View Full Version : Iran vs. USA

01-12-2012, 10:32 AM
Ok so it's still early in the year, so let's hear it...

When is the war going to officially start?

I'm going with March 2012

01-12-2012, 10:34 AM

drift freaq
01-12-2012, 10:43 AM
Pessamistic we are Brian? LOL Seriously Brian I think our Government will avoid getting into a conflict let alone a war in an election year. Possible action if they block the straights of Hormuz yes, war? No, oh and if Iran did block the straights of Hormuz it would affect European oil supplies much more than U.S. So any action would have to involve support from the E.U.

01-12-2012, 11:05 AM
ok so Nate votes for P eace
Dave votes for... nothing, I think.

01-12-2012, 11:12 AM

I vote peace as well...

01-12-2012, 02:11 PM
did we just save a hand full of them off the ocean? lol twice!

01-12-2012, 02:14 PM
War! Training missions are boring. Want somethin new now! Lol

01-12-2012, 06:00 PM
Won't happen.

Even if the situation did escalate, I think it would be limited to naval/aerial operations to keep the gulf open. Kind of like we did in the 80's.

drift freaq
01-12-2012, 06:04 PM
ok so Nate votes for P eace
Dave votes for... nothing, I think.

LOL I am with Halve blue on this. Possible operation but no war.

01-12-2012, 06:18 PM
not under obama since he's a secret muslim and such

01-13-2012, 02:16 AM
im with nate on this one

01-13-2012, 02:36 AM
Well i'm Persian and I think the government there is no good, but the civilians mostly like this country and are very kind people. It's a very beautiful country with a lot of good things going on there you wouldn't see it on TV. there's lot more money there than you think ($330billion gdp vs $83bil in Iraq and $11bil in Afghanistan).

I've walked around there with a redneck american flag t-shirt and everybody wanted to talk to me and be my friend. That being said if there were to be some sort of military attack i'd hope for the best of the people there and I have a feeling it would go much smoother than the other 2 operations.

IMO I don't see Obama doing anything about it, but he isn't necessarily going to be around much longer.

01-13-2012, 12:10 PM
I find it hilarious how many people don't realize just how grown up Iran actually is. Its not some backwards middle east country. Something like 70% of the people in University are women.

They also have a split society much like the US. You guys have republican and democrat, they have these two dudes.


and neither one of them Hate the US. Or the people of the US.

01-13-2012, 03:48 PM
I would put it past the feds to start a conflict to keep obama in another term.

01-13-2012, 04:36 PM
I find it hilarious how many people don't realize just how grown up Iran actually is. Its not some backwards middle east country. Something like 70% of the people in University are women.

They also have a split society much like the US. You guys have republican and democrat, they have these two dudes.

and neither one of them Hate the US. Or the people of the US.

Do u really believe that?

Chants in Iran: Death to America, the infidel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUezKsBCRbk)

01-14-2012, 04:26 PM
According to Battlefield 3 it starts in 2014

01-14-2012, 05:56 PM
Well i'm Persian and I think the government there is no good, but the civilians mostly like this country and are very kind people. It's a very beautiful country with a lot of good things going on there you wouldn't see it on TV. there's lot more money there than you think ($330billion gdp vs $83bil in Iraq and $11bil in Afghanistan).

I've walked around there with a redneck american flag t-shirt and everybody wanted to talk to me and be my friend. That being said if there were to be some sort of military attack i'd hope for the best of the people there and I have a feeling it would go much smoother than the other 2 operations.

IMO I don't see Obama doing anything about it, but he isn't necessarily going to be around much longer.


my best friend that i grew up with is iranian

they are extremely nice and intelligent people and their women are beautiful

would hate to see anymore sad things happen in that country

01-18-2012, 09:13 AM
Do u really believe that?

Chants in Iran: Death to America, the infidel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUezKsBCRbk)

I worked a dude that was involved in the Iran/Iraq war... I'll believe him over some youtube video.

01-18-2012, 09:18 AM
I think Syria & Iran will go to war, not the U.S.

02-05-2012, 11:34 PM
I worked a dude that was involved in the Iran/Iraq war... I'll believe him over some youtube video.


Masons are weird.

