View Full Version : Fuel Pump Q's

11-27-2003, 12:22 PM
Ive searched and came up w nothing. all ive seen is installs on a s13 but not on a s14. ive seen the unstablehybred install but my tank doesnt look like that.

im trying to install a walbro pump. ive gotten to the gas tank cap under the carpet but cant pull the pump out. ive take off the hoses so there isnt anything in the way on top of the tank so its something inside that wont tel it out. it doesnt look like the s13 cap where there are straight brass type tubes, mine has a rubber hose that goes down into the tank. ive tried pulling on it slightly but it doesnt seem to budge. if anyone has pointer that would be great.
this is on a s14(95).


11-27-2003, 07:57 PM
anyone have any type of hints?


11-27-2003, 08:12 PM
Did you release the system pressure and remove the fuel lines?

11-27-2003, 10:41 PM
ya i took off the top cover that had the sensor plugs and hoses going into it. i can see down in the tank a little(lot of gas). it feels like there is something holding it in the tank somewhere.


Evil S14
11-27-2003, 11:47 PM
ok allow me to answer

the fuel pump sits at an angle on the wall of the gastank facing the front of the car. if you follow the wires in your fuel tank (which is hopefully empty) you can find it on the very front wall of the gas tank, removing it requires sliding the pump, which is on a bracket, up and towards the rear of the vehicle

im sorry if that was confusing, that is the best way i can describe it

Evil S14
11-27-2003, 11:49 PM
and i sugest draining the tank out, because you will be up to your elbow in gas reaching the pump, its that far in there

11-28-2003, 08:41 AM
ok man thanks for the help. my tank is full so i guess ill be draining it. is there an easy way to drain it?
