View Full Version : What commercials do you hate?
personally i hate all Old navy commercials. can't stand them!!!! dont know why but i just do. Can't think of anymore right now but there is more that i know.
12-15-2003, 01:50 AM
The new AOL 9.0 commercial with Georges dad from Seinfeld and Snoop Dog. The whole scenario and acting and the way the actors giggle when snoop comes out and also snoop whoring his over used catch phrase out, gets under my skin.
Also any commercial for cranium board games, most end with the most annoying jingle I have ever heard, I literally cover my ears or turn the channel. They always end with "uh oh CRANIUM"
I'll tell you this much, any future child of mine will never ever own one of those!
12-15-2003, 01:59 AM
Can't think of any I hate right now, but I love the Saturn commercial where they are chasing down clowns. Funny stuff.
Every Christimas season for the last 3 years lexus got that damn December to Remember commercials :mad:
R K e 1 C A
12-15-2003, 04:12 AM
More than hating it, I find this highly amusing:
12-15-2003, 04:25 AM
Originally posted by R K e 1 C A
More than hating it, I find this highly amusing:
12-15-2003, 05:05 AM
Yes, ALL Old Navy commercials piss me off :mad:. Especially the new one with Lil' Kim. Lil' Kim doing ads for Old Navy? what the hell is the world coming to? :rolleyes:
And the whole snoop dogg lingo is played...its annoying..."Look at mizzle, all yall dope pizzles, I'm a dumbizzle cuz i say this shizzle all the tizzle and it makes mizzle sound like an ignorant motherfizzle, but who kizzles cuz im gettin mad chizzle. Whoa what the fizzle did i just sizzle?" ENOUGH! :bash:
Oh and those new, i think its T Mobile commeciasl with the "hip hop" santa giving everybody a cell phone and saying "Where you at?" I cringe everytime i hear that shit. And as a black guy its even more annoying cuz i have to watch another dumbass play right into another stereotype, just to get paid and then complain about it later... :mad: :rolleyes:
And the freakin GO YAFFA! commercials! STFU!
I'm also pretty sick of seeing the girls gone wild commercials
I know there's more, but those were the first ones to come to mind.
12-15-2003, 11:55 AM
Old Navy..hey at least that old lady w/ the big glasses isnt in it anymore.
Smart N going to punch that kid in the throat if i ever see him, i tell you what.
Any sort of local tv commercial. horrible acting and bad script and filming
Sit 'N Sleep...horrible as well. its just as bad on the spanish channel as well
any commercial w/ "The Cat in the Hat". i hate seasonal movie holiday commercials w/ a vengence.
McDonalds Commercials: 'cute' kids, goofy parents, dopey fake acting. horrible. a new 'catch song' every month.
radio commercial: Robbins Brothers..these guys need to get real actors and real writers and not have their kids write the scripts anymore.
Originally posted by dousan36
Smart N going to punch that kid in the throat if i ever see him, i tell you what.
hahah yea that was the commercial i was going to say, i hate that kids voice!!! sounds like hes whinning htrough the whole commercial! he's even on the radio too!
12-15-2003, 12:14 PM
I gotta agree. Old Navy commercials are the worse. I dont know anyone who wears that cheap crap, but goin to guess all those teen poppers... damn them :hammer: but the commerical that i think is freakin awesome is the visa commerical with the rock climbs. thats damn funny.:boink:
12-15-2003, 12:30 PM
I hate that Mike Vick commercial where its sort of computer generated and he throws a pass to Terell Owens and they do all kinds of stupid shit.
Also, i'm tired of seeing those stupid ass visa commercials, with the prices of things then the one that's priceless. They have used that way too much for everything. And most of the time their prices are way off.
12-15-2003, 06:06 PM
iirc, i think it's mastercard.
how about those boost mobile phone commercials, i thought those were pretty funny except for the one with FA-BO-LO-US, i hate that guy hehe.
12-16-2003, 12:08 AM
definetely our local commercials they are horrible. also the verizon wireless "can you hear me now" shit, i hate those. oh and the Fandango commercial before movies at the theatre(i dont know if that counts or if you guys have that or not).
ohh yeah and all of the mcdonalds and everything else that ruins hip hop by making those gay ass jingles. god theres so many its hard to think.