02-06-2012, 02:19 PM

02-06-2012, 02:28 PM
Well i'm Persian and I think the government there is no good, but the civilians mostly like this country and are very kind people. It's a very beautiful country with a lot of good things going on there you wouldn't see it on TV. there's lot more money there than you think ($330billion gdp vs $83bil in Iraq and $11bil in Afghanistan).

I've walked around there with a redneck american flag t-shirt and everybody wanted to talk to me and be my friend. That being said if there were to be some sort of military attack i'd hope for the best of the people there and I have a feeling it would go much smoother than the other 2 operations.

IMO I don't see Obama doing anything about it, but he isn't necessarily going to be around much longer.

This it is sad to see that people label an entire country as backwards and sabre rattling just because of an insane dictator. Almost every single persian I have met has been extremely polite and if I'm honest cool as hell to hang out with (hookah ftw).

I seriously doubt a war will break out, our country is starting to realize that our policy of post ww2 communism policing is costing us more than we can afford. We need to cut our military involvement in other countries and focus on defense not police action. Our country is war fatigued right now, if this war starts after the new election the president will have an extreme drop in public acceptance. We are just not ready for another war, mentally or financially.

02-06-2012, 02:32 PM
I worked a dude that was involved in the Iran/Iraq war...

/thread :ddog:


02-06-2012, 09:53 PM
I heard iran has thousands of secrect bunkers in the US holding terrorist waiting for the right day to just go out and start killing a bunch of innocent people, Iran made it clear that if there was war that it wouldnt just be held in Iran they are going to move it to the US.

02-07-2012, 12:04 AM
lol, worked a dude.

02-07-2012, 12:37 AM
Do u really believe that?

there were americans saying shit like "japan finally got what it deserves" when the tsunami/earthquake hit last year

there are ignorant people everywhere. every time i go to visit family in iran, the locals wanna hear about life back here.

i've never had anyone say anything negative to me, or felt i was in danger.

Like Walperstyle said, its all political shit. Clashes between Democratic and Islamic Republic governments. Iran is very old school in their federal systems, and its really shitty, but no one has been able to reform since its pretty much two governments acting as one.

The media only says so much, and its usually what is trending so they can get more views, and since many have similar sources, the info they get isn't very different

02-10-2012, 02:09 AM
This new round of embargo is a win/win for the US. We hurt Iran's pocket some more and China ultimately cant get more oil.

02-10-2012, 03:24 AM
Iran attempting a blockade would have to be the biggest military mistake in their modern history. Who do they think the world will call in the break up the blockade.

I really hope they don't go through with it but it they do that will be a single day war ending in the total ruination of the Iranian navy.

02-10-2012, 04:29 AM
i really wish i was aloud to comment on topics like this. all i know is i just returned from afghan and im not ready to go back. anywhere. however ---

02-10-2012, 07:35 AM
i really wish i was aloud to comment on topics like this.

and you can't why?

02-10-2012, 09:17 AM
I'm guessing that we as a nation don't really want our active service members spouting out facts and figures about possible current and/or possible near future military operations.

02-10-2012, 09:37 AM
if he's on military computers they prolly monitor that shit

02-10-2012, 10:26 PM
He's probably sat thru some Secret/TS brieifing or some ops...last thing you'd want to do is talk about it and lose your damn security clearance.

02-11-2012, 07:35 AM
I'm guessing that we as a nation don't really want our active service members spouting out facts and figures about possible current and/or possible near future military operations.
i mean yeah thats a given, i thought he meant he can't talk about his opinion

if he's on military computers they prolly monitor that shit
see above, but again, if he's referring to his opinion he can say what he wants...regardless of what computer he is on. i mean, shit most of my work days are spent on zilvia (i'm about to get out and my replacement took over already)

He's probably sat thru some Secret/TS brieifing or some ops...last thing you'd want to do is talk about it and lose your damn security clearance.
i guess i misunderstood what he meant, i thought he meant like he's not allowed to voice his opinion. (which by the way is complete bullshit, so long as he doesn't do it in uniform OR use the fact he is serving to endorse an idea or person)

02-11-2012, 12:46 PM
If his opinion is based on info he isn't at liberty to discus he's not even really supposed to allude to knowing things he can't talk about.

