View Full Version : Alleged terror threat on NY and DC?!?!?!?

09-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Police Swarm New York and Washington in Wake of 'Credible' New Terrorist Threat (http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/police-nyc-dc-credible-new-terrorist-threat-20110909-ncx)

What the hell is this? I'm watching american dad and the previews for the news came on and showed this shit. Really?!?!??

09-10-2011, 07:35 PM
I dunno I have been hearing about it too but nothing is giving specifics...I was just there for labor weekend and I have NEVER seen that many NYPD in uniform all over the place. This was my 4th time heading up there for a long weekend after 9/11 and this was seriously the most NYPD I have seen. Timesquare, Coney Island, Statue, WTC area, subways you name it there was visible police presence.

And when we were taking the Amtrak back to DC the train stations had ARMED cops with fucking M4 carbines fully fitted with eotechs, lights, tactical slings etc...Even my wife was like WTF.

09-10-2011, 07:36 PM
It's all FUD.

09-10-2011, 07:37 PM
It's all FUD.
its all FUD ....just gives them an excuse to deploy me somewhere random now

word sux
09-10-2011, 07:42 PM
just more scare tactics

09-10-2011, 07:42 PM
I like how it says they are mostly checking vans and trucks however the smalled car can also carry a bomb......honestly even a bomb can fit on a motorcycle. To me it makes no sense to just pull apart the bigger vehichles cause it could be any vehichle. It does make sense tho that a bigger bomb and xplosion can come from a bigger truck/van.

Idk man some of the ish in this world seems to amaze me on how ppl would even think about bombing places. I think that kind of stuff is so damn stupid even if it is part of their religion or whatever. (Not trying to start a fight about religion).

Stay safe out there in NY i guess.........hell safe anywhere to be honest.

word sux
09-10-2011, 07:44 PM
I think that kind of stuff is so damn stupid even if it is part of their religion or whatever. (Not trying to start a fight about religion).

ding ding ding

you just won the ignorant statement of the day award!

09-10-2011, 07:49 PM
What do i win? :)

But on the real from some of the things i have learned about suicide bombers and such from different countries and religions it is to be believed that by doing so its a way to complete your life in the best way by serving your leader or god and that you will be rewarded in the afterlife for doing such an act.

Never got too deep into it but based on several times hearing this its what i was lead to believe. Could be incorrect tho and if so someone correct me.

09-10-2011, 07:50 PM
I dunno I have been hearing about it too but nothing is giving specifics...I was just there for labor weekend and I have NEVER seen that many NYPD in uniform all over the place. This was my 4th time heading up there for a long weekend after 9/11 and this was seriously the most NYPD I have seen. Timesquare, Coney Island, Statue, WTC area, subways you name it there was visible police presence.

And when we were taking the Amtrak back to DC the train stations had ARMED cops with fucking M4 carbines fully fitted with eotechs, lights, tactical slings etc...Even my wife was like WTF.

yea i was there one night right and there were cops everywhere. ive never seen more than 5 cops in times square over all the times ive been there. there were atleast 30 cops spread out over different areas. they didnt even attempt to talk to the several guys that tried to sell the 2 girls with me, and me, weed while cops were only a few feet away. it seemed that they were looking for something specific not the normal shit that they would encounter.

and every time ive gone to DC there has always been armed cops in the stations

09-10-2011, 08:04 PM
yea i was there one night right and there were cops everywhere. ive never seen more than 5 cops in times square over all the times ive been there. there were atleast 30 cops spread out over different areas. they didnt even attempt to talk to the several guys that tried to sell the 2 girls with me, and me, weed while cops were only a few feet away. it seemed that they were looking for something specific not the normal shit that they would encounter.

and every time ive gone to DC there has always been armed cops in the stations

Armed cops werent in DC, it was the NJ stations. But hell yes Times Square was friggin over run with cops.

word sux
09-10-2011, 08:24 PM
What do i win? :)

But on the real from some of the things i have learned about suicide bombers and such from different countries and religions it is to be believed that by doing so its a way to complete your life in the best way by serving your leader or god and that you will be rewarded in the afterlife for doing such an act.

Never got too deep into it but based on several times hearing this its what i was lead to believe. Could be incorrect tho and if so someone correct me.

just stop typing please

09-10-2011, 08:26 PM
was out driving last night in the city.. damm cops standing on every other corner and a check points the off ramps.

