View Full Version : Awakening the public to the New World Order

01-29-2012, 05:25 PM
This is something that is terribly hard to write for many reasons. How many people will actually read this and take into consideration what is being said. How many people will actually take the time to read paragraphs upon paragraphs about how the United States Government is planning to kill more than 90% of the worlds population. Knowing that what Im writing could potentially land me in one of many concentration camps being opened up all over the country for people just like me.

Im writing this in hopes that it wont land on deaf ears, or rather blind eyes, but will be thought about and seriously taken into consideration and bring one to investigate for themselves to determine whether or not what I am about to tell you is true.

Its very easy to dismiss these types of topics as the author being crazy or just another conspiracy theory to get the public scared. This is not my intentions, I am not crazy, the only intentions that I have is to educate you all with what is happening in our homeland, and of things to come.

Where to start:

Well the title of this thread is awakening the public to the New World Order, so lets start there.

What is the new world order?

If you have the time take a look here and its a lot to read but its worth it, it will give you a general idea of what the intentions are. I will then back this up with different findings to how how this is being accomplished (take note how immediately the NWO is being dismissed as a conspiracy theory):


There are so many different areas that make it difficult to grab your attention to get you to understand what is going on.

I wanna begin with how I found out..

My brother first brought this to my attention a couple years ago when he began telling me about Alex Jones and how he had infiltrated this place called the Bohemian Grove.

I wasnt exactly interested in what he had to say mainly because it came off very odd and I thought he was a bit crazy, but I let him continue with what he was saying.

Here is what hes was telling me about:
The Bohemian Grove Exposed - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2E_HP97Rzc)

Now this is odd right? Why would these guys be doing this, and how does this effect us?

Well, recently I was discussing with a friend about music, he is very much into rap and hip hop, and how the Illuminati is controlling the music industry. We started looking into youtube for investigation on this Music Industry and this is what we found (there are 11 parts to this all from the same person, watch them all, it goes back all the way to Tupac):

THE MUSIC INDUSTRY EXPOSED - References (Part 1/11) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DikoLMfnEgE)

After watching these videos we began discussing about Alex Jones and Boehemian Grove and the best recollection I had from conversations with my brother. This lead to my friend asking me if I had know anything about the FEMA coffins.

FEMA Coffins? What the hell is that?

I began searching again to see what these coffins were and it turns out that the Government, or FEMA, has purchased millions of these plastic coffins but for what? Here watch this:

FEMA COFFINS! PROOF OF FEMA CAMP PLANS! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FnZLx8J4oM)

Once my friend and I saw this I started to get concerned. I called my brother to see what he knew about the coffins since he seemed to have been looking alot into the government and their plans. When I got a hold of him and asked him, he asked how much time I had and if I really wanted to know. Obviously I said yes.

He told me to look up into the sky and see if there are any lines of clouds in the sky. I looked up and sure enough there were lines in the sky. He said these were chemtrails and told me all about them. But rather than type all of that out, watch this video and get an idea of what it is:

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0khstYDLA)

All of this had me very confused, scared, bothered, curious as to what we were looking at and how it is going to affect us now and our future. Its easy to try to not see this as being true, and this is only a mall amount of information for you to swallow and sink into your brain.

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss. Im sure alot of you would feel safer not knowing the truth, but the truth will set you free.

One last thing I want to put up here is something I came across with Google searching and that is this:

There is more, a lot more. Do some investigating to try to prove it wrong. Do some searching to debunk everything. What you will find will blow your mind. Then you can decide for yourself on what you will believe.

01-29-2012, 06:04 PM
The reason they will be able to put people in camps is because we are corporate entities and alot of us are operating in a foreign name which is technically fraud. Do your research about moorish americans and you'll learn alot as well. Watch some of taj tariq beys vids.

01-29-2012, 07:33 PM
The burden of proof is on you. Oh wait, you cited references. YouTube videos. Hmm.

01-29-2012, 08:08 PM
The reason they will be able to put people in camps is because we are corporate entities and alot of us are operating in a foreign name which is technically fraud. Do your research about moorish americans and you'll learn alot as well. Watch some of taj tariq beys vids.

I did a little bit of research but I have to do more to completely understand the relevance. I know it is based around the 14th amendment but like I said, I need to do more research.

The burden of proof is on you. Oh wait, you cited references. YouTube videos. Hmm.
Its not a matter of me trying to prove anything to anyone, but rather get you to see whats in plain sight. If you feel the youtube references are bogus thats entirely your opinion, but there are facts, plain and simple in those videos that are very difficult to refute. Not only that, but YouTube allows people like you and I to show people things that are not monitored or censored by the media or other governing entities.

But by all means, disbelieve and carry on with your life. I am in no way changing my plans for life. Im still building my S13 and going to work everyday lol.

Its just nice to know the truth.

