View Full Version : Free Shipping on ASD Handbrakes

ASD Motorsports
10-26-2011, 11:39 AM
Use coupon code zilviaship for free shipping (in Continental US) on ASD handbrakes. This will end Monday November 14th.

ASD Pull up E-brake: (http://asdmotorsports.3dcartstores.com/ASD-Universal-Hydraulic-E-Brake-Pull-Up_p_18.html)


ASD 16" Pull Back (http://asdmotorsports.3dcartstores.com/ASD-Universal-Hydraulic-E-Brake-16-Pull-Back_p_51.html)


ASD 10" Pull Back (http://asdmotorsports.3dcartstores.com/ASD-Universal-Hydraulic-E-Brake-10-Pull-Back_p_10.html)


We also sell mounting brackets for the pull up style hand brake. They mount in the s13/14 stock location. Here is a link to them on the store.

I would recommend a z32 rear caliper or better in the back with these, they do not have the leverage of the 16". Here are the kits with the mounting brackets:

ASD S13 Hydraulic E-Brake Kit (http://asdmotorsports.3dcartstores.com/ASD-S13-Hydraulic-E-Brake-Kit_p_21.html)


ASD S14 Hydraulic E-Brake Kit (http://asdmotorsports.3dcartstores.com/ASD-S14-Hydraulic-E-Brake-Kit_p_20.html)


It sits comfortably between the wheel and shifter. Here is a picture of it installed on an s13:

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308371_254663571238504_234276539943874_690685_5651 79436_n.jpg

10-26-2011, 01:11 PM
i wish i woulda known about the free shipping i just bought one last week :(

10-26-2011, 11:40 PM
real interested in this. what would you suggest for stock rear s13 calipers w/ altima rotor/z31 caliper carrier mod? would ideally want the pull back style.
also, is the handle somewhat easily 'detachable?' meaning i could unbolt it/bolt it in for the track?
thanks for the response.

ASD Motorsports
10-27-2011, 06:29 AM
real interested in this. what would you suggest for stock rear s13 calipers w/ altima rotor/z31 caliper carrier mod? would ideally want the pull back style.
also, is the handle somewhat easily 'detachable?' meaning i could unbolt it/bolt it in for the track?
thanks for the response.

I would recommend the 16" pull back with the 5/8" pass thru. The handle has one bolt attaching it to the base and one bolt attaching it to the master. It could be removed if needed.

10-27-2011, 12:41 PM
I have the 16" pullback and its awesome! You can even use a bungie cord through a seat bolster to the holes on the handbrake just in case your worried about losing the parking brake.

ASD Motorsports
11-10-2011, 09:23 AM
Thanks for all the orders, free shipping ends next Monday!

11-11-2011, 10:25 PM
You gots PM.

11-12-2011, 10:06 AM
Sent you a pm sir, let me know please

ASD Motorsports
11-14-2011, 10:35 AM
All messages have been replied to. This is the last day of this sale!

ASD Motorsports
11-15-2011, 11:02 AM
Thanks to everyone who took advantage of the free shipping.