12-16-2003, 09:23 AM
Oh man do I hate those old navy commercials. For years, they have been the shittiestones. Also, mcdondalds commercials make me sick. YA know what I like about mcdonalds? HOw they lower our cultural identity by using focus groups to target ethnic stereotypes.:)
12-16-2003, 09:46 AM
Verizon commercials make me sick, i turn the TV off when one comes on. "ca y hear m nw?" is more like their service around here:p (can you tell i work for a competitor? lol)
Old navy is just a bunch of friuts trying to over glamourize crappy clothing (everything i've ever had from them fell apart within a year)
commercials i do like though:
mastercard with the 2 guys laying on the porta-ledge on the rock face (i've slept on one before, it's not much fun tring to sleep on a 3' wide piece of canvas about 500 feet off the ground;) )
the older boost mobile commercial with the old man screaming "5-OH! 5-OOOOHHHHH!"
12-16-2003, 02:04 PM
i think fran drescher looks hott in the old navy commercials:coolugh:
I LOVE the honda commercial where it shows the faces of the people and the cars. Makes me laugh every time.
12-16-2003, 02:24 PM
I agree the Nanny does look hot in the ones were she doesn't talk :D
Also add to the most hated list, any "Truth" commercial ever made. They make me want to start smoking just to smite them.
12-16-2003, 02:58 PM
I hate:
Chrysler ads with Celine Dion. All I could think of when they started that ad campaign was "the Bobs" in office space going on about Michael Bolton... You know some painfully boring ad exec at Chrysler just thinks Celine Dion is "super neat!" They honestly thought that campaign was going to bring in YOUNGER buyers. However, after almost a year of those ads, Chrysler now has one of the oldest demographics in the business. Way to go. The previous "Drive = Love" ad campaign that got cut short for this Celine deal was not only much more creative, but it actually had decent music.
Any ad that uses an annoying voice. It's done on purpose; the annoying voice sticks in your head. The best recent example of this would be the ad campaign for Glad bags with the very high-voiced little woman... and the one ad in particular where she's teamed up with Gilbert Gottfried.
Any ad that reinforces the soccer mom SUV stereotype, on principle. "You don't really go off-road, or even really need an SUV, so buy our pile of shit that's basically a lifted car, with all the disadvantages therein." The "makes me want to take a gun to my TV" award goes to the original ads for the Toyota Highlander... when they wrote that pseudo-Western ballad for the commercial about running insipid suburban errands in your 15mpg station wagon, had they even seen The Simpsons "Canyonero" episode? Honestly, Fox and the creators of The Simspons should sue Toyota for stealing their jingle!
12-16-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
The new AOL 9.0 commercial with Georges dad from Seinfeld and Snoop Dog. The whole scenario and acting and the way the actors giggle when snoop comes out and also snoop whoring his over used catch phrase out, gets under my skin.
Also any commercial for cranium board games, most end with the most annoying jingle I have ever heard, I literally cover my ears or turn the channel. They always end with "uh oh CRANIUM"
I'll tell you this much, any future child of mine will never ever own one of those!
Ditto on ALL those.
Especially the Cranium ones.
12-16-2003, 05:05 PM
i hate all of those anti pot commercials...
"you could tell them that you were too buisy smoking pot" or something like that...
omfg that is total horseshit, really...its crap like this that is hurting the goal of legalizing mary jane...i dont want to turn this into an argument, but beer and the like is far more dangerous and its been proven
do you see any anti drinking commercials? NO....and there should be more of those...
even those anti smoking commercials are full of crap too, most of their information is way off based and most of the time the stuff they say is totally false
hmmm.....isnt that the "truth"?
12-16-2003, 05:20 PM
oh how could i forgo those commercials. I wonder if that helps stop anything at all?? especially the "welcome to crazy world" ones, haha shut up! people know smoking kills, you don't have to spend all that money to show it.
and that's true too, there are no anti-drinking commercials when alcohol kills sooo much more people that maryjane. i'm not a pot smoker myself, but i had an extensive discussion about maryjane and alcohol at my cousin's first offender's class.
there are a few "don't drink and drive" commercials out there, but i think they're put on by the alcohol companies themselves.
12-16-2003, 05:37 PM
actually the last stats i heard about mary jane killing people was about 10 per year, and they were killed doing stupid things that they normally technically pot hasnt killed anyone directly in the last 10 years
last year smoking killed 100,000 americans, pot killed none...
last year drinking killed god knows how many people, pot killed how many again?
people dont realize that pot is a lot safer than a lot of other things we do everyday...
yes its true that pot does have more "tar" than cigarettes, but you dont smoke a pack of joints a day do you? when will this country come to its senses and ban other things that are far more dangerous, or at least leagalize pot... :)
the main thing that i am sick about is all the miss information that is out there...people only read the headlines, and they are written to get your attention...and most of the time, their info is all one sided anyway...people need to get the information from both sides, not just look at the info that supports their ideas
12-16-2003, 06:05 PM
I HATE the new Subway commercials. I actually thought I hated Jared more. Well, he is kind of involved in the new ones too. "what would jared do?" or "It's OK, I had Subway!" (Especially the one with the middle-aged man washing his car in a cheerleader's outfit to the "Oh, Mickey your'e so fine" song.)
