View Full Version : t4/t28 vs. FP Big28

12-04-2003, 03:44 PM
i talked to a shop in california who told me that they can build me a hybrid t4/t28 if i send in my stock sr t25... i dont know much about turbos so i can really read comp maps... i just need a decent turbo comparable to the big28 by forced performance...from what i know, fp uses your stock t25 housing and just rebuilds it with a bigger t3 comp wheel???? is this correct?? when i talked to the shop with the t4/t28, they told me they would basically be taking my t25 housing and sticking a t4 comp wheel in the comp side allowing it to push 44lbs/min and safe boost to 22 psi... from what i know, a t3 wheel and a t4 wheel are the same... not sure though... can i someone please explain these turbos to me and how they compare... thanks