View Full Version : Man owns cops trying to take his child VIDEO

08-04-2011, 08:18 AM
‪Drops Mad Knowledge: Cops Are Trying To Take His Son And He Puts Them in Their Place!‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysTovMOjYv8)

08-04-2011, 08:23 AM
i couldnt get through the whole vid...cliffs?

08-04-2011, 08:26 AM
WOW lol....

08-04-2011, 08:42 AM
dudes an idiot!

08-04-2011, 09:04 AM
LOL officers speechless. Cops here would have just shot this guy game over.

08-04-2011, 09:07 AM
That dude was winning.

Speed Junky
08-04-2011, 09:13 AM
That dude was annoying and disrespectful. It's good to know your law but be professional about it.

08-04-2011, 09:28 AM
That dude was annoying and disrespectful. It's good to know your law but be professional about it.
I found nothing disrespectful about it.....How professional can you be when you have the cops holding your child when he/she didn't break the law??

08-04-2011, 10:49 AM
Those cops looked dumbfounded.

08-04-2011, 11:01 AM
This guy is my hero

08-04-2011, 11:05 AM
LOL officers speechless. Cops here would have just shot this guy game over.

agreed..SO cal cops dont any opposition lightly

Speed Junky
08-04-2011, 12:38 PM
I found nothing disrespectful about it.....How professional can you be when you have the cops holding your child when he/she didn't break the law??

Since you know the facts you must've been there? So what exactly happened then hm? :squint:

Cops just don't take kids into custody for no reason.

08-04-2011, 12:47 PM

They obviously took him into custody or no reason if they let him go and walked away. You can make pretty educated guesses from what you see. Just because he chose to bring up nationality and the fact that Europeans came here illegally (by their own laws) and took the country over. I dont know why factual history pisses off white people so much. HE was neither disrespectful or annoying. He proved his point and got his kid back.
More power too him.

This isnt a bash the cops thread. They fucked up and got called on it. Dont defend them just because they are a figure of authority.
That is the exact reason bush never got impeached even though hes guilty of NUMEROUS war crimes.

Im sorry but white people will NEVER understand what its like to have to deal with situations like this.
and yes I am assuming Speed Junky is white, no pun intended

08-04-2011, 12:51 PM
guy sounds like Anthony Anderson lol

Why they trying to pick up his kid? probably did some shit and he just got his kid out of it??

having a camera helped his ass though

08-04-2011, 01:33 PM
that guy said, get on my leeeveeellllll.

08-04-2011, 01:38 PM
I do think he made many solid points. And this was a good representation that some police do have overgrown egos and think just because they are a form of authority that they can do as pleased, and well they were called on it.

So props for this guy, and yeah having a Camara really did help keep them civilized if we like to admit it or not

08-04-2011, 02:24 PM
I look up to that guy now. Wow!

08-04-2011, 02:38 PM
That was deep, anyone know where yu can yu find all those laws he was talking about though? thats really intresting.

08-04-2011, 02:51 PM
That dude was annoying and disrespectful. It's good to know your law but be professional about it.

They have his fuckin kid. How can anyone be calm and proffesional when their child is being taken from them.

And from the looks of it he was no older than 8-9, how much harm can he possibly commit?

08-04-2011, 03:10 PM
"it's a beautiful thing to know the law" WIN

08-04-2011, 03:49 PM
People give cops and government waaay to much freedom these days. They are obligated to follow the same if not more laws than us. Why do they get breaks?
Dont be scared of a badge and a gun people, stand up for your fucking rights.

Just do your job, and do it well and correctly. Period.

08-04-2011, 05:14 PM
People give cops and government waaay to much freedom these days. They are obligated to follow the same if not more laws than us. Why do they get breaks?
Dont be scared of a badge and a gun people, stand up for your fucking rights.

Just do your job, and do it well and correctly. Period.

Finally, someone with some damn sense. So many people want to roll over for police because they are "heroes". Police are people, with jobs. They aren't special. A badge doesn't make someone a hero, their actions do.

People always talk about how they put themselves at risk for our safety. No, they put themselves at risk for a paycheck. Get real. What about a welder working on bridge construction? Dangling hundreds of feet in the air while breathing in heavy metals and shortening his lifespan so that I don't have to get on a boat to cross water? Does that make him a hero?

So, I agree all the way on this.

08-04-2011, 05:38 PM
Im sorry but white people will NEVER understand what its like to have to deal with situations like this.
My mom has child abandonment or some such charge on her record because she left my little sister in a bookstore reading books for 15 minutes while she went to the store next door.
It is ironic because that was shortly after they returned from Europe where it was completely normal for my sister to ride the bus or walk around the city by herself wherever she wanted.
My family is OEM white.

08-04-2011, 06:00 PM
That dude was annoying and disrespectful. It's good to know your law but be professional about it.

The Hell are you talking about, they have his little son in the back of a police car.

word sux
08-04-2011, 06:18 PM
I failed a cops personal car for inspection because he had illegal tint on his windows

he freaked out and started yelling at me saying hes a cop

I calmly responded "eveyone is subject to the same rules"


Speed Junky
08-04-2011, 07:01 PM
The Hell are you talking about, they have his little son in the back of a police car.


For a damn reason, cops don't go snatchin up little kids, wtf? :tweak: You people serious?

Police are persons empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civil disorder. To me that guy was causing a civil disorder. Obviously something was wrong, because have all you heard personally of children being arrested by cops? Don't lie, you know never heard of it, because i'm sure most of you actually take care of your kids.

I can't believe you all are praising him like he's some political activist, so what if he's studied some law, doesn't hide the fact what he was obviously trying to do with his camera.

08-04-2011, 07:20 PM
I can't believe you all are praising him like he's some political activist, so what if he's studied some law, doesn't hide the fact what he was obviously trying to do with his camera.

Catching cops power tripping, breaking laws they are meant to protect and uphold, and bending said laws to their discretion? You're totally right.

08-04-2011, 07:35 PM
This dude was like, really redundant.

I'm sorry but i thought the whole video was ridiculous, some guy was spouting off random acts/pieces of laws/amendments/racial propaganda while holding a camera. I still have no idea why the police had his child in custody or what would have happened if the guy was completely silent the whole time but I'd bet that the end result would have been the same.

08-04-2011, 07:39 PM
^ agreed        

08-04-2011, 08:25 PM
a mime activist. lol, i dont think that will work.

08-04-2011, 08:31 PM
Im sorry but white people will NEVER understand what its like to have to deal with situations like this.

http://mybfolder.org/albums/userpics/10001/race-card.jpg (http://mybfolder.org/albums/userpics/10001/race-card.jpg)

I thought we agreed to play with red decks...damn

08-04-2011, 09:17 PM
My mom has child abandonment or some such charge on her record because she left my little sister in a bookstore reading books for 15 minutes while she went to the store next door.
It is ironic because that was shortly after they returned from Europe where it was completely normal for my sister to ride the bus or walk around the city by herself wherever she wanted.
My family is OEM white.

Im sure that was because someone took it upon themselves to get involved in your moms ahit and call the cops. The cops werent in there looking for little white kids reading. That has nothing to do with the cops.


For a damn reason, cops don't go snatchin up little kids, wtf? :tweak: You people serious?