The commercials with the hungry kids depress me. Really bad.
The "Chaser" tablet? Yeah. Anyone seen that one? I'm not sure if it's local.
Oh, i also hate all the cable commercials. Those are just plain stupid.
O yea and i cant stand Carl's Jr commercials..can't stand those "maly" goofy looking asses eating their burgers like that. cant stand the latest wone w/the bald guy eating his burger then putting ketchup on it. First of all who eats a burger buy them selves in a big restuarant like that?
12-16-2003, 07:50 PM
I have another one that they've been playing latley. Its one of those truth commercials where they say that secondhand smoke kills 1000 infants every year. This is the biggest load of horse shit ive ever heard in my life and will never beleive anything else they say again.
12-16-2003, 11:01 PM
Carl's Jr (hardees for you wierd people!) are the WORST! I won't eat there just because of the commercials. Seriously, who wants to watch a guy slurping his drink and hearing all of his noises he makes while eating????
I also hate BMW commercials. Why you ask? Because I can't afford my M3 right now and damnit they are teasing me!
12-17-2003, 01:31 AM
KSWISS Commercials must DIE!!!!
12-17-2003, 01:53 AM
Fandango commercials are the best!!!
"There's a the building....raawwr"
12-17-2003, 06:31 PM
OHHHHHHHH I hate the Honda Pilot commercials.....
I hate that new ford station wagon looking thing where the guys are done playing basket ball and heading over to the car. in the background you here a stupid rap jingle saying "you can ride all day and you can ride all night" first of all who would wanna look "cool" "riding" on that ugly looking thing?
12-17-2003, 07:46 PM
Right now I hate the McDonald's commercials on the radio. Nothing worse than hearing "One" by Metallica on the radio, followed by a damn fake rap McDonald's commerical about a guy saying he's crowing like a rooster through the drive through and something about a breakfast buffet? At McDonalds?? whattt??
My next commercials I hate are the Cadillac commericals. Led Zeplin's cool but I hate that song and it's being used in every single commerical they do. Then of course, since it's used on TV now, the radio stations have to be funny and make an effort to play it even more than they used to.
12-18-2003, 11:42 PM
the commercial which makes the least sense is the truth commercial where they say that smoking marijuana impairs judgement....hrmm...i can do many things better when im high...except write essays :o ...and fandango commercials are truly peices of crap...its not funny the first time i watched it...what makes them think its funny the 1039501 time i watch it?
12-19-2003, 01:53 AM
TRUTH commercials can burn in LIES!!!!!
12-19-2003, 07:41 AM
i hate the swiffer jet commercial (the mop thing) with the dancing mom and the theme song that sounds like bad eighties music. she dances (badly) to it as she mops, while her punked out daughters look on in disgust... most annoying commercial ever...
i also hate the jaguar commercial where a bunch of ppl are driving in the snow, and the husband says to the wife "just stay in his tracks" referring to the snow plow in front of them. then inside the snow plow an old guy says to the young driver "just stay in his tracks" referring to a POS jaguar X-type they are following... and then the camera pans to the confident young handsome dude with a pretty wife driving like the snow is nothing. that's such BS.
O and i hate those Chili's commercials where people sing the chili's theme song
12-19-2003, 12:00 PM
I just thought of another commercial genre that needs to stop (after the annoying voices): "interview with the weird guy." You know the ones I'm talking about. Someone sits in front of the camera and describes their silly problem or unusual pastime in an uncomfortable, intentionally poorly acted voice, then talks about how product X helps them with that problem or pastime.
It's just a tired, overused concept whose humor has run out.
12-19-2003, 12:54 PM
civic nation one was off the hoook..haha:coolugh:
12-19-2003, 06:06 PM
that is all.
I also dislike the Old Navy commercials, with LIL KIM.
i keep hearing that stupid saying, " You in da hood now baby" :bash:
12-19-2003, 08:31 PM
Wow you guys hit a lot of them that I hate:
Old Navy: Lil Kim, AOL: Jerry Stiller & Snoop, Glad Bags: Gilbert Godfried, Subway: It is OK I had Subway, Swifter Jet: Bad Dancing Mom, Carl's Jr: Playboy's Inuendos (looks like Hef is faking it when he eats the burger).
The only extra ones I can think of are the old Gap ones. The only one I like was the breakdancing one.
