View Full Version : s14 sr20det into s13????

09-27-2011, 01:05 AM
is there any write ups to put a s14 sr20det into s13 especially how to do the wire harness. Is there any links I can find that have pictures of install.

Also is there any links to put s13 sr into a s13?

I have searched hours to find write ups for the s14 sr and s13 sr but either the pictures have expired and the how to do the harness is very unclear.

09-27-2011, 05:09 PM
this is the write up i used it for reference when i did my s14 sr20det swap into s13. make sure you know what ecu your s14 sr20det has because there is a slight difference in wiring in the different years of the s14. and use the s14 FMIC kit.