02-11-2012, 06:55 PM
um yeah your all pretty much right there are "facts" that would change my opinion if i didnt know the facts. so my opinion in a sense would be the facts? get it? but yeah thats all im saying haha. all im going to say is everyone has their own opinion. if you believe something. stick to it. gather the facts and fabrication your own opinion on things. dont take someone elses opinion about such subjects and think yeah i think hes right. the people run this country and your opinion matters. you vote. you pay to keep this country turning. politics are not everyones favorite subject. but you NEED to know whats going in the world.

yes the computer i was on was govt. but whether or not its monitored doesnt matter. my integrity keeps my mouth shut. operations security keeps us, coalition, and nato troops safe. have been there makes me realise how important it is.. that was my own ass just a short time ago. there is nothing wrong with stating that i wish i could add my opinion to these conversations. used to be a right that i had that i signed away years ago.. but no sideways i cant voice my own opinion to any one other than my colleges and only then if they have the need to know or already know what im talking about. there are reasons for this. its keeps everyone safe.

just thought id clear that up. didnt mean to make this thread go off topic Brian. Its a good thread! the responses are quite interesting to me.

02-11-2012, 08:19 PM
The US can be stealth with their missions, so Im not too concerned about 'US vs. Iran'

I'm more concerned about Israeli vs. Iran. I'd rather not see any military conflict on either side.

02-12-2012, 07:16 PM
stay safe out there, dude.

02-12-2012, 07:30 PM
^ reminded me of fallout

I'm more concerned about Israeli vs. Iran. I'd rather not see any military conflict on either side.
honestly, everything Iran has been spouting from its ass is pure bluff. They wouldn't launch an attack on Israel for the sole reason that they will be in everyone's crosshairs if they do

O/T: Talked to some family today, they said prices for everything has spiked so much since the oil embargo. Groceries are starting to be too expensive to buy. The gov't needs to clean up their act before a revolution starts up cause it'll just be a bloodbath

02-12-2012, 07:33 PM
I have several good Iranian friends who told me that the majority of Iranians love America and western culture. It's their oppressive gov't that's the problem. Someday Iran will change, it's only a matter of time. The people, country, and culture are all beautiful. I'm talking about the true Persian culture, NOT the Muslim culture that took over 20 years ago. It's been choking the country since. Hopefully it will happen naturally, and not because of America going to war. That's the last thing this world needs is another war. God help us.

02-13-2012, 02:51 AM
The gov't needs to clean up their act before a revolution starts up cause it'll just be a bloodbath

I hope for the sake of the entire world it doesn't and they do. Without the help of the CIA.

02-15-2012, 08:55 AM
oh yeah the old school persian culture is awesome
they had some pretty awesome stuff and when you visit historical places its so beautiful

the Islamic Republic, fuck them

02-15-2012, 01:59 PM
I hope nothing like that happens, I am with Nate on this one, peace please. thank you.

02-15-2012, 02:35 PM
Iran just keeps pushing the US Navy. Lets get within 2 miles of a Supercarrier group and play chicken. I got $5 that we light one of these fuckers up, they'll stop coming out with their welcoming parties in the Straight of Hormuz.

02-16-2012, 12:11 AM
They better chill out.

tell that bitch to chill!!!!!

02-16-2012, 12:44 AM
I think its a matter of time before some mofo makes a stupid moveeeeee

02-16-2012, 01:21 AM
It'll be a shitty time. There's too much back and forth and Iran really not backing down, if they keep on with their current path I'd say we'll be there soon-ish. At the same time we've also said that we'll just wait till they get closer to finishing up some nukes and then we'll bomb the shit out of their sites.

P.s. Fighting a legit trained Army not afraid to die is going to blow donkey dick. On one side, they're not insurgents wearing clothing like everyone else so we'll know who they are in a crowd, but the tactically trained part is going to suck ass.

02-16-2012, 02:47 AM
P.s. Fighting a legit trained Army not afraid to die is going to blow donkey dick. On one side, they're not insurgents wearing clothing like everyone else so we'll know who they are in a crowd, but the tactically trained part is going to suck ass.

so true. SO fckin true. :bash:

US is good at it though. insurgencies not so much. insurgencies tend to royally piss off infantrymen. and pushes support folks like myself to the front lines. food for thought..