Police are persons empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civil disorder. To me that guy was causing a civil disorder. Obviously something was wrong, because have all you heard personally of children being arrested by cops? Don't lie, you know never heard of it, because i'm sure most of you actually take care of your kids.

I can't believe you all are praising him like he's some political activist, so what if he's studied some law, doesn't hide the fact what he was obviously trying to do with his camera.

yeah cops never fuck with little kids.

How can you sit there and say we are taking sides when you dont know the whole story yourself? your just speculating.
So what since the kid is black he must have done something to get the cops called?

http://mybfolder.org/albums/userpics/10001/race-card.jpg (http://mybfolder.org/albums/userpics/10001/race-card.jpg)

I thought we agreed to play with red decks...damn

I didnt pull any card.
Fact: A man will never know what its like being a woman and going through the experience of pregnancy.

Fact: A white American will NEVER have any inkling as to what its like to go through life in a country founded and built on racism against their race.

Call it what you want, but those are FACTS.

Mikey McFly
08-04-2011, 09:33 PM
That was deep, anyone know where yu can yu find all those laws he was talking about though? thats really intresting.

Really dude? Shouldn't this be fresh in your head since you just graduated high school?

08-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Really dude? Shouldn't this be fresh in your head since you just graduated high school?

Not if he went to public school.

08-05-2011, 01:00 AM
they dont teach you shiit in high school anymore...especially your rights and how to protect them.

08-05-2011, 01:50 AM
I just don't understand why the cops wouldn't give him a reason for detaining his son. They just stood they're like dumb shits and didn't even explain anything. You'd think they'd at least just make up something even if they didn't have anything on him. NO intelligent rebutle was made with or without law. Doesn't surprise me though considering the amount of education an induvidual has to attain to become an officer....it was actually dissapointing.

I think both sides could have handled the situation better, although i will say that the fathers reaction was mostly justified.

08-05-2011, 02:01 AM
The police officers understood that in most cases, when being recorded - saying nothing at all will do you a whole shitload more good.

08-05-2011, 02:16 AM
Maybe So...but even still, it didnt seem like they even tried to cooperate with the man or even make an attempt to explain the situation. Im almost positive that the parent of a child has the right to know why they're child has been detained by law enforcement. It makes it look like their was something to hide.

08-05-2011, 02:57 AM
The video starts at an odd time.

08-05-2011, 05:02 AM
Fact: A white American will NEVER have any inkling as to what its like to go through life in a country founded and built on racism against their race.

Call it what you want, but those are FACTS.
my bad bro, didnt know you were around then to experience it either

dude sounds like an idiot. sure he had a leg to stand on, but he didnt have to sound like a fanatic idiot doing it.

08-05-2011, 07:02 AM
Fact: A white American will NEVER have any inkling as to what its like to go through life in a country founded and built on racism against their race.

Call it what you want, but those are FACTS.
Being white in America is the most disadvantageous colour one can be here. On top of that, everyone is constantly trying to make you feel guilty for having the richest most awesome heritage. :)

Speed Junky
08-05-2011, 08:29 AM
Catching cops power tripping, breaking laws they are meant to protect and uphold, and bending said laws to their discretion? You're totally right.


You have no idea what really happened, you were not there.

yeah cops never fuck with little kids.
How can you sit there and say we are taking sides when you dont know the whole story yourself? your just speculating.
So what since the kid is black he must have done something to get the cops called?

Look back at my post, I said personally. If you're gonna respond to my post, atleast read it.:down:

08-05-2011, 12:37 PM

For a damn reason, cops don't go snatchin up little kids, wtf? :tweak: You people serious?

Police are persons empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civil disorder. To me that guy was causing a civil disorder. Obviously something was wrong, because have all you heard personally of children being arrested by cops? Don't lie, you know never heard of it, because i'm sure most of you actually take care of your kids.

I can't believe you all are praising him like he's some political activist, so what if he's studied some law, doesn't hide the fact what he was obviously trying to do with his camera.

You serious? No one takes a child without parental consent....No one not even the police are taking my child away...who knows why they took him in the first place but seriously WTF are they gonna do with a nine year old in their possesion?

You must not have kids or your parents didint give a damn about you.

08-05-2011, 12:59 PM
2 quick things.

1)If the cops had ANY reason to hold the kid they would have. The fact that they had nothing to say means they knew they stepped in it.

2)95% of white people will never truly know and understand what it's like to be a person of color in America. You can try to pull your reverse racism card all day long but it's still bs. No one is blaming you personally but when you try and act like we just made that shit up you are reinforcing that racism and your actions are just as wrong as the bigoted cops that pull us over for being brown.

08-05-2011, 01:09 PM

For a damn reason, cops don't go snatchin up little kids, wtf? :tweak: You people serious?

Police are persons empowered to enforce the law, protect property and reduce civildisorder. To me that guy was causing a civil disorder. Obviously something was wrong, because have all you heard personally of children being arrested by cops? Don't lie, you know never heard of it, because i'm sure most of you actually take care of your kids.

I can't believe you all are praising him like he's some political activist, so what if he's studied some law, doesn't hide the fact what he was obviously trying to do with his camera.

Obviously your not black, and have not been harassed by law enforcement for no particular reason. He was not causing civil disorder as to why the officers took no action against him. People always classify someone who knows the complete extent of law and is willing to use it against authorities as causing civil unrest, same as when the black panthers were carrying around guns legally and law enforcement couldn't do anything about it.

08-05-2011, 01:37 PM
Sure we dont know the whole story on this video but you also cant defend the police as they just like any other human on earth make decisions...and guess what they F(&^@K up just like everyone else....

Just as wakeBHR and others have stated not all officers are "heros" or become officers because they want to help people but because its a job they decided to persue.

If I wanted to be an officer I would APPLY to go into cities that have high crime rates and try to help, but seriously most cops that apply in counties/cities where major crime is not apparent they are nothing more than ticket writers and just hang out or cruise around to stop people for whatever they please....pretty chill for 55K a year....

Report details misconduct by L.A. County sheriff's deputies - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-deputy-misconduct-20110805,0,5134935.story?track=rss)

08-05-2011, 01:44 PM
55K a year plus full retirement for most law enforcement grunts.

08-05-2011, 01:55 PM
^ thats because the average life expectancy for a retired officer is 5 years.

08-05-2011, 02:14 PM
I'd like to see something official backing that claim up. That sounds just like the bs the firemen say about their outrageous pay and retirement.

08-05-2011, 02:36 PM
my bad bro, didnt know you were around then to experience it either

dude sounds like an idiot. sure he had a leg to stand on, but he didnt have to sound like a fanatic idiot doing it.

WTF is that supposed to mean. Like the civil right movement ended racism? What is wrong with people and American history? Did you know that interracial marriage (black and white) was just legalized in 1967? so your telling me that people that grew up in the early 60's where we were still being called Ni__ers in over half the country, are now all of a sudden cool with black folks?
There is no racism left in our country?
Is the KKK illegal? No but they sure shut down the black panther party.
How do you know when your in the ghetto part of a city? You hit MLK boulevard and all the liquor stores and billboards for alcohol and cigarettes start.

Im sorry but if you think black people these days in America dont have to deal with racism you need to watch DR.Phil or something.

Interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967 Supreme Court decision that deemed anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional, with many states choosing to legalize interracial marriage at much earlier dates.
U.S States, by the date of repeal of anti-miscegenation laws:
Gray - No laws passed
Green - Repealed before 1887
Yellow - Repealed from 1948 to 1967
Red - Overturned on 12 June 1967

Being white in America is the most disadvantageous colour one can be here. On top of that, everyone is constantly trying to make you feel guilty for having the richest most awesome heritage. :)

This coming from a EUROPEAN, your not even american are you?
I was born and raised here. And if you think that being white puts you at a disadvantage in this country then your just plain wrong. "Nearly two years after the recession’s official end, black unemployment remains at 16.1 percent compared to the 8 percent of white Americans unable to find work."
Personally i think being an illegal Latino here is the best demographic at the moment. All the benefits none of the responsibility.

If you think starting wars, destroying civilizations, crusading for religion, and enslaving entire races is richest and most awesome you have some serious issues. But I guess if your of European decent (which includes Spanish and Portugese) than that IS your history so I guess you could be proud of it because you dont really have a choice.

^ thats because the average life expectancy for a retired officer is 5 years.

what do you think the average life expectancy is for a black male aged 13-30 living in a "Urban area"?
and dont give me that "just move out of the ghetto bullshit."

our life expectancy is already 4 years shorter than the average white male.

08-05-2011, 02:42 PM
Aren't most firefighters volunteers.

08-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Aren't most firefighters volunteers.

Are you serious?

08-05-2011, 02:50 PM
LOL that is pretty funny.

Its actually really hard to become a firefighter, a buddy of mine just went through it. The easiest way to get in tho, is by becoming a volunteer and working your way up the ladder.

My buddy went EMT first and then wildfires.

08-05-2011, 03:11 PM
dude may know some shit,. but id say it was about 75% fact and 25% bullshit rambling. Try to tell me im not a legal citizen, i was born in this fuckin country.

08-05-2011, 03:48 PM
WakeBHR...seriously STFU you seem to be reasonable some days but sit down and eat a bag of STFU...

drag racism into every situation and that's what it becomes, quit axing and start asking and you'll see where the frustration goes. remove yourself from the stereotype and the stereotype quits getting applied,

I am a MAN, black white purple WTF ever, I don't whine about what happened once,

Change the things you can't accept,
Accept the things you cannot change,

and this country wasn't built on racism, we didn't invent slavery, and if the africans hadn't sold europeans africans, there wouldn't have been any to buy...true story, don't cry bro...

Morgan freeman may have said it best when he pointed out that no-one can make you do anything you are not a willing party to, (he's black) and that was in reference (directly) to slavery.

I'm sure the cops had said their piece long before the camera started rolling, or it was edited for convenience, anyone else catch him calling his kid an imbecile as he walked in the door...tell me the kid was innocent, he didn't even hug the kid or be grateful he was "out of harms way" you guys are so gullible

08-05-2011, 05:13 PM
remove yourself from the stereotype and the stereotype quits getting applied,

I didnt throw the racial card and although I disagree the vid may not be racially motivated but no one will ever know....All Wake is trying to prove is racism is still aparent in this country.
but when you to say this: "remove yourself from the stereotype and the stereotype quits getting applied" WTF??

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard....let me know what race you are and how you "REMOVE your stereotype"....In any racists persons eyes you still are the stereotype....

I'm hispanic and when I was 22 I drove a 1997 Nissan Maxima to apply at JEGS wharehouse facility here in orange county....I didnt have a bald head and in College at the time. I got pulled over at while at a stop making a left. Before the cop even asked for my regis/insr. he straight out told me the only reason he pulled me over was because he smelled marijuana in the air!! So he called like 4 other units told me to get out of the car cuffed and sat me on the curb like a criminal until they ran sacked my car making a mess of my car. One cop found a heater hose in my trunk that I replaced on the car and asked me if I had Hydraulics on the car??? WTF my trunk was all empty except for that hose!! Then because I didnt have my current insurance card did not allow me to take my car and THEY MOVED IT to a parking lot and a copt sat there and watched it for 3 hours making sure I did not come back get the car!!! If that aint racism or STEREOTYPING let me know how I can remove it.....You need to SFTU

08-05-2011, 05:24 PM
Fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!win!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

08-05-2011, 05:34 PM
what do you think the average life expectancy is for a black male aged 13-30 living in a "Urban area"?
and dont give me that "just move out of the ghetto bullshit."

our life expectancy is already 4 years shorter than the average white male.

my statement has nothing to do with your racial battle. i was stating a simple fact.

Kingkilburn, if you sit down and listen to what officers who take pride in their work have seen and been through, youd understand what the stress is like. especially now that EVERYBODY hates the police and will take any little action to sue, and now have the technology to record your every action. much like the OP. you could even go as far as to call it racist.

08-05-2011, 05:35 PM
hugs his son in the end... like in the movies.

guy, stfu.

08-05-2011, 05:59 PM
Im sorry but white people will NEVER understand what its like to have to deal with situations like this.

I've tried to explain this to my girlfriend, but I think her mind is too innocent to understand. I guess I should be thankful for that.

It's just extremely frustrating when people can't understand this concept.

08-05-2011, 06:03 PM
When my own authority has been taken from me without my consent each and every officer must prove to me that they are worth while. In my nearly 25 years of life I've had ONE COP do the right thing and a string of bull shit outside of that.

08-05-2011, 06:13 PM
so, using your logic, a group of black men have abused their children and now im right in assuming they are all abusive and must prove to me otherwise?

the mexican cartel has smuggled massive amounts of drugs and killed many people, so im safe to assume my neighbor will do the same?

this is an unfair generalization, is it not?

granted there are some pricks carrying a gun and badge, but the same can and is said for every social group, ethnicity and occupation.

so while swinging from Wake's nutsack, you are in fact spouting the same unfair assumptions about police that you are speaking against.

08-05-2011, 06:19 PM
That is not at all what I am saying.

An outside force has decided that I can't handle my own business and took my own authority and liberty away from me. As an individual I am powerless to stop them from doing so. Given the situation I will make damn sure they are doing their jobs properly.

In the video here they are clearly not doing their jobs correctly or the kid would have remained in custody and the father informed why. Or better yet he would never have been thrown in the back of a squad car to start with.

Not only is my scrutiny of the government and police my prerogative it is the vital role of citizens in a republic and democracy.

08-05-2011, 06:35 PM
once more, there are incompetent jackasses in every occupation. i know many good cops, and aspiring to be one myself, i find the broad hatred toward the line between chaos and order unsettling. truth be told, we arent there to control your life's problems, but when it involves a 2nd party, a third is usually necessary. if not, then why was the officer called?

08-05-2011, 06:42 PM


08-05-2011, 06:49 PM
Why when an officer is called about gang violence do they roll up with a shitty attitude about how they have better things to be doing?

Why do I get fallowed 4 miles through a residential area and watch the squad car roll through every single stop sign?

You want to be a cop? Good for you. Be the one guy on the force that breaks the trend and makes people happy that you are who they had to relinquish their liberty to.

08-05-2011, 07:11 PM
Bonus points to DS562 for trying to argue that I am essentially racist against law enforcement.

R.I.P. zilvia rep system.

