View Full Version : BEWARE: Socal Scammer

01-26-2012, 11:45 AM
On Sunday 1/22 I drove out to chino To buy an HKS SSQV IV BOV from a guy named Chris Huynh. As some of you have known I have been looking for some turbo parts for my build. Chris was selling some BOV’s New in box from “HIS” Company ….”MP AUTO STYLINGS” that was based out of chino. He and his partner had Ordered 120 BOV’s and stored them in a warehouse, supplying local shops with parts…The day I went to meet him He had to run to his warehouse to pick up two BOV’s. One for Me and one for MY buddy.

Chris Knew that I was looking for authentic parts, I told him how I was shopping around the forum and was waiting on a member to provide me proof of authenticity before I made payment, But assured me that he only carried Authentic parts, That these parts he and his friends run on their cars ect. Before I left to meet him I checked as many websites as I could before I left to make sure I knew what to look for and all I could find at the time was “look for hks holograms, extra fins from version 3 to version 4 ect” There wasn’t a whole lot of info out there on google ect…

I Met chris at a starbucks in chino on his “lunch break”…Checked out the BOV’s and everything checked out ok from what I knew. I asked him where he gets his parts and he said they get them directly from a dealer, they only sell authentic parts and he looks into everything he sells specifically. He stated he also sells FMIC’s, Hydro e-brakes and Seats, body kits ect…After Buying Both of the BOV’s I was sure I had a good product….

My buddy decided to run his blitz BOV instead, so I posted one of the BOV for sale here on the forum where some , members helped me to find out that I was scammed and that the ones I had purchased were a new Type of Version 4 Replicas…

I looked up “MP Auto Stylings” in chino and no business existed, no address, no phone number, no website….His email , was labeled MP auto Stylings when we were talking back and forth Via Email. I only knew chris’s first name and his contact number…I didn’t want to text or call him to confront him on selling me fake parts because he could have just as easily turned off his phone, or blocked my number….So I texted him telling him I was interested in buying one of his FMIC’s, and made it look like I was going to be a repeat buyer. This was yesterday 1/24……I showed up to meet chris with 3 Chino Police officers…And confronted him about his Replica parts and asked for My money back, He denied that they were Replicas….So I told him I Have proof, Documentation, Pictures To prove it….After showing him the Differences he admitted that they must be replicas and “he didn’t know”….

One Of the Cops took his ID and Got a Business Card, The Business card had his name on it and he worked for “PLATINUM VIP” Out of Irwindale. He didn’t have a business card to MP Auto Stylings….He didn’t have the cash on him, because he just dumped his money into that intercooler I told him I wanted, so he Told me he would have to return the intercooler and he can refund me my money tommarow. That “I am a business man, I don’t need a bad reputation and that all I had to do was call him in the first place”…HE agreed to this in front of the police, we shook hands and went our separate ways…

Today is the day we were supposed to Meet, I have not heard from him once, Hes ignored my calls from my cell, and others as well, Avoided my text messages ect ect…Today I called PLATINUM VIP and talked to Kennedy the Shop owner about chris, wether or not he was employed there and explained how Chris Huynh Is selling REPLICA Parts to people, Claiming that they are authentic, SCAMMING THEM FOR THEIR MONEY…..UNDER PLAT VIP SHOP NAME WEARING PLAT VIP SHOP CLOTHES AND BUSINESS CARDS…..Kennedy said that Chris hasn’t worked there in 6 months, that hes represents the Shop at Car events and that’s pretty much it, but he was going to look into it personally ….as this affects his shop reputation…He has kept in contact with me as well. Thank you .

I Am looking For any Information, on CHRIS HUYNH So I can help the local authorities. I am Sure I am not the only one that has been scammed by this guy, But I MAY BE the only guy willing to do something about it…. as I have contacted a few people just off of craigslist itself and will be working together with them, To set things right.

I am not soo much pissed that I got Ripped off for MYYYY BOV, But for TWO BOV’s I paid For. Chris shook hands on the refund and he backed out….I gave him multiple phone calls today, and not one was ever answered. He knew that Not refunding me my money that the police would be Involved, yet still chose not to refund my money…Even though he shook hands and said to the police officers that he would refund my money…Now im pissed off….