Lets not forget that the world used to be "flat." It took a pioneer to show that common belief was false.

01-29-2012, 08:17 PM
Just for reference. The 10 commandments of the NWO starts with this one:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 (five hundred million) in perpetual balance with nature"

So the current population of the world is 6,800,000,000+ and they want to reduce the population to 500,000,000. To do that they would need to get rid of 6,300,000,000 people lol. They could really use some coffins for all of them bodies....... oh wait, they already have millions of coffins for that reason.

01-29-2012, 11:03 PM

01-30-2012, 12:54 PM
Man, I almost believed this until you used water vapor trails out of planes as "chemtrails".

01-30-2012, 12:59 PM
There's a difference between contrails and chemtrails. A normal trail left behind an aircraft dissipates a short while after the plane leaves it.

Chemtrails will stay all day and gradually thin out by spreading wider and wider. I work at an airport and see the normal trails on a daily basis.

What the video and decide for yourself.

01-30-2012, 01:09 PM
This is the dumbest shit ive read in a while...

01-30-2012, 01:16 PM
^ What was the previous dumb shit..... just out of curiosity.

01-30-2012, 01:23 PM
^ What was the previous dumb shit..... just out of curiosity.

Sure, this...


01-30-2012, 01:36 PM
jesus if these people focused this much energy on fixing ACTUAL PROBLEMS the world would be a better place.

01-30-2012, 01:50 PM
Out of all of you that responded how many watched the videos?

01-30-2012, 06:56 PM
I didn't watch the videos.

Do you have any other credible sources you can cite?

01-30-2012, 07:14 PM
Nope. But I'm sure there is. Take a look around.

Touge Noob S13
01-30-2012, 08:03 PM
Are the Jews responsible op?

01-30-2012, 08:11 PM
^Ancient Alien Jews are responsible.

01-30-2012, 08:36 PM
Nope. But I'm sure there is. Take a look around.

I don't really care enough about this enough to do my own research. :wan:

01-30-2012, 08:40 PM
op is mad he's 29 and a gullible retard

sippin on some flouride suka

you should peep tha alien thread about tha greys ma du

01-30-2012, 08:52 PM
Lol. I'm not mad. I enjoy the feedback. I already got aprivate message from a 3rd degree mason. Weird right.

01-30-2012, 08:53 PM
Lol. I'm not mad. I enjoy the attention. I already got aprivate message from a 3rd degree mason. Weird right.

Fixed that for you my friend.


01-30-2012, 08:53 PM
^Ancient Alien Jews are responsible.

Thanks for the PM ;)

01-30-2012, 08:56 PM

01-30-2012, 08:56 PM
I don't need the attention. If I did I would be on the street corner preaching.

I'm a skeptical about all of this as you may or may not be. Gullible? Yeah maybe but somethings are at least worth looking into for yourself or rather myself.

My brother told me about this stuff 2 years ago and I stopped talking to him cause of it. Were not very close to begin with so it wasn't that traumatic.

01-30-2012, 08:58 PM
Aliens? Sure why the hell not. What else can we throw in the mix? Illuminati? Masons? Barbara streissand? Richard Gere? Richards Simmons?

01-30-2012, 09:00 PM
Your brother is crazy

do yourself a favor and get a real education

a lot of the criticisms on that wiki page of the NWO are pretty spot on

understand why then try and forget the days when you believed crap like this

01-30-2012, 09:02 PM

01-30-2012, 09:03 PM
But what about the Zombie Apocalypse?

01-30-2012, 09:04 PM
I have a real education. I learned it on the televisions.

But seriously. He may or may not be crazy. That's fine.

I really can't get over the coffins though. Why is there a need for so many damn coffins. Well aside from the thousands of people that die on a daily basis lol.

01-30-2012, 09:05 PM

I didn't think I was being that nice to you..... weird.

01-30-2012, 09:07 PM
I was already right about the moon. Surely my case here is valid.

01-30-2012, 09:08 PM
So, what kind of education do you have?

oh here we go again about the moon....

01-30-2012, 09:09 PM
I was breastfed till I was 19. Need I say more?

01-30-2012, 09:10 PM
a 5 second google search

"CLAIM: "500,000 plastic air-tight coffins in the middle of Atlanta Georgia. Apparently the Government is expecting a Half Million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. I don't want to alarm anyone, but usually you don't buy 500,000 plastic coffins 'just in case something happens,' you buy them because you know something is going to happen. These air tight seal containers would be perfect to bury victims of plague or biological warfare in, wouldn't they?"

FACT: The black polypropylene products purported to be coffins are grave liners, or burial vaults, manufactured by Convington, Ga.-based Vantage Products. (In this case, they are examples of the company's Standard Air Seal model.) The use of a burial vault, which prevents the collapse of cemetery ground and protects the casket, is a common requirement when a body is interred.