08-05-2011, 07:16 PM
Serious i miss the rep system.....So many people i would love to just take to red.....*evil laugh*

08-05-2011, 07:51 PM
this is an unfair generalization, is it not?

granted there are some pricks carrying a gun and badge, but the same can and is said for every social group, ethnicity and occupation.

I've been hassled by Black cops, White cops, one Japanese cop, several Hispanic cops, etc...

The one thing they all had in common? Cops. In almost all cases the only thing wrong with me or anything I was doing was my paintjob, and I don't mean on my car. I can list multiple situations, even one where the officer LIED UNDER OATH to attempt to stick me with a speeding violation. And I proved it. As far as I know he's still working the beat. Yet, when my house was broken into and I walked in on two guys running out of my backdoor with armfuls of my stuff, I call the police. 3 days later they send a tech by to take a statement and some "prints".

Tell me why I'm wrong to dislike police again? I've forgotten why I strayed from the flock.

08-05-2011, 08:32 PM
WTF is that supposed to mean. Like the civil right movement ended racism? What is wrong with people and American history? Did you know that interracial marriage (black and white) was just legalized in 1967? so your telling me that people that grew up in the early 60's where we were still being called Ni__ers in over half the country, are now all of a sudden cool with black folks?
There is no racism left in our country?
Is the KKK illegal? No but they sure shut down the black panther party.
How do you know when your in the ghetto part of a city? You hit MLK boulevard and all the liquor stores and billboards for alcohol and cigarettes start.

Im sorry but if you think black people these days in America dont have to deal with racism you need to watch DR.Phil or something.

This coming from a EUROPEAN, your not even american are you?
I was born and raised here. And if you think that being white puts you at a disadvantage in this country then your just plain wrong. "Nearly two years after the recession’s official end, black unemployment remains at 16.1 percent compared to the 8 percent of white Americans unable to find work."
Personally i think being an illegal Latino here is the best demographic at the moment. All the benefits none of the responsibility.

If you think starting wars, destroying civilizations, crusading for religion, and enslaving entire races is richest and most awesome you have some serious issues. But I guess if your of European decent (which includes Spanish and Portugese) than that IS your history so I guess you could be proud of it because you dont really have a choice.

what do you think the average life expectancy is for a black male aged 13-30 living in a "Urban area"?
and dont give me that "just move out of the ghetto bullshit."

our life expectancy is already 4 years shorter than the average white male.
wheres the NAAWP....just saying
"minorities" have WAY more hand holding oppourtunities than "non minorities" which is kind of skewed nowadays depending on where you are anyways.

08-05-2011, 10:21 PM
I almost don't even want to get involved in this. However I feel like it's absolutely ridiculous to assume white people don't get hassled by police. You think if you're white in America you have some sort of title that you can't be screwed with? It's not about racism, it's about crooked cops. I don't think there was any hint of racism going on here at all. Call me blind if you want. Not a single one of you knows the entire story of what happened so it's ALL speculation. There's no need to get worked up and drag race into it. You don't know what his kid was doing. I've been pulled over for bullshit reasons before, had my car sniffed by police dogs for an hour straight and I'm a white male. You can't say white people don't go through these things. It's all injustice there's no issue of color here unless you make it one. I think you guys need to put it to rest and take the video for what it is. You only see half the story, his side. You know nothing of the cops half or why they detained the child. All I can add about that is, everytime I've seen the back of a cop car, I usually deserved it.

08-06-2011, 12:35 AM
sorry but it seems like alot of the "white people" are missing the point completely.

I never intended it to be a black and white thing. We all know that cops are trained to profile. And that has nothing to do with the color of the cops skin.
Not once did I bring that up as a factor.
Not once did I say white people dont get hassled.
Not once did i say that I even dislike, let alone hate cops or law enforcement.
Not once did I say anything about the color of a cops skin OR the person they are harassing.

My point is simply this. White people will not know what it is like to be ANY person of color.
You will never have to experience walking down the street and having old white couples sneer at you and your white gf, you will never have to deal with the prejudice of stereotypes associated with the color of your skin.
There are simple differences in day to day life as a black or person of color in america has to deal with that white people, obviously, have no understanding of. All you guys are doing is re-enforcing my point as to how ignorant you actually are to what its like to be us.

This whole "white people are at a disadvantage in america" thing is just fucking stupid. next someone is going to bring up the fact that we have BET as some sort of field leveler.

WakeBHR...seriously STFU you seem to be reasonable some days but sit down and eat a bag of STFU...

drag racism into every situation and that's what it becomes, quit axing and start asking and you'll see where the frustration goes. remove yourself from the stereotype and the stereotype quits getting applied,

Of all the people on here that need to have a heaping helping of STFU its you. All you so is run your fucking mouth ever since your glorious return to the BBQ. You may make cool products and even have some of my money, but I have zero respect for you as a person. obviously not that you give a fuck.
Do you know the definition of a stereotype?
Please go look it up and tell me how i am supposed to "live outside" someones predetermined notion of me. I am already so far outside the stereotype for my demographic that people call me "whitewashed" how is that supposed to make me feel?
You just spouted the most presumptive high horsed bullshit in this thread.

I am a MAN, black white purple WTF ever, I don't whine about what happened once,

Exactly my point. what the fuck would someone without the history have to worry about?

and this country wasn't built on racism, we didn't invent slavery, and if the africans hadn't sold europeans africans, there wouldn't have been any to buy...true story, don't cry bro...

Morgan freeman may have said it best when he pointed out that no-one can make you do anything you are not a willing party to, (he's black) and that was in reference (directly) to slavery.

I'm sure the cops had said their piece long before the camera started rolling, or it was edited for convenience, anyone else catch him calling his kid an imbecile as he walked in the door...tell me the kid was innocent, he didn't even hug the kid or be grateful he was "out of harms way" you guys are so gullible

You can sit there and say the cops didnt do anything wrong. When I personally stop being harassed by police I will agree with you. I can remember specific instances of me and my dad being harassed when I was as young as 7 years old. What type of impression do you think the cops are going to leave on the kid in this video? We cant be the only ones trying to break the "cycle", everyone has to participate.

You need to brush up on your history if you think this country was not founded on fundamental racism. What the fuck was the civil war about?
Oh Im sorry that was because of industrial revolution right?
So since my ancestors made the mistake of selling the overpopulation to European slave traders I should just forget the following 2-300 years of institutionalized racism?
how does that work?
You didnt invent slavery?
LOL I never said you did, unless your some 16th century dutch guy. There have been slaves as long as there has been civilization. But I swear we are talking about AMERICA.
If there was no MARKET for slaves, and Europeans hadn't presented the opportunity how would slavery have started? I suppose the Africans would have just started chaining themselves up and voluntarily shipped themselves by the millions (12 or more) to a new country to be separated from their families and whipped and raped to work for free right? All while helping subjugate and destroy ANOTHER group of indigenous people.
And dont start getting all off into who were already slaves in Africa and the African slave trade and all that because we are talking specifically about the slave trade in America, The Atlantic slave trade was by far the worst (by sheer volume) in world history.

Wtf was I thinking? thank you for elevating my consciousness.

