View Full Version : whitestalion

02-19-2012, 02:04 PM
Seller falsely advertises turbo on zilvia.net and claims the item is correct. I have taken pictures of the turbo he sent me and will be comparing the two turbos side by side. I already made a dispute with paypal and got all the stuff i need for this to end. Hopefully my way that is.

Here Is the Thread made on Zilvia.net advertising the sale of the turbo


If he trys to delete it I`ll lol because its \/ too
Copy of the Thread He made
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7bhalhi-TBVOTUzYTkzM2MtZGJkMi00ODc2LWEzYzYtMDk4NjU0YjRlYWY 4

Now let` s compare the Item posted and what I received on 2/18/2012. Yellow circles indicate what` s different and question marks indicate what`s missing . If you look closely at his turbo at the very bottom you see the numbers .86 engraved You clearly don’t see those numbers engraved on the turbo he sent. Turbo is missing 4 studs and 2 small pipes on the side as you can see.
Comparing the front side of the turbo . Yellow circles indicate what` s different and questions marks indicate what` s missing. Again this is where they look similar but as you can tell it is not the same turbo. Also you can see how distant the numbers/letters are apart from each other if you compare.

02-19-2012, 02:35 PM
turbo looks like its got bad seals.

02-19-2012, 09:15 PM
none the less it was not the turbo i wanted and ball bearing turbos can not be rebuilt

02-19-2012, 09:19 PM
What a dick.......

02-19-2012, 09:49 PM
the welded built in nut on the back of the wheel is a different shape as well, one wheel has 11 rear blades, the other has 10,what did he tell you? has he contacted you back????

s13 @ fullboost
02-19-2012, 10:32 PM
you got raped bro I am sorry I hope you get your money back

02-19-2012, 11:23 PM
What a dick.......
Yep thats what im saying....

the welded built in nut on the back of the wheel is a different shape as well, one wheel has 11 rear blades, the other has 10,what did he tell you? has he contacted you back????

I was interested in the turbo and that was about it. Knowing that that picture was a gtiR turbo. I contacted him through text today. He pretty much told me i was S.O.L and that it was my fault for not knowing what i bought. Then he proceed with the numbers match.... obviously they do match but the physical turbo itself was nothing alike. Didn't want to argue with him anymore because it was immature so I just took it to paypal.

you got raped bro I am sorry I hope you get your money back

Yea but I` m sure i have enough evidence to get my money back. Reason why I texted him instead of calling him. So he pretty much told me yea that`s the turbo that i sent you numbers match when I sent him actual pictures of the one I got from him. Open Close CASE! at least I think so....

03-16-2012, 12:34 PM
Welp i got my money bak from paypal. He has the turbo so watch out if he decides to put it back on the market.