The filmed lot in Madison, Ga., is a Vantage storage facility. Of the 900,000 or so in-ground burials in the U.S. each year, a small percentage of those people prearranged their own caskets and vaults--which Vanguard holds at the storage facility until the appropriate time. According to company Vice President of Operations Michael Lacey, there are approximately 50,000 vaults in storage in Madison. "It's nowhere near the quantity they talk about on the Internet," he told the local Morgan County Citizen newspaper. Furthermore, Lacey has said the company maintains detailed records of product ownership and is audited annually, to insure all vaults are accounted for. "

01-30-2012, 09:13 PM
crayola also has lots of crayon reserves too. Why keep employees when you can create a massive stockpile that will last forever.

01-30-2012, 09:16 PM
Cause kids eat them...... lots of them. Its their way of ensuring their product will be around forever they make the crayons delicious so they will be eaten.

Read a book or something man.

01-30-2012, 09:20 PM
There are alot more signs then just the videos....

The signs of the buildup are all around....next time you get a chance drive by your Local National Guard unit and count the number of vehicles..... The one I drive by went from 28 vehicles to 84.... I asked why would they get all the extra vehicles if they dont have the drivers....They said they are staging them for crowd control....

Dont ask me anything or message me.....Just open your eyes and look for yourselves....


01-30-2012, 09:22 PM
Ive seen these videos before you even started this thread op. What did i think? Yep i was like wtf. So I kept searching and found scarier things. It all seems to weird to be true, but it just might be true. Chemtrails for instance, I didnt know what the hell it was until someone here on zilvia started a thread about them like a year ago or so. This person described about living here in socal close to an airport and was feeling a bit ill. This person noticed chemtrails, weird clouds and a haze when he felt like this. It sounded strange so i decided to do research on the chemtrails and came across HAARP, weather manipulation, and earthquakes. This shit has been happening since like the 70's all over the world. The government denies anything about it. Now this illuminati shit has been going on since forever as well but is appearing more and more now adays in television and Hollywood. Do you know what Hollywood means?

01-30-2012, 09:28 PM
Sometimes, I think people get so bored that they think up of shit to freak others out...

Touge Noob S13
01-30-2012, 09:33 PM
How bout them reptilians

01-30-2012, 09:33 PM
No, people are just that stupid. Imagination captures the mind, they're lured in by shit like this like a mouse trap.

Real philosophy, science, and history are far more interesting but they'll never know.

01-30-2012, 09:38 PM
The problem is not our government, it is the small group of people who control our government. They control our government because they control the money. Who controls the money? The FED. Is the FED owned by the government? No. The last president that tried to eliminate the FED was John F. Kennedy. And look what happened to him. We will continue to go into debt and continue to be involved in wars as long as the FED exists.

But if you notice throughout history we can't jump into war unless we are "attacked". I'd watch closely on how they manipulate the public into thinking Iran is bombing us so we go to war with them next.

01-30-2012, 09:39 PM
@s0apgun: what about history philosophy and science intrigues you? History philosophy and science are all involved in this. Maybe your too caught up in your own world to see it. Or maybe were wrong.

01-30-2012, 09:40 PM
There are alot more signs then just the videos....

The signs of the buildup are all around....next time you get a chance drive by your Local National Guard unit and count the number of vehicles..... The one I drive by went from 28 vehicles to 84.... I asked why would they get all the extra vehicles if they dont have the drivers....They said they are staging them for crowd control....

Dont ask me anything or message me.....Just open your eyes and look for yourselves....


Or they came back with the drawdown... Like all of my base's shit... Right I suppose crowd control is more plausible though.

01-30-2012, 09:54 PM
Or they came back with the drawdown... Like all of my base's shit... Right I suppose crowd control is more plausible though.

Ok Let me be more specific....The build up are of m915's Troop Transports....They are old but have been refurbished....None of them have been to the sand....They were in storage but are now back in the system and on the commanders property book.

I have yet to see anything come back from the draw down....last I checked we just left all our equipment over there.

01-30-2012, 09:55 PM
I'd hate to see what happens to this guy when he stumbles upon Atlas Shrugged....

(you guys owe me, That'll keep him busy for a while)

01-30-2012, 10:06 PM
This guy? (Points at self)

01-30-2012, 10:10 PM
Hmm I've been interested in conspiracy's for some time now, Ha, Especially the FEMA casket deal, people are like WTF is that.

01-30-2012, 11:01 PM
Calm down, its just reserved for the Occupy Protestors. :)
I put OP on ignore, so ttyl fellas.

01-30-2012, 11:02 PM
Lmao. One down.

01-30-2012, 11:20 PM
Ehh, any conspiracy that doesnt have aliens tied into it somehow just doesnt do it for me.