I dont give a fuck what you or Morgan fucking Freeman said, His ass was never a fucking slave either. It does not change the fact that things happened the way they did. I feel the way I feel, and I believe what I believe. If you choose to believe otherwise thats your prerogative. But dont tell me to stfu like Im some little kid with no valid point.
I understand what your saying about being outside the stereotype, and I make a conscious effort everyday to do so. I dont dress, walk, talk, or act "ghetto" but that doesnt stop me from getting pulled over or followed for no reason. Its a fact of life for all African Americans, especially male.

08-06-2011, 01:04 PM
I love how you know how it feels to be white so you CLEARLY see the delta,

You weren't a slave either, why do you carry the chip?

I may have been a little soap boxy, and I may have directed you more than your share for the heavy tinge of racism in this thread, my apologies,

Glorious return? that's a little silly not much glory and I was never really here, or left

I make a point of living outside of stereotype, but don't think racism isn't a 2 way street, there's more parts of town I can't walk thru than you,

I've been beaten severely on multiple occasions, with atleast one permanent reminder, for being the wrong color in the wrong place...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

and my BS wasn't presumptuous, I know you are black only because you talk about it frequently, I never point out I'm white, unless it is to cop-out of being accused of being cool...

I'm not saying you can stamp out racism in other people's hearts, there's gonna be haters everywhere you go, but the more people that stop worrying about what color they, or anyone else is, the easier it gets on everyone

08-06-2011, 01:15 PM
Well I know how it feels to be both and I can say people of color still get a raw deal in America.

08-06-2011, 01:38 PM
HAHA I have 2 "white" sisters.

And 1 black.

We all lived in the same home and were raised by the same mom, but me and my younger sister (black) have had a much harder time growing up than either of my older sisters. Im sorry if I ever made it seem like I dont know both sides of the coin, but thats not the case I have had very clear examples numerous times of the differences between whites and blacks in america.
Even ask my white gf or my ex as they have experienced it firsthand since dating me. Its extremely presumptuous of you to assume anything about what I have said. I have stated facts, not opinion. I am mixed, not even that dark, which makes it even worse because I have to deal with prejudices from both whites and blacks.

Seriously try to find the dr phil where he dresses up the white people like black people and look at the white peoples reaction.

This is an never ending exhausting argument, that can not be won with a white person. That goes to my original point that you guys really dont have any inkling as to what its actually like.Im not carrying any chip on my shoulder because of slavery. I just simply refuse to forget, especially when it is still having a very real effect on black people.

I understand where your coming from about not empowering racists by playing into their bullshit. but i dont think you realize how much true underlying racism still remains even when everyone has a big smil on their faces and we are all singing kumbaya holding hands like a coke commercial.

08-06-2011, 09:16 PM
sorry but it seems like alot of the "white people" are missing the point completely.

I never intended it to be a black and white thing. We all know that cops are trained to profile. And that has nothing to do with the color of the cops skin.
Not once did I bring that up as a factor.
Not once did I say white people dont get hassled.
Not once did i say that I even dislike, let alone hate cops or law enforcement.
Not once did I say anything about the color of a cops skin OR the person they are harassing.

My point is simply this. White people will not know what it is like to be ANY person of color.
You will never have to experience walking down the street and having old white couples sneer at you and your white gf, you will never have to deal with the prejudice of stereotypes associated with the color of your skin.
There are simple differences in day to day life as a black or person of color in america has to deal with that white people, obviously, have no understanding of. All you guys are doing is re-enforcing my point as to how ignorant you actually are to what its like to be us.

go live in japan

you deal with it every fucking day being american over there

08-07-2011, 12:49 AM
And the Japanese are some of the most racist people on the planet.

Does that make it ok?

08-07-2011, 02:20 AM
Not taking any sides, but Yokota has a point.

If you spent some time living abroad (or even visiting for some duration), that will give you a lot more perspective of what it feels to be treated like an outsider.
It's obviously not going to offer you the same perspective as others here, but it does allow you to empathize a bit more.

It's really hard to understand if you haven't experienced it first-hand.
As a mixed-race person, I didn't always feel welcome living in Hong Kong.
Race aside, I also feel that if you're not in tune with the mainstream culture in the US, it's difficult to get by at times.
I don't presume to know what others feel like or gone through, but I do feel like I can empathize a bit more.

08-07-2011, 08:12 AM
And the Japanese are some of the most racist people on the planet.

Does that make it ok?

Just saying don't play the I'm black and you don't understand card
Is bullshit lol

08-07-2011, 10:21 AM
I felt more welcome in Germany than I have in places in America. I might have been born there but it's not my home and it feels pretty shitty to be treated with disdain here.

08-07-2011, 01:15 PM
Just saying don't play the I'm black and you don't understand card
Is bullshit lol

Going to someone elses country that yours dropped 2 fucking Atom bombs on!? The only 2 dropped on people in the worlds history.

Yeah I wouldnt exactly expect them to welcome Americana with open arms, but I bet its harder for a black American in japan than it a white one as well, being that most asian cultures dont like black people of any nationality.
Where do white people get this victimized mentality? I dont get it.

Besides moving to another country and being discriminated against is nothing like having to deal with it on a regular basis in your HOME country, where it has been a HUGE part of a "richest and most awesome history", as Matej put it.

You may understand a small part of discrimination, but any hate you receive going to another country isnt exactly comparable. ESPECIALLY a country we were at war with at one point.

08-07-2011, 02:21 PM
I love how off topic this thread has become as this point. The op may aswell take down the vid, rename the thread and let you guys bicker about race all day. No one is ever going to win this. Neither side is going to fully understand the other's point of view so why go on? The original topic had nothing to do with racism or what it's like to be black.

08-07-2011, 04:22 PM


I'm surprised you guys don't have a religious thread on here....those go for days on end....lmao

Just saying don't play the I'm black and you don't understand card
Is bullshit lol

Not entirely true! You seem to not clearly grasp the whole situation. You and others are twisting two different reasons people play the race card. The race card is used weakly nowadays, I agree. It's main reason is HATE. Not dislike, or unfair situations. It's HATE pure HATE. I still use the race card!

I've been to most of planet earth.

The hatred a white male will get from a Japanese is for the most obvious reason(WWII). The same hatred isn't what has been displayed upon African Americans!

White males hated and want/wanted to kill African Americans.


White male goes to Japan, he isn't going to get his ass kicked/killed.

Get my drift, not the same!

What was displayed in America's history is on level with the genocide in Africa. Straight evil! It's not restricted to whities!

On the topic of the whole cop deal.

I still hate cops for several reasons.

1. They aren't paided enough, so they don't give a fuck.

2. Rather spend time chasing/ticketing cars, because of reason #1

3. Think there always right!

4. Quota

5. Confused on what CRIME is!

6. Scared to get shot!

7. Thinks reason #4 is there job.

I have a shitload more but it's lunch time here in Hawaii....

ALOHA! :hyper:

08-07-2011, 04:38 PM
Going to someone elses country that yours dropped 2 fucking Atom bombs on!? The only 2 dropped on people in the worlds history.

Yeah I wouldnt exactly expect them to welcome Americana with open arms, but I bet its harder for a black American in japan than it a white one as well, being that most asian cultures dont like black people of any nationality.
Where do white people get this victimized mentality? I dont get it.

Besides moving to another country and being discriminated against is nothing like having to deal with it on a regular basis in your HOME country, where it has been a HUGE part of a "richest and most awesome history", as Matej put it.

