View Full Version : Isis dual 4" owners

01-05-2012, 10:07 PM
I've been looking to get an isis exhaust with dual 4" tips and was wondering what bumper you guys running with it as I don't think it looks that great on a stock one

01-05-2012, 11:03 PM

01-05-2012, 11:19 PM
well its loud as hell so be sure you want it, but having installed it on a stock kouki bumper it fits really well, for the rest search box is your friend

01-05-2012, 11:22 PM
Let me help you out. Picture is old but this is one of the few that i have since i have a buddy club now, ISIS 4in with Origin rear bumper..


01-05-2012, 11:35 PM
if its to big for the bumper then make the hole bigger to make it fit..... thats what i did to mine.

go get your exhaust
get your bumper
install your exhaust
then your bumper
cut the hole bigger if neccessary.

you can use a dremel.

close thread

01-06-2012, 01:52 AM
Fits really close and tight to oem s14 bumper had no problem whatsoever!

had to cut a bit with a cutting wheel on a version select bumper "wish i had a dremmel"


01-06-2012, 01:54 AM
just a little bit of trimming to the uras knock off rear bumper... i love how this sounded on my sr


01-06-2012, 09:20 AM
I thought it looked ok with stock bumper on.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/383950_261707297210487_261530230561527_676529_1906 153234_n.jpg

01-06-2012, 09:31 AM
More pics of your S13 240sxdriftin! I agree with the OP, doesn't look that good on a stock bumper, they stick out a bit much, my friend just had is exhaust tips cut back a little because he did t like how it stuck out

01-06-2012, 09:58 AM
Let me help you out. Picture is old but this is one of the few that i have since i have a buddy club now, ISIS 4in with Origin rear bumper..

Did you have to trim this one? I was looking for one that didn't have to be trimmed but looking at the other pictures I'm surprised they still look really clean after being trimmed so maybe I'll just try that. Thanks guys

01-06-2012, 02:35 PM
I can't wait to get mine mounted.


01-06-2012, 03:01 PM
More pics of your S13 240sxdriftin! I agree with the OP, doesn't look that good on a stock bumper, they stick out a bit much, my friend just had is exhaust tips cut back a little because he did t like how it stuck out

They are all over the fitment thread and in the pic thread and on canibeat, search my posts and you can find more, search 240sx on canibeat.com and you'll find it as well. I dont wanna clog up the op's thread