03-30-2012, 07:11 PM
I am sure this topic has been brought several times and I have researched it several times but I still want to ask. My 95 S14's open diff started making a little noise and I was getting a little vibration from the rear end so I searched for a new one. I stumbled upon someone locally with a S14 4.08 ratio "VLSD". In my rush to to get the car back on the road I did not open the cover to double check that it was a in fact a VLSD. Once I got the diff. installed I spun one wheel forward expecting the other wheel to do the same so that I could confirm that it was locking properly. To my dismay the opposite wheel spun in the opposite direction that same way it did when I had an open diff. in the car, but unlike my open diff. if I hold one wheel stationary and try to move the other wheel locks and will not move. Does this mean I have a VLSD or not? I just want to know for sure before I pull it back out. Thanks for any information