You may understand a small part of discrimination, but any hate you receive going to another country isnt exactly comparable. ESPECIALLY a country we were at war with at one point.

Yeah but with WW2, who were the initial aggressors?
Japan also pretty much fucked over the Chinese, Koreans, Russians, etc.
How much have they acknowledged their wrongdoing throughout the years?
It's no coincidence that the relationship between Japan and China has never been great.
Many Japanese in my experience are still very discriminatory towards those who didn't drop any atom bombs.
Having visited with my Chinese family several times when I was a kid, it certainly was far from the most welcoming country I've visited.

I don't know if you can say 'white people' are victimized in Japan, but many Japanese will do a great job of trying to make you feel like shit & that you're not on equal terms with them.
The added cultural & language barrier only makes it much more isolating.

If you have not gone through these experience, I'm not sure it's fair for you to brush it off like it doesn't matter.
Likewise, I would not presume to say it does not matter to be a black person in the US today.
All ethnic & mixed race groups are going to see things differently here, or anywhere.

08-07-2011, 10:02 PM
Going to someone elses country that yours dropped 2 fucking Atom bombs on!? The only 2 dropped on people in the worlds history.

Yeah I wouldnt exactly expect them to welcome Americana with open arms, but I bet its harder for a black American in japan than it a white one as well, being that most asian cultures dont like black people of any nationality.

actually, black guys have it easier. most of the clubs are ran by nigerians

08-07-2011, 10:42 PM
the discussion in this thread went to irrelevancy at about page 2. people need to get a more eased back life on a sunday before you need to wake your unhappy selves at 7am on a monday morning .. real shit

and the video was retarded. some small town cops who look like they don't know the rights of a citizen and got owned once they figured the vid guy backed up his facts. city cops would have reacted differently for sure. no questions asked. right or wrong they do what they have to do. or think they have to do.

08-08-2011, 02:20 AM
actually, black guys have it easier. most of the clubs are ran by nigerians

Dude, Actual Africans, really dont like African Americans.
They consider us sell outs. Maybe in the modern day of MTV and worldwide hiphop influence there is a small amount of mutual respect. But outside of that we wouldnt be anymore welcome than anyone else.

Im done

08-08-2011, 03:15 AM
Read this whole thread....Glad I am in Japan, this thread reminds me why I like this country so damn much......

08-08-2011, 03:47 AM

08-08-2011, 08:12 AM
I understand what your saying about being outside the stereotype, and I make a conscious effort everyday to do so. I dont dress, walk, talk, or act "ghetto".

I sincerely hope you have many kids and raise them likewise.

08-08-2011, 09:07 AM
This coming from a EUROPEAN, your not even american are you?
I was born and raised here. And if you think that being white puts you at a disadvantage in this country then your just plain wrong. "Nearly two years after the recession’s official end, black unemployment remains at 16.1 percent compared to the 8 percent of white Americans unable to find work."
Personally i think being an illegal Latino here is the best demographic at the moment. All the benefits none of the responsibility.

If you think starting wars, destroying civilizations, crusading for religion, and enslaving entire races is richest and most awesome you have some serious issues. But I guess if your of European decent (which includes Spanish and Portugese) than that IS your history so I guess you could be proud of it because you dont really have a choice.

what do you think the average life expectancy is for a black male aged 13-30 living in a "Urban area"?
and dont give me that "just move out of the ghetto bullshit."

our life expectancy is already 4 years shorter than the average white male.

first of all assuming that you are black then you may want to look at your own country of origin. Child soldiers? Diamond smuggling? There is more destruction going on there and for longer than any euro country.
And as for the mexicans. Your country is being torn apart by drug cartels and you want to cry about our takeover of this land. The land that so many people strive to become a citizen of? If it's so bad here go back to your respective country of origin. That includes myself going back to europe. Let's see who leads a more lavish lifestyle. My point is that color of skin has nothing to do with your higher unemployment rates. It has to do with education not being as high of a priority for your families as it was for mine. And don't tell me you can't afford higher education. I went to public school then joined the marines and now I'm finishing my free degree without a dime spent for education.

I know that some will argue that public education is terrible in your area. My family moved from Atlanta to saint Louis for the sole reason of better public education. Does your family hold education as being important enough to change locations?

08-08-2011, 10:25 AM
Did you ever stop to wonder why those schools aren't as good or why those ethnic groups live where they do? The answer is systematic racism going back more than a hundred years and the government has done little to change things.

08-08-2011, 10:40 AM
Did you ever stop to wonder why those schools aren't as good or why those ethnic groups live where they do? The answer is systematic racism going back more than a hundred years and the government has done little to change things.

BULL SHIT. the students who don't give a shit and act like animals and their parents who care equally as much are why those schools aren't good. when you have a class of 20 who are doing nothing but disrupting and 3 kids who actually try to learn thats why its bad. when you call the parents and set up meetings and they don't show up thats why it's bad. I HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE when people try to say the reason their race is impoverished/locked up/broke/homeless/jobless/involved in crime is because schools and neighborhoods.

guess what, project housing and section 8 housing doesn't start off shitty. it's when inhabitants who don't give a shit and expect hand outs move in and it gets shitty. public schools in inner cities don't have less qualified teachers, they have students who put forth no effort and have 0 respect/desire to learn. crime/drug sale runs rampant in lower income areas because (going back to the hand out thing) people would rather make easy money then bust their ass for a solid paycheck. things aren't gonig to change. no matter what steps are taken. LEGALLY segration has been over since the 60's...however the majority of black people i've encountered have done nothing but segreate themselves and increase the racial tension. as opposed to trying to stop it of course. and you guys wonder why stereotypes exist.

systematic racism my ass, whats your excuse for those students not applying themselves and their parent's not instilling basic ethics/morals into their kids? you think it's the white mans fault that the majority of kids in inner cities turn to crime as opposed to hard work and an honest paycheck?

08-08-2011, 10:43 AM
Dude, Actual Africans, really dont like African Americans.
They consider us sell outs. Maybe in the modern day of MTV and worldwide hiphop influence there is a small amount of mutual respect. But outside of that we wouldnt be anymore welcome than anyone else.

you are black. when is the last time you went to africa....or were you born in africa then a citizen? or at least was your mom and dad african? if either of those are true, then ill take it back...

but just cause your ancestors 100 years ago or whatever were from africa..doesnt make you

shit my grandmother is from poland...i dont call myself polish american

08-08-2011, 11:10 AM
BULL SHIT. the students who don't give a shit and act like animals and their parents who care equally as much are why those schools aren't good. when you have a class of 20 who are doing nothing but disrupting and 3 kids who actually try to learn thats why its bad. when you call the parents and set up meetings and they don't show up thats why it's bad. I HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE when people try to say the reason their race is impoverished/locked up/broke/homeless/jobless/involved in crime is because schools and neighborhoods.

guess what, project housing and section 8 housing doesn't start off shitty. it's when inhabitants who don't give a shit and expect hand outs move in and it gets shitty. public schools in inner cities don't have less qualified teachers, they have students who put forth no effort and have 0 respect/desire to learn. crime/drug sale runs rampant in lower income areas because (going back to the hand out thing) people would rather make easy money then bust their ass for a solid paycheck. things aren't gonig to change. no matter what steps are taken. LEGALLY segration has been over since the 60's...however the majority of black people i've encountered have done nothing but segreate themselves and increase the racial tension. as opposed to trying to stop it of course. and you guys wonder why stereotypes exist.

systematic racism my ass, whats your excuse for those students not applying themselves and their parent's not instilling basic ethics/morals into their kids? you think it's the white mans fault that the majority of kids in inner cities turn to crime as opposed to hard work and an honest paycheck?

