View Full Version : Sonic Motor

03-28-2012, 10:40 AM
Does anyone else have troubles contacting these guys? I ordered a few items from them and am having some issues that i wont disclose right now, but am unable to get a response either by phoning, emailing or PMing on here..

03-28-2012, 01:26 PM
called them a cpl weeks ago for some seat sliders, been to there shop a few times to p/u a cpl radiators and fan no issues at all. well they say hey open a 9am on Saturdays but it's more like 10:30am.

hope you get your issue resolved.

mowgli 240sx
03-28-2012, 03:41 PM
they are awsome no probs at alll:boink:

09-06-2012, 01:35 PM
Karl and Jim are awesome, just called the boys up to make an order on wheels and they are shipping out today. Awesome customer service so far!

Use Sonic!

09-06-2012, 01:43 PM
Karl is awesome, never had any issues with them.

09-06-2012, 01:47 PM
i've also never had any problems with them, andrew and karl are legit

09-06-2012, 03:40 PM
yea.... they open kind of late. usually its best to call in around 1130am PST til about 6/630

Drift N Dragg
09-07-2012, 04:42 PM
They are never on time to there shop. But they are good people, always willing to get you what you need at a good price..

Open @ 9AM really means - Open at 10ish to 10:45ish

11-21-2012, 01:52 PM
I'm not having a good experience at all. I call them on nov 2nd to make sure the had the wheel specs I was looking for and spoke with charlie. He answered all my questions and I went ahead and ordered by phone to make 100% sure my order was correct . Week and a half later i do get the wheels and when I open the box noticed they sent me the wrong offset, a wheel was missing center cap and all the rivets on the wheel. Same day I call them back and spoke to jim. He said charlie had to take care of it. After 4 calls with the same answer jim decided to take over wich I apreciate it.
He sent me a return label to send wheels back and said replacement wheels were going to be sent to my the very next day. Wheels I sent back got there 5 days ago.On all this charlie have not call me or return any of my emails. A shipping label then was created by them on nov 16 and now is the 21 and my wheels havent even been shipped. Its been almsot a month and at least 10 -12 call trying to get this going and all I hear is yeah they leaving today and Ill call u right away to confirm and nothing happens. Here Im waiting for the last 20 days to get my wheels and counting. No I will not do bussines with them again. Meanwhile my car is sitting with the front wheels and blocks on the back of it.