Also the SPAM commercials where the guys goes: "MORE SPAM!".
I mean like: :wtf:
12-19-2003, 08:38 PM
Also those Funk Master Flex commercials for Lugz for his driving shoes. Makes it seem like those shoes will make someone special or something.
I also hate the sprite remix commercials w/the fat beat boxer guy w/the gap tooth
12-19-2003, 08:54 PM
Do not like the new 7up commercials too much. I liked them with Orlando Jones. The dnl is also pretty stupid.
Also hate the new Radio Shack Commercials with the Celebs/Athletes.
12-20-2003, 01:13 AM
I hate Ricola, Subway and Chrysler w/Celine commercials.
12-23-2003, 03:47 AM
I don't know which ones I hate. But I can tell you I love this one ( :bowdown: :aw:
12-23-2003, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by camppain
I don't know which ones I hate. But I can tell you I love this one ( :bowdown: :aw:
That commercial owns! :bowdown:
Sil Beer S13
12-24-2003, 10:39 AM
I hate those TRUTH commercials, cuz there made by "BIG TOBACCO".
I also hate those Disney Land commercials. I used to work there and it's not like that at all. Just a bunch of people complaining how expensive it is.
Ya and those verizon radio commercials I FREAKIN hate those.
Well thats all I can think of for now thanks for letting me rant:D
12-24-2003, 11:13 AM
i hate the new mcdonalds commercials
im la la luvin it bahhh they make me mad
12-26-2003, 03:53 AM
dashers car insurance commercial!
man i hate Albertsons commercials too...the ones with aptricia eaton from Raymond.
cant stand the way she says, "jimmy!"
12-29-2003, 01:04 AM
old navy"your in the hood now baby"fuckin hate that shit","dashers dashers,"its ok i had subway", and i cant think of any but if i see anymore ill login zilvia and hit up this fourm again lol
12-29-2003, 02:00 AM
I hate mcdonalds comercials with a pasion!! Also that new one with the kid eating the all new white meat nugget woope doo.
All old navy comercials just plain suck. I can not stand to here the nanny talk or laugh.
Then there is GAP there is always some band singing that has nothing to do with the clothes their selling, then it just says gap
Direct tv satilite comercial with the actors reading letter from customers. the stupidest one is with the guy talking about bad reception from cable WTF!? how do you get bad reception from CABLE the is no atenia how do you get bad reception!? As for satilite when there is bad weather you have no reception.
What is realy sad is those that come up with the comercials that suck and then the idots who think its a great idea for a comerical, very very sad.
12-29-2003, 03:26 AM
These are easily the worst for any pot smoker out there. It gets under your skin that the MAN is using all of this propaganda to keep the chiba down.
Here are all the ones I can remember so far and apparently weed didn't kill this part of my memory.
1. Girl is on the couch and she is going to be raped by a fellow dank enthusiast.
2. Two friends find a gun and the other one asks if it's loaded and the other guy fires and kills his friend.
3. Guys are driving after picking up fast food like any other red-blooded potsmoker but they hit a little girl when pulling out.
4. Dude is babysitting a little girl that happens to go in the backyard and is about to fall in the pool because of negligence due to the chronic.
They don't mention any of the real world consequences of smoking the dank that most potheads know about. It just reminds me of that South Park where they say that it's OK to lie to people if it's about drugs. And I would like to mention that I don't even smoke pot anymore, but to lie to people like this just pisses me off to no end.
saw another commercial that i hate. Its the jack in the box commercial where they are having a meeting aobut the shake. Then out of no where they start dancing. they show two guys dancing in caramel, how ghey is that?:ghey:
12-30-2003, 02:41 AM
old navy commercials suck!
just saw another commercial that i hate. its the new radio shack holiday sale commercial with shaq.
i just hate it when he says " its its its.." then it just cuts off on to the sale part. shaq shouldn't be even acting. like all his lame movies, he got those roles by saying "kazamm:" a little too many itmes
01-04-2004, 09:35 PM
I really hate that guy on that flat TV "phillips?" commercial...."!!!".
-That new McDonalds commercial where the homies are playin' rollerblade basketball...and the guy dunks.
-Celine Dion Chrysler commercials.
-Any of those Coors light commercials with all the toolio poser male models and that stupid "...and....and....TWINS" song.
-Any Steak n' Shake commercial.
-Any commercial for "Arrested Development" or "Curb your Enthusiasm"
-Those RIAA commercial which try to make you feel guilty for getting music and videos off Kazaa.....and those commercials which advertise the "new" Napster where you pay for songs.
thats all I can think of for now,
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