02-16-2012, 11:22 AM
It'll be a shitty time. There's too much back and forth and Iran really not backing down, if they keep on with their current path I'd say we'll be there soon-ish. At the same time we've also said that we'll just wait till they get closer to finishing up some nukes and then we'll bomb the shit out of their sites.

P.s. Fighting a legit trained Army not afraid to die is going to blow donkey dick. On one side, they're not insurgents wearing clothing like everyone else so we'll know who they are in a crowd, but the tactically trained part is going to suck ass.

Yes that's a really good point.

Well at least they wont be using IEDs. Well I hope not.:eek3:

02-16-2012, 12:16 PM
Yes that's a really good point.

Well at least they wont be using IEDs. Well I hope not.:eek3:

where do you think all the ieds in iraq came from. the 155 rounds. and sadly the EFP. explosive formed penetrator. efps cut anything like butter. and the only way you can slow it down is with a "special" kind of armor. it all came from iran. thats well known, it can be found on wiki. Afghanistan got their explosives from pakistan and efps never made it there. well.. not like iraq.

02-16-2012, 12:22 PM
where do you think all the ieds in iraq came from. the 155 rounds. and sadly the EFP. explosive formed penetrator. efps cut anything like butter. and the only way you can slow it down is with a "special" kind of armor. it all came from iran. thats well known, it can be found on wiki. Afghanistan got their explosives from pakistan and efps never made it there. well.. not like iraq.

Fuhh. I was unaware of that.

By special armor. You referring to MRAPS?

02-16-2012, 10:49 PM
Fuhh. I was unaware of that.

By special armor. You referring to MRAPS?

Nopes, you need explosive armour that blows back towards the blast so it disperses the copper. Shaped IEDs are basically the same technology the US used in WWII to blow up German tanks...remember Bazookas? Thats basically a copper shaped charge. They copied the same idea, just on a larger setting.

02-16-2012, 11:33 PM
Nopes, you need explosive armour that blows back towards the blast so it disperses the copper. Shaped IEDs are basically the same technology the US used in WWII to blow up German tanks...remember Bazookas? Thats basically a copper shaped charge. They copied the same idea, just on a larger setting.

negative. EFP armor looks like a solid 4 inch thick sheet of steel that is mounted on the exterior of the vehicles approx 6-10 inches away from the armored hull. looks solid but its filled with a water based gelatin. the idea is that. EFPs have a very short effective range because the copper penetrator cools rapidly. EFP armor is designed to cool the penetrator down before it hits the armored hull of the vehicle. hence the gel filled armor. with the air gap in between. effective armor system however its weight and cost are its main downsides.

your thinking of Abrams tank armor meant for explosive projectiles ie RPG, stinger, etc.. the EFP is not a devistating explosive. its devistating however its like a giant burning copper bullet that will go through damn near anything.

02-19-2012, 03:34 AM
I'm not totally convinced on Ron Paul, but he does raise a very good point right here

Ron Paul "Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDvaTqLlZlA)

I saw another video yesterday where all these white haired DC guys were saying stuff like "WE. WILL. NOT. ALLOW. IRAN. TO HAVE. A NUCLEAR WEAPON."

02-19-2012, 03:29 PM
It's my opinion that no one should have nukes. That includes the US and Russia. Nuclear deterrence through massive stockpiles is a joke. We have enough conventional weapons to make the average nuke look like a hand grenade so why bother with all the horrible after effects.

02-20-2012, 03:29 PM
It's my opinion that no one should have nukes. That includes the US and Russia. Nuclear deterrence through massive stockpiles is a joke. We have enough conventional weapons to make the average nuke look like a hand grenade so why bother with all the horrible after effects.

I think the same thing. One nuke being used on this planet will provide reprecussions to last generations AROUND the whole planet...

But its whateves, im waiting for the aliens to come and humanity to "ascend" to the next dimension, so i guess my point is invalid....

02-20-2012, 07:47 PM
It's easy to wait for some magical solution to the world's problems isn't it.