09-10-2011, 10:20 PM
post was deleted

09-10-2011, 11:11 PM

.... we as an educated country believe that terrorist work on a anniversary schedule ??

09-11-2011, 12:56 AM
Omg terrors!!!!!

09-11-2011, 01:31 AM
fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion

09-11-2011, 02:24 AM
fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion

Is gay marriage legal in Missurah?

09-11-2011, 10:49 AM
Is gay marriage legal in Missurah?

shucks naw. they have to go to illinois or iowa for that brand of nonsense, sir.

09-11-2011, 11:30 AM
fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion

09-11-2011, 12:03 PM
fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion

omg this


09-11-2011, 03:33 PM

.... we as an educated country believe that terrorist work on a anniversary schedule ??

i guess so lmao. And thinking that the same exzact location or target will be attacked again even if it was destroyed.

On the real note RIP all the victims of 9/11 from 10 years ago

09-11-2011, 06:18 PM
at least respect 9/11.. If you celebrate cinco de mayo but dont give a shit about 9/11, than you should leave our country. Not anyone here but i just thought about that after i saw some minorities post up on my friends status about fck 9/11.

09-11-2011, 06:26 PM
Why do you have to respect it? Because you're told to?

People die all the time, everywhere, every minute. I'm sure with the money spent on remembering 9/11 we could have kept thousands of impoverished people alive all over the world.

Almost 9,000 innocent Afghan civilians died because 3,000 of ours died. How the fuck is that fair or worth remembering. If anything we should just try to be decent and forgiving human beings and forget the whole thing even happened.

09-11-2011, 11:35 PM
well, a few bad seeds saying fuck 9/11 should not in anyway affect what holidays we can celebrate.

and i would expect a 130 plus, year old HOLIDAY to get a lot more attention and respect then a 10 year old memorial date.

I dont respect 9/11 at all.
We fucked around with that country for decades, what did we think was gonna happen ??

I posted this today on my facebook instead.

The Greatest Speech Ever Made - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo&feature=share)

09-11-2011, 11:56 PM
Why do you have to respect it? Because you're told to?

People die all the time, everywhere, every minute. I'm sure with the money spent on remembering 9/11 we could have kept thousands of impoverished people alive all over the world.

Almost 9,000 innocent Afghan civilians died because 3,000 of ours died. How the fuck is that fair or worth remembering. If anything we should just try to be decent and forgiving human beings and forget the whole thing even happened.

That just sounds stupid. If we went with your mentality then there would be no holidays, nothing to do with history at all. Your missing the point completely. Its about remembering the sacrifices that people made, and continue to make. The fireman that ran in those buildings with no hesitation. The miltary members who go into gun fights no questions asked. The people that died and continue to die everyday for no reason. Yes peoPle die everyday, but its not like 9/11 happens everday. The cycle of life isnt meant to be cut short 3000 people at a time in the fashion they did. Show a little respect. You think that they dont have holidays over there or anniversarys of thier people dieing? Of course they do. Just like we have things like 9/11. They have their shit. Stop being so ignorant and respect the sacrifices that are made for you to run ur mouth on this forum. Whether you agree or not, those people are dead, then we went to war, and people continue to die. Hoorah america.

09-12-2011, 01:20 AM
Why do you have to respect it? Because you're told to?

People die all the time, everywhere, every minute. I'm sure with the money spent on remembering 9/11 we could have kept thousands of impoverished people alive all over the world.

Almost 9,000 innocent Afghan civilians died because 3,000 of ours died. How the fuck is that fair or worth remembering. If anything we should just try to be decent and forgiving human beings and forget the whole thing even happened.

cite your claim of 9,000. and what is your definition of innocent. and are you over here (afghanistan) right now? do you have ANY idea what its like to be over here?

its called insurgency. you dont know who the bad guy is. you never do. bout the only time we shoot is when we are getting shot at. hostile act, hostile intent, positive identification. so dont sit there and make it sound we are over here fucking murdering people. innocent people die, mistakes are made, but like i said its insurgency. They use innocent people to sheild themselves, they use them against us. They know we dont just go shooting innocent civilians. No one is going to know how many civilians died. By day they come right on to the FOB and sell us fake jewlery and oakley sunglass. By night they are plotting their attacks. Trusted interpreters setting soldiers up for ambush. I can go on and on. It happens. the Afghan National Army wears uniform. Insurgents don't. Insurgents are civilians. You want to come over here and be the judge on whos innocent and whos not?

