View Full Version : rb20det to s13 wiring

03-26-2012, 06:37 PM
Hey guys, just bought a s13 with a rb20det already swapped in it. Car has the r32 transmission and guage cluster too. The wiring on the car is cut and spliced. If I buy a rb20 to s13 engine and coilpack harness, Is it just a plug and play harness or am I going to have to do some splicing to get things in order?

03-26-2012, 06:43 PM
You will have to do some minor splicing, fairly simple stuff. Theres a good few threads on forums that will show you how to do it. Just google Rb20 s13 wiring.

03-26-2012, 07:27 PM
R32 cluster is cable driven not electric like the S13. So unless your going to cut and run a spedo cable just keep the tach out of the R32 cluster and put it into your S13 cluster.