"the man" is an enabler

08-08-2011, 11:22 AM
"the man" is an enabler

their it is, why take responsibilities for your own actions? just blame it on racism and the man keeping you down. as soon as someone tries to question the validity of your argument just throw in the slavery thing to.

look if certain races are tired of being stereotyped and profiled, then plain and simple start breaking the stereotypes and contribute to society on a daily basis. if not, just keep doing what your're doing and deal with the negative repurcussions.

08-08-2011, 11:35 AM
their it is, why take responsibilities for your own actions? just blame it on racism and the man keeping you down. as soon as someone tries to question the validity of your argument just throw in the slavery thing to.

look if certain races are tired of being stereotyped and profiled, then plain and simple start breaking the stereotypes and contribute to society on a daily basis. if not, just keep doing what your're doing and deal with the negative repurcussions.

^lol jk man.

I haven't met a racist in a long time. I meet many people who a prejudiced.. but not based on color of skin. The majority of people I meet are prejudiced against based on color of appearance and mannerism.

Everyone knows: Well dressed/spoken black man > ghetto speak white dude with pants sagging off his ass and ____ flag hanging out of his pocket any day.

I challenge anybody who feels differently to go find a legit racist who isn't also a complete tard.

08-08-2011, 12:12 PM
agreed there. i base my treatment on mannerisms. mainly grammar. even if you look stupid to me, but can articulate and express your opinions, i will most likely not care.

08-08-2011, 12:24 PM
NO ONE can speak on behalf of another race, especially a white person can not speak on behalf of another race and say just break the stereotype BS....Their should not be stereotypes period! Until you live the life of another you cant talk...I dont fit no stereotype and Im educated but have faced and have had racsist shi* happen to me and my family, but you guys dont get that....and you never will....So shut up with your "just blend in" with society BS....As long as people are seen with color or stereotypes there is NO BLENDING IN....

08-08-2011, 12:31 PM
But how many individuals will admit that that is what creates the continued social disadvantage? Honestly if my super caucasian oncologist talked to me like a ghetto pos idiot I would think the same of him as some gang banger regardless of their skin color. And i know more and more people feel that way. its time to stop pretending the people of the world are so daft.

Honestly I'll even throw people a bone if they try to talk to me like an intelligent human being.

08-08-2011, 12:33 PM
...I dont fit no stereotype and Im educated

:picardfp: your entire post is null and void

08-08-2011, 12:47 PM
:picardfp: your entire post is null and void

LMAO Why? Because I speak from experience or because I made your stupid "just break the stereotype" look as lame as you are.....trying to tell someone NOT of your race hey change your stereotype and blend in and you will be all fine....do yourself a favor and STFU

08-08-2011, 12:54 PM
LMAO Why? Because I speak from experience or because I made your stupid "just break the stereotype" look as lame as you are.....trying to tell someone NOT of your race hey change your stereotype and blend in and you will be all fine....do yourself a favor and STFU

no, because you claim to be educated yet have no command over the english language. see pulitzer prize winning quote below:
...I dont fit no stereotype and Im educated

Tell me, what is keeping you from "breaking the stereotype"? It's obvious the majority of the country is going to show (and for good reason) a hostility to ghetto people/lifestyle/attitude. so if you don't like said hostility why wouldn't you better yourself to avoid it? Why not encourage children to do well in school? have ambition and try to land great jobs/avoid illegal lifestyle? pay your own bills and avoid public handouts errrrr "entitlements".

08-08-2011, 01:10 PM
no, because you claim to be educated yet have no command over the english language. see pulitzer prize winning quote below:

Tell me, what is keeping you from "breaking the stereotype"? It's obvious the majority of the country is going to show (and for good reason) a hostility to ghetto people/lifestyle/attitude. so if you don't like said hostility why wouldn't you better yourself to avoid it?

Now you speak on behalf of the majority of the country?? WOW And the country is behind your "HOSTILITY" toward ghetto people???....(I'm sorry but the woods in Virgina is not the whole country sorry to burst your very small bubble)....WHY ARE YOU SO MAD?? Does it bother what other people say/do/or act like? WHY? Not that you completey hid it to begin with but now I see the racist and hate coming out why didnt you just say you were in the first place?
A racist trying to preach to another race hey just change your stereotype and I wont hate you or be hostile torward you.....Hate on bro....THIS THREAD is OVER for me...

08-08-2011, 01:21 PM
^are you a race troll in real life too?

08-08-2011, 01:22 PM
Now you speak on behalf of the majority of the country?? WOW And the country is behind your "HOSTILITY" toward ghetto people???....(I'm sorry but the woods in Virgina is not the whole country sorry to burst your very small bubble)....WHY ARE YOU SO MAD?? Does it bother what other people say/do/or act like? WHY? Not that you completey hid it to begin with but now I see the racist and hate coming out why didnt you just say you were in the first place?
A racist trying to preach to another race hey just change your stereotype and I wont hate you or be hostile torward you.....Hate on bro....THIS THREAD is OVER for me...

1. i'm actually from north jersey (furthermore I'm in Virginia Beach now, not really "woods") and grew up in a prodominently "black" neighborhood. the majority of my friends from back home either were or are black. i was robbed at gunpoint by my child hood best friend in high school because he got involved with a gang. guess what, i still maintained my friendships and was their for him 3 years later when he needed money to feed his kid after he got out of the gang/county. so you're first assumption is incorrect.

2. why am i so mad? hmmm ok, because i'm tired of the majority of low income families and demographs blaming others for their misfortune and inability to better themselves. i'm tired of people saying my life is easier because i'm white. the white man isn't keeping you down or making your life miserable. YOU are making your own life miserable by not taking responsiblity and realizing your own ways are leading to your troubles.

3. i'm NOT a racist or a bigot or a person who practices predjudice. i never have and i NEVER will be. i don't judge people based on their skin color. i judge people by how they carry themselves, their manners, class, etc.

08-08-2011, 01:47 PM

Well glad you got what you think is correct down!

08-08-2011, 01:49 PM
I was waiting for someone to go there with this shit and i tried to stop before it happened but your guys ignorance is so blinding that i have to put my shades on throw my hat back in the ring.

first of all assuming that you are black then you may want to look at your own country of origin. Child soldiers? Diamond smuggling? There is more destruction going on there and for longer than any euro country.

ok dude open your eyes.
Who owns the diamond mines? Africans or Europeans?
who started the wars that caused tribes to go full fledged genocide on each other?
Do you know the answers to these question or are you just assuming that since it happening in Africa that white people have nothing to do with it?

I just dont understand how people of any race can deny systematic pillaging of an entire continent for centuries. Europe has done it to almost every dark skinned continent, india, australia, africa, shit even hong kong, and that all those places were just run by the british.