09-12-2011, 03:05 AM
That just sounds stupid. If we went with your mentality then there would be no holidays, nothing to do with history at all. Your missing the point completely. Its about remembering the sacrifices that people made, and continue to make. The fireman that ran in those buildings with no hesitation. The miltary members who go into gun fights no questions asked. The people that died and continue to die everyday for no reason. Yes peoPle die everyday, but its not like 9/11 happens everday. The cycle of life isnt meant to be cut short 3000 people at a time in the fashion they did. Show a little respect. You think that they dont have holidays over there or anniversarys of thier people dieing? Of course they do. Just like we have things like 9/11. They have their shit. Stop being so ignorant and respect the sacrifices that are made for you to run ur mouth on this forum. Whether you agree or not, those people are dead, then we went to war, and people continue to die. Hoorah america.

First, you call me ignorant then talk about how it's commendable to blindly run into situations no questions asked.

Second, where do you get off telling me not to "run my mouth on this forum"? It's a forum, it's open discussion. I've been here longer than you, I'll be here when you leave. Get over it.

cite your claim of 9,000. and what is your definition of innocent. and are you over here (afghanistan) right now? do you have ANY idea what its like to be over here?

its called insurgency. you dont know who the bad guy is. you never do. bout the only time we shoot is when we are getting shot at. hostile act, hostile intent, positive identification. so dont sit there and make it sound we are over here fucking murdering people. innocent people die, mistakes are made, but like i said its insurgency. They use innocent people to sheild themselves, they use them against us. They know we dont just go shooting innocent civilians. No one is going to know how many civilians died. By day they come right on to the FOB and sell us fake jewlery and oakley sunglass. By night they are plotting their attacks. Trusted interpreters setting soldiers up for ambush. I can go on and on. It happens. the Afghan National Army wears uniform. Insurgents don't. Insurgents are civilians. You want to come over here and be the judge on whos innocent and whos not?

Civilian casualties in the War in Afghanistan (2001 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_caused_by_ISAF_and_US_Forces_i n_the_War_in_Afghanistan_(2001–present)#Estimates)

It's wiki and is more than likely skewed but the numbers given are even a tad higher than 9,000. Even when you subtract indirect and direct deaths caused by insurgent forces.

Also, no, I don't know what it's like to be there and I never will. I would never sign my life over to go protect imaginary lines in the sand. You know what would stop everyone from dying? A non-shitty foreign policy regarding the Middle East and not trying to kill them anymore.

If you're over there. My deepest sympathy, and I'm not being sarcastic. Get back home alive and hopefully by the time it's all over we'll be in a better place but I doubt it.

09-12-2011, 09:08 AM
Haha you sir are a tool box. The time you waste away being an internet tough guy on zilvia does not impress me. Good day!

09-12-2011, 09:28 AM
ESMors - proud member of the westboro baptist church.

09-12-2011, 09:55 AM
ESMors - proud member of the westboro baptist church.

yeah, anybody who doesn't perpetually suck the military's dick should be deported.

09-12-2011, 10:15 AM
well, a few bad seeds saying fuck 9/11 should not in anyway affect what holidays we can celebrate.

and i would expect a 130 plus, year old HOLIDAY to get a lot more attention and respect then a 10 year old memorial date.

I dont respect 9/11 at all.
We fucked around with that country for decades, what did we think was gonna happen ??

I posted this today on my facebook instead.

The Greatest Speech Ever Made - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo&feature=share)

Speaking for myself, I respect 9/11 because the civilians & servicemen who died were in no way responsible for the questionable foreign policy.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Now if the said victims of 9/11 were executive of say Haliburton, oil companies, politicians, I would be much less sympathetic.

Why do you have to respect it? Because you're told to?

People die all the time, everywhere, every minute. I'm sure with the money spent on remembering 9/11 we could have kept thousands of impoverished people alive all over the world.

Almost 9,000 innocent Afghan civilians died because 3,000 of ours died. How the fuck is that fair or worth remembering. If anything we should just try to be decent and forgiving human beings and forget the whole thing even happened.

I don't believe anyone 'needs' to respect anything either, that's a matter of choice or so it is on a genuine level imo.

