View Full Version : High Idle problem

03-29-2012, 04:39 PM
This is my first time attempting to post anything.

Firstly, let me start by saying I'm a female, and most guys just want to fix the problem for me, rather than show/tell me how to, and it's really annoying. I don't know much about cars, but I'm trying to learn.

Basically, I NEED HELP!!

So, here goes, I drive a '93 240SX dual cam, and I'm having an issue with my idle. I recently bought this car, and as the days go by, I'm finding more and more problem. As far as I know, the car doesn't have anything special added, or built into it, aside from a cold air intake. I know the motor was rebuilt, and I'm riding on about 40K miles. I'm pretty positive the catalytic converter is gone. I'm also pretty sure that the clutch was replaced. And it has an after market muffler. Air conditioner was taken out. Also, the front and back bumpers are now hollow, just the panel. (save weight).

The Known:
1. I need a new header (or it needs welding; if I knew someone with a spot welder). It's got a small crack on bottom pipe that comes straight off the motor.
2. I thought my tranny was giving out, but turns out I just need some new synchro's.
3. I'm thinking I may need a whole new exhaust system because my floor get so hot it burns my right foot. (keep in mind there is no carpet, so the heat just comes straight through.) Was thinking of getting some heat (exhaust) wrap and just wrapping it up.
4. In the past two/three week, when I start it up. it jumps straight up to 2 grand and idles there. Doesn't matter if it's hot or cold outside. Sometimes it'll drop to about 1300-1500 and hang out for maybe 10 seconds then jump back to 2 grand. It's like this the whole time I drive it. (even short trips to the store, or long trips out of town) I know a normal idle is around 800, I wouldn't mind sitting around a grand.
5. I need a new Speedometer censor.
6. Need new bushings
7. Power steering hose is leaking (considering just riding without p.s.)
and last but not least
8. The wiring in the s13 was done horribly. The only censors that work are the ebrake, and the seat belts, gas light may work (never gotten down to e). Oil light DOES NOT work! Lights only go down when the car gets warm from sitting in the sun. Speaker wires were cut and need to be replaced.

But the main concern is the Idle. It's higher than I like, but it's not like it's redlining at a stop light. It's just more annoying than anything.

If anyone has advice about what it could be, or anyone in the CENTRAL FLORIDA area that has any opinions on a good shop to take my Tranny to, I'd appreciate it.


Also, this is my DAILY DRIVER, so I can't afford to sideline her for a long period of time. Two days at the most.

04-04-2012, 08:31 AM
Well this isn't gonna figure out if something is wrong making the idle higher but it will fix the annoyance of the high idle. There should be a screw on the throttle body to adjust the idle, turn it out and that should adjust the idle lower. Just do it while it's running and when you get the idle to where you want it tighten up the lock nut

04-04-2012, 09:07 AM
could be a dirty IACV, it controls the idle while the throttle body is closed, if it is dirty or gummed up the idle can fluctuate or be stuck higher than it has to be

04-04-2012, 09:11 AM
also is it an automatic? that could be why your floor is getting hot the trans may be heating up more than usual or excessively because of bad fluid etc... just thinking out loud

04-04-2012, 09:23 AM
also is it an automatic? that could be why your floor is getting hot the trans may be heating up more than usual or excessively because of bad fluid etc... just thinking out loud

Fail... She said the clutch had been replaced...

Better question is has the car been gutted? Like you said the carpets gone but is the sound deadening material still there? Usually you would take that out as well if removing the carpet for weight reduction. If that is the case then the reason for the heat is that there is nothing but metal in between ur foot and the exhaust. My last 240 was gutted and had the same exact problem, the carpet and sound deadening material do more than just keep it quiet and comfortable. Getting a new exhaust won't fix the problem but heat wraps or putting the carpet back in will.

As for the high idle: check timing, clean the throttle body and idle air control valve, also check for vacuum leaks

04-04-2012, 09:36 AM
checked the throttle cable to be sure it isnt stuck in any abnormal position?

04-04-2012, 10:17 AM
1. take it to any muffler shop and have them weld it... not something you want to do to your own car if you haven't learned on scap first.

2. just replace the tranny... plenty of people on here do part outs.

3. PepBoy, O'riely's, etc... they sell exhaust wrap. Take the part off your going to wrap (exhaust, mani, down pipe)... take the entire roll of wrap and put it in a bucket of water and let it soak. It wont fall apart but it will become slightly more elastic and alow for a tighter wrap. Start at the back and work forward, the reason for this is wind under your car isn't hitting an open layer. Wrap should lay 1/2 over 1/2, and use the metal ties to secure it in place, 2 on the start point and 2 on the end.
Carpet will make you life so much nicer. New Nissan 240SX Molded Carpet Interior Replacement Kit (http://www.stockinteriors.com/items.asp?MakeId=20&ModelId=312&MainCatId=1&Desc=Nissan_240SX_Carpet&gclid=CNHR0-rLm68CFQS0nQodGniHag)

4. http://zilvia.net/f/s-chassis/395413-idle-adjust-procedures-ka24de-240sx-pictures.html

5. When you get a Trany this will be part of it. Replace your Lower harness also it sounds like your car has gremlins.

6. Energy Suspension sells a bushing kit. There is a "how to" floating around but its on the evil nissan forum.

7. find it in a part out thread or buy a new Stainless Steel braided one from ChaseBays, etc...

8. This is really a pain in the ass but its almost easyier to just buy an uncut Engine Harness (Upper and Lower) and Chassis Harness. find it in a part out thread and ask for the sensors. When you get them in, you should clean all of them with Brake Clean!!!

If you dont mind take some pics of the car...

04-04-2012, 10:59 AM
your tps could be off the idle screw could be set way up but dought it
your injector gromets could be leaking causing high idle also
your throttle cable could be getting hung up
you icav could be non working or dirty but that usally causes low idle in my experience
timing could be all crazy

04-04-2012, 08:31 PM
it could be the aftermarket muffler

04-04-2012, 08:33 PM
hehe i like how she is female and she gets all the PROPER responses not use the search button or let me google that for you

04-04-2012, 11:43 PM
hehe i like how she is female and she gets all the PROPER responses not use the search button or let me google that for you

You're damn right she gets a pass...she has a vagina so she can do whatever she wants to do.

But seriously, you tried adjusting the Idle Air Control Valve first? I'd play around with that first to see if the idle changes.

If it doesnt change, then you might have a vacuum leak thats letting extra air into the intake manifold. That or the throttle body plate is sticking and not closing all the way.