02-20-2012, 08:56 PM
yeah i really do hope iran gets off their tantrum
i get it, the US doesn't really belong there since that whole region kinda wants them to just gtfo, but shiet

someone is going to accidentally fire a gun and then thats the end

02-20-2012, 08:58 PM
Hey it works right? Be honest though....my opinion, your opinion, nor anyone else's wont matter...we are all just a bunch of fools on a message board talking about things out of our control.....shit i can say im waiting for the pony-ocalypse if i wanted to and it would matter.....Im cool with drinking my liqour, "defending the country", and sitting here working on my car until nukes do us part.......

02-20-2012, 09:05 PM
Iranian over here as well

personally i think the U.S. can overthrow the Iranian government in a matter of hours. the only problem is casualties, considering that Iran is full of nationalists there will be more bloodshed from our own troops, and civilian casualties considering how much more urbanized it is than Iraq. i hope it never comes down to that though, itd be too upsetting to watch.

election not only for the U.S. is coming up, but Iranian primaries are this summer. i was there when Ahmadinejad was re-elected, and it was terror. the people took the streets, and if he tampers with the poll and gets elected again, itll be chaos. but like other middle eastern countries, they will uprise and probably win, considering there being 8 million+ citizens of tehran

in conclusion, no war, no attacks, if the government changes power, nothing to worry about. if it doesnt, the people will fight. if the people lose, release the hounds haha

02-20-2012, 09:31 PM
Hey it works right? Be honest though....my opinion, your opinion, nor anyone else's wont matter...we are all just a bunch of fools on a message board talking about things out of our control.....shit i can say im waiting for the pony-ocalypse if i wanted to and it would matter.....Im cool with drinking my liqour, "defending the country", and sitting here working on my car until nukes do us part.......

they were 100% a-ok with shooting civilians back in 2008. Wouldn't doubt they are still ok with doing it this summer.

02-20-2012, 11:05 PM

they were 100% a-ok with shooting civilians back in 2008. Wouldn't doubt they are still ok with doing it this summer.

Yeah they were :/ it was 09 the summer I went in August

02-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Yeah they were :/ it was 09 the summer I went in August
the point is
they dont give a shit who they kill. the government backs their guard, so they won't put them in jail

03-10-2012, 10:38 PM
According to Battlefield 3 it starts in 2014

LMAO.... But seriously +1 for whomever said the obama campaign bit, IMO true to political form they'll prob start a war once the race for president heats up

word sux
03-11-2012, 12:01 PM
doubt it

if anything the Israel would be the one to start it..

I think if we got serious Iran would end up having to back down

redline racer510
03-12-2012, 09:42 AM
Iran is gonna get what they want no one is gonna do anything about it, Israel's CIA equivalent said it would be the stupidest mistake for the U.S. or Israel to go to war with Iran. If anyone takes action Israel say's they would be the ones to pay for it.

03-12-2012, 10:01 AM
Iran is gonna get what they want no one is gonna do anything about it, Israel's CIA equivalent said it would be the stupidest mistake for the U.S. or Israel to go to war with Iran. If anyone takes action Israel say's they would be the ones to pay for it.

Are you Israeli Intelligence? If not, Can you site where you found this? Comments like this aggitate me. :picardfp:

redline racer510
03-12-2012, 10:45 AM
Aluf Meir Dagan who was the Director of Mossad(CIA equivalent in Israel That was responsible for assassinating Iranian nuclear physicist and hacking laboratory equipment) said so on 60 min yesterday, watch it. Sorry for your agitation,lol.

03-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Iran is gonna get what they want no one is gonna do anything about it, Israel's CIA equivalent said it would be the stupidest mistake for the U.S. or Israel to go to war with Iran. If anyone takes action Israel say's they would be the ones to pay for it.

But Israel pretty much said, they know whats involved and they wont start shit with Iran (atleast directly) without US backing.

redline racer510
03-12-2012, 10:16 PM
But Israel pretty much said, they know whats involved and they wont start shit with Iran (atleast directly) without US backing.

True but they would also like the U.S. to go to war for them if they can which was also mentioned in the interview.

03-12-2012, 11:46 PM
But Israel pretty much said, they know whats involved and they wont start shit with Iran (atleast directly) without US backing.

If you read between the political lines there they are saying they are willing to drag the US into war to fuck Iran up.