiots voting away their best interests are to blame. Obama was only a less religious and conservative corporatist than McCain but his policy is not so different as to scapegoat him for two generations of bullshit.

04-11-2012, 07:43 PM
He backed off on clear issues like abortion and has spoken against the BS which occurs in his own religion and is extremely successful.

Link please?
It seems more like he has avoided discussion than to repudiate any of it.

04-12-2012, 08:42 AM
All of it.

The only boogy man to be feared and blamed for problems in a republic is those who vote. If you don't like what's going on blame the people that shaped the events.

Religious conservative corporatist have ruled this country for 50 years and the idiots voting away their best interests are to blame. Obama was only a less religious and conservative corporatist than McCain but his policy is not so different as to scapegoat him for two generations of bullshit.

It's OK I'll wait here until you respond with an intelligent answer. I am blaming the people that shaped the events. He is the driving force behind what is going on today. And if you didn't notice, those 50 years were prosperity until recently. He is a socialist. Socialism is taking money from the successful and giving it to underachievers. You must be one of them. Obama is not religious. He is full of himself which is why we are where we are. I can tell you are a supporter and a liberal, so there isn't much of a point in arguing with you. Liberalism, "...political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics". This one is good too, "...is the belief in liberty and equality", but, you must believe what we believe in order to get anywhere. I find it odd that they preach the latter statement but then try their damned hardest to constantly rid the world of religion in schools and what not. They claim in inflicts harm on those of other religions, but what about those that have that religion? They don't have rights anymore. When prayers are taken down, the religious have to no say in the matter. They are flushed out by people who claim, "in the belief of liberty and equality". Quite possibly the biggest hypocritical group of people in the U.S. It is not the Republicans fault we are here. It is the liberals and this administration. This could have been fixed by Barry from what George did. But he is unqualified and has no intention of thinking about us, only himself and themselves. It's amazing to me that people will support someone who doesn't care about them. But, when shit hits the fan, somehow "I told you so" just won't cut it. Perhaps you should look into the report that was given to the army on how to construct "civilian labor camps". It's quite interesting. Especially since it was dated 2005.

04-12-2012, 08:56 AM
NBC Politics - NBC: Santorum to suspend presidential campaign (http://nbcpolitics.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/10/11122920-nbc-santorum-to-suspend-presidential-campaign?lite)

Darn, I wanted Santorum to get the nomination too

I'm unsure if you're serious or not. He was a terrible Pennsylvania politician.

04-12-2012, 10:29 AM
I'm unsure if you're serious or not. He was a terrible Pennsylvania politician.
(check FB, I posted about this around the same time there)

Hell no I am not serious. Santorum is one of those Christian extremists that make other Christians look bad. Never am I serious in my saying that I would like Santorum to be nominated by the GOP, except in that place where he would lose the general election in embarrassing fashion.

Highway Riding
04-12-2012, 10:49 AM
Link please?
It seems more like he has avoided discussion than to repudiate any of it.

Well gonna have to search :) but here is one to start with:

Like anyone else (whether you admit it or not), I’ve been curious how Mitt Romney would answer to some of the oddities about Mormonism. At a campaign stop in Wisconsin today a guy asked about interracial marriage and Romney showed how he’ll handle this type of question.

“Do you believe it’s a sin for a white man to marry and procreate with a black?”

Romney answered with a curt: “No, next question.”

interesting posts in the comments section as always..


04-12-2012, 09:44 PM
The fact that he's LDS is none of anyone's fucking business. I'm tired of hearing this horse shit. His faith effects you as much as his preference for paper vs plastic bags. His fiscal and social policy has much more to do with things. His voting record and executive decisions are important. Not his fucking underwear or who he prays too.

04-12-2012, 10:04 PM
The fact that he's LDS is none of anyone's fucking business. I'm tired of hearing this horse shit. His faith effects you as much as his preference for paper vs plastic bags. His fiscal and social policy has much more to do with things. His voting record and executive decisions are important. Not his fucking underwear or who he prays too.

Agreed. I don't understand why (in this day and age) that so much focus is on faith of candidates.

(check FB, I posted about this around the same time there)

Hell no I am not serious. Santorum is one of those Christian extremists that make other Christians look bad. Never am I serious in my saying that I would like Santorum to be nominated by the GOP, except in that place where he would lose the general election in embarrassing fashion.

Whew! I didn't think you would, but hey...we all have personal opinions with politics haha. He was a jerk through and through here...thankfully he was ousted through Voters knowing better. Kind of funny to see how once that happened how many of his GOP buddies turned on him (rightfully so) and now dismiss him (although it's a shame that ass kissing is still so important in politics)

04-12-2012, 10:46 PM
I wish i could pull up the article i read today but Osama is 1 point behind Ron Paul right after Romney. I guess the tables have turned. Romney definitely has the lead but this whole media approach is biased crap. They should not report diddly squat until all final numbers are in.

If i dig up the article ill post it. I believe it was washing machine times so if someone else finds it please post it.

04-12-2012, 11:09 PM
i wish i could pull up the article i read today but osama is 1 point behind ron paul right after romney. I guess the tables have turned. Romney definitely has the lead but this whole media approach is biased crap. They should not report diddly squat until all final numbers are in.

If i dig up the article ill post it. I believe it was washing machine times so if someone else finds it please post it.

oh no he didn't

04-13-2012, 07:13 AM
The fact that he's LDS is none of anyone's fucking business. I'm tired of hearing this horse shit. His faith effects you as much as his preference for paper vs plastic bags. His fiscal and social policy has much more to do with things. His voting record and executive decisions are important. Not his fucking underwear or who he prays too.

Are you responding to me? I have no idea what LDS is.

Never mind. I see you weren't.

04-13-2012, 07:19 AM
oh no he didn't

It seems as if he did.
Not that it matters one way or the other, but some people tend to still go there

04-13-2012, 11:01 AM
Here is the link (I know it's based off polling data) Poll: Romney tied with Obama, Paul leading Obama | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner (http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/poll-romney-tied-obama-paul-leading-obama/477196)

And yes i went there - it's not over until it's over. What is Barrack Hussein Osama going to bring to this election? Another Change and Hope campaign?

04-13-2012, 12:50 PM
Again with the OSAMA thing?

Any political opinion you have is now void of any validity.

04-13-2012, 01:09 PM
Again with the OSAMA thing?

Any political opinion you have is now void of any validity.

You’re talking to a brick wall… the minds of people who continue to carry on shit like that are only programmed to hear what they want to hear. Just ignore

04-13-2012, 01:16 PM
You’re talking to a brick wall… the minds of people who continue to carry on shit like that are only programmed to hear what they want to hear. Just ignore

Whats the big deal? You can't handle a joke about Obama?

04-13-2012, 01:19 PM
It's OK I'll wait here until you respond with an intelligent answer. I am blaming the people that shaped the events. He is the driving force behind what is going on today. And if you didn't notice, those 50 years were prosperity until recently. He is a socialist. Socialism is taking money from the successful and giving it to underachievers. You must be one of them. Obama is not religious. He is full of himself which is why we are where we are. I can tell you are a supporter and a liberal, so there isn't much of a point in arguing with you. Liberalism, "...political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics". This one is good too, "...is the belief in liberty and equality", but, you must believe what we believe in order to get anywhere. I find it odd that they preach the latter statement but then try their damned hardest to constantly rid the world of religion in schools and what not. They claim in inflicts harm on those of other religions, but what about those that have that religion? They don't have rights anymore. When prayers are taken down, the religious have to no say in the matter. They are flushed out by people who claim, "in the belief of liberty and equality". Quite possibly the biggest hypocritical group of people in the U.S. It is not the Republicans fault we are here. It is the liberals and this administration. This could have been fixed by Barry from what George did. But he is unqualified and has no intention of thinking about us, only himself and themselves. It's amazing to me that people will support someone who doesn't care about them. But, when shit hits the fan, somehow "I told you so" just won't cut it. Perhaps you should look into the report that was given to the army on how to construct "civilian labor camps". It's quite interesting. Especially since it was dated 2005.
I'm not going to argue with you and your ridiculous ideas on political theory.

What I will do is set you straight on some chain of events.

We have been socialist since the founding of our country. Socialism only became a dirty word when the neocons took hold of the government and likened it to communism ignoring the fact that they themselves were more socialist than the totalitarian military dictatorships they were fighting.

Even though I said I wouldn't do this I'll give you a little, socialism is when we all pay in and we all get benefits. We both use the roads, parks, CLEAN WATER, radio, tv, schools, even the FDA and USDA are great when they actually do their jobs, and we can't forget the social medicine we do provide(VA health system) is some of the best in the world. None of that is robin hoodesque wealth redistribution and ALL of it was created under real bipartisanship.

Back to chain of events again. We were the most prosperous nation the worlds history until when exactly? Oh that's right GEORGE MOTHER FUCKING BUSH. Lets repeal all controls on the most important industries to our currency's security. Lets jump right into two wars with no positive outcome and fire any and all generals that aren't on board. Lets spend like there's no tomorrow, it's not like I'll have to worry about it after my second term. We to go Bush jr. You turned a solid up swing in the economy into bursting bubble that caused a multi industry crash that very nearly destroyed the country and may yet still destroy the currency.

Do you honestly think Obama reached out through time and did that? The worst I can say of Obama is he hasn't done enough. Then again how could he with republicans blocking his every move, even when it's a republican move.

Religion in schools was settled before your parents were born. Find your own battles. Don't rely and their rhetoric to define you and what you find important.

04-13-2012, 03:06 PM
Again with the OSAMA thing?

Any political opinion you have is now void of any validity.

And who are you to make that rule? This will stand true because you said so? That is exactly how liberals function - blame, stomp, and cry until someone gives into the bullshit and makes a law or rule to protect them.

04-13-2012, 03:54 PM

Guess what?
This guy over here <<<<<
He's not liberal.

04-13-2012, 04:00 PM
If any labels fit me I'd say progressive(old school pre neocon takeover) centrist constitutionalists and libertarian. That means conservatives keep heir guns and liberals get their free speech.

04-13-2012, 04:12 PM
Whats the big deal? You can't handle a joke about Obama?

You know how 5 years pass and someone is still telling the same stupid joke-but-not-really-a-joke that was never funny to begin with, as if they are revealing some avant garde information that will make them look cool and funny? Yeah, that would be you, and you're reminding me of Carlos Mencia.

04-13-2012, 05:30 PM

Guess what?
This guy over here <<<<<
He's not liberal.

My bad - i didn't pick up on that. lol

You know how 5 years pass and someone is still telling the same stupid joke-but-not-really-a-joke that was never funny to begin with, as if they are revealing some avant garde information that will make them look cool and funny? Yeah, that would be you, and you're reminding me of Carlos Mencia.

I've been calling him Osama for quite some time. To me he is a Muslim with a Christian cloak on, so I think that name fits him right. Lol.

04-13-2012, 06:19 PM
Obama for another round... damn it.

The only person worthy of beating him is Ron Paul.
Sad that the Public is crying out for change (Tea Party, etc..) but they still vote for people who are going to tell them what they can/ can't do, Rather than vote for the person who will actually make the changes our government needs.

Less Gov./ More Freedom
Ron Paul for life bitches...

04-13-2012, 06:30 PM
My bad - i didn't pick up on that. lol

I've been calling him Osama for quite some time. To me he is a Muslim with a Christian cloak on, so I think that name fits him right. Lol.

Don't falsely assume I'm one of your backwards neocon brethren. Who gives a shit if he's muslim? Don't belly ache about your religious freedoms and them trample on others.

04-13-2012, 06:33 PM
This is a message to "king". If this doesn't give you enough reason as to Obama's incompetence (I would use dictator qualities, I'll explain in a minute) then I have no idea what will. I'd like to know your liberal response.
TODAY on the Trail - Biden tweets, reveals water gun shenanigans (http://todayonthetrail.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/11/11122433-biden-tweets-reveals-water-gun-shenanigans?lite)
Meanwhile North Korea tries to launch a rocket that is obviously a precursor to a nuclear test. I say dictator because while the country is in shambles dictators are living the time of their life. He obviously is not a dictator but he has the qualities for sure.

What a slap in the face to Obummer and Hillary, yet no one reports this in any major news paper. How are you going to justify this?

04-13-2012, 06:44 PM
He can't isn't and never could be a dictator. I'm not even going to respond on this subject again.

N. Korea has been firing rockets for decades. There is no reason to think they are any closer now than they've ever been to getting nuclear weapons. Until S. Korea calls for war I'm not inclined to do anything about it. I lived in Seoul for a year and lived first hand the real threat of war there. If they aren't worried neither am I.

04-13-2012, 06:46 PM
And you didn't say jack shit about my rebuttal to your bs. So let it be known you were full of shit from the start. Rather than address that you tried to gain the upper hand by changing the subject.

04-13-2012, 06:46 PM
I'm not going to argue with you and your ridiculous ideas on political theory.

What I will do is set you straight on some chain of events.

We have been socialist since the founding of our country. Socialism only became a dirty word when the neocons took hold of the government and likened it to communism ignoring the fact that they themselves were more socialist than the totalitarian military dictatorships they were fighting.

Even though I said I wouldn't do this I'll give you a little, socialism is when we all pay in and we all get benefits. We both use the roads, parks, CLEAN WATER, radio, tv, schools, even the FDA and USDA are great when they actually do their jobs, and we can't forget the social medicine we do provide(VA health system) is some of the best in the world. None of that is robin hoodesque wealth redistribution and ALL of it was created under real bipartisanship.