Remembrance can be looked at in different ways, it need not be there for the sake of say rumination or spite.
I don't think it necessarily compromises human decency, or goes to show we're unforgiving.

We could have spent a lot of money better, I'm sure this celebration isn't the most expensive, nor is it worst reason for one.

at least respect 9/11.. If you celebrate cinco de mayo but dont give a shit about 9/11, than you should leave our country. Not anyone here but i just thought about that after i saw some minorities post up on my friends status about fck 9/11.

Apples & Oranges, nobody takes Cinco De Mayo seriously.
It's just another excuse to get drunk.

fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion fuck religion

While I'm tempted to agree, I think it all boils down to politics.
Religion is just an excuse.
Take that away & ppl will find something else to bicker about.
(look at China for instance that goes out of it way to discourage/ban religion)

09-12-2011, 01:59 PM
ESMors - proud member of the westboro baptist church.

Indeed, go god and stuff.

Haha you sir are a tool box. The time you waste away being an internet tough guy on zilvia does not impress me. Good day!

I'm the tool box?

I would like to know exactly how much time I waste being a tough guy on Zilvia. Impress me.

09-12-2011, 02:02 PM


09-12-2011, 02:29 PM
i'll start by saying i respect our soldiers-for the fact that they've got the guts to go to these hellholes.

That being said, as a regular civilian who punches a clock every day-i'm tired of iraq and afghanistan. I'm frustrated that 10 years later, it doesn't seem like much has changed. sure right after 9/11 we were all gung ho about killing bin laden and wiping out al qaeda...but what happened in the following years? political correctness took over. somehow it's racist to say young muslim men should be profiled in airports...why? youn muslim men are who hijacked the planes.

you've got atheists rights people bitching about a cross at the ground zero, because THEY want representation as well. wtf?

our economy is in the toilet, we've got thousands of men and women fighting for their lives in the mid-east.

that stupid terror alert scale..really? did anyone really take that seriously? and the creation of the TSA...holy shit what a useless bunch of security guard rejects.

if you ask me, al qaeda more than accomplished their goal.

09-12-2011, 11:31 PM
somehow it's racist to say young muslim men should be profiled in airports...why? youn muslim men are who hijacked the planes.

and the next one could look like Timothy Mcveigh, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Or it could be an angry black, mexican, indian, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, jew, etc...

09-12-2011, 11:39 PM
First, you call me ignorant then talk about how it's commendable to blindly run into situations no questions asked.

Second, where do you get off telling me not to "run my mouth on this forum"? It's a forum, it's open discussion. I've been here longer than you, I'll be here when you leave. Get over it.

Civilian casualties in the War in Afghanistan (2001 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_caused_by_ISAF_and_US_Forces_i n_the_War_in_Afghanistan_(2001–present)#Estimate s)

It's wiki and is more than likely skewed but the numbers given are even a tad higher than 9,000. Even when you subtract indirect and direct deaths caused by insurgent forces.

Also, no, I don't know what it's like to be there and I never will. I would never sign my life over to go protect imaginary lines in the sand. You know what would stop everyone from dying? A non-shitty foreign policy regarding the Middle East and not trying to kill them anymore.

If you're over there. My deepest sympathy, and I'm not being sarcastic. Get back home alive and hopefully by the time it's all over we'll be in a better place but I doubt it.

oh yeah. i forgot. everything on the internet is pure true. :mepoke: im not getting into it with you because everyone has their own opinion. but your basing your "facts" of ignorant sources. like i said. if you were over here you would know. and please dont sympathise me. i love what im doing. i support my country. i made my choice. dont pitty me. everyones entitled to their own opinion. all i suggest is dont preach about something you know nothing about and dont sympathise me. i love my job.

09-12-2011, 11:52 PM
i'll start by saying i respect our soldiers-for the fact that they've got the guts to go to these hellholes.