Chris Huynh Drives a black Lexus is300, Lives in the Chino Hills Area and I met him off of Grand ave and Pipeline Starbucks. I would Assume this is his normal meeting spot to scam people. If anyone has any information or has been ripped off by this guy please let me know so I can use it to help the authorities and help get you justice as well……DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS GUY! BE WARNED!

Moderators please keep an eye out, I’ve seen his posts on a few forums Scamming his own Fellow Members.

01-26-2012, 03:25 PM
fuck that guy
this sounds like my situation but except mine was for 1,500 bucks.
mofucca quit his job and moved after he stole my money

01-26-2012, 03:35 PM
Well on the plus side, He is no longer representing Platinum VIP...Which he really shouldnt have in the first place, his IS300 was gay as fuck.

Your situation was much worse than mine,

S-Nation S13
01-26-2012, 03:55 PM
blah blah blah..i swear only the ill informed get scammed..why trust anyones word but yours..you asked for proper documentation after the fact..should of looked into it before hand..asking for it now after the damage has been done..your to late..

if you dont want to get scammed either buy from the dealer directly or buy from a licensed dealer if not.. you the buyer at your own risk..its not like he forced you to buy his shit..you heard his lies and fell into his trap enough said btw hope this guy gets caught!!!

01-26-2012, 03:59 PM
I been building cars for years, These new version of the fakes are so effin close to the Real things, u pretty much have to go over it with a fine tooth comb, ...I had another rx7 guy write me that had the same thing happen to him, and pointed out the c-clip. Thats the only thing that gave it away, side by side their identicle.

But thanks, he will get caught its just a matter of time

01-26-2012, 04:32 PM
Let me ask you something real quick - you say you were looking for turbo parts, one of which was a BOV.

How can you possibly have a hard time finding a LEGIT BOV in Southern California? It's a universal part and there must be 100 shops here that can get you a real one. A Honda shop could have gotten you one.

You chose to buy from some random guy. You may have done your research beforehand, but you still walked into this problem.

Buy from reputable shops. </end.of.thread>

01-26-2012, 04:40 PM
I have hookups ive met / sold parts or cars to based off craigslist....Say if i want a custom cage, Ive got a guy that i met through clist that builds drag cars up in victorville..I met Fris at lucky 7 racing, selling a 10th anni rx-7 to him...

It wasnt a random guy i was buying from, it was a random business that turned out to be fake all together.

Its the same logic as buying a car, If you go and look at something and they tell you its a clean title, legally it better be or they are responsible for it...Same shit applies here...Except it wasnt just a random person selling fake shit...It was a random person posing as a business in order to scam people out of their money. A little different but still illegal

01-26-2012, 05:00 PM
You understand my point though? The only reason to search out this random was to save money because those things are super easy to find.

Here's an example. I bought my HKS SSQV IV at Phase2. How concerned do you think I am that mine is a fake?

Companies put money into establishing an identity for a reason. If you want X part, you have to get it from a legit seller to make sure that X part is what it says it is. Any time you go to Craigslist or the forums and buy something, you run this risk. You can save money, but you run the risk of getting fake shit. That's what happened to you. It sucks yea but it could have been avoided.


01-26-2012, 05:34 PM
this guy already know the product was fake... he tried to sell it here on zilvia for triple the amount he paid for and claiming he bought it at OPTIONS in Azusa and when everyone put him on blast he start pointing fingers that he bought it on craigslist.. either way meximan you screw yourself over hard.

01-26-2012, 08:10 PM
WOW, that is a whole lot of shade. Lesson is to buy from reputable dealers. Not tiny ass upstart wannabes, dont be so cheap. I am sorry you had to learn a lesson, and I am not saying you deserved to be scamed, but it happens, and the way it happens is by making yourself out to be a victim, be cheap and always look for the cheapest possible deal. Best advice, buy from people with good reputations, who have accounts on yelp and bizrate. good luck.

01-26-2012, 08:59 PM
Lex what part of mind you own fucking business dont you get? I didnt know the BOV was fake until i had it posted for sale as WHAT I THOUGHT and WHAT I WAS TOLD I WAS SOLD WAS AN AUTHENTIC....Which its not , which is why that thread was ASKED TO BE DELETED, so i could post an appropriate thread for a replica...