Back to chain of events again. We were the most prosperous nation the worlds history until when exactly? Oh that's right GEORGE MOTHER FUCKING BUSH. Lets repeal all controls on the most important industries to our currency's security. Lets jump right into two wars with no positive outcome and fire any and all generals that aren't on board. Lets spend like there's no tomorrow, it's not like I'll have to worry about it after my second term. We to go Bush jr. You turned a solid up swing in the economy into bursting bubble that caused a multi industry crash that very nearly destroyed the country and may yet still destroy the currency.

Do you honestly think Obama reached out through time and did that? The worst I can say of Obama is he hasn't done enough. Then again how could he with republicans blocking his every move, even when it's a republican move.

Religion in schools was settled before your parents were born. Find your own battles. Don't rely and their rhetoric to define you and what you find important.

Yes you are a liberal by the way. Anyone who supports Obama is a liberal. Socialism is a THEORY just like Communism. It works IN THEORY. Unlike Democrats and Liberals, George Bush and his "comrades" were only-
You know what? All you are doing is acting like a typical liberal, you ignored- actually all you said to my first large post was "I wish I could take you seriously". You have NO ability to argue your points. All you do is turn it around and blame the same shit on a Republican. You are trying to argue lies as truth. I'm arguing Truth as Truth. Only one can come out on top and the Truth always wins, with enough time. Didn't do enough? ENOUGH? He hasn't done ANYTHING. The Republicans stop him because they believe in the traditional beliefs that MADE THE COUNTRY PROSPER. Obama is a fascist. He doesn't care about you. Or me. Or- how do you feel about gas prices exactly? You live in California, it must be 6 bucks down there. You going to find a liberal way to blame some Republican for that although it was Obama to veto the pipeline? He will sign it right before November. A president that has a good record doesn't need to strategically make himself look good. Eric Holder? Have you heard of him? He tells states they can't have voter I.D. laws so the illegals can't vote (which they need to WIN, the election). He TELLS THEM they can't. THAT is communism. The president and his people can not tell states what they can and can not do. What's your liberal response to why all this is happening?

04-13-2012, 06:50 PM
He can't isn't and never could be a dictator. I'm not even going to respond on this subject again.

N. Korea has been firing rockets for decades. There is no reason to think they are any closer now than they've ever been to getting nuclear weapons. Until S. Korea calls for war I'm not inclined to do anything about it. I lived in Seoul for a year and lived first hand the real threat of war there. If they aren't worried neither am I.

Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal RESPONSES. He can't the way it is now. He's obviously trying to gain power. But you being a liberal I can not convince otherwise.

04-13-2012, 06:54 PM
President just paid less taxes then his secretary.

04-13-2012, 07:14 PM
President just paid less taxes then his secretary.

Hell yeah i forgot to post about that one.
He paid 20.5% to be exact, which is much lower than my rate of 27%.....and i didnt make nearly as much as him. This is all because i dont have kids or a house yet and i donated plenty after tax dollars. Where is this change hope and equality the liberals talk about? Anyone who supports Obama is a typical spineless douche that would have supported Hitler and Stalin because they go with the crowd and support the popular guy. I dont care about what is popular i only care about what is just and right and i dont change my views even if they are unpopular.

04-13-2012, 08:04 PM
......do you believe Obama is responsible for the tax rate he paid?

And do you people realize that information was released by the white house as a way to garner support for his proposed tax hikes on the rich? LOL @ your outrage.

04-13-2012, 08:44 PM
......do you believe Obama is responsible for the tax rate he paid?

And do you people realize that information was released by the white house as a way to garner support for his proposed tax hikes on the rich? LOL @ your outrage.

What? He is the one who proposes the tax hikes yet he did not pay diddly squat in taxes. He is one of the rich that does not contribute. Ron Paul would knock the president's salary to 40k something. Lead by example not by your word.

04-13-2012, 09:30 PM
You are full of shit and not worth talking to. Have a nice life with your head stuck up the asses of the political demagogs.

Viewing the world in a polarizing conservative vs liberal does no one any service.

04-13-2012, 09:56 PM
I go away for a month, and Kingkilburn still thinks he knows everything.

You accomplish anything in the time I was gone man?

04-13-2012, 09:57 PM
You still a racist Canadian douche?


Thought so.

04-13-2012, 10:06 PM
President just paid less taxes then his secretary.

warren buffet's secretary also pays more taxes than him. he said himself that they needed to tax him more...

What? He is the one who proposes the tax hikes yet he did not pay diddly squat in taxes. He is one of the rich that does not contribute. Ron Paul would knock the president's salary to 40k something. Lead by example not by your word.

this isn't obama's 'fault'.
it's not the fact that he's paying very little taxes, its the tax code that allows it. he probably has hired VERY aggressive tax accountants who looked into every loop hole to save him a buck...

My close friend nets $500k a year. that's NET- after taxes and expenses. he only had to pay around ~$30k in taxes.

his accountant was a previous IRS employee turned CPA for businesses. he obviously knows what he's doing, and is able to save my friend money. lots of money.

all these tax cuts and credits has allowed businesses to cheat the government out. can you guess where they make it up from????- the middle class and the poor. they are the ones to suffer.

04-13-2012, 10:15 PM
They aren't cheating the government, the government made the tax laws. They are all cheating the people. The people foot the bill for both.

04-13-2012, 10:17 PM
warren buffet's secretary also pays more taxes than him. he said himself that they needed to tax him more...

this isn't obama's 'fault'.
it's not the fact that he's paying very little taxes, its the tax code that allows it. he probably has hired VERY aggressive tax accountants who looked into every loop hole to save him a buck...

My close friend nets $500k a year. that's NET- after taxes and expenses. he only had to pay around ~$30k in taxes.

his accountant was a previous IRS employee turned CPA for businesses. he obviously knows what he's doing, and is able to save my friend money. lots of money.

all these tax cuts and credits has allowed businesses to cheat the government out. can you guess where they make it up from????- the middle class and the poor. they are the ones to suffer.

If you are an employee there is very little you can do to save yourself from paying taxes. It is much different when you are self employed or if you own a business.

04-13-2012, 10:20 PM
They aren't cheating the government, the government made the tax laws. They are all cheating the people. The people foot the bill for both.

when i say cheat, i mean in the sense of writing tax code that passes into law that benefit a small percentage of people who are making over a certain amount of money.

GE had billions in tax credits and paid nothing.

04-13-2012, 11:46 PM
Oh man I leave this thread for a day and this is what happens... Geez I was just askin about the elections guys lol oh well, lots of entertaining stuff. You guys definitely do get heated :keke: but it's a political convo on zilvia so I wouldn't expect anything else lol...

We have been socialist since the founding of our country.

I'm not trying to flame but really? Where are u getting this from? Were we a socialist country during the colonial era? industrial era? Post industrial imperialist era? Like I'm confused how you can say this when much of our history shows the opposite. Again man I'm not attacking you I just would really like to know how you can make such a bold statement when there's a lot of evidence supporting the contrary.

Obama for another round... damn it.

The only person worthy of beating him is Ron Paul.
Sad that the Public is crying out for change (Tea Party, etc..) but they still vote for people who are going to tell them what they can/ can't do, Rather than vote for the person who will actually make the changes our government needs.

Less Gov./ More Freedom
Ron Paul for life bitches...

Fuckin A!!! Although at this point I feel like anyone is better than Obama, I agree that RP is the only person we should consider. We need to break down this recurrent system of only having the idiot the Repubs chose and the idiot that Dems chose. I think south park put it best with the "giant douche and a turd sandwich"... We need a three party system, or at least not give so much power to the two major political parties. Show em that if they keep choosing shitty candidates we'll start shopping elsewhere

04-14-2012, 12:23 AM
The government providing services to you is socialism. Roads, schools, water treatment, mail, dams, medicare, social security, national parks/forests/monuments, arts and sciences grants, etc. Clearly there are varying degrees of socialism from bare bones all the way to communism. As such stating that socialism is inherently bad is just wrong.

04-14-2012, 12:25 AM
This could turn into a hole private vs public debate but for most of the things the government does when fully funded(instead of gutted for more military and other such crap) do just fine.

04-14-2012, 12:29 AM
I would disagree with a needing a three party system. We need an open system. All comers run in a primary. The top 5 or so run in the main election. Fuck the electoral college. One voter, one vote.

04-14-2012, 01:09 AM
Mitt will most likely win, but obama would beat him in every debate.

the way that man speaks to answer questions is quite impressive.

If you are an employee there is very little you can do to save yourself from paying taxes. It is much different when you are self employed or if you own a business.

i already know this.....

me being an employee will not change the fact that the tax code is complete shit, and still benefits the 1% of corporations, investment banks, and big companies in this country.

04-14-2012, 02:55 AM
I think RP would murder them both in open debates but that requires OPEN debates. He would show that in actuality Obama and Romney are on the same side of issues they shouldn't be.

04-14-2012, 09:21 AM
1% that pay the most taxes in this nation? The 1% you speak of contribute to about 40% of all tax revenue. I dont feel like looking up this info again but ill do it if i have to.

Ok i looked it up. Old chart but new figures are about the same.

04-14-2012, 09:26 AM

Sorry guys tapatalk is tripping out

04-14-2012, 10:59 AM
The government providing services to you is socialism. Roads, schools, water treatment, mail, dams, medicare, social security, national parks/forests/monuments, arts and sciences grants, etc. Clearly there are varying degrees of socialism from bare bones all the way to communism. As such stating that socialism is inherently bad is just wrong.

Dude like 90% of the stuff u mentioned weren't offered up until the 20th century. For example ever wonder why they're called "free"ways. Cus u use to have to pay for em. National parks weren't initiated as government protected land till late 1800s early 1900s. Medicare is also recent and social security was started in the 1950s I believe... Again I'm not trying to attack rather inform. A lot of the socialist institutions we have today have been enacted within the 100 or so years

04-14-2012, 11:01 AM
I would disagree with a needing a three party system. We need an open system. All comers run in a primary. The top 5 or so run in the main election. Fuck the electoral college. One voter, one vote.

Oh I completely agree with this 100% but I think itd be hard to change It to this at least for some time 3party offers temp "mid ground" if you will

04-14-2012, 12:01 PM
This shit is funny, being a person born a raised in Texas I know a lot about R. Paul. The guy has some great qualities but he screws it up with his Civil Rights Views and his trickle down economics. R.P. comes from the long line of Texas billionaires who use their money to push there views on everybody. He is not as dumb as Rick Perry, so you R. Paul fans have something to cheer for.

04-14-2012, 12:09 PM
I think RP would murder them both in open debates but that requires OPEN debates. He would show that in actuality Obama and Romney are on the same side of issues they shouldn't be.

there's no thinking, Paul would DESTROY both of them in debates. Paul is also a great speaker, but he needs to dumb down his words for the general public to understand.
This shit is funny, being a person born a raised in Texas I know a lot about R. Paul. The guy has some great qualities but he screws it up with his Civil Rights Views and his trickle down economics. R.P. comes from the long line of Texas billionaires who use their money to push there views on everybody. He is not as dumb as Rick Perry, so you R. Paul fans have something to cheer for.
lol billionaires? do you have a source? he's only found to have a net worth of around 3 million dollars. Ron isn't a billionaire.

compare the house that he lives in with the other candidates.

also, compare where he gets his campaign donations from other candidates.

04-14-2012, 02:23 PM
Dude like 90% of the stuff u mentioned weren't offered up until the 20th century. For example ever wonder why they're called "free"ways. Cus u use to have to pay for em. National parks weren't initiated as government protected land till late 1800s early 1900s. Medicare is also recent and social security was started in the 1950s I believe... Again I'm not trying to attack rather inform. A lot of the socialist institutions we have today have been enacted within the 100 or so years

Freeways are called freeways because there are no stops.

National parks were formed to stop BLM from cutting down all the trees and killing all the wild life.

Clearly in 1790 there weren't many services to be rendered but as society advances so does government.

04-14-2012, 02:23 PM
Fix the world guys, keep on posting.

04-14-2012, 02:26 PM
Oh I completely agree with this 100% but I think itd be hard to change It to this at least for some time 3party offers temp "mid ground" if you will

Third parties have always been disastrous in America. They only serve to divide one party or the other. We need an army of independent representatives that serve the best interests of those they represent. Tow the constituency line not a party line.

04-14-2012, 02:29 PM
Fix the world guys, keep on posting.


04-14-2012, 02:30 PM
^^ Your correct his net worth is around 3 million! He has been known to have well pass that! He is an oil tycoon(1970's-80's). That is not counting his wealth overseas! Do u think an independent like himself before the citizens united case can fund his on Presidential Companies with just a net work of 3 mill. He has the same problem as Romney if they half to disclose there overseas accounts. The American people would be pissed, how can u have millions in unpaid taxes in a foreign country and run for President!

04-14-2012, 02:36 PM
Who gets to tax the foreign held money? Why does the US get claim to it and not the country it's in? If the country it's held in IS taxing it why should they be double taxed?

I'm not disagreeing with you but people rarely have answers for these questions.

04-14-2012, 02:48 PM
Freeways are called freeways because there are no stops.

National parks were formed to stop BLM from cutting down all the trees and killing all the wild life.

Clearly in 1790 there weren't many services to be rendered but as society advances so does government.