01-30-2012, 11:58 PM
It's amazing how much extra energy folks will expend to convince you that the evidence in front of you is wrong and that what they learned from thier parents and from FOX News is correct.

There are massive concerted efforts taking place to consolidate the wealth and resources of the powerful top few families of the world; the Rockefellers, the jp morgans ect... As well as visible efforts to modify our weather, environment, and health.

I know it's scary to look at the real world, but you can't live in denial forever. Or, maybe you can... Yes. Just stay home with your WOW life.

There is a plan for you sheep as well I'm sure. ;)

01-31-2012, 12:27 AM
I cant wait to retire from the military and move back to Philippines...hell, just to get the fuck out of the States again in general...

01-31-2012, 12:58 AM
I don't see how a group of people can convince an entire military to just annihilate 90% of its own population. And for what purpose? We're the ones that pick &/or capture their food, build their yachts and cars (whatever is made here), do their laundry and do all sorts of their dirty work. We're the ones who get into debt and pay them in interest. There's really nothing to back it all up. Show me a picture of George Bush bowing down to that giant ass owl then we may have something, but until then its all assumption.

01-31-2012, 01:37 AM
if you came across that last picture you would know that it was from the georgia guidestones and you should probably know that they ARE NOT instructions for a new world order...

01-31-2012, 02:04 PM
I cant wait to retire from the military and move back to Philippines...hell, just to get the fuck out of the States again in general...

smoke 2 dat

02-02-2012, 04:07 AM
smoke 2 dat

Thats another 9 yrs from now...:naughty:

02-04-2012, 01:43 AM
My question is... if these families/groups/whatever already have all the money and power to make this New World Order happen... why bother? I mean, you own half the damn planet anyway, have every luxury imaginable and are nearly immune to the law... why bother taking over OVERTLY? I had a co-worker who was into all this stuff, and not once could he give me a satisfactory answer to that.

02-04-2012, 08:53 AM
I dint have the true answer and we may never know since none of us are them, but I believe it has to do with reducing the population to reduce waste and extend the life of the planet. Humans are a virus to the planet but a necessary one. If the virus isn't maintained at a certain level or if it becomes overwhelming it will start to destroy its host. Minimize population and you reduce the problem of consuming all of the earth's resources and give the earth a chance to regenerate. No more pollution no more depleting ozone. We, or they, live forever.

That's the only logic I can think of.

02-04-2012, 09:41 AM
So how many years r they trying to save by killing 90% of the world??? Earth is estimated to live another 5 BILLION years, Humans will be long gone before the planet dies.

02-04-2012, 10:05 AM
Murky if that is the case then everyone here is screwed because for the most part we are not helping anything with tire smoke, high hp, gas guzzling, high emissions factory toys!

So the goal of the NWO is to get rid of gearheads and rappers since they all own Escalades?

Oh and here is the real NWO.....


02-04-2012, 10:24 AM
My question is... if these families/groups/whatever already have all the money and power to make this New World Order happen... why bother? I mean, you own half the damn planet anyway, have every luxury imaginable and are nearly immune to the law... why bother taking over OVERTLY? I had a co-worker who was into all this stuff, and not once could he give me a satisfactory answer to that.

They dont have enough power or else they would why do you think there waiting they have all the money but there using it to buy the supplies they need to do what there preparing to do. They cant do it now because they dont have enough people on the goverments side to go up against the communities of people all around the world to put us into "camps" if thats what really going to happen. All of you that came into this thread just to shit on him don't either 1. want to face that something could actually happen this crazy cause the goverment loves me and think nothing like that could happen to "you" or 2 just came here to shit on this guys thread and dont want to learn anything about this stuff. I dont really care if you guys want to call me crazy you dont know me but if you havent researched anything or tried or knew anything about it/this something catastrophic is about to happen in 2012 look up the mi-an calander and see what it has to say about the world it has showed the dates that something was going to happen it something always happened within 7 days of the mi-an calander and after december 24 2012 the callender stops... you could say "oh well the mi-an's died so there for the callender stopped" or "use someone else's callender" ok well if you want me to use a different callender check all the other ones from around the mi-ans time (other tribes callenders) and they all stop at 2012 but they all stop on different days of december 2012. It doesnt say the worlds gunna end but it doesn't say nothings gunna happen thats the point of the mi-ans callender it even predicted something on september 11 2001 something catastrophic was going to happen and look what happened 9/11. I could go on all day about this kind of stuff but what the OP posted could possibly happen if they wanted to look into other people around the country the KKK has been worshipping the same thing for hundreds of years now and we all think there just "stupid rednecks" like i used to think but think about it why are they worshipping the same thing for hundreds of years thats been spread all around the world and believe in NWO and stuff like that and always have a mass amount of guns in every chapter of the KKK. They could be part of the NWO in helping the goverement take down the extra 6 billion people in are world because i believe that this many people on earth is to much and the mi-ans knew that that was going to happen. The Chemtrails make total sense to me because theres no way in all the years of flying the goverement hasn't found a way to make planes more "green" but they found a way to make a car run on electricity or cooking oils. The goverment is fucked we pretty much live in a more open North Korea in my eyes.. are goverment just puts stuff on the TVs to keep are minds off things like this so people dont go crazy or find out things that only the goverment should know.

