View Full Version : HELP! Need info on a component for the SR20DET ECU model #62 (redtop) & E5 (Blacktop)

01-18-2012, 03:07 AM
Hi there,

I have a 180sx with a blacktop MT SR20DET. The ECU suddenly short-circuited and the engine won't start. I've opened the ECU and found a fried diode at position (D119) on the circuit board.

My brother is helping me out with the repairs but we're having difficulty tracking down the code or value of the diode (D119). Does anybody have any ideas?

I hope this picture helps.

10-01-2013, 09:25 PM
I know this is from a while ago but I have the same exact problem, ever find out what that diode was for?

10-02-2013, 08:12 AM
his/her problem isn't that diode it's the burnt trace next too it. That happens when there's a wiring problem, most of the time. Post pictures of your ecu!

01-27-2015, 10:13 AM
D119 is identified as 1N4007 and beneath it has a ?224c where ? represents an unidentified character which was burned in my particular situation, one 62 ecu I picked up has this problem burned yet part number readable, hopefully ecu will have power once replaced. Old posting I'm aware yet lets try to get closure, will come in handy for someone else along the lines.