No, controlled access highways, which originated on the east coast as a faster means of transit over long distances, are what became freeways in the latter part of the 20th they originated around the time o the automotive boom and u use to have to pay a toll to use them, then once they became so heavily used the gov stepped in and made them free to the public, hence freeways... I'm sorry but where do you get this shit, because there are no stops? No that's just incorrect sir.

As far as state parks the first was Yellowstone in the 1870s and the only and wasnt fully recognized by the federal government until the 1910s when Woodrow Wilson proposed a law that made a little less than 400 separate areas of land (Yellowstone included) federally sanctioned and protected national parks. The BLM or bureau of land management wasn't formed until 1946... Fail

04-14-2012, 03:09 PM
BLM was a consolidation of cabinets into one organization.

Where do you get your shit?

04-14-2012, 03:34 PM
A controlled-access highway provides an unhindered flow of traffic, with no traffic signals, intersections or property access. They are free of any at-grade crossings with other roads, railways, or pedestrian paths, which are instead carried by overpasses and underpasses across the highway.

Eat it.

The BLM's pure roots go back to the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. These laws provided for the survey and settlement of the lands that the original 13 colonies ceded to the federal government after the War of Independence.

In 1946, the Grazing Service was merged with the General Land Office (a product of the country's territorial expansion and the federal government's nineteenth-century homesteading policies) to form the Bureau of Land Management within the Department of the Interior.

Eat it some more.

04-14-2012, 03:39 PM
Who gets to tax the foreign held money? Why does the US get claim to it and not the country it's in? If the country it's held in IS taxing it why should they be double taxed?

I'm not disagreeing with you but people rarely have answers for these questions.

If the money is made in a foreign country than it should be taxed by that country and allowed to come over. Their problem is that its American made money sent overseas to mature and not be taxed. Romney says he lives on the income made by public speeches and revenue made from prev. stocks. The problem is the money he made with Bain and other companies were sent overseas and was never taxed. Not all his money along with Paul is overseas, but enough for them to want to hide it is.

04-14-2012, 03:49 PM
I fail to see the problem. If it was made here the government knows about it. If it was transferred out of country they know about that too.

What I see is a system with tax rates too low and bs definitions of income. I don't care if you busted rocks or made investments, income is income.

04-14-2012, 03:52 PM
Maybe they should stop taxation all together and make bonds a worth while investment. The rich would be lining up from all over the world for that.

04-14-2012, 04:21 PM
^^ Your correct his net worth is around 3 million! He has been known to have well pass that! He is an oil tycoon(1970's-80's). That is not counting his wealth overseas! Do u think an independent like himself before the citizens united case can fund his on Presidential Companies with just a net work of 3 mill. He has the same problem as Romney if they half to disclose there overseas accounts. The American people would be pissed, how can u have millions in unpaid taxes in a foreign country and run for President!

Wealth oversea is unheard of. You still need to report it in your taxes. He funds his campaing front ONLY donations given by the American people. If you have followed some of his money bombs, you will see that he has raised over a million dollars everytime he has one.

Your accusations need to be backed up with sources. They seem to be big enough to ruin his campaign yet not one person has been able to find the dirt except for you.

He's one of the few non corrupt politicians in office.

04-14-2012, 06:17 PM
This shit is funny, being a person born a raised in Texas I know a lot about R. Paul. The guy has some great qualities but he screws it up with his Civil Rights Views and his trickle down economics. R.P. comes from the long line of Texas billionaires who use their money to push there views on everybody. He is not as dumb as Rick Perry, so you R. Paul fans have something to cheer for.

I see what you did there.

This "king" guy is such a fool. Haha. Liberals are fantastic at turning arguments around, especially when an intelligent answer actually pops-up (my first comment).

In before narcissist.

04-14-2012, 07:52 PM
Still not a liberal.
Sling some more mud.
Stick some more labels.

Change the subject again.

04-14-2012, 07:53 PM
I see what you did there.

This "king" guy is such a fool. Haha. Liberals are fantastic at turning arguments around, especially when an intelligent answer actually pops-up (my first comment).

In before narcissist.

Thats the fastest way to spot a liberal - they shift the conversation to something else. Haha. Never answers the questions but comes up with new questions or statements.....what does this remind me of????? Hmmmm....oh yeah!!! A typical politician.

04-14-2012, 08:07 PM
I would disagree with a needing a three party system. We need an open system. All comers run in a primary. The top 5 or so run in the main election. Fuck the electoral college. One voter, one vote.

Yes, because that would not be fucking retarded.

So essentially the only voting blocks that would then matter are Texas, California, New York, Florida and fuck the rest of the country?

Top Five run... ok, so assuming they are all viable, does that mean the winner wins with 21% of the Vote?

People fucking shit bricks at Bush 47.9% (50,456,002) vs Gore 48.4% (50,999,897), I'm sure they would fucking LOVE... President Kanye West with 22% (20,000.000).

This why other countries constantly have votes of no-confidence and "government collapses" because of a multi-party system. All it take is for the other 4 parties to gang up and say "Fuck him and his stupid shit" and now you have a congress with only a 20% majority and it needs to buy votes from the other 4-30 parties.

Either nothing ever gets done, or they all eventually boil down to into 2 parties.

04-14-2012, 10:31 PM
Why should South Carolina matter so heavily compared to California and Texas? Where does every one live? California is massively under represented in the federal government.

The primaries are setup to force you to pick sides in their game. They give you the candidates they want(this year is for from ordinary) and you pick from the party's approved choices.

It would be great if the republican party would splinter and tell the neocons and tea party to take a hike. Most of them seem far more reasonable and willing to compromise with the centrist democratic party of today.

04-14-2012, 11:33 PM
Eat it.

Eat it some more.

Ughhh man this is seriously the most retarded argument, you arent even supporting ur original argument just finding what you believe to be flaws in my EXAMPLES...

But if you really wanna play that game You did say that nat parks were enacted To stop the BLM from cutting down trees and killin wildlife... BLM didn't exist when when nat parks were enacted, not to mention do you even know what the BLM does lol, they don't chop down trees or kill wildlife guy.

Whatever I was wrong about where the term freeway came from, at least I can admit when I'm wrong, but that still doesn't change the fact that government funded roads hardly existed up until the last hundred years. Most of the roads that existed before them were built to serve the needs of the government thusly not a social institution. And if they didn't serve the needs of the govnmt they didn't spend money on building it for the general public most ppl had to build their own roads much of how it still is today in rural enough areas.

Fact of the matter is those institutions were not available till the 1900s as a matter of fact none of those examples you gave of socialist institutions have been around for more than 100 or so years except for the mail and maybe the grants cus I don't know for sure but either way ur original statement of socialist from birth is still not supported.

Plus it can be argued that the mail is still not socialist institution because you have to pay to use it although now a days part of the cost is subsidized by the government making it somewhat of a socialist institution.

04-15-2012, 12:01 AM
Wealth oversea is unheard of. You still need to report it in your taxes. He funds his campaing front ONLY donations given by the American people. If you have followed some of his money bombs, you will see that he has raised over a million dollars everytime he has one.

Your accusations need to be backed up with sources. They seem to be big enough to ruin his campaign yet not one person has serien able to find the dirt except for you.

He's one of the few non corrupt politicians in office.

So why hasnt he released all of his Tax returns? Not just last years but the last ten or so. Maybe yet he can follow his dads path and release 15 plus, but i seriouslyt doubt it! His past years taxes were change multiple times before they were released, one year of taxes released while runing for president that shows nothing!

04-15-2012, 12:23 AM
So why hasnt he released all of his Tax returns? Not just last years but the last ten or so. Maybe yet he can follow his dads path and release 15 plus, but i seriouslyt doubt it! His past years taxes were change multiple times before they were released, one year of taxes released while runing for president that shows nothing!
he has said in numerous debates that he would show them to the public with no question.

04-15-2012, 08:58 AM
Still not a liberal.
Sling some more mud.
Stick some more labels.

Change the subject again.

Change the argument? YOUR changing the argument. I'm trying to find something you won't bitch about. If you weren't a liberal you wouldn't be sticking up for them.

04-15-2012, 09:08 AM
While it is easy to believe what you see in front of you, I was once told to "believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see". (You believe the segment before the comma)

The U.S. constitution is set in place so that the U.S. never gets a Hitler of it's own. It has been documented that Obama has indeed ignored this doctrine for the governing of the country. Some examples, trying to force citizens to buy health care (no official can force anything), bypassing Congress about implicating sorties over near Egypt and what not, amongst other things we do not know about.

...what else can they mandate? Anything with enough time. They can make you not drive gas driven cars anymore because it hurts the ozone, or not use the phone during certain hours because it uses to much energy and pollutes more. Seemingly innocent ideas but covertly government control.

It seems to me, as the one that speaks alone and ridiculed is the one that is correct. Why? Because they can see the truth through the lies.

Of course anyone who says "he's trying to take the country over" will sound like a fool and anyone with him as well.

Obama recently welcomed leaders of the Egyptian Brotherhood into the White House which you didn't hear on ABC.

The facts are all "there" and here a like. All you have to do is see them for what they are.

I am lead by what is right after painstakingly long deliberation. And this is not right.

You are proving everything I'm saying. Now how will you turn this argument around? You see, because liberals are like Atheists 99% of them have no argument to be made and try and find false common sense to get their point across. All you are saying is, "No it's not MAN THAT AIN'T TRUE! YOU ARE GIVING ME A LABEL I LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY WHERE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN EVEN WHEN IT'S TRUE! YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE I say so."

I am arguing what is really happening and you can't just see that. It doesn't take a psychic to be able "see" what's going on here. I gave you all the facts in my first post. They are not false. They can not be proven false. Liberal arguments are false and can not prove truth to be such. Liberals argue lies and I am simply arguing the truth here. The truth can not be made into a lie. Which is what you are trying to do by saying, "YOU'RE WRONG MAN".

04-15-2012, 01:09 PM
It would be great if the republican party would splinter and tell the neocons and tea party to take a hike. Most of them seem far more reasonable and willing to compromise with the centrist democratic party of today.

Yes, Democrats are centralists. * sarcasm*

57% of America are against Gay Marriage

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage (http://www.gallup.com/poll/118378/majority-americans-continue-oppose-gay-marriage.aspx)

66% of America Disapproves of Obama.

Obama Averages 44% Approval in 3rd Year (http://www.gallup.com/poll/152123/Obama-Averages-Approval-3rd-Year.aspx)

67% of Americans are concerned about illegal immigration.
Americans' Immigration Concerns Linger (http://www.gallup.com/poll/152072/Americans-Immigration-Concerns-Linger.aspx)

Most Americans describe themselves as Conservative.
Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S. (http://www.gallup.com/poll/152021/Conservatives-Remain-Largest-Ideological-Group.aspx)

04-15-2012, 01:13 PM
Change the argument? YOUR changing the argument. I'm trying to find something you won't bitch about. If you weren't a liberal you wouldn't be sticking up for them.

Its funny how they never describe themselves as "liberals".

I can only imagine what he would describe himself as - Independent? Well thats not an ideology. Progressive? That is just another word for Liberal.

04-15-2012, 03:26 PM
Its funny have they never describe themselves as "liberals".

I can only imagine what he would describe himself as - Independent? Well thats not an ideology. Progressive? That is just another word for Liberal.

*Read this - kingkilburn*

Amen. Its like talking to a brick wall. I actually had a very nice chat today with some fellow conservatives and we came to this conclusion - it is impossible to have an argument or a debate with a liberal. Surprisingly i was not the one who brought the subject up, but it reminded me of all the statements made here about liberals. I think the majority of conservatives or "moderates" agree on this issue. Liberals will always spin things around, they will atrack when cornered, and they will stomp and cry when things dont go their way and they will NEVER, and i mean NEVER admit to being wrong. Yeah i know...... its hard being a man and dealing with everyday life but i would rather die standing than live on my knees.

04-15-2012, 03:30 PM
One more thing - i hate your prius.

Haha - i just really felt like saying that.

04-15-2012, 03:36 PM
...its hard being a man and dealing with everyday life but i would rather die standing than live on my knees.

Well clearly it was the Bush Administrations fault.

04-15-2012, 04:06 PM
Well clearly it was the Bush Administrations fault.

Clearly it was. Republicans are always the reason this country is in the gutters. I think we should take example from the socialist nazis or the communist ussr and do away with conservatism and capitalism, Because those other policies worked so well. Where is the ss or the bolsheviks when you need them? Oh wait i forgot again, they just dont exist anymore hahahahhahaha

04-15-2012, 04:37 PM
Clearly it was. Republicans are always the reason this country is in the gutters. I think we should take example from the socialist nazis or the communist ussr and do away with conservatism and capitalism, Because those other policies worked so well. Where is the ss or the bolsheviks when you need them? Oh wait i forgot again, they just dont exist anymore hahahahhahaha

Republicans are so bad they caused a The Civil War....

The American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought over the secession of the Confederacy. In response to the election of an anti-slavery Republican as President, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ("the Confederacy"); the other 25 states supported the federal government ("the Union"). After four years of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained unresolved.

In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they denounced threats of disunion as avowals of treason. After a Republican victory, but before the new administration took office on March 4, 1861, seven cotton states declared their secession and joined to form the Confederate States of America. Both the outgoing administration of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it rebellion. The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. No country in the world recognized the Confederacy.

04-15-2012, 04:53 PM
I'm so tired of this whole liberal VS conservative thing. It's all manufactured by the media, both liberal AND conservative. They're both just as bad as the other.
I honestly think that the media is just trying to further separate Americans. If you take away the social influence, the answers are really quite obvious.
Lets break it down real quick.

Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?

Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be taxed the same?

War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?

Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?

Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?

Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?

These are pretty simple problems with simple solutions. If we can hold civilized discussions without ulterior motives we will find that adequate compromise can be attained with relative ease.
Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can.

Feel free to take my words out of context and apply them to your favorite institution. It's bound to happen anyway.

04-15-2012, 05:03 PM
If my neighbor doesnt have enough to eat he needs to figure it out on his own just like i did. Im not going to support him/her, that should be up to him. What am i the welfare office?

04-15-2012, 05:18 PM
I'm so tired of this whole liberal VS conservative thing. It's all manufactured by the media, both liberal AND conservative. They're both just as bad as the other.
I honestly think that the media is just trying to further separate Americans. If you take away the social influence, the answers are really quite obvious.
Lets break it down real quick.

Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?

Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be taxed the same?

War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?

Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?

Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?

Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?

These are pretty simple problems with simple solutions. If we can hold civilized discussions without ulterior motives we will find that adequate compromise can be attained with relative ease.
Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can.

Feel free to take my words out of context and apply them to your favorite institution. It's bound to happen anyway.

When I realized I would be gay if I wasn't. In all seriousness how about when I realized it's not natural and it doesn't matter what a foolish human being "thinks" it can do but what it is intended to.

Common sense.

It's just if it stops this Islamic threat to the entire world, unjust in swarming Uganda for oil. Defense is always a priority and should never be taken lightly. There is always someone that wants to harm you. "You" being the country I'd assume.

Should we let baby seals have more rights than Human offspring? *SNIP*.

Muslims are trouble. Radical groups are the reason why we are in the situation we are in. We are fighting them (or were until he let out the 'I BRING THE TROOPS HOME' ploy), but for some reason they get better service than original citizens do.

How about we not teach a liberal agenda and stop teaching 7th graders how to use a condom?

It can not be a mandate. Lower income families are there of their own accord. No one else's.

"Leading a country means more than just thinking of your own situation; just because you can afford food does not mean that your neighbor can."

That's funny because that's exactly what Barry is doing right now. Except he doesn't care about the latter.

04-15-2012, 05:40 PM
Ive come to the conclusion that liberalism = pussy (weak). If a country attacks us - we bomb them into the stone age and tell them this is their first and final warning.

If gay people want to screw each other, fine go ahead but dont tell me i have to change my views and teach my children that its ok to be gay.

If women want abortions fine, im totally fine with that unlike some conservatives. But my wife will not have one unless she wants to be aborted from earth herself.

If the rich can get away with paying less taxes im fine with that as long as its legal. There is a good reason those loopholes exist. The rich create jobs, they pay more in taxes than any common individual and they give more money back than most make in a lifetime.

All should be treated equally, so yes everyone takes the same damn test in each state, if you didnt learn, too fucking bad. Go work at mcdonalds.

Healthcare? What am i the welfare office again? If you put junk in your body and dont care about it, why should i come in and bail you out by paying your healthcare bill? I have health insurance and always will. I keep hearing about people not being able to afford it....well stop drinking, smoking, eat less and buy health insurance. Most people are too damn stupid to figure it out - they will buy car insurance before ever considering the fact that they dont have health insurance.

Im doing this reply from my damn phone so excuse my failure to quote. I should have done that to begin with.

04-15-2012, 06:08 PM
Homosexuality- When did you decide to be straight?

Since Homosexuality is no-longer a defined as a mental disorder, and there appears to be no genetic defect link, yes, legally it is a choice. No one forces you to have relations or intercourse with the same sex. I have not issue with gay people however. I also welcome the end of the marriage debate so we can actual focus on real fucking issues and not this knee-jeck distraction crap that politicians love. Gay marriage is inevitable, abortion is here to stay.

As a Mariage issue - mariage as we know it needs to end. The Government needs to get the fuck out of it. No special tax breaks, not legal fees and when you break up, no lawyers. Its between you, your spouse and whatever church/god you worship.

We should then create cohabitation laws and contracts much like you'd find between corporations. Two people agree to share income, housing, and legal rights over each other (medical, inheritance ect) and it's all spelled out in a legal contract. Then when you "break up" and decided to dissolve the contract, it's also spelled out already the terms of such "break up" - who gets what ect. Contracts could even have a written term limit for renegotiation.

Taxes- You make more than I do, who should be taxed more, or less? Or should we be tax

Flat 25%. Everyone should pay, and no refunds of any type. It's bullshit that someone making $20,000 a year, pays $1,500 in taxes gets $6,500 back because of the choices they made in life (having children), then because they are low income, also receive food stamps, free school, welfare and free healthcare.

War- Is our cause just? Should we be spending 3-4 times more on our military than any other country in the world?

Yes, we should model our selves after Belgium or Morocco because their situations and ours are identical. We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world. Not only does this make their business our business, it also makes us the lightning rod for all the assholes and dip-shits of the world.
I don't see Chavez bitching about the corruption of Chinese politics, crime in Brazil or the Imperialistic actions of Russia.

Oh yeah -

Religion- Should we allow a Catholic church to be built in Lower Manhattan? Is that answer the same if we're talking about a Muslim church?

Christianity is constantly under attack in America. It's cool to hate on them, make fun of them, belittle them and threaten them. It's suddenly a tolerance and discrimination issues when talking about other foreign religions. When dealing with Islamic issues you have to remember people are not talking about what songs they sing at church. The issues is about shifting our cultural foundation from Judah Christian to Islamic. You know, women's rights, hanging gays ect. Read up on Shia law and countries practicing it.

Convicted Homosexuals in Iran.

Education- Should we force children in Chicago to be taught the same things and take the same tests as children in LA?

States and Community rights. Are people the same in Chicago and LA? Do the kids in Kentucky have the same needs as kids in Boston? Do kids in a rich neighborhood have the same background as kids in a ghetto? So you are advocating taking away parents rights to have a say in what their child is taught?

Personally I think all of schooling should be privatized. We should focus on draining off the water, decrease budgets, not increase them. Children that go to private school continually post higher schools (both Catholic and non-Catholic schools).

Average private school costs $3,500 a year. Average Public school spends $10,000 a year. That shit is fucked up.

Private Schools Cost Less Than You May Think | David Salisbury | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary (http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/private-schools-cost-less-you-may-think)

Fast Facts (http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=66)


Abortion- In the "Land of the Free" is it your right to dictate what a woman can and cannot do? And should we base our decisions on our religion, even though the constitution clearly forbids it?

As a father why do I have no fetal rights? I see abortion as a responsibility re-set button. Chick gets knocked up, don't want it - flush it. She wants it, keeps it, dad pays child support. As a moral issues, we all deal with God personally when we die. As a society, its one less unwanted child that will grow up a cluster-fuck or in poverty.

Dad should also have a say - he don't want it, he shouldn't have to pay child support - she can't afford it? Well that is why their are pills and abortions.

Health Care- Should lower class families have access to adequate health care? Are we content with allowing families to go bankrupt due to their medical bills and lack of insurance?

Considering the Gobberment fucks up everything it touches... Medicare and Medicad are fraught with fraud and abuse, Social Security has billions dumped into it every year only to end up in a black hole, the agency that is supposed to keep guns away from the bad-guys (AFT) is actually giving them thousands and well GSA.

What in the world would make you think they won't fuck up National Healthcare? Personally I feel you should buy insurance nationally (not regulated to just within your state) and it should be adjusted so you can go to whatever caregiver you want to use, not just want your insurer puts on a list.

Further more, insurance companies should charge like car companies. Why should a 25 year old, fit young woman pay the same as a 47 year old, chain smoking 420lb man? Why should I forgo insurance until I get HIV and now that I need it, I should expect them to give it to me at the same cost as everyone else?

That is like driving without car insurance, you get in an accident and then call up Progressive - "hey, I wrecked my BMW, can I get collisions for $140 a month cause they said its going to cost $15,000 to fix it".

04-15-2012, 06:35 PM
mr burn
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/432355_305088916213033_176890359032890_764013_5218 33943_n.jpg

04-15-2012, 08:58 PM
Corbic, i like your style. Straight to the point! But you have to understand that the libs wont read your reply, theywthey will come up with more questions and diversions. Its almost pointless to discuss anything in this thread. However, i wont let them tire me hahha.

04-15-2012, 10:40 PM
^^ For all the bullshit some of u post, how many have u actually served in Afghan or Iraq? ^^ Do you have kids in school? Its easy to post things when you're not going through them! The school system has been [email protected]#[email protected]# since standardize testing and the money that came with it! As a country we spend more on jails than we do on education. We outsourced most of our middle class jobs to third world countries, and people complain about oil prices yet this country only has a few oil refineries. Complain, complain, no solutions!

04-16-2012, 12:24 AM
Since Homosexuality is no-longer a defined as a mental disorder, and there appears to be no genetic defect link, yes, legally it is a choice. No one forces you to have relations or intercourse with the same sex. I have not issue with gay people however. I also welcome the end of the marriage debate so we can actual focus on real fucking issues and not this knee-jeck distraction crap that politicians love. Gay marriage is inevitable, abortion is here to stay.

I like how you danced around my question initially, but thank you for not ignoring the underlying issue entirely. I agree, gay marriage needs to just be done with so our country can move onto more pressing matters. And by that I mean we need to allow it and stop discriminating against our fellow man, regardless of whom he chooses to love.

We should then create cohabitation laws and contracts much like you'd find between corporations. Two people agree to share income, housing, and legal rights over each other (medical, inheritance ect) and it's all spelled out in a legal contract. Then when you "break up" and decided to dissolve the contract, it's also spelled out already the terms of such "break up" - who gets what ect. Contracts could even have a written term limit for renegotiation.

We have that, it's called a "prenup".

Flat 25%. Everyone should pay, and no refunds of any type. It's bullshit that someone making $20,000 a year, pays $1,500 in taxes gets $6,500 back because of the choices they made in life (having children), then because they are low income, also receive food stamps, free school, welfare and free healthcare.

FDR would disagree.
"To pay for increased government spending, in 1941 FDR proposed that Congress enact an income tax rate of 99.5% on all income over $100,000; when the proposal failed, he issued an executive order imposing an income tax of 100% on income over $25,000"
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt)
And exactly who is receiving free schooling? Are you arguing that public schools in America ought to be torn down? Or are you insinuating that college students on Financial Aid who are required to pay back the money that is on loan to them are getting a free pass?

Yes, we should model our selves after Belgium or Morocco because their situations and ours are identical. We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world. Not only does this make their business our business, it also makes us the lightning rod for all the assholes and dip-shits of the world.
I don't see Chavez bitching about the corruption of Chinese politics, crime in Brazil or the Imperialistic actions of Russia.

That is not an answer.
Do we have the right to stage prolonged occupations in nations that have NOT attacked us until after we attacked them?
"We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world."
This does not give America just cause to invade anyone.
You do realize that we aren't defending ourselves, right? We are on the offense. That much is clear.

And I love your ingenious placement of the Trade Centers. Al-Qaeda attacked us, so it MUST make sense to bomb Iraq! And now that we've wrecked Iraq, lets move onto leveling Afghanistan! Hurray! Who should we liberate (kill) next?!
I've got an idea, why don't we free our soldiers from serving without a mission! There is no war, this is an occupation, and when I was a kid I was taught that America did no such thing; we got in, got the job done, and got our men out!

Christianity is constantly under attack in America.
No, it is not.
Muslims, sir, are under constant attack. Gays are under constant attack. Hispanics are under constant attack. African Americans are under constant attack. Everyone in America who isn't white or Christian is under constant attack. Christians are not under attack.

Read up on Shia law and countries practicing it.

I am familiar with them. But that holds no influence in Western society. Your argument is the same as a child who's caught misbehaving and tattles on another child in an effort to make himself look better.

States and Community rights. Are people the same in Chicago and LA? Do the kids in Kentucky have the same needs as kids in Boston? Do kids in a rich neighborhood have the same background as kids in a ghetto? So you are advocating taking away parents rights to have a say in what their child is taught?

That is what I was insinuating. That States and Communities need to have complete control of their child's schooling. It is ridiculous to think that a national curriculum can be implemented successfully. In fact, I believe that the national test scores have decreased significantly since NCLB was passed.

However, privatizing education entirely would be absolutely criminal. Many children come from impoverished families, education is their only ticket to leading a successful and fulfilling life. I can guarantee that if public schools were privatized hundreds of thousands of children would never even learn to read.

As a father why do I have no fetal rights? I see abortion as a responsibility re-set button. Chick gets knocked up, don't want it - flush it. She wants it, keeps it, dad pays child support. As a moral issues, we all deal with God personally when we die. As a society, its one less unwanted child that will grow up a cluster-fuck or in poverty.
Dad should also have a say - he don't want it, he shouldn't have to pay child support - she can't afford it? Well that is why their are pills and abortions.

Sure, men should have that right as well. As the father of an unwanted child you absolutely should have the right to full custody. I won't argue that.
And by the way, women have to pay child support as well. My girlfriend's mom owes her dad THOUSANDS in child support.

Considering the Gobberment fucks up everything it touches... Medicare and Medicad are fraught with fraud and abuse, Social Security has billions dumped into it every year only to end up in a black hole, the agency that is supposed to keep guns away from the bad-guys (AFT) is actually giving them thousands and well GSA.