Thats just my opinion everyone has there own but nobody knows whats really going to happen

but now for all the haters to start hatting on my beliefs let them come....

02-04-2012, 10:37 AM
I dint have the true answer and we may never know since none of us are them, but I believe it has to do with reducing the population to reduce waste and extend the life of the planet. Humans are a virus to the planet but a necessary one. If the virus isn't maintained at a certain level or if it becomes overwhelming it will start to destroy its host. Minimize population and you reduce the problem of consuming all of the earth's resources and give the earth a chance to regenerate. No more pollution no more depleting ozone. We, or they, live forever.

That's the only logic I can think of.

You can't teach people who don't want to hear the truth. When occupy protests hit their peaks and the 1% see the impact then people will begin to relize every word from military and government are false.

02-04-2012, 10:38 AM
If u r gonna kill 6 billion ppl, why even bother putting them in caskets?

02-04-2012, 11:09 AM
If u r gonna kill 6 billion ppl, why even bother putting them in caskets?

For when the world re-starts its self just like after the ice age. Were born we die we go extinct and it keeps starting over and over its the way the world works. And were over due for it.

02-04-2012, 11:24 AM
The chemtrails shit is funny! Where are these planes kept and why has no one actually recorded them dumping chemicals?

02-04-2012, 11:39 AM
The chemtrails shit is funny! Where are these planes kept and why has no one actually recorded them dumping chemicals?

its been recorded? did u not watch the videos nor read anything about them?

drift freaq
02-04-2012, 11:40 AM
The chemtrails shit is funny! Where are these planes kept and why has no one actually recorded them dumping chemicals?

The Chemtrails part is funny? The whole thread is hilarious and or pathetic if you think about it. This thread is full of nonsense or shall I say non science.

First off the Mayan Calender started in 3114 BC which means it started after the existence of man. So therefore anyone equating it with the beginning of time or the existence of man or the earth is a biological and anthropological idiot.

Yes its an amazing calender yes they mapped the stars and really had mastered math in the in ancient world but here is the catch. The calender is based off mapping the celestial heavens. It merely marks a celestial event as its end.
that will happen in December 2012 something that has happened before and will happen again.
That is the aligning of the center of our galaxy with our solar system on a mathematical plane. Nothing more. No great earthquakes no great world ending event.
Oh and in fact the calender can be extended if the writer of should so desire. Oh and in fact the Mayan's actually died out as a civilization long before the end of the calender.

Oh and you put your trust in a society that practiced ritual bloodletting of its people as having the answers to all of time or our existence here on earth? LOL
Brilliant they were but in a very autistic way when you consider how primitive they were on other basic societal functions.

On top of that this whole NWO shit has been being pushed around since before the world wide web. LOL do people even say that anymore.
Fact is Bush was supposed to bring it on according to conspiracy theorists.
That did not happen. So now they go to another point to try and make their case.

LOL this kind of crap has gone on throughout history in troubled times and or at the end or beginning of a century.

break out to the tin foil caps boys we are all going to die someday.

02-04-2012, 11:42 AM
its been recorded? did u not watch the videos nor read anything about them?

Reading about them is pointless. Watched most of the video that was over a hour long and saw no recordings.

02-04-2012, 11:58 AM
for when the world re-starts its self just like after the ice age. Were born we die we go extinct and it keeps starting over and over its the way the world works. And were over due for it.

what a dumb ass answer ahahahahahah!

02-04-2012, 12:23 PM
Yes its an amazing calender yes they mapped the stars and really had mastered math in the in ancient world but here is the catch. The calender is based off mapping the celestial heavens. It merely marks a celestial event as its end.
that will happen in December 2012 something that has happened before and will happen again.
That is the aligning of the center of our galaxy with our solar system on a mathematical plane. Nothing more. No great earthquakes no great world ending event.
Oh and in fact the calender can be extended if the writer of should so desire. Oh and in fact the Mayan's actually died out as a civilization long before the end of the calender. .

u said it your self " that will happen in December 2012 something that has happened before and will happen again." " No great earthquakes no great world ending event. " what happened before that hasnt happened in a VERY long time that has happened 2 times before a ice age. Now here you said "Oh and in fact the calender can be extended if the writer of should so desire. Oh and in fact the Mayan's actually died out as a civilization long before the end of the calender. ." how could it be extended if they died out as a civilazation long before the calender was complete? and if they wanted to change it why havent they if all this talk has been around for year and year?