The member that informed me of it being fake, his replica himself was sold to him from options ( a chinese shop), chris told me this bov he got from options. put two and two together....Except He was able to get a refund through the business, where obviously im not going to get a refund because the "business" i bought it from was fake, made up bullshit to get me to buy it....

When i met chris with the cops he denied it being fake and only being authentic asking "wheres the proof".. I had a stack of papers 20 pages high with pictures and documentation of why it was fake and then he admitted it, and Told me i would get refund.

Anyone is more than welcome to check lex's past posts and FS adds, where he sells cheap chinese crap and FAKE HKS BOV's as well. claiming after he was caught that "his ex bought it for him"....If anything hes in cahoots with Chris, Must be best buddies!

I really dont give a shit about the cash, Its the principle that pisses me off, I might not see my money again, but Reputation goes a long way in the car communities, and theres still legal action im going to take.

01-26-2012, 10:12 PM
i did mind my own business until your dumbass keeps on accusing me that i know that guy just because i sell a bov too? your stupid... u say u know the law.. the more you talk this case will go no where.. good luck :mrmeph:

01-26-2012, 10:19 PM
Holy shit lol..... the drama continues. I feel like a high school girl lol....... dont ask me how I know how that feels.......

01-26-2012, 10:20 PM
love these thread....:facepalm::rant2:

01-26-2012, 11:52 PM
At least he's letting us know who to watch out for , most people would have just ignored the situation akd let the scammer get away Scott free , yes his money is gone , he tried to find a deal / regular hookup if the deal was good , but he knew the risks from buying from a stranger , lesson learned though ... Right ? :hide:

01-27-2012, 06:13 AM
How much did you pay for them?

01-27-2012, 08:58 AM
At least he's letting us know who to watch out for , most people would have just ignored the situation akd let the scammer get away Scott free , yes his money is gone , he tried to find a deal / regular hookup if the deal was good , but he knew the risks from buying from a stranger , lesson learned though ... Right ? :hide:

haha, I would've ask for his license, insurance, and registration and sign a contractual agreement on paper.

At least enough so you could get him into small claims court. I mean, damn...you got the police with you over there.

btw, please do not be offended with the comment above. I'm not criticizing you on how you buy your stuff and I appreciate that you put the word/name out there for people to suspect/google ahead of time. Though normally I would buy my parts from reputable places, sometimes I, too, had to use "nontraditional" methods to get things that are difficult to find or common items at a very low price.

01-27-2012, 09:02 AM
I paid 225 a pop for a "REAL AUTHENTIC HKS BOV", supposively his "cost" for getting them at the business....Despite what he and his goons are saying

01-27-2012, 09:08 AM
and i appreciate that DJ, I dont like being hosed just like anyone else. and i dont like lying bastards.
Usually id just do business with some of the local rotory shops out here since they give me pretty good discounts, But for the price i paid it wasnt that far off for me not to think a shop getting them at cost would be around that price....Like i said, the BOV is so close to the real thing visually that the only thing that gave it away to some on the rx7 forums was the c-clip, I spent so much time looking at the actual BOV that i didnt even think the hardware would give it away.

I gave him the benifit of the doubt that "He didnt know either" because hes a good "businessman" made a deal to get my refund with the police there for the next day and he no called no showed, never responded to the text and is still hiding like a little girl..

Ive got alot of eyes and ears in chino, and a gay is300 isnt hard to find, Ill find em :)

01-27-2012, 01:46 PM
I paid 225 a pop for a "REAL AUTHENTIC HKS BOV", supposively his "cost" for getting them at the business....Despite what he and his goons are saying

$225? Jesus christ.

HKS SSQV v.IV @ Phase2 for $250:
HKS 71007-AK001 Super SQV IV Blow Off Valve Kit : Universal (http://www.phase2motortrend.com/hksunssbov.html)

Look at all the shit you went through to save 25 bucks.

01-27-2012, 01:59 PM
Lol I know wayne @ phase2, he would have sold you the real deal for 225 or less I'm sure if his list is 250. Boughten so much shit off that guy hahahaha.

OP, JUST goto phase2 next time. I refer all my socal homies to him.

01-27-2012, 03:01 PM
where are they located? never heard of em

01-27-2012, 03:14 PM
where are they located? never heard of em

LOL - what happened to those research skills?

