View Full Version : Blackpeoplemeet.com

01-13-2012, 01:25 AM
I dunno if any of you guys have seen this commercial, but apparently its a dating site where "black people go to find love". I've been watching adultswim and it keeps showing up.

As a black person and one who dates a variety of womenz i'm totally offended. If it was whitepeoplemeet.com people would be shitting bricks and protesting. But somehow, this is ok. Get real...

Discuss your thoughts on the matter.

Or don't. I'm just ranting and i'm bored and i have the rest of the week off.

01-13-2012, 01:51 AM
Theres a christian and rich people one too, not sure if thats as big of a deal though. And I think, I think, there is an Asian daiting one too.

01-13-2012, 02:07 AM
their is an white people one Whitepeopledate.com - A Place where Love and Race are related (http://www.whitepeopledate.com)

Theres a christian and rich people one too, not sure if thats as big of a deal though. And I think, I think, there is an Asian daiting one too.

01-13-2012, 02:18 AM
their is an white people one Whitepeopledate.com - A Place where Love and Race are related (http://www.whitepeopledate.com)

Wow, and this just came from the site "Tiger Woods, Quincy Jones , Seal, Ice-T, Reggie Bush and Cuba Godding Jr are stealing your white women. Halle Berry ,Iman, Paula Patton, and Garcelle Beauvais are stealing your white men."

01-13-2012, 02:21 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lol!

01-13-2012, 03:22 AM

If there is a hispanic/latino dating site, which there probably is, I know I wouldn't be offended. I don't see the big deal. Some people wish to stay within their own race. Nothing wrong with that. Just as there is nothing wrong with interracial dating.

01-13-2012, 03:54 AM
I have no qualms with people dating who they want to date. The problem with websites like this however is that they further perpetuate a segregated mindset in an already racially fucked up country...

Blacks with blacks, whites with whites, etc....

Real love isn't about color.

I'm really not THAT mad about it. I just think it's stupid that our country is STILL hung up on this shit. People miss out on so many meaningful relationships in their lives both romantic and platonic all because they stop at what ethnicity the person is rather than going further and getting to know them for who they actually are. Damn shame...

01-13-2012, 08:28 AM
I have no qualms with people dating who they want to date. The problem with websites like this however is that they further perpetuate a segregated mindset in an already racially fucked up country...

Blacks with blacks, whites with whites, etc....

Real love isn't about color.

I'm really not THAT mad about it. I just think it's stupid that our country is STILL hung up on this shit. People miss out on so many meaningful relationships in their lives both romantic and platonic all because they stop at what ethnicity the person is rather than going further and getting to know them for who they actually are. Damn shame...

Eh. I dunno if they perpetuate a segregated mindset. Some people like what they like. There are much more detrimental practices out there promoting segregation right now.

01-13-2012, 08:55 AM
well then what is youre thought about BET??


01-13-2012, 09:13 AM
How is this different from blackplanent.com?

I'm indifferent with stations such as BET and sites such as the ones mentioned in this thread. People have their own preferences. While they use the public domain to emphasize this, it shouldnt bother you unless it truly disturbs you way of life.

01-13-2012, 11:41 AM
You should be allowed to love whoever you want. I married a white girl, doesn't mean I don't surf the odd Asian porn site. :)

also, how about you stop being offended by other peoples choices? there is an idea; stop being selfish.

01-13-2012, 11:57 AM
It is fucked up Imo. But I don't think our country is racist. Hell every white girl in my town is with nothing but black guys like seriously I go to walmart and maybe see one white couple. While everyother couple is a black male and white female. And never the other way around I don't see how black chicks aren't pissed. It's like racism all over again just backwards like I'm white so I cant get laid. People are dumb there only doing it because it's the cool thing to do not because they actually like the guy.

01-13-2012, 11:59 AM
what's the link to the rich people one? ;)

01-13-2012, 12:18 PM
It is fucked up Imo. But I don't think our country is racist. Hell every white girl in my town is with nothing but black guys like seriously I go to walmart and maybe see one white couple. While everyother couple is a black male and white female. And never the other way around I don't see how black chicks aren't pissed. It's like racism all over again just backwards like I'm white so I cant get laid. People are dumb there only doing it because it's the cool thing to do not because they actually like the guy.

Not the whole country

01-13-2012, 01:57 PM
It is fucked up Imo. But I don't think our country is racist. Hell every white girl in my town is with nothing but black guys like seriously I go to walmart and maybe see one white couple. While everyother couple is a black male and white female. And never the other way around I don't see how black chicks aren't pissed. It's like racism all over again just backwards like I'm white so I cant get laid. People are dumb there only doing it because it's the cool thing to do not because they actually like the guy.