02-04-2012, 12:24 PM
what a dumb ass answer ahahahahahah!

ok think what you what but try and give a real point on why you dont believe it instead of being a dumb ass trying to be funny on a website. hahah smh.

02-04-2012, 01:08 PM
For when the world re-starts its self just like after the ice age. Were born we die we go extinct and it keeps starting over and over its the way the world works. And were over due for it.

I thought it was because after they murdered 6 billion ppl, they should do the right thing n put them in caskets. :duh:

02-04-2012, 01:10 PM

02-04-2012, 02:38 PM
So how many years r they trying to save by killing 90% of the world??? Earth is estimated to live another 5 BILLION years, Humans will be long gone before the planet dies.

Earth itself may last another 5 billion years but what about its ability to maintain living organisms.

02-04-2012, 02:56 PM

Lol at the 3rd degree mason. Keep trying bud. Eventually you'll make your point.

02-04-2012, 03:32 PM
They dont have enough power or else they would why do you think there waiting they have all the money but there using it to buy the supplies they need to do what there preparing to do. They cant do it now because they dont have enough people on the goverments side to go up against the communities of people all around the world to put us into "camps" if thats what really going to happen. All of you that came into this thread just to shit on him don't either 1. want to face that something could actually happen this crazy cause the goverment loves me and think nothing like that could happen to "you" or 2 just came here to shit on this guys thread and dont want to learn anything about this stuff. I dont really care if you guys want to call me crazy you dont know me but if you havent researched anything or tried or knew anything about it/this something catastrophic is about to happen in 2012 look up the mi-an calander and see what it has to say about the world it has showed the dates that something was going to happen it something always happened within 7 days of the mi-an calander and after december 24 2012 the callender stops... you could say "oh well the mi-an's died so there for the callender stopped" or "use someone else's callender" ok well if you want me to use a different callender check all the other ones from around the mi-ans time (other tribes callenders) and they all stop at 2012 but they all stop on different days of december 2012. It doesnt say the worlds gunna end but it doesn't say nothings gunna happen thats the point of the mi-ans callender it even predicted something on september 11 2001 something catastrophic was going to happen and look what happened 9/11. I could go on all day about this kind of stuff but what the OP posted could possibly happen if they wanted to look into other people around the country the KKK has been worshipping the same thing for hundreds of years now and we all think there just "stupid rednecks" like i used to think but think about it why are they worshipping the same thing for hundreds of years thats been spread all around the world and believe in NWO and stuff like that and always have a mass amount of guns in every chapter of the KKK. They could be part of the NWO in helping the goverement take down the extra 6 billion people in are world because i believe that this many people on earth is to much and the mi-ans knew that that was going to happen. The Chemtrails make total sense to me because theres no way in all the years of flying the goverement hasn't found a way to make planes more "green" but they found a way to make a car run on electricity or cooking oils. The goverment is fucked we pretty much live in a more open North Korea in my eyes.. are goverment just puts stuff on the TVs to keep are minds off things like this so people dont go crazy or find out things that only the goverment should know.

Thats just my opinion everyone has there own but nobody knows whats really going to happen

but now for all the haters to start hatting on my beliefs let them come....

Don't know why you quoted my post with all that vitriol, when all I asked was a legitimate question. Since you've put me in a crosshair, welcome to mine.

"They don't have enough people on the government's side": but they have FEMA camps ready to rock? Okay.... With the military capability of this country, then ONLY reason we don't wipe enemies off the face of the planet is due to backlash from other countries. If they were that focused on eliminating population, they wouldn't need coffins, or camps, or anything of the sort. They'd reduce vast areas to ash. I don't think the government "loves" me. I think at best it's indifferent.

"Mayan calendar 2012": The Mayans didn't predict the fall of their own society, so any prophecy to be gleaned from them choosing a date thousands of years in the future to stop counting the days... Not terribly worried about it.

"Chemtrails"... the government doesn't develop planes. The government doesn't build their own engines, or planes, or guns, or trucks, or anything of the sort. That has always been done by private industry under contract. Even though "green" engines have been developed that is a trend of the last several years. The US Government is so strapped for cash, they aren't buying these new engines while the old models are still in service life. Also, if you're dosing a population for whatever reason... it helps to have a dosage. Some random amount that people may or may not come into contact with isn't going to have any predictable effect without taking into account individual doses.

If this conspiracy is so well planned, common people with a little bit of time on the internet wouldn't be able to poke holes in it so easily. I'm not calling anyone naive or stupid, but I'm going to go ahead and put out my opinion that this is all ridiculous and people need to find better things to do with their time. There are enough real day to day problems in the world without people inventing new ones with little merit. If that means I'm "hating" on your beliefs, I believe you have the right to go fuck yourself.

