View Full Version : want to shipping a motor

03-31-2012, 06:47 AM
Im here on Okinawa and I'm wondering has anyone shipped out a motor here before. I was planning to ship it back to Guam. Greatly appreciated if anyone can help me out with this.

03-31-2012, 03:23 PM
Most people usually take the time to break their motors down completley or at least in managable parts, clean them, then wrap them up theirselves and either mail them off from the post office, or leave wrapped and good to go for TMO. If the TMO option they make sure to clearly mark them as something else and give the movers alot of beer/water/pizza or something...

If you are on zeroyon their is a thread in the japan section i think on how a guy did this....might even be stickied!

04-01-2012, 12:08 PM
you just gave me an idea there^^

04-01-2012, 12:24 PM
I shipped an SR20 from there to Florida in 2004, cost a shit load though. Used the same company the USAF TMO uses...ATP. I shipped the eng, tranny, and diff in a wood crate that totaled 800lbs and it cost me $2,100. Had to fill out all kinds of EPA and customs forms but it was worth it.

The second time I was there I was smarter though and shipped back 5,000lbs of car parts in my TMO shippment. They only give you a hard time if they see lots of big parts. On my pre pickup inspection the guy made a stink about my transmission. He then told the TMO office that I was shipping lots of car parts and had an engine. I had the engine down to the bare block in a gorilla case with tools on top of it and I know he did not see it. So when TMO asked about car parts I told them I had a few spare parts. I have learned to not take no for an answer and before I went to the office there I printed up the reg that covers spare parts and was prepaired to tell them to EAD! The person there said I was not allowed to bring back anything that could be rebuilt into a complete car. I brought everything but the frame of a 180sx with me, had the firewall in a box a the size of a refridgerator.

04-27-2012, 06:53 PM
HAHHAH Nice...people try to live by the regs and dont even read them properly F-Tards.

good stuff. I have helped many engines leave japan. like stated break em down clean em box em. beer done.

04-30-2012, 08:19 AM
I tore an SR20 down to the crank and shipped it piece by piece to AL for less than $500 in Space A

as far as TMO when I left there in 07 there was this one company if they saw car parts they would not ship it. they denied a buddy of mine when he was gonna ship his RB through TMO

06-03-2012, 09:56 PM
I tore an SR20 down to the crank and shipped it piece by piece to AL for less than $500 in Space A

as far as TMO when I left there in 07 there was this one company if they saw car parts they would not ship it. they denied a buddy of mine when he was gonna ship his RB through TMO

You my friend, are awesome. I'm doing the same thing with my blacktop, however, it's taking a while to get it all back!!!!

06-05-2012, 10:27 PM
You my friend, are awesome. I'm doing the same thing with my blacktop, however, it's taking a while to get it all back!!!!

Shit, I just finally started on putting back my engine today...Thank you TMO!!! Managed to fit the RB25 into a gorilla box after taking the accessories off and cams/valvecover.


The best part was, TMO was trying to screw me over with my HHG weight. I came on island restricted. 4 years later, TMO was telling me I'm not entitled to my full weight (2,000 lbs vs 9,000 lbs). I was moved from one base housing to another 8 months before I left and I knew I had about 3,800 lbs of HHG. Needless to say, I left island with 7,800 lbs. :kiss:

06-05-2012, 11:40 PM
They tried that too me saying i exceeded my weight but I was in the dorms...

Im impressed though ray I cant believe TMO shipped that and that the Box held up to a long block lol

06-06-2012, 05:44 PM
They tried that too me saying i exceeded my weight but I was in the dorms...

Im impressed though ray I cant believe TMO shipped that and that the Box held up to a long block lol

Best part, I knew shit was gonna be heavy as fuck. Went to Makeman and added caster wheels on the box since it didnt have em. I had to take the oil pan out, let it sit on girdle, cut out the top of the box's criss-cross support so it would close after taking the valve cover and cams out.

I basically brought back a whole car minus the shell...how else can I explain a 4,000 lbs in extra weight?

06-06-2012, 09:10 PM
lol. so whatd you label them as?

06-06-2012, 11:51 PM
HAHA Thats awesome!

06-07-2012, 03:37 PM
lol. so whatd you label them as?

Whatever the movers decide to put on the inventory. I had nothing on my inventory that said car parts other than wheels. I brought a whole S14 Kouki front end, the hood was a "painting". I brought back parts as scuba gear, books, china, weights, anything else thats usually heavy as fuck.

06-08-2012, 05:45 AM
I so should have done that, I didn't have enought time really. I ended up selling my Kouki at the Kadena lemon lot for about half of what I bought it for back in 08.

When I got back to the states i started searching and found an 89 240 w/ a silvia front and a red top. That filled the void in my life but i'll never forget my Kouki.

06-09-2012, 09:50 PM
When I came to misawa, I thought I was entering a wonderland of parts. My heart broke every time I went to the junk yard to never see anything. So lame...damn you exporters

06-10-2012, 12:12 AM
LOL yea the parts are not easy to come by here!!! Thank god for the YAJ premium account, nothing good is going cheap, you gonna PAY if I find it!!!

06-11-2012, 06:32 PM
Shit my whole car was built on used parts. Between YAJ and somebody parting out their cars between 2 hobby shops (Kadena and Foster's). My first summer there, somebody was parting out an S-chassis pretty much every weekend at each spot. Roll thru there, see parts laying all over the place and ask how much they want for it. It wasnt unheard off to get an SR swap for $300 with goodies in it.