*southern accent* come on buddy...you know why white chicks are with black guys *wink wink nudge nudge* lol! All joking aside though, i dont think the interracial dating is a 'fad'...if that were the case, you wouldnt have all these individual dating websites. Do i think those websites are wrong? A lil bit. Would you see me on a racially segregated dating site? FUCK NO!

Black chicks are pissed about losing their men to other races...i had a black chick tell me this personally but truth be told, black chicks are usually high maintenance and dont like to do a whole lot for their men...and ive dated damn near every race out there lol!

01-13-2012, 03:41 PM
IAC > Our Businesses (http://www.iac.com/Our-Businesses/) all about the money

01-13-2012, 03:45 PM
well then what is youre thought about BET??


BET is a blight on black culture.

01-13-2012, 03:57 PM
If they made White Entertainment Television I'm sure it would be mistaken for a porn network ;)

But in reality it's not a big deal to me, some people prefer who they prefer whether race, religion, color , creed. Hell there's even a cougar dating website ;) lol

01-13-2012, 04:45 PM
websites shut down if there isn't hits.
to have hits, it has to be of interest and use to many.

this is a good example with a really simple name.

01-13-2012, 04:50 PM
You mean MTV, VH1, CW, CMT, GAC, Disney, Nick, all the news networks, etc, etc. . .

How many shows can you name that are targeted at people that speak English that aren't white or black?

01-13-2012, 04:58 PM
Online dating is bullshit anyway... Who gives a fuck

01-13-2012, 05:33 PM
1. I fucking hate BET.

2. I'm really not mad about this whole situation. Does it disturb my way of life? Of course not. BUT this is the loud noises section where we get to bitch about stuff that we find annoying or whatever and this annoys me. Whatever.

01-14-2012, 11:01 AM
What makes you say that if it were for white people they'd be protesting? It's a dating site, who cares. I'm sure there's a website you can join to find any kind of life partner you may be seeking. I fail to see why it's offensive.

drift freaq
01-14-2012, 11:28 AM
The OP has a point, It's why at this point some people have called affirmative action into question.
The theory is this, since the country has tried to and become more open to other races and minorities why then give anyone minority or race a leg up on others.
Its not the first time i have heard black people rip on BET because they feel its blighting the cause.

To often people get hung up on defending their particular cause ( hell I have done it myself, LOL) .
It quite often polarizes people rather than making them more accepting and understanding.
I have seen this happen in real life. A particular minority pushes their agenda so hard it gets in peoples faces making them uncomfortable. Instead of making them open to the cause it turns them off and makes them react.
I am not saying that at certain times it has been important but their is a very thin line between getting people to accept causes in this way and pushing them away from it.

In the end some one is bound to get offended by something.
We live in the largest social experiment ever conducted by man. Never before in the history of man has a country existed with the amount of social,racial, cultural diversity in one place under one Government with the amount of freedom of expression we have.

So ya I can see both sides of this. Its like ok there is black people for black people dating site.
At the same time I can see the point the OP is making and go, you are right its promoting segregation of your culture.

01-14-2012, 12:22 PM
I always laugh at the christians connection ads when they pop up!

When I see that blackpeople one I gets sad, me can find love on my own!

01-14-2012, 12:30 PM
what's the link to the rich people one? ;)


wheres the link.....

01-14-2012, 12:48 PM
As far as say a blackpeoplemeet, whitepeoplemeet, No problem imo.. Other dating sites don't give you an ethnicity option, so if they prefer that ethnic than there shouldn't be much of a problem. I can imagine more common interests being much stronger with same ethnic.

01-15-2012, 01:37 AM

Thank you sir. Could not have said it better myself. :bow:

As far as say a blackpeoplemeet, whitepeoplemeet, I can imagine more common interests being much stronger with same ethnic.

Strong commonality is found just as frequently between people of shared cultures as it is with ethnicity. And yes there is a difference between culture and ethnicity.

People can be of the of the same ethnic group and share very little in common culturally.

Anyway, i'm bored with this now and i don't feel like getting into any more sociological writing. I'm supposed to be on vacation dammit! lol

01-15-2012, 01:41 AM
rofl click the income bracket of under 12k annual, lol`d

01-22-2012, 03:19 PM
why is anyone getting upset about people only wanting to fuck someone the same colour as them?

its a dating site for fuck sake, dont start with the "love" bullshit either

i like white girls, i think they look better then all the rest. i know what i like, why bother with a site that doesn't cater to me?