View Full Version : s14 heater not working

01-04-2012, 09:15 AM
I have a 97 with a s14 sr20det swap..... the heat was working then the ac belt broke and wuit working. I replaced the belt and tensioner pully and now its not working. Im assuming the heater core went bad but id like to know some of your guys ideas. And if it is the heater core... would it need to be a stock 97 core ka...or one from an sr20.

01-04-2012, 10:46 AM
Well Buddy you are about to get ripped apart on this but I am currently in your state visiting my girlfriend's family so Ill play nice. First of you need to figure out what exactly the problem is. I am assuming you are smart enough to allow the car to get to operating temperature before you assume that heat isn't working. if your car is not getting hot it may be your thermostat that is the problem. With that said when you turn the heat on can you hear the fan or feel air coming out of the vents?
If you can't then its your blower motor. If you do it might be your heater core or your hot air passage is blocked. Or the "air gate" the door that allows air to mix is not working properly.
This should help you find where different parts are located.

if it is your heater core then you will need one for a KA. Just go to any auto part store and give they your year make and model. Or go online what ever floats your boat.

Hopefully this helps!

01-04-2012, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the heads up.... yes theres no heat at all. Checked fuses blowers working guess theres nothing left to do but change out the heater core... just found it odd that it went out after the ac belt broke.

01-04-2012, 08:33 PM
I wouldnt replace the heater core right off the bat. You only have to replace the core if its leaking. Something else is going on here...

Could be the HVAC switch is acting up and not opening the heater core valve open o the valve itself isnt opening. If coolant isnt flowing into the heater core, you wont get heat.

01-04-2012, 09:18 PM
Have you checked the temp gauge on your dash? Warm the car to normal operating temp, then drive the car around the block and watch your temp gauge, if it moves down like it's cooling off then it's probably your thermostat, and you can also warm the car up and check to see if both radiator hoses get hot, if one is hot and the other is cold/cooler than the other it's your thermostat

01-05-2012, 08:13 AM
Is there a way to check the HVAC without switching it out with a new one? The temp gauge never really moves... its either cold on "C" or midway up when running for awhile

01-05-2012, 10:06 AM
Mid way up is called operating temperature. The engine will not produce heat until it is warm (170*F OEM). Ok lets cover the basics, this is how the system works. There is something called a thermostat in the coolant line that allows coolant to flow though at a controlled rate. when it is open this means that engine is at operating temperature. Coolant leaves the radiator located at the front of the car and enters the engine. It is then pumped throughout the engine passing through the coolant passages. When it leaves the engine it is pumped into the heater core (a mini radiator) inside your car. Where the blower motor (a fan) blows air through the radiator which causes heat transfer. The air is warmed up and the coolant is cooled off. The coolant continues back to the radiator where it will repeat its cycle.

Hopefully this makes sense to you.

01-05-2012, 10:27 AM
Try to see if coolant is flowing into the heater core first the coolant valve may be stuck. If you have a 95 its in the engine bay. If not replace that.

You can also check to see if you have a thermostat. my car had no heat because i had no thermostat

01-05-2012, 01:19 PM
Its a 97..... Like i said i had heat but now it just blows cold air or whatever temp the outside air is. If it was a faulty t-stat wouldnt it overheat? Op temp seems to be normal.

01-05-2012, 01:40 PM
Its a 97..... Like i said i had heat but now it just blows cold air or whatever temp the outside air is. If it was a faulty t-stat wouldnt it overheat? Op temp seems to be normal.

Its not that the termostat is bad its that you may not even have one when you bought the car you may have heat when its warm out but when its really cold the car cant get warm enough to have heat