View Full Version : need VG30E help!! missing @ 2000RPMs

02-09-2012, 09:35 PM
hey guys as my sn suggests, i own an S12.
but since its an SE, i figured id get more help in the Z section.

when i bought it, it ran like shit. no throttle response or power under 3500rpms, backfiring/missing nonstop, died on slight throttle, bunch of shit.
got a new MAF, adjusted timing down to 17BTDC. Cool. Now it runs like a dream..... until and after 2000rpms unless im over 3/4 throttle. Itll just miss like if i hit a limiter or something and will shut off unless i get on the gas again.

wtf could it be?

things that have been checked/replaced:
plugs, wires, cap, rotor, coil, fuel pump, fuel filter.

thanks Z dudes! :)

02-10-2012, 05:55 PM
dying after 2000rpm generally means it's the MAF that's bad. If you bought one that was brand new, it might have even been bad right out of the box, wouldn't be the first time.

02-16-2012, 05:02 PM
well it wasnt actually a new MAF, so i guess ill change that out. do you think i can just get a Q45 MAF and "tune" it with a SAFC?

i really dont wanna put in another shitty VG one unless i have to.

thanks dude!

02-17-2012, 12:12 AM
If you're thinking of going for the q45 maf for future upgrade capacity, think again. Last I heard they really didn't increase capacity that much, pipe diameter notwithstanding. That might be old news but research it a bit before jumping into anything. You can find good working maf for a decent price, just cruise z31 forums and you'll find one.

02-18-2012, 08:37 AM
Alright I'll keep my eye out for another used one then.
Im not really going to upgrade this VG at all since I'm planning for an SR swap in the future.
Thanks man!

05-23-2012, 07:36 AM
I bought a brand new MAF, installed it and ran considerably better, I can actually feel the big V6s power!
Still missing under 1500 and I'm still hitting some sort of rev limiter around 2000ish. Still has shit for throttle response under half throttle.

Also, is there some sort of starter fusible or something? I had a dead battery so I had it on the battery charger while cranking the other day and now our won't start. Starters good, but it just clocks when I turn the key and then silence.

It's so close to being finished and I just want to drive her, please help!!!!