I dint have the true answer and we may never know since none of us are them, but I believe it has to do with reducing the population to reduce waste and extend the life of the planet. Humans are a virus to the planet but a necessary one. If the virus isn't maintained at a certain level or if it becomes overwhelming it will start to destroy its host. Minimize population and you reduce the problem of consuming all of the earth's resources and give the earth a chance to regenerate. No more pollution no more depleting ozone. We, or they, live forever.

That's the only logic I can think of.

Humans are not necessary in any definition of the word. This planet was around, supporting life, MILLIONS of years before we got here. When we're gone, it won't miss us.

u said it your self " that will happen in December 2012 something that has happened before and will happen again." " No great earthquakes no great world ending event. " what happened before that hasnt happened in a VERY long time that has happened 2 times before a ice age. Now here you said "Oh and in fact the calender can be extended if the writer of should so desire. Oh and in fact the Mayan's actually died out as a civilization long before the end of the calender. ." how could it be extended if they died out as a civilazation long before the calender was complete? and if they wanted to change it why havent they if all this talk has been around for year and year?

If you follow the math used in calculating the Mayan calendar, you can map out time with the same accuracy for as long as you like. That's what he means. It's not mysticism, it's science. We have an even better understanding of that than they did. Nothing is going to happen.

I'm done. I shouldn't even have posted. Things are just getting silly at this point.

02-04-2012, 03:53 PM

02-04-2012, 03:57 PM
Holy shit, this thread is full of dumb

got damn, i feel so retarded just reading this stupid shit.

grow up, enjoy your life, stop living in fucking fear. shit.

02-04-2012, 04:05 PM
....so was 2pac really killed by the illuminati?

If so, does that mean 2Pac was really the intended savior of the free world? Take that, Christian fundamentalists!!!!!

02-04-2012, 04:40 PM
Hold up guys, I'm on it.... Just gotta plug into my network of truth
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/315034_10150385175470942_175868780941_8805092_2040 779887_n.jpg

02-04-2012, 05:53 PM
I don't live in fear nor should anyone else. Trust me, I live my life how I please. This wasn't intended to strike fear in anyone's heart. It was intended to have people become aware of possible truths and not get so caught up in what the media wants you to see and feel is important.

Eventually were all gonna die, whether it be by natural causes or genocide. The real issue is whether or not you have enjoyed your life. Lived tour life in a way that whatever higher being that you believe in would allow you into whatever heaven or afterlife you believe in.

I know that human existence is not needed to keep the world moving, however we have proven to slowly destroy the planet. If we continue at this pace it is possible that we could make the planet inhabitable.

Doesn't stop me from rolling around catless on all my cars. Doesn't stop me from choosing plastic over paper at the grocery store. I haven't even given thought to hybrid vehicle purchases. I'm living my life how I want.

But I'm aware.

02-05-2012, 12:49 AM
u said it your self " that will happen in December 2012 something that has happened before and will happen again." " No great earthquakes no great world ending event. " what happened before that hasnt happened in a VERY long time that has happened 2 times before a ice age. Now here you said "Oh and in fact the calender can be extended if the writer of should so desire. Oh and in fact the Mayan's actually died out as a civilization long before the end of the calender. ." how could it be extended if they died out as a civilazation long before the calender was complete? and if they wanted to change it why havent they if all this talk has been around for year and year?

Guess you didnt get the Memo...Mayan civilization have been lost hundreds of years ago. Then for good measure, the Spanish Conquest just made sure that it doesnt ever make a come back.

02-05-2012, 02:26 AM

02-05-2012, 07:49 AM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=6UWZBLUdYgs)

02-05-2012, 09:37 AM

02-05-2012, 12:42 PM
I think I facepalmed so hard that I broke my nose when I read this thread...

02-05-2012, 04:44 PM
op is a fail.
Theory is full of fail.
Where you fucking high watching these vids.

02-05-2012, 04:52 PM
I wasn't high but do you think it will help me better understand if I were high?

Acid, heroin, weed, which should I try????

02-05-2012, 06:27 PM
If u r gonna kill 6 billion ppl, why even bother putting them in caskets?

Sanitation. Why would you want 6 billion rotting corpses hanging out. Not only that but it will look like the government still cares when they've kill 1 billion and have 5 billion more to go.

"It must not be the government killing everybody. They're providing caskets free of charge. Cause they care. "

02-05-2012, 06:37 PM

02-05-2012, 07:27 PM

Knew this thread smelt like shit.

So the caskets could not be for another mass disaster?
Major earthquake, flood,....ect.

Maby they got a discount.

And if a plauge happened, more or less people would be burned.
Not burried. Just becuase you burry certin things, does not fix or eliminate the threat.

02-05-2012, 07:29 PM
Who said anything about a plague?

02-05-2012, 07:35 PM
It was just a given example.

Do you really think that a mass genocide would happen without an uprising.