What in the world would make you think they won't fuck up National Healthcare? Personally I feel you should buy insurance nationally (not regulated to just within your state) and it should be adjusted so you can go to whatever caregiver you want to use, not just want your insurer puts on a list.

Further more, insurance companies should charge like car companies. Why should a 25 year old, fit young woman pay the same as a 47 year old, chain smoking 420lb man? Why should I forgo insurance until I get HIV and now that I need it, I should expect them to give it to me at the same cost as everyone else?

That is like driving without car insurance, you get in an accident and then call up Progressive - "hey, I wrecked my BMW, can I get collisions for $140 a month cause they said its going to cost $15,000 to fix it".

Will national health care have its problems? Yes. So then lets make it State run instead. I am on the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). I'm on it for a very good reason: I was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was 19. I had no health care at the time, and thanks to a local lawyer I was put on OHP. In just four days I was over $300,000 in debt. If I hadn't been accepted to the program, I might have well just died at that point. What would be the point of living after that? I would never be able to accomplish any of my dreams, I would literally be a slave; working the rest of my life with no hope for monetary gain. No house, no car, no kids, no wedding, no food.
I have no problem donating a small portion of my paychecks to pay for the health of my country. Don't forget JFK's infamous words: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
Do you know the biggest difference between Socialist and Capitalist societies?
It's their different ideology.
Capitalists believe in the freedom to make a profit.
Socialists believe in the freedom from want and need.

I don't know why I even respond to these threads. It's not like I'm going to change anyone's mind.

04-16-2012, 02:55 AM
Complain, complain, no solutions!

agreed;THIS^ is so true, regardless of where you stand on politics!

Way too many keyboard activists in this modern world. What is even more hilarious as how many people believe they are the center of the universe. Even when you check out how-to videos on the internet about Perpetual Motion... lots of people keep telling themselves they have the answers, but cannot prove it.

Knowledge is powerful, but only if you benefit by it. Opinions are just opinions. Turn an opinion into a fact then maybe us grown-ups can believe it.

A coach once told us, If the lights are out, fix it, don't go around telling everyone the lights are off.

welcome to online forums :fawk2:

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..oh, wait for it...
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398621_10150471530326863_561661862_9027642_1865897 00_n.jpg

04-16-2012, 04:14 PM
I like how you danced around my question initially, but thank you for not ignoring the underlying issue entirely. I agree, gay marriage needs to just be done with so our country can move onto more pressing matters. And by that I mean we need to allow it and stop discriminating against our fellow man, regardless of whom he chooses to love.

I didn't dace around anything, you are actually. You never mentioned marriage, you just assumed we would know. I don't see marriage as some sort of inalienable human right and I don't see denying gays the right as discrimination. Why do they need to get married, they won't be having children? Personally I see homosexuality as mother natures way of ensuring a percentage of the population is infertile and keeps birth rates down for population control.

You need to look at the purpose of mariage historically. It was to ensure men, who wanted to have intercorse with women, would then take care of those women and children. It also ensured that the children you took care of and inevitably leave all your world belongings too, where in fact YOUR CHILDREN. This is basic nature and genetic survive. Just like how lions chase off rivals and often kill their "own" cubs when they suspect those cubs might not be theirs.

You are alive today because you come from 10's of thousands of years of clever bastards able to seduce women and raise their offsprings.

Marriage is more-or-less irrelevant today. Single mothers will not starve in the streets, hunt animals and toiling in the fields is no longer what puts food on the table and infant mortality is not in the double digets. No longer will a man start having children at 16, no longer do they need to take on 3 wives in their life times (at some points death at childbirth was 1 in 4) and no longer is it only 1 in 5 children that live to see adulthood.

So why the need for mariage? Why do people who will never bear children need to be married? With longer life spans, contraceptives, abortions and changes in social morals (sex before marriage) no one gives a shit anymore.

Marriage is about as outdated as witch burnings.

We have that, it's called a "prenup".

You have no idea what a prenup is or its legal limitations.

FDR would disagree.
"To pay for increased government spending, in 1941 FDR proposed that Congress enact an income tax rate of 99.5% on all income over $100,000; when the proposal failed, he issued an executive order imposing an income tax of 100% on income over $25,000"
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt)
And exactly who is receiving free schooling? Are you arguing that public schools in America ought to be torn down? Or are you insinuating that college students on Financial Aid who are required to pay back the money that is on loan to them are getting a free pass?

Worst argument of all time? Go read "New Deal Raw Deal". FDR was the most corrupt president of all time. He laid the foundation for our fucked up federal government and in fact has been proven to made the depression worst.

That is not an answer.
Do we have the right to stage prolonged occupations in nations that have NOT attacked us until after we attacked them?
"We consume half of the worlds resources and have economic, social and political interests in almost every single country in the world."
This does not give America just cause to invade anyone.
You do realize that we aren't defending ourselves, right? We are on the offense. That much is clear.

And I love your ingenious placement of the Trade Centers. Al-Qaeda attacked us, so it MUST make sense to bomb Iraq! And now that we've wrecked Iraq, lets move onto leveling Afghanistan! Hurray! Who should we liberate (kill) next?!
I've got an idea, why don't we free our soldiers from serving without a mission! There is no war, this is an occupation, and when I was a kid I was taught that America did no such thing; we got in, got the job done, and got our men out!

Actually it is an answer, and yes, we have the right to declare war on whomever we see fit.
The US Constitution does not extend to other nations, just like their laws do not extend to us. Further more - "The Best Defense is a Strong Offense".

I also love how you over simplify the greater issues. Like "oh, invade and occupy". Yes, because it was a Roman/British occupation where we worked the people to death while extracting all their natural resources. More over, the occupation was the the result of LIBERALs like yourself who feel these people are entitled to the bill of humans rights - you know, equality, women's rights, the right to vote, ect ect. We could have simply killed Sadamn with an assassin, but that is "murder" and thus illegal, so we have to invade and put him on trial.

Once he's dead, we can't just leave the shit hole, we have to help all these people in need... yes...

But regardless, we accomplished our Geopolitical goal - to destabilize the region and ensure that no one country or coalition of nations could interfere with our great global goals.

Muslims, sir, are under constant attack. Gays are under constant attack. Hispanics are under constant attack. African Americans are under constant attack. Everyone in America who isn't white or Christian is under constant attack. Christians are not under attack.

Clearly you are not looking to have a rational discusion. Go build a Cathedral outside Mecca - see how well that goes over.

I am familiar with them. But that holds no influence in Western society. Your argument is the same as a child who's caught misbehaving and tattles on another child in an effort to make himself look better.

Clearly you are not familiar with what is going on in the world.

However, privatizing education entirely would be absolutely criminal. Many children come from impoverished families, education is their only ticket to leading a successful and fulfilling life. I can guarantee that if public schools were privatized hundreds of thousands of children would never even learn to read.

Are you fucking stupid? Why would hundreds of thousands of children not learn to read? Last time I checked most inner city Highschool kids CAN'T FUCKING READ.

Most US Highschoolers read on a 5th grad level! Go blue and red birds!!
American High School Students Are Reading Books At 5th-Grade-Appropriate Levels: Report (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/22/top-reading_n_1373680.html)

The rest of your crap is just dribble. If you got Cancer at 19 - why didn't you have health insurance at 18? Remember the story about wrecking the BMW then apply for insurance?

"Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss."

That is, you buy it before something happens, not after the fact.

04-16-2012, 05:18 PM
If my neighbor doesnt have enough to eat he needs to figure it out on his own just like i did. Im not going to support him/her, that should be up to him. What am i the welfare office?

Ive come to the conclusion that liberalism = pussy (weak). If a country attacks us - we bomb them into the stone age and tell them this is their first and final warning.

If gay people want to screw each other, fine go ahead but dont tell me i have to change my views and teach my children that its ok to be gay.

If women want abortions fine, im totally fine with that unlike some conservatives. But my wife will not have one unless she wants to be aborted from earth herself.

If the rich can get away with paying less taxes im fine with that as long as its legal. There is a good reason those loopholes exist. The rich create jobs, they pay more in taxes than any common individual and they give more money back than most make in a lifetime.

All should be treated equally, so yes everyone takes the same damn test in each state, if you didnt learn, too fucking bad. Go work at mcdonalds.

Healthcare? What am i the welfare office again? If you put junk in your body and dont care about it, why should i come in and bail you out by paying your healthcare bill? I have health insurance and always will. I keep hearing about people not being able to afford it....well stop drinking, smoking, eat less and buy health insurance. Most people are too damn stupid to figure it out - they will buy car insurance before ever considering the fact that they dont have health insurance.

One more thing - i hate your prius.

Haha - i just really felt like saying that.

Hahahahahah oh man you are the best... Mantas 2012? Lol

But on a side note this man is and has been speaking the truth. The problem is that most ppl in this country have become fucking lazy, this is my problem with modern day libs. To start with they already have the "government to help everyone wipe their asses" mentality and then most of them don't bother to even research what the fuck they are talking about. They hear random tidbits of information on TV or on the radio that is clever and funny or follows some stupid "meme" or hipster cause and they all of a sudden follow it to the T like its the word of god.

Thank you for the new sig by the way ;)

04-16-2012, 05:42 PM

Someone make me understand...
Why is it wrong when Obama says it, but not when the conservatives' idol did?

04-16-2012, 06:02 PM
*Mindless banter*
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I hope you don't reproduce.

04-16-2012, 06:11 PM
I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I hope you don't reproduce.

How dare you discriminate against my beliefs!

Just what we need, more intolerant angry hate mongers.

04-16-2012, 06:13 PM
Hahahahahah oh man you are the best... Mantas 2012? Lol

But on a side note this man is and has been speaking the truth. The problem is that most ppl in this country have become fucking lazy, this is my problem with modern day libs. To start with they already have the "government to help everyone wipe their asses" mentality and then most of them don't bother to even research what the fuck they are talking about. They hear random tidbits of information on TV or on the radio that is clever and funny or follows some stupid "meme" or hipster cause and they all of a sudden follow it to the T like its the word of god.

Thank you for the new sig by the way ;)

You are welcome for the sig hahaha. Those cars are just.......i don't have the words to expand on the subject.

And you my man are speaking of absolute truth about modern day libs. I'm surrounded by them and they want their asses wiped by the government, they jump on the "band wagon" whenever a new one arrives and they never do their homework. And it's so hard to communicate with them, they are too emotional - LMAO.

04-16-2012, 06:36 PM
What a bunch of bullshit this all is. You will find any excuse to justify forcing your ideas on other people. Anyone that doesn't hold your beliefs is obviously an enemy to be demonized. Any information that doesn't fit in your world view is wrong or just doesn't exist.

You see a guy like John Stewart and think he's the most liberal person and despise him. Then you see a real liberal like Bill Maher and have to eat your words. America is full of centrists, liberals respect that for the most part.

04-16-2012, 08:03 PM
How dare you discriminate against my beliefs!

Just what we need, more intolerant angry hate mongers.

You can't be serious.
I didn't curse once in my responses, and I've been advocating tolerance throughout my replies.
Whatever, I don't care if I have offended you.

04-16-2012, 08:49 PM

Someone make me understand...
Why is it wrong when Obama says it, but not when the conservative's idol did?

Stop me when I nail it.









At this point Reagan has the same standing as the founding fathers. He is name dropped to make people sound good but none of his words or actions are heeded. It's like conservative Christians have a problem actually listening to their leaders doing as they say and do.

04-16-2012, 08:59 PM
At this point Reagan has the same standing as the founding fathers. He is name dropped to make people sound good but none of his words or actions are heeded. It's like conservative Christians have a problem actually listening to their leaders doing as they say and do.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/550025_411578142204978_205344452828349_1487540_144 6795929_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420413_316949995035739_100001622229671_899879_1703 687569_n.jpg

they must have fallen asleep on those days of class

04-16-2012, 10:09 PM
Republican Donor Simmons Seeks Rule to Fill Texas Dump - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-04-05/republican-donor-simmons-seeks-rule-to-fill-Texas-dump.html)

If this article doesn't concern you about private money in politics than something is wrong with you! How can one man, with the will of his dollars! Get the right to put a nuclear waste dump over an underground aquifer? This water source is the only means of drinkable water for 200k plus people! Thats one great glass of privatizing!

04-16-2012, 10:12 PM
Since none of us can read and need to make our points with pictures, here are a few for you.....365513655236553365543655536556

Have no clue why some are duplicates phone is tripping out again.

04-16-2012, 11:02 PM
Since none of us can read and need to make our points with pictures, here are a few for you.....365513655236553365543655536556

Have no clue why some are duplicates phone is tripping out again.

This is what I was talking about when I said that I'm sick of the Liberal Vs. Conservative war.
Is it not obvious that these labels are all manufactured in an effort to divide us? Politicians are politicians, they have no party loyalty. If Romney is elected, his first term will look nearly identical to Obama's.

04-17-2012, 03:01 AM
I can't form my own argument so I'll just go with what 4CHAN said.

Sounds totally credible in an intelligent debate right?

04-17-2012, 04:21 AM
You can't be serious.
I didn't curse once in my responses, and I've been advocating tolerance throughout my replies.
Whatever, I don't care if I have offended you.

Tolerance for your beliefs and not others.,.

04-17-2012, 04:30 AM
Stop me when I nail it.









Fixed it for you.

Regan became an icon because of his timing. America was at an economic, emotional and morale all time low.

The 70's sucked. We lost Vietnam, Russia was expanding its influences and Nixon was ousted in an embracing scandal. The DOT/EPA destroyed car design, manufacturing jobs where disappearing all over the country and the Arabs where blocking oil production.

