View Full Version : how the FUCK can you play FFXI on a laptop? how can you play at all!?

12-06-2003, 11:08 AM
this is fucking recockulous. It took me 5 minutes before I figured out how to WALK and I had to find some level 9 person to come and show me how to equip myself and crap... thne my laptop crashed before I could get into battle because I have too fragmented of a HD. grrr.

anyways, am i going to need to get a keyboard and mouse to be able to play this game? I cant even figure out how to open these menus, every time I click somewhere this little annoying fucking box pops up right above the chat thing... and every time I try to use a hotkey it just types the fucking letter! even if I dont press space to start a message!

aughhh, maybe im juts not a big enough nerd to be playing this

12-06-2003, 11:38 AM
i totally use the keyboard. besides using the mouse to get into the game, i just use the number pad and the key commands for the game. its has a bit of a learning curb, but the game isnt too demanding (have a 3 year old comp and it can run :D ). gl with the game