That being said, as a regular civilian who punches a clock every day-i'm tired of iraq and afghanistan. I'm frustrated that 10 years later, it doesn't seem like much has changed. sure right after 9/11 we were all gung ho about killing bin laden and wiping out al qaeda...but what happened in the following years? political correctness took over. somehow it's racist to say young muslim men should be profiled in airports...why? youn muslim men are who hijacked the planes.

you've got atheists rights people bitching about a cross at the ground zero, because THEY want representation as well. wtf?

our economy is in the toilet, we've got thousands of men and women fighting for their lives in the mid-east.

that stupid terror alert scale..really? did anyone really take that seriously? and the creation of the TSA...holy shit what a useless bunch of security guard rejects.

if you ask me, al qaeda more than accomplished their goal.

first of all thanks. and i understand why it looks like nothing has changed but it really has. you dont hear about it on the news or read it in the papers, but things definately have changed. for the better. i promise. the war in iraq is coming to a close. we havent been there for 10 years in these 2 countries to wipe out al queda or taliban. shit theres more than that, there are the HIG, the Haqqani, among others. We are there to stand up an Army to take care of that. And so far, they are doing a pretty damn good job of it. the armies and police forces that we have trained have saved countless american and coalition lives. if we were here for no reason at all. WHY oh WHY would there be 49 countries joining the mission. El Salvador being number 49. I work along side belgians, turkish, canadian, albanian, bulgarian, korean, and mongolian soldiers. that was the eye opener for me to know that hey, i may not know what it is but we are here for a reason. ever since i have had confidence in my job.

09-13-2011, 12:39 AM
oh yeah. i forgot. everything on the internet is pure true. :mepoke: im not getting into it with you because everyone has their own opinion. but your basing your "facts" of ignorant sources. like i said. if you were over here you would know. and please dont sympathise me. i love what im doing. i support my country. i made my choice. dont pitty me. everyones entitled to their own opinion. all i suggest is dont preach about something you know nothing about and dont sympathise me. i love my job.

I never said it was, in fact I said the opposite and suggested that the numbers were probably off given the nature of the source. I'm confused as to how you are trying to construe that as ignorant. It was late at night and I wasn't willing to dig around for more sources for a car forum discussion, when in reality it wasn't that far off of what more "reliable" reports have said.

Good, I don't feel sorry for you then. Have fun

Afghanistan civilian casualties: year by year, month by month. Visualised data | News | guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/aug/10/afghanistan-civilian-casualties-statistics#)

09-13-2011, 12:55 AM
from oceanside, run into military men quite a bit being that camp pendleton is rii next door. i've heard many stories of the innocent being killed. not by accident.

09-13-2011, 01:41 AM
Mmm... This koolaid is goood. Moved to LOUD NOISES as it seems to have moved onto a debate.

09-13-2011, 07:43 AM
People die all the time, everywhere, every minute. I'm sure with the money spent on remembering 9/11 we could have kept thousands of impoverished people alive all over the world.

Down here in Florida they are building a 9/11 memorial and asking for more money to get it finished. Going to be upwards of 100k when its done. WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED A MEMORIAL IN A STATE WHERE THE DISASTER DIDNT EVEN HAPPEN?

09-13-2011, 08:21 AM
Mmm... This koolaid is goood.


msg lngth

09-14-2011, 03:51 PM
Down here in Florida they are building a 9/11 memorial and asking for more money to get it finished. Going to be upwards of 100k when its done. WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED A MEMORIAL IN A STATE WHERE THE DISASTER DIDNT EVEN HAPPEN?

old people. it'll probably wind up being a 1:1 scale reproduction of the "ground zero cross".

09-14-2011, 11:22 PM
I will respect and honor the sacrifice given by those that gave their all as well as the lose of innocent life, all over the world.

Having said that, fuck 9/11 and the symbol of empire it has been turned into. Because a few individuals(best case scenario) decided to do something horrific America gets to go stomping around the world throwing a temper tantrum?

If 9/11 becomes a real holiday I will mark my calendar with the Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin, Greek Civil War, Cuban Revolution, Korean War, Grenada, the sinking of the Lusitania and every other proxy war and BS call to arms we've had.

09-16-2011, 10:21 PM
Having said that, fuck 9/11 and the symbol of empire it has been turned into. Because a few individuals(best case scenario) decided to do something horrific America gets to go stomping around the world throwing a temper tantrum?

If 9/11 becomes a real holiday I will mark my calendar with the Bay of Pigs, Gulf of Tonkin, Greek Civil War, Cuban Revolution, Korean War, Grenada, the sinking of the Lusitania and every other proxy war and BS call to arms we've had.

I like that, as for the second statement, it is the further pussification of america.

Was just listening to a program on NPR about the money that has been pumped into the "9/11" security shit and it makes me fucking sick.