Double Digit Inflation and Double Digit Interest rates would finish off the decade along with the Iran Hostage crisis.

Regan would swoop in with his "fuck 'em" platform and America surged back to life. Right time, Right message.

Same thing will happen for the guy that wins the 2016/20 election as this shit is not getting better in the next 4 years.

04-17-2012, 09:05 AM
Tolerance for your beliefs and not others.,.

Such ignorance.
I'm done with you. You give so many Republicans a bad name. Even Rush would call you an extremist. And yes, I listen to Rush Limbaugh.
I hope you open your eyes some day and stop telling cancer patients that they should have done this or that and then tell them they are offensive and intolerant! You, sir, are a gem.:fawkd:

04-17-2012, 09:39 AM
Such ignorance.
I'm done with you. You give so many Republicans a bad name. Even Rush would call you an extremist. And yes, I listen to Rush Limbaugh.
I hope you open your eyes some day and stop telling cancer patients that they should have done this or that and then tell them they are offensive and intolerant! You, sir, are a gem.:fawkd:

Really, who are you? You expect us to cave in and agree with your leftist views? Get real, not happening, no matter how much you cry. And you heard Rush L. on the radio once so now you are a listener? Haha

04-17-2012, 09:46 AM
Really, who are you? You expect us to cave in and agree with your leftist views? Get real, not happening, no matter how much you cry. And you heard Rush L. on the radio once so now you are a listener? Haha

Been listening to him for three years as a matter of fact. And right after his show I listen to Lars Larson, but I turn it off before Glenn Beck is on, I can only handle so much!

04-17-2012, 09:46 AM
Such ignorance.
I'm done with you. You give so many Republicans a bad name. Even Rush would call you an extremist. And yes, I listen to Rush Limbaugh.
I hope you open your eyes some day and stop telling cancer patients that they should have done this or that and then tell them they are offensive and intolerant! You, sir, are a gem.:fawkd:

How do I give Republicans a bad name when I'm a Democrate? I think all that bullshit Limbaugh had been feeding you has gone to your head.

Yes, use the "children with cancer" card.

04-17-2012, 09:49 AM
How do I give Republicans a bad name when I'm a Democrate? I think all that bullshit Limbaugh had been feeding you has gone to your head.

Yes, use the "children with cancer" card.


I will be voting for Ron Paul. <--- back on topic.

04-17-2012, 09:59 AM

I will be voting for Ron Paul. <--- back on topic.

Yes because he will be on the ballot.

Good, throw away your vote, it only makes ours worth more.

04-17-2012, 01:53 PM
I'll vote for who I believe will actually change our country for the better. I would love to believe that Obama will do that, but I honestly can't, because I know he won't. Obama has amazingly been able to just maintain our current situation. He hasn't improved anything, and he hasn't really ruined anything either (although he's probably harmed more than he has helped).
And as far as Romney goes, well, I just think he could turn out to be the most corrupt leader we'll ever see.
I would rather not vote at all than vote for either Obama or Romney. Douche or Turd Sandwich, pick your side!

04-17-2012, 02:08 PM
I'll vote for who I believe will actually change our country for the better. I would love to believe that Obama will do that, but I honestly can't, because I know he won't. Obama has amazingly been able to just maintain our current situation. He hasn't improved anything, and he hasn't really ruined anything either (although he's probably harmed more than he has helped).
And as far as Romney goes, well, I just think he could turn out to be the most corrupt leader we'll ever see.
I would rather not vote at all than vote for either Obama or Romney. Douche or Turd Sandwich, pick your side!

I agree with you on this - finally some common ground. We need some serious change in this country not just another Obama band-aid. We are in debt, we have the government telling us what to do every step of the way, and we have too many idiots in office.

To give you an example of how crazy libs are....

Today at work some executive who makes a boatload of money came to us (finance team) asking if he can have his gum paid for by the company and he is complaining that he is also out of beer in his fridge and no one has ordered it. Go buy your own gum and beer you fucking prick, you make plenty. Whats is goin on this country? Whats with all this entitlement? Another ahole made me look through his budget because he doesnt want to pay for the work his department has requested but in the end i findout he is under budget and doesnt really have a problem with the costs. Just another douche looking for a free lunch. And if you guys think this only happens where i work you are absolutely wrong, i have friends who do finance in other industries and they see the same issues come up over an over again.

04-17-2012, 02:32 PM
Yes because he will be on the ballot.

Good, throw away your vote, it only makes ours worth more.

Not if we get enough ppl to do it ;) but it would be awesome if for once we could really stick it to both major pol parties and vote in "the other guy"

04-17-2012, 02:37 PM
Not if we get enough ppl to do it ;) but it would be awesome if for once we could really stick it to both major pol parties and vote in "the other guy"

Unless they muck up the numbers again...

04-17-2012, 02:41 PM
And as far as Obama you know he's just another politician wrapped in "change" clothing... My buddy put it best- "if Obama were real about all this change he would've just gone in there tried to pass as much shit as possible no matter who he pisses off for the betterment of the country and then just not have even tried to run again. Go in change a bunch of shit don't concern yourself with being re-elected, but after all he's just proved to be another politician, more concerned with re-election than actually doing anything"... And my buddy is a hardcore liberal, but he's actually intelligent and knows what he's talkin about, one of the reasons why we have remained homies even though we sit on opposite sides of the spectrum

04-17-2012, 02:47 PM
Unless they muck up the numbers again...

Ughh I know, they will pull some shenanigans before handing over the country to someone other than "their guys"

04-17-2012, 03:30 PM
Ughh I know, they will pull some shenanigans before handing over the country to someone other than "their guys"

Without a doubt! :barf:

04-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Not if we get enough ppl to do it ;) but it would be awesome if for once we could really stick it to both major pol parties and vote in "the other guy"

Yes, 75 million people will write in Ron Paul... more importantly, that 75 million will be spread out in a particular way to garner the majority of electoral votes.

You realize the problem with a 3rd party is it never sticks it to the "man" or to the "system". It plays right into it. The third party candidate never draws enough money to get air-time and get their name out. They are typical an extremest from either party and draw only extremest votes from that party. When elections are won with 48/49% of the vote, stealing 3-5% of the vote from one party, or even 3% + 2% from each will flip the odds for the other party and bring in defeat.

Ross Perot is a perfect example. In 1992 he stole mostly Republican votes causing Bill Clinton to win with only 43% of the vote (An we cry "Not my President" to Bush because he ONLY got 48%).

Clinton 43%
Bush Sr. 37.5%
Perot 18.9%

Perot to date has been the strongest 3rd party candidate and he really had little long term impact on the party system. Not to mention he also could not get enough votes in one area to actually get any electoral votes.

So the example today would be the Occupy Movement runs a candidate, that individual gets 3-10% destroying the Democrats bid and the Republicans win. If Ron Paul or a Tea Party Candidate runs... same story, they get 3-10%, the Republicans lose.

So what you get is both parties pandor to these die hard fanatic groups to ensure they get their support - anything to stay in power. The last round of mid-terms prove this with the Republicans embracing the Tea Party - if only in the short term.

04-17-2012, 07:25 PM
And as far as Obama you know he's just another politician wrapped in "change" clothing... My buddy put it best- "if Obama were real about all this change he would've just gone in there tried to pass as much shit as possible no matter who he pisses off for the betterment of the country and then just not have even tried to run again. Go in change a bunch of shit don't concern yourself with being re-elected, but after all he's just proved to be another politician, more concerned with re-election than actually doing anything"... And my buddy is a hardcore liberal, but he's actually intelligent and knows what he's talkin about, one of the reasons why we have remained homies even though we sit on opposite sides of the spectrum

Change? One word - GITMO.

Almost every day of the last two years of Bush all we had was "OMFG GITMO!!" and Obama swore he would shut down GITMO. Its still open 4 years latter and the Media doesn't give a shit. :picardfp:

04-17-2012, 07:38 PM
I can't form my own argument so I'll just go with what 4CHAN said.

Sounds totally credible in an intelligent debate right?

Please, actually watch. Don't comment, just watch.



04-17-2012, 11:14 PM
Please, actually watch. Don't comment, just watch.



I could not sit through one minute of this liberal crap. Good luck to anyone else who decides to watch this. She speaks so slow i cant handle it...

04-18-2012, 02:50 AM
Please, actually watch. Don't comment, just watch.

Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong | Video on TED.com (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong.html)

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? | Video on TED.com (http://www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together.html)

Please, actually shut the fuck up. Don't comment, just shut the fuck up.

And stop trying so hard. The more you talk the more you look like an ass.

04-18-2012, 03:18 AM
many of you are wildly misinformed on the powers held by the office of president of the united states.

A lot of you don't seem to know how government works at all.

I find it rather ironic that some of you are accusing barack obama of being some sort of tyrant/fascist/whatever, yet are also criticizing him for NOT being able to take total control and change all of the things that are wrong with the country with a snap of his fingers. So what do you want, a tyrant that comes into office and changes whatever they want, when they want, or someone who follows the rules and doesn't always succeed because of the natural checks and balances of a two party system? You can't have both.

04-18-2012, 04:52 AM
many of you are wildly misinformed on the powers held by the office of president of the united states.

A lot of you don't seem to know how government works at all.

I find it rather ironic that some of you are accusing barack obama of being some sort of tyrant/fascist/whatever, yet are also criticizing him for NOT being able to take total control and change all of the things that are wrong with the country with a snap of his fingers. So what do you want, a tyrant that comes into office and changes whatever they want, when they want, or someone who follows the rules and doesn't always succeed because of the natural checks and balances of a two party system? You can't have both.

So you mean to tell me that the office of the President is nothing more than some traditional figurehead who, at the end of the day, is mostly powerless to actually DO anything? So Obama will not be snapping his fingers and taking our guns, won't be waving a magic wand and relieving every American's bank account of $1000 to give to a poor black family and won't be forcing women to have abortions if they are going to be stay-at-home mothers?
You mean to tell me that if he really was a Marxist communist, the chance of him being able to ACTUALLY tear the country down is approximately shit?
I wonder if anyone told him, or all the people who are hell bent on carrying the message that he WILL somehow carry out all of these things as his mission.

04-18-2012, 09:58 AM
many of you are wildly misinformed on the powers held by the office of president of the united states.

A lot of you don't seem to know how government works at all.

I find it rather ironic that some of you are accusing barack obama of being some sort of tyrant/fascist/whatever, yet are also criticizing him for NOT being able to take total control and change all of the things that are wrong with the country with a snap of his fingers. So what do you want, a tyrant that comes into office and changes whatever they want, when they want, or someone who follows the rules and doesn't always succeed because of the natural checks and balances of a two party system? You can't have both.

Is this guy for real? Don't put words in my mouth and assume I don't know how the government runs, I'm pretty sure we all learned about checks and balances in elementary school...

It's like this all the libs cried so much about how bush fucked this country up, talk about believing so much in one man being all powerful. Next THEY were all jazzed about Obama creaming their pants over change. When at the end of the day he hasn't accomplished shit really. But it turns out he was only interested in one thing, playing the politics game. I mean look at the whole medical marijuana thing, he gets into office and tells the DEA to back off of Californias clubs and respect the states laws and then surprise surprise election year he completely goes back on his word and allows the US attorneys office to start prosecuting several medicinal marijuana dispensaries. I'm not trying to start a discussion about medical marijuana just using it as an example.

04-18-2012, 10:12 AM
Is this guy for real? Don't put words in my mouth and assume I don't know how the government runs, I'm pretty sure we all learned about checks and balances in elementary school...

It's like this all the libs cried so much about how bush fucked this country up, talk about believing so much in one man being all powerful. Next THEY were all jazzed about Obama creaming their pants over change. When at the end of the day he hasn't accomplished shit really. But it turns out he was only interested in one thing, playing the politics game. I mean look at the whole medical marijuana thing, he gets into office and tells the DEA to back off of Californias clubs and respect the states laws and then surprise surprise election year he completely goes back on his word and allows the US attorneys office to start prosecuting several medicinal marijuana dispensaries. I'm not trying to start a discussion about medical marijuana just using it as an example.

Good point but you left out one thing - he also wants to be a celebrity. How many times does he need to be on Oprah? Good thing she is gone.

04-18-2012, 06:35 PM
Is this guy for real? Don't put words in my mouth and assume I don't know how the government runs, I'm pretty sure we all learned about checks and balances in elementary school...

It's like this all the libs cried so much about how bush fucked this country up, talk about believing so much in one man being all powerful. Next THEY were all jazzed about Obama creaming their pants over change. When at the end of the day he hasn't accomplished shit really. But it turns out he was only interested in one thing, playing the politics game. I mean look at the whole medical marijuana thing, he gets into office and tells the DEA to back off of Californias clubs and respect the states laws and then surprise surprise election year he completely goes back on his word and allows the US attorneys office to start prosecuting several medicinal marijuana dispensaries. I'm not trying to start a discussion about medical marijuana just using it as an example.

Good point but you left out one thing - he also wants to be a celebrity. How many times does he need to be on Oprah? Good thing she is gone.


04-18-2012, 06:48 PM

Ok we are back to pictionary....

04-18-2012, 07:18 PM
First, goes and starts another thread complaining about the quality of political arguments on this forum

Is it me or is every political thread this:

Make statement.

counter argument.

Refute counter argument.

Overtly insulting bull shit.

