View Full Version : Anyone with knoledge of KYB part numbers?

12-07-2011, 12:34 PM
Figured this was a bit more than a small question.

I was sold some KYB BUZZ SPEC Shocks, new, out of box for what I think Is a S13. I cannot find a clear picture of said shocks to compare them, so that being said, I need to figure out the part number.

Rear shocks bzb9055

Front shocks BZA5125R(or L, depending on side)

Can anyone help?

KYB Buzz Spec, purple.

"His Avatar"
12-22-2011, 10:04 PM
You DO know how to use google right?
enter the part numbers and press search.

If you click images it will show you pictures of whatever you are searching for. Crazy huh?