02-05-2012, 07:43 PM
Absolutely. Especially when your voice can't be heard. Now is the time for an uprise. Why would you think you should wait for genocide to speak up?

Too little too late. Dont you think?

Its so simple to dismiss things as idiotic, stupid, lame, impossible or anything other than seeing that it can be a reality.

Do you think Britain ever once thought that its colonies would rise against the motherland and become its own country? I assure you that someone said it was possible and they were dismissed as being crazy.

Anything is possible. People will do anything to maintain their way of life. Even if it comes to destroying the lives of billions. People are to selfish and self centered to care about the rest of the world and how we can work together to make a change.

02-05-2012, 07:49 PM
i think you should join newt gingrich and his colony on the moon.

02-05-2012, 07:54 PM
With your last post you ended the slightest possibility to "NWO"

Why is it time for an uprise?
Why can't your voice be heard?

People, would be incorrect. I would say a specific person, more or less.
I am not saying that anything can't happen.

Nwo will never happen.

lol. I caught that curry. haha i was like wait....could swore it was somewhere else.

02-05-2012, 09:01 PM
I'll check back in 2013.

02-05-2012, 10:08 PM
How do I run for pres of the NWO?

02-05-2012, 10:20 PM
You gotta get with hulk hogan, macho man Randy savage, and the other member and beat them in an arm wrestling competition. Thus how you become a nominee.

Then you have to agree to kill billions and think of a way to do it that everyone will think its impossible.

Hardest part is gonna be getting to hulk hogan though.

02-05-2012, 10:21 PM
I'll check back in 2013.

How? Interwebz won't exist and the Mayans will come back with a new calendar that counts backwards instead of forwards and women will have penises and men will have vaginas.


02-05-2012, 10:43 PM
You gotta get with hulk hogan, macho man Randy savage, and the other member and beat them in an arm wrestling competition. Thus how you become a nominee.

Then you have to agree to kill billions and think of a way to do it that everyone will think its impossible.

Hardest part is gonna be getting to hulk hogan though.

Sit back, have a beer, and chill bro! The doomsday device is already made- nuclear bomb. But really if you believe all this is true what are YOU doing about it?

02-05-2012, 11:23 PM
Posting information on the most important forum known to man.... duh.

I have my ways of preparing myself and those closest to me for anything that can happen. I am chill, if you were to ever meet me, you would see just how chill I am.

I promise, I am one of the last people you would ever expect to get involved into debates about this shit. If you havent read my previous posts Ill tell you again, I stopped talking to my brother because he wouldnt stop with this crap. He has lost many friends over it. Am I headed down the same path? Possibly, but Im not forcing it on anyone. I say what I need to say and if you decide for yourself to believe it or not, then I at least did my part of putting the info out there. Its what you decide to do with it from that point.

I have told some co-workers and I got the same damn reaction. They got freaked and thought I was going crazy mainly because I am not one to believe in conspiracy theories and they know that.

I told them just what I have told everyone here. Investigate for yourself. Im letting you know what I know, how I came about it, and what I think about it. What you do with that information is up to you.

Once again, Im still living my life. Im still building my S13, I still go outside and take big deep breaths of the chemicals that may be being dusted over us, Im still drinking the water, still polluting, still throwing trash out my window when I drive. I havent changed my life for it. Im just aware.

I dont have the ability to make a change, even if I did, who would listen? Certainly no one if members of a forum that share a common interest would rather say anything to dismiss it rather than take into consideration that there may be something there.

Lets play a scenario:

If I were to tell you that in 10 years you are going to die. In the 5th year something terrible is going to happen to you but youll live, but the 10th year you will definitely die.

At first youll think ok yeah whatever, this guy is an idiot. 4 years goes by and on that 5th year, you have it in the back of your mind that you were told something terrible would happen. It still impossible, but there is that chance. Sometime within that 5th year, youre driving home and your brakes dont work. You slam into a tree and lose a leg, but your still alive. You will remember back to that conversation we had when I told you somethin terrible would happen and in 5 years from then, your going to die.

When the next 4 years pass and your in your 10th year from our conversation, would yoube expecting to die and accept the fact that you will more than likely die because I was right once before. Would you see any catastrophic event as prophecy for your death whether it kills you or not. Would you give in?

Mayans, Nostradamus, and other things tell of a future where the world will end, change, whatever. Do you think, that if these terrible things started to become truth that people would blame the government or assume that this is a natural part of life as it was predicted by the mayans, or nostradamus or whoever.

What do you think?

02-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks for the post!

I remember telling co-workers about this as well..Got the same crazy reaction, as though I was a loon...

Having an open mind never hurts, after all there would be no internet, cars, or forums. If everyone shunned new ideas, beliefs and theories...

02-13-2012, 01:14 PM
The Illuminati Is Not Real Freakout! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iul3Xk6BGVI&feature=related)