What gives Zilvia? It's not hard to have a civilized debate. No matter how much you disagree with some one there is no need to insult them for thinking differently. As insulting as you can be that doesn't bring you any intellectual victory. Defeat their ideas and arguments not them.

Then posts this image


Why?... Because hypocrite

Practice what u preach there guy

04-18-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm fighting fire with fire. If you guys refuse to have an intelligent response to anything why bother. So I'll sit back and call horse shit when I see it.

04-18-2012, 07:27 PM
And you guys haven't even bothered with the refute argument step. You change the subject or try and twist your original statement to mean something totally different.

04-18-2012, 07:36 PM
And you guys haven't even bothered with the refute argument step. You change the subject or try and twist your original statement to mean something totally different.

I somehow remember calling you out on the same bullshit a few pages back about the "socialist since conception" debate we had, still waiting on a response to that one lol... But whatever guy it's a CAR FORUM, if you really want to discuss politics and you think that we are all incapable of having intelligent arguments, take ur ass to Calguns or some politics forum I'm sure theyd have a field day with ur outrageous and unfounded one line statements and rediculous arguments

04-18-2012, 07:45 PM
I somehow remember calling you out on the same bullshit a few pages back about the "socialist since conception" debate we had, still waiting on a response to that one lol... But whatever guy it's a CAR FORUM, if you really want to discuss politics and you think that we are all incapable of having intelligent arguments, take ur ass to Calguns or some politics forum I'm sure theyd have a field day with ur outrageous and unfounded one line statements and rediculous arguments

Bahahahhahahahhaahha - owned! Now its time to find his thread for some entertainment.....

04-18-2012, 08:28 PM
I remember you trying and being wrong. When I proved you wrong you failed to grasp my point and changed the subject. It's not my job to beat you over the head with my correctness but yours to come clean when you are bested instead being a bitch about it.

04-18-2012, 08:30 PM
And since I'm sure you'll try to say the same thing. BLM was a consolidation of many much older government organizations. Freeways are FREE of stops or crossing traffic. Publicly funded schools and roads have been around since nearly the beginning of the country.

04-18-2012, 08:31 PM
Talks of a national bank(the very heart of socialism) has been talked about since before there was an articles of confederation.

04-18-2012, 08:34 PM
And of course BLM and the organizations before didn't go around killing everything and clear cutting BUT they did allow it to the detriment of the forests and prairies. Now you need permission to do those things and it's all closely controlled and regulated.

04-18-2012, 08:38 PM
And since I'm sure you'll try to say the same thing. BLM was a consolidation of many much older government organizations. Freeways are FREE of stops or crossing traffic. Publicly funded schools and roads have been around since nearly the beginning of the country.

Ohhh man we've already covered that and besides the original argument was for you to provide solid support behind your ORIGINAL claim which you have failed to do, then once I showed you that those institutions that you claimed were your support have not in fact been around for as long as you claim you attack my examples... Talk about spinning an argument and changin course, just admit ur initial statement was false.

Beating me over the head with correctness? So far the only thing you were correct about is where the term freeway came from. You still have failed to support ur original claim.

04-18-2012, 08:45 PM
Talks of a national bank(the very heart of socialism) has been talked about since before there was an articles of confederation.

Talks? Really? That doesn't make it real not to mention a socialist institution. Its not about whats been discussed its about whats been in practice. And besides, there may have been talks but what we have is the fed which is removed from the govnmt doesn't get much more NON-SOCIALST than that

04-18-2012, 09:02 PM
Publicly funded schools and roads have been around since nearly the beginning of the country.

The roads part has already been discussed. Please go back and read.

Schools were mostly privatized in the early days of this country and most schools if they did receive assistance got it from the community or town not from the federal or even state government. It wasn't until the mid 1800s that a public school system emerged and even then it was really loco my mainstream if you will in the north east and cities and more industrialized areas not in the south, west, and rural areas... So no public schools haven't been a social institution since 1776

04-18-2012, 09:05 PM
That's the founding fathers seriously considering it. Government controlled currency is as far as you can get into socialism before you start getting into communist things like price fixing. Oh wait we do that too, and have for for more than 100 years. And we've had public education here since the 1800's. I don't know what kind of proof you're looking for. It's literally all around us but people are so used to it that they can't separate the rhetoric from the reality.

04-18-2012, 09:06 PM
Even if it's from a community level it's still socialism.

04-18-2012, 09:09 PM
This country started out anarchocapitalist and locally socialist. That socialism moved up from the community level as government got more organized and the anarchocapitalism fell away as government regulations(at all levels) started.

Why are these concepts hard to grasp?

04-18-2012, 09:34 PM
Why does the socialism thing even matter? Obama hasn't done a single thing to push America further into socialism. People say the healthcare bill(that congress passed so call it congress-care) but to me it stinks of corporatism and fascism. Government mandating that you must buy a product is not socialism.

04-18-2012, 09:36 PM

y u so hard to grasp?

04-18-2012, 09:38 PM
Because this section doesn't add to post counts and no fucks are given.

04-18-2012, 10:08 PM

y u so hard to grasp?

I have been wondering the same thing.

04-18-2012, 10:16 PM
Why does the socialism thing even matter? Obama hasn't done a single thing to push America further into socialism. People say the healthcare bill(that congress passed so call it congress-care) but to me it stinks of corporatism and fascism. Government mandating that you must buy a product is not socialism.

Listen buddy i think you are missing the point. We are all aware of the socialist programs sponsored by our government . What we want to do is stop the expansion of these social programs. Do you know why we want that?

Look at how f-ed up the following few things are in this country:

Education system
Public transportation - in most cities.
Roadways freeways
Social security / medicare
Im having a brain fart but when i started this i had a few other examples. Ill go back to eating my food and when im done im going to make some 20 random posts because i cant pull all my thoughts together and compose a few paragraphs.

04-18-2012, 10:31 PM

04-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Education system - That's what happens when paper pushers try to mandate an art form. Doesn't mean it can't be fixed. CA had some of the best schools in the world until big land owners got the funding cut.

Public transportation - in most cities. - Thank the auto and oil industry for that. LA had great electric rail until Ford, Standard Oil, and Firestone bought the City Government.

Roadways freeways - Some of the best in the world. The system of building and repairing the roads needs overhauled to cut out officials paying their buddies too much for to little. The roads are still far and away better than the roads in nearly every country on the planet, that includes other 1st world countries.

Social security / medicare - Were just fine until Reagan stole money from them that the feds still haven't paid back. They turned it into a ponzi scheme when it wasn't. Now we are stuck paying for services rendered now in hopes that there will be others to pay our bills when the time comes. Medicare and the VA system are just fine. If anything they could be better funded and opened up to regular citizens to buy in.

FEMA - Unnecessary and inept. Axe it.

DMW - ???

04-18-2012, 10:45 PM
Listen buddy i think you are missing the point. We are all aware of the socialist programs sponsored by our government . What we want to do is stop the expansion of these social programs. Do you know why we want that?

Look at how f-ed up the following few things are in this country:

Education system
Public transportation - in most cities.
Roadways freeways
Social security / medicare
Im having a brain fart but when i started this i had a few other examples. Ill go back to eating my food and when im done im going to make some 20 random posts because i cant pull all my thoughts together and compose a few paragraphs.

Ding ding ding... Nailed it

Ok well I agree with the anarchocapitalistic on major level and socialist on a community level... You are right about that but whatever I'm done arguing that bit with you since it seems you and I just have two completely differing views on what that statement you had originally said meant. Either way socialism hasn't been in practice on a federal level since the beginning and really the federal government didnt institute socialist institutions until the latter half of our history. Socialism on a community level is hard to claim that "socialist since conception" bit because its not on any major governing level. And socialism on a community level is almost like saying community on community level IMO

Either way back on track to the somewhat original topic I completely agree once again with mantas. But I'm gonna take it a little farther and say it doesn't matter even if he didn't establish any new socialist institutions, it's the idea that he wants to that I have a problem with. Like mantas said- all the preexisting ones worked out sooooo well, why the fuck do I want more? It's the idea that he supports these institutions and wants more that makes me not want to see another 4 years of him (among other things). And that's why I will not and did not originally vote for him.

On a side note socialism as an ideology is a marvelous idea but is impractical in reality, it can work phenomenally on a small community level but a lot of the time it fails horribly once it hits the big leagues. I personally wouldnt want to live like that and thats the problem, unless everyone is on board and down that shit ain't gonna go far or succeed.

04-18-2012, 10:53 PM
Social security / medicare - Were just fine until Reagan stole money from them that the feds still haven't paid back. They turned it into a ponzi scheme when it wasn't. Now we are stuck paying for services rendered......

Sorry for cutting the quote my iPhone got a little too delete crazy

IMO the issue with social security mainly resides in the fact that they didn't plan on as many ppl living to see that money and living as long into retirement as they are these days.

04-18-2012, 10:58 PM
When did he ever claim he wanted to push socialism? That was the republican rhetoric from the last elections.
Judge a man on his actions and the consistency of those actions. All the republican candidates save Ron Paul are all over the map in that regard. Obama is not as consistent as I would like in his voting record or presidential policies. At least Ron Paul and Hilary Clinton are completely known quantities.

04-18-2012, 11:11 PM
Sorry for cutting the quote my iPhone got a little too delete crazy

IMO the issue with social security mainly resides in the fact that they didn't plan on as many ppl living to see that money and living as long into retirement as they are these days.

The number of people isn't important as long as the money YOU payed in is kept and invested for YOU. When Reagen plundered the account he took away their future and the programs solvency. Rather than pay back what is owed the republicans seem to want to reroute the rest and shutdown the program.

04-18-2012, 11:39 PM
The number of people isn't important as long as the money YOU payed in is kept and invested for YOU. When Reagen plundered the account he took away their future and the programs solvency. Rather than pay back what is owed the republicans seem to want to reroute the rest and shutdown the program.

But when they take the money from you're salary as they did way back when they took a % that they had calculated to be able to be enough money for X years of retirement after being invested. People are living longer than the calculated X amount of years which throws the system off. In their defense there was no way that they could've seen that years down the line advancements with internal medicine and living healthier lives would allow people to reach so much higher an age. What's the average age for men and women nowadays? 79 for men and 85 for women? I'm not 100% positive but I know is around there... Dude that's over 20 years of social security when they had only accounted for X

Whatever the bottom line with ssi is that I pay for it outa each paycheck and odds are I will not see a fucking dime come retirement... Which is complete and utter bullshit

04-19-2012, 12:03 AM
And that is admittedly a potential pitfall of socialism. You should be able to opt out and make your own retirement investments if you want. That would also mean that they would absolutely deny you any and all benefits.

I think we can all admit people will want it both ways. lol

04-19-2012, 12:04 AM
Bingo! Tougesr20kid is completely right here. No one could foresee the increase in life expectancy. Kingkillburn yes WE the people never paid back for what the Government borrowed from ss, but do you not see that this was a failure and another bullshit scheme for the government to rob us blind? They keep doing this all the time - more social programs for the people - and more money stolen from our pockets because guess who has to pay for these programs? Me, you, tougesr20kid and the rest of the people in this country. Healthcare will be the same thing, that f-ing highspeed train in CA will be the same crap. I must admit i was an idiot and i voted for it, that was the only prop i didnt read into and thought omg a rail from downtown LA to downtown SF would be cool. Yeah right, turns out this thing starts nowhere and ends nowhere. I wish i could take me vote back, but i made a mistake, and i wont let it happen again.

04-19-2012, 12:18 AM
One more thing. Kingkillburn, i heard somewhere that a lot of young people are quite liberal but as they get older they become more conservative. If that makes any sense.... Either way the reason this happens is people get older and start voting and paying taxes and they realize there is no reason why they need to work hard and have their money taken from them. I pay a boat load in taxes and i plan on making more money not less so i want to minimize the amount of money taken from me. Not only do i pay taxes i now have to pay more for gas (absolutely Obama's fsult). My medical insurance costs quite a bit, and food prices keep climbing because of inflation. So the way i see it - i can only control one of these costs = taxes. I cant go to the store and tell the clerk im not paying $3.00 for an orange but ill give him $2.50, that wont work. I cant go to a gas station and tell the clerk to pump a few extra gallons in my tank because im unhappy that gas went up by .10 since last week. But what i can do is vote for someone who wants to cut down the amount i pay intaxes, i can make sure that no social programs get passed so i dont have to pay more state or federal taxes.

04-19-2012, 12:45 AM
One man can't make those changes but all of us can together. Inflation isn't an accident. It's not even our government's fault per say. The FED wants inflation and they manipulate politics and the market to keep the status quo. I couldn't even guess as to why they do it but they have a clear history of doing it. The dollar could very easily be worth what it was 60 years ago. They'll have you believe that would just destroy the world. I'm not buying it.

There is only one candidate that wants to change that and it isn't Romney or Obama. Even if we don't go as far as going back to a gold standard(please don't thread jack on that, I know it's not popular) we desperately need to go back to the US Treasury Dept. controlling the currency and making the whole process controlled by the people and not private investors.

04-19-2012, 12:48 AM
Of all the changes to our government the creation of the FED is the most detrimental in my eyes. You can keep the Department of War, the lack of term limits for the president, the number of supreme court judges, all the special powers the executive branch has grabbed. Let them have it all but I want the FED gone.