Let me google that for you (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=phase2motortrend)

01-27-2012, 04:21 PM
too lazy to give a shit right now? Just found out my buddy works for the dmv :)

01-27-2012, 05:06 PM
There you go lying again. How are you going to tell people you bought the BOV for 225. You bought 2 BOV at 100 each. You tried to flip it for 300 shipped. Now you're trying to Craigslist it for 125. In your other thread you claimed you got it from Option in Azusa. Please get your facts straight.


01-27-2012, 05:11 PM
Like i said chris (su-woo)...Im not the one in hiding...I didnt flip shit, i was sold fake parts by you, an "authentic" part would have been around that value. Those were all words out of your mouth buddy, when you conned me into buying your fake shit..THE ONLY reason im selling it now is because i dont Put fake ass parts on my car...If it were real like you told me i would have been a happy customer..Dont worry dude ill be seeing you soon! :)

01-27-2012, 05:25 PM
Dude your pretty pissed off over $25
I mean i get the whole "Its the princapal" thing.. but dude... You get what you pay for. If you really did pay 225 for them, Then its your fualt over not researching. Almost any import shop would have price matched you on that for a real one from phase 2 or frsport or whatever, cost on those things is like 190. And even if they wouldent, For someone so pissed off about getting a fake part, you wouldn't pay a extra $25 to know it came from a legit legit place? even if you thought ”MP AUTO STYLINGS” was legit, its not as legit as frsport.com or phase2 or what have you.

If you payed 100 each, then if you thought you were getting real ones then its still your fualt for not researching and finding out this is the most counterfitted part in motor sports.

Im hot hating sir im just saying. I got mine for $130 shipped. Is it a fake? Probably, but i knew that because for the price. And it works perfect so far, so im happy with that. But if i payed 225, I would damn sure get a real one.

Im just saying is it really worth all this "legal action" over a mistake you made?
People will sell you anything you're dumb enough to pay for. Its up to you to decide whats a good deal and whats not. You call it being coned, i call it being ignorant.
There were lots of warning sings before you gave him your money, you just didn't see them.
We have all made dumb purchases in our lives.

Dude should refund your money and be done with it. But im sure he wont
Im not saying hes right and your wrong. Im just saying you were the one with the money, hes still a dick for taking advantage and scamming you and everyone should know about it. Fuck that guy.


01-27-2012, 05:38 PM
Thats all i was asking for in the first place a refund, He shook on it and bailed the next day...Im an honest guy, he "seemed" like an honest dude too. claimed he was a "good business man and he would refund me the money" and never did...

I dont like being lied to, When you buy something and ask specific questions, and they lie to get you to buy it, KNOWING that your only looking for authentic parts and KNOWING you dont want ebay crap. But lies to sell it to you anyway.. That pisses me off.

The legal action, Ill feel better once its done :) Or until i have my cash in my hand one or the other.

But i get ya, your lookin at it as 25 bucks but you wil use the part anyway...I look at is as im not puttin this shit on my car im out 225. EACH...So i guess i have a lil bigger difference to be pissed about :)

01-28-2012, 01:50 AM
I buy my stuff from Drift Secret they have a FB account small local guys but i know for a fact they buy from promotion distribution because the former owner of PM Jeff introduced me to these guys and ive been buying from them ever since they are verry competitive to real shops like Pit Crew from san gabriel and other shops like RB motorsports un like those Mexican/taiwanese/ other bullshit companys they also dont advertise cause the guy told me they are focusing on clothing but also sell parts on the side they dont focus on parts sale cause he said they are too much compition and also those cheap fake shops that under sells them but they sell cause they help endusers like us save money at the same time make some friends

01-28-2012, 02:02 AM

01-28-2012, 07:35 PM
Damn, why does everyone give Mexi so much grief about the subject.

Sorry to hear about that. That shady as fuck. people get stomped out for less. He'll get whats comming to him eventually. not everyone is as calm and collected as you handled it.

01-28-2012, 10:34 PM
I didnt used to be that way lol...Back where im from, if u talked shit you got hit...but that was a mile long farm town...out here you talk shit, you hit and lil girls call the cops ....Jail time wasnt that much fun for me, but ya learn alot....but your right, karma's a bitch and it will catch up to him quick