04-19-2012, 08:00 PM
One more thing. Kingkillburn, i heard somewhere that a lot of young people are quite liberal but as they get older they become more conservative. If that makes any sense.... Either way the reason this happens is people get older and start voting and paying taxes and they realize there is no reason why they need to work hard and have their money taken from them. I pay a boat load in taxes and i plan on making more money not less so i want to minimize the amount of money taken from me. Not only do i pay taxes i now have to pay more for gas (absolutely Obama's fsult). My medical insurance costs quite a bit, and food prices keep climbing because of inflation. So the way i see it - i can only control one of these costs = taxes. I cant go to the store and tell the clerk im not paying $3.00 for an orange but ill give him $2.50, that wont work. I cant go to a gas station and tell the clerk to pump a few extra gallons in my tank because im unhappy that gas went up by .10 since last week. But what i can do is vote for someone who wants to cut down the amount i pay intaxes, i can make sure that no social programs get passed so i dont have to pay more state or federal taxes.

The saying goes -

A young man who is not a liberal is heartless, and an old man who is not conservative is a moron.

beeracing s14
04-19-2012, 08:32 PM
stay away from fox news for crying out loud !!

04-19-2012, 09:49 PM
The saying goes -

A young man who is not a liberal is heartless, and an old man who is not conservative is a moron.

Truth right there folks.

04-19-2012, 10:19 PM
Truth right there folks.

Thank you, i wasnt sure where i heard those lines but that is exactly the saying i was trying to explain to this lib. He will come to his senses eventually or he will stay broke. Hahha

04-19-2012, 11:19 PM
I would like the President (whomever that may be after the next election) to cut:
The Federal Department of Education
The Federal Reserve
Military spending

And I would like them to:
Legalize marijuana and tax the living hell out of it (and just for your information, no I do not smoke weed)
End ALL of our wars and bring our soldiers home, they've done their job!
Raise taxes on the wealthiest of Americans
Offer tax incentives to corporations to relocate their manufacturing to the US
Start taxing corporations for outsourcing
Start seriously investing in space programs
Start seriously investing in renewable energy research
Reinstate the Gold Standard (much easier said than done, yeah, I know)
Figure out a health care plan that can cover Americans who live without it
Axe murder John Boehner

I also think it would be a sign of trustworthiness if the President took a pay cut in such a financially unstable time. For as much as Obama talks about taxing wealthy Americans I have never heard him consider taking a smaller paycheck, PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS MR. PRESIDENT!
With that having been said, I would still prefer Obama over Bush or Romney. But there are MANY more people I would prefer over Obama as well.

04-20-2012, 12:25 AM

Is that an argument that has both classical conservative and progressive liberal ideas?

Why yes, yes it is.

04-20-2012, 12:27 AM
Imagine that. They aren't at odds. There's a time and place for everything.

04-20-2012, 12:27 AM
And fucks still not given about post whoring that doesn't actually count as post whoring. :P

04-20-2012, 02:31 AM
And you guys haven't even bothered with the refute argument step. You change the subject or try and twist your original statement to mean something totally different.

Video 1 explains an answer to exactly what you are saying

04-20-2012, 04:10 AM
Video 1 explains an answer to exactly what you are saying

You still aren't shutting the fuck up. Go bug someone else with childish shit.

04-20-2012, 04:37 AM
People say the healthcare bill(that congress passed so call it congress-care) .

You realize the President has veto power and must sign into law what congress creates. If he didn't agree with it, he can kill the law by refusing to sign it.

The president also sets the tone and agenda. Obama is constant trying to controll this by giving speeches every 30 minutes.

04-20-2012, 04:46 AM
fascism. Government mandating that you must buy a product is not socialism.

How is it Fascist? Fascism is basically an elected dictator. The enter governmental system is driven by one single super presidents agenda.

This means there is no room for disagreement, but it also means shir gets done fast.

Most Faciat Goverments are SOCIALISTS however.

Mussolini's Italy, Fascist Spain, Chavez, even the Nazis (National Socialists Workers Party).

Also I don't think you understand the mandate, it's basically a punishment to anyone with a Job and the common sense to not have 40 fucking children. It's another slap in the face by they underclass - you know the guys that are on social security disability, getting food stamps, welfare and when the file their taxes (having paid nothing) get a "income credit earned" return of $4,500.

Hood rich bitch!!

04-20-2012, 08:57 AM
Most fascist governments disguised themselves at first as socialist parties or governments. Reason why national socialist workers party (NAZI) were able to get so much popular backing is that they posed as a socialist party with socialist ideals which is not the case... Think about it ppl are more likely to allow a fascist regime to take power if they believe that the government is for the ppl... The reality is that those governments are not socialist

04-20-2012, 09:57 AM
Most fascist governments disguised themselves at first as socialist parties or governments. Reason why national socialist workers party (NAZI) were able to get so much popular backing is that they posed as a socialist party with socialist ideals which is not the case... Think about it ppl are more likely to allow a fascist regime to take power if they believe that the government is for the ppl... The reality is that those governments are not socialist

How where the Nazis not Socialists?

The government took over major industries, created widespread job and pension programs, worker reform laws, nation health card and medical screening... So for.

Socialism is a form of Economic system, not governance.

You can be a Socialist and still have a King, Emperor, General, President, Dictator, or Prime-minister. You can also have a Congress, House, Parliament, Court, Senate or Committee as well.

04-20-2012, 12:00 PM
No, socialism at its core means that no one person is more powerful than the other it completely does away with social stratification and classism. What you are referring to is communism. I don't believe there has ever been a true socialist country in the purist of its definition. Remember it is an ideology that was made to do away with the social stratification and socioeconomic classes and meant to really make everyone equal in terms of work and rewards. From each according to their means, to each according to their needs. Of course you will have ppl that will have different responsibilities and some may have to take over the role of leading or overseeing certain things however a dictator has no place in true socialism... Not to mention in NAZI Germany there was most definitely social stratification and a hierarchy of wealth and status

04-20-2012, 12:38 PM
I would like the President (whomever that may be after the next election) to cut:
The Federal Department of Education
The Federal Reserve
Military spending

And I would like them to:
Legalize marijuana and tax the living hell out of it (and just for your information, no I do not smoke weed)
End ALL of our wars and bring our soldiers home, they've done their job!
Raise taxes on the wealthiest of Americans
Offer tax incentives to corporations to relocate their manufacturing to the US
Start taxing corporations for outsourcing
Start seriously investing in space programs
Start seriously investing in renewable energy research
Reinstate the Gold Standard (much easier said than done, yeah, I know)
Figure out a health care plan that can cover Americans who live without it
Axe murder John Boehner

I also think it would be a sign of trustworthiness if the President took a pay cut in such a financially unstable time. For as much as Obama talks about taxing wealthy Americans I have never heard him consider taking a smaller paycheck, PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS MR. PRESIDENT!
With that having been said, I would still prefer Obama over Bush or Romney. But there are MANY more people I would prefer over Obama as well.

Hahaha, what the fuck. I just got mind-fucked. I've never known someone to have such extremes.

04-20-2012, 01:49 PM
You still aren't shutting the fuck up. Go bug someone else with childish shit.

He is, he is being an idiot in the rice 2.0 thread. Haha

04-20-2012, 02:01 PM
You still aren't shutting the fuck up. Go bug someone else with childish shit.

Has it ever occurred that you think you are so right, that you simply are ignoring others here to hear yourself talk? You never even watched the two video's I posted.

watch the first one

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/427759_10150559613151863_561661862_9275209_1791756 495_n.jpg

04-20-2012, 02:07 PM
You realize the President has veto power and must sign into law what congress creates. If he didn't agree with it, he can kill the law by refusing to sign it.

The president also sets the tone and agenda. Obama is constant trying to controll this by giving speeches every 30 minutes.

You can't blame one man for something that had to go through the house and senate. A lot of hands were in that pot and all Obama called for was healthcare of some kind. If you don't like it blame all of them.

How is it Fascist? Fascism is basically an elected dictator. The enter governmental system is driven by one single super presidents agenda.

This means there is no room for disagreement, but it also means shir gets done fast.

Most Faciat Goverments are SOCIALISTS however.

Mussolini's Italy, Fascist Spain, Chavez, even the Nazis (National Socialists Workers Party).

Also I don't think you understand the mandate, it's basically a punishment to anyone with a Job and the common sense to not have 40 fucking children. It's another slap in the face by they underclass - you know the guys that are on social security disability, getting food stamps, welfare and when the file their taxes (having paid nothing) get a "income credit earned" return of $4,500.

Hood rich bitch!!

Economically speaking fascism is when the government owns and controls business(think postal service not GM). Having one person in control is a dictatorship. They are not one and the same. If your only choice is to shop at the government store that is fascism in my eyes. This mandate is forcing me to shop when I otherwise wouldn't.

Demonizing socialism because those governments claimed it is the same as demonizing atheism because Stalin was atheist. Clearly the goal of the countries you listed was absolute domination and control. Those are separate goals from socialism.

04-20-2012, 02:12 PM
Has it ever occurred that you think you are so right, that you simply are ignoring others here to hear yourself talk? You never even watched the two video's I posted.

watch the first one

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/427759_10150559613151863_561661862_9275209_1791756 495_n.jpg

I wont be watching or reading anything from you. You have proven to me and others the kind of shitty scum of the earth person you are. You are always either trolling(as you are now) or arguing based on assumptions of reality and half truths with no evidence.

I am open to many things but they must be proven to me with evidence and good arguments. Simply attacking me and my ideas is neither of those.

04-20-2012, 06:57 PM
...or arguing based on assumptions of reality and half truths with no evidence.

I'd saying you are calling the kettle black, but you'd probably say that is racist of me.

04-20-2012, 07:26 PM
I'd saying you are calling the kettle black, but you'd probably say that is racist of me.

What the f are you talking about? Have you lost it completely? Where does this racist crap come from? Really, who are you?

04-20-2012, 09:44 PM
Lol über troll will troll definitely...

But seriously this thread just got back to business as usual and then you shit it up again. Ur not even getting posts out of this so just leave, you've lost, u know it's bad when ppl that were arguing with each other over the last 4 pages are all siding with each other to tell u ur wrong and a troll

04-21-2012, 04:20 AM
Lol über troll will troll definitely...

But seriously this thread just got back to business as usual and then you shit it up again. Ur not even getting posts out of this so just leave, you've lost, u know it's bad when ppl that were arguing with each other over the last 4 pages are all siding with each other to tell u ur wrong and a troll

See, he is taking trolling to the next level.
Apparently, based upon a previous thread, he has a vendetta against kingkilburn and now he is more interested in being under his skin than to make any sort of debate on the topic at hand. There again, he is from Canuckistan and will not be voting on this topic in November and perhaps he SHOULD shut up on the topic.

04-21-2012, 04:57 AM
So rumor has it Chris Christie will be the Republican running mate.


04-21-2012, 05:25 AM
So rumor has it Chris Christie will be the Republican running mate.


The funniest part about this rumor is that the longer the primaries last, the longer the eventual winner will have to wait to announce who will run with him, thus FURTHER weakening an already weak (in terms of overall electability) field of candidates.
I cannot imagine WHO any of the remaining candidates would pick as a running mate.

04-21-2012, 05:32 PM
Ron + Rand Paul 2012.

Rand is nuts.

04-22-2012, 11:57 AM
Why is he nuts?

04-22-2012, 03:03 PM
He is the type of crazy extreme right tea party follower that contradicts themselves with every new statement. It's hard for me to believe that Ron is his father. They seem to share next to no ideological ideas.

04-23-2012, 01:15 AM
Hahaha, what the fuck. I just got mind-fucked. I've never known someone to have such extremes.

Well you know I was just kidding about the John Bohener part :hey:

04-23-2012, 09:43 PM
Jon Huntsman Criticizes Republican Party, Compares Actions To Communist China (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/22/jon-huntsman-gop_n_1444529.html)

04-24-2012, 01:38 AM
We'll do what ever we want and call it conservatism.
Republican Party of the United States of America

04-24-2012, 01:44 AM
The Republican primaries should have come down to Ron Paul and John Huntsman, with Huntsman likely winning the nomination. Two actual conservatives in a field of religious yahoos and a few leeches.

04-25-2012, 08:59 AM
First Read - Gingrich to exit presidential race next week (http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/25/11390508-gingrich-to-exit-presidential-race-next-week?lite)

Down goes Newton Leroy Gingrich

04-25-2012, 02:12 PM
Yeah i guess RP took Iowa and Minnesota? But no news coverage of that lol.

04-25-2012, 03:45 PM
Of course not man, hah what did you expect to hear and see from the news... The actual news? Lol that's just strange talk

04-25-2012, 05:27 PM

04-25-2012, 09:01 PM

04-25-2012, 09:44 PM

04-25-2012, 10:34 PM

Did you lose it already? Or is this supposed to be some kind of a link lol.

04-25-2012, 10:47 PM
jvsc91talon posted it as a link and didn't know how to embed it. I embedded it and then he(?) figured it out.

04-25-2012, 11:26 PM
Oh ok. Well i didnt get it on my phone. But either way this shit about the media is pissing me off. Its all a big show. Look at how news used to be - all news and no opininion by the anchor or the newscaster. Now its all about opinion and emotions. I want news no bs no opinions no stories about your family your drive to work your friends your neighboors or your pets!!!! Give me news and keep the bs to you and your pals at the bar!!! Just venting my frustrations with todays media....

04-25-2012, 11:52 PM
Rachel Maddow does a good job of reporting without too much opinion. She is totally liberal so that is obviously where she reports from but she doesn't insert crazy assumptions as news/facts.