And as for the mexicans. Your country is being torn apart by drug cartels and you want to cry about our takeover of this land. The land that so many people strive to become a citizen of? If it's so bad here go back to your respective country of origin. That includes myself going back to europe. Let's see who leads a more lavish lifestyle. My point is that color of skin has nothing to do with your higher unemployment rates. It has to do with education not being as high of a priority for your families as it was for mine. And don't tell me you can't afford higher education. I went to public school then joined the marines and now I'm finishing my free degree without a dime spent for education.

Why dont you just say the actual word like you know you want to.
"go back to africa"
That is the most offensive asinine bullshit you can pull.
First of all the entire western united states used to BE mexico. We all know this. But europeans took it over because they more guns, people, and illnesses. How would going back our respective countries be any sort of a reflection on how that country WOULD have been had Europeans not fucked it up?
If Liberia had functioned the way it was supposed to i would be all about going back, or maybe if we had got our 40 acres and a mule we would all be happy and educated and it would shut us the fuck up right?
WE didnt fucking ask to come here, or maybe you guys forget the chains and whips and boatloads by the thousands? But now that europe has fucked africa up so much and made black people despise each other so much, we dont have a choice. Most african americans can not afford to go anywhere even if they did have somewhere to go.

America is my fucking country of origin dumbshit, I am african american, My place of origin is right fucking here. If anyone deserves to stay in america its the people whose blood sweat and tears built this fucking country, not the people that stood on our back while we did it. We were bred, we do not technically have a country of origin. Hence actual africans not liking us.

I know that some will argue that public education is terrible in your area. My family moved from Atlanta to saint Louis for the sole reason of better public education. Does your family hold education as being important enough to change locations?

I love Irresposible and sef degrading you make it seem. like black people in america wake up and say to themselves, "I think I will stay as ignorant as possible, fuck education and a better life"
Why do you think rappers talk about making it OUT of the ghetto?
in response to your question, yes
My dad moved from indiana to california, and my mom moved from east oakland to santa cruz county. I am highly intelligent, had a 4th year college reading and comprehension level in 6th grade, learned how to play chess when i was 4 and almost beat my dad.
And getting harassed by cops my WHOLE life? Im not seeing the connection

08-08-2011, 01:55 PM
BULL SHIT. the students who don't give a shit and act like animals and their parents who care equally as much are why those schools aren't good. when you have a class of 20 who are doing nothing but disrupting and 3 kids who actually try to learn thats why its bad. when you call the parents and set up meetings and they don't show up thats why it's bad. I HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE when people try to say the reason their race is impoverished/locked up/broke/homeless/jobless/involved in crime is because schools and neighborhoods.

guess what, project housing and section 8 housing doesn't start off shitty. it's when inhabitants who don't give a shit and expect hand outs move in and it gets shitty. public schools in inner cities don't have less qualified teachers, they have students who put forth no effort and have 0 respect/desire to learn. crime/drug sale runs rampant in lower income areas because (going back to the hand out thing) people would rather make easy money then bust their ass for a solid paycheck. things aren't gonig to change. no matter what steps are taken. LEGALLY segration has been over since the 60's...however the majority of black people i've encountered have done nothing but segreate themselves and increase the racial tension. as opposed to trying to stop it of course. and you guys wonder why stereotypes exist.

systematic racism my ass, whats your excuse for those students not applying themselves and their parent's not instilling basic ethics/morals into their kids? you think it's the white mans fault that the majority of kids in inner cities turn to crime as opposed to hard work and an honest paycheck?

:picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp::picardfp: :picardfp::picardfp:

Now you SIR,
Are very obviously a prejudiced bigot. I was going to go through and answer all of your points and show you why your wrong. But arguing with someone like you will go nowhere. Almost everything you said is horribly racist and just plain wrong.
If you want me to respond and explain why this and pretty much all of your following posts are ass backwards I would be more than happy to enlighten you. Otherwise I will just be arguing with a "white" brick wall.
But thank for once again proving my point as to how ignorant the average american as to what its like being black.

Btw if i ever see you in person, i swear i will hit you square in the face for that ANIMALS comment.

08-08-2011, 02:01 PM
you are black. when is the last time you went to africa....or were you born in africa then a citizen? or at least was your mom and dad african? if either of those are true, then ill take it back...

but just cause your ancestors 100 years ago or whatever were from africa..doesnt make you

shit my grandmother is from poland...i dont call myself polish american

African american exist because European brought us here and BRED us for hundreds of years to be the strongest, biggest, and dumbest.

If there had been no slave trade, there would be no african americans, just africans. Therefore we are are own rack, I can just say black people because that includes dark skinned people from all over the world. I am talking specifically about black people in america that are the descendants of slaves. So what ever point your trying to make, doesnt make sense.

08-08-2011, 02:01 PM
<-----been harassed his whole life aswell!

brought my first car!

nothing but the ugliest looks

get pulled over in my new first car

"Is this yours" comments

5 years later still!

"proof of ownership" comments

I like nice things!

buy nice ass watches...

"can you afford this" comments

"no lay away" comments

I'll end with some Kanye West


I'll go back to Africa, I've been there. If they (various people) stop rapping the continent!

08-08-2011, 02:05 PM
edit your N-word or you will get pinked^^

08-08-2011, 02:39 PM
wake, do you associate ghetto with black people?

08-08-2011, 02:45 PM
Now you SIR,
Are very obviously a prejudiced bigot. I was going to go through and answer all of your points and show you why your wrong. But arguing with someone like you will go nowhere. Almost everything you said is horribly racist and just plain wrong.
If you want me to respond and explain why this and pretty much all of your following posts are ass backwards I would be more than happy to enlighten you. Otherwise I will just be arguing with a "white" brick wall.
But thank for once again proving my point as to how ignorant the average american as to what its like being black.

Btw if i ever see you in person, i swear i will hit you square in the face for that ANIMALS comment.

oh good here we go i'm a racist because i disagree with your points and after living in an enviroment for over 18yrs i don't rate to give my opinion because i'm a racist bigot. guess what i've been on both sides of that spectrum from the bottom to where i am today! please i may not be black but i sure as shit grew up in a black area using the same school sytem. nothing i said was racist, hell i intentionally kept it broad enough and didn't fingerpoint at any race. but i really want to here your explanations/reasoning as to how the points i made STILL fall back on white people. please pick apart my posts i'm an open minded individual and I enjoy healthy mature discussions.

lol PLEASEEEE explain to me why saying kids running around in class with no guidance or acting like animals warrants an attempted punch in the face? youre a real tough guy when your on the other side of the country huh? please, and i'm supposed to respect your comments and actually take what you say seriously when at the first chance you get you make threats?

08-08-2011, 03:40 PM
wake, do you associate ghetto with black people?
what do you mean by ghetto?
The area of a city?
Someones behavior or clothing?
yes I associate that with black people in america since the term was originally coined by jews being forced to live in certain impoverished areas of italy.
A ghetto is a section of a city occupied by a group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure. A ghetto is now described as an overcrowded urban area often associated with a specific ethnic or racial population usually black.
so yes my friend, unfortunately I do associate black people with ghetto, as does 90% of the rest of Americans.

oh good here we go i'm a racist because i disagree with your points and after living in an enviroment for over 18yrs i don't rate to give my opinion because i'm a racist bigot. guess what i've been on both sides of that spectrum from the bottom to where i am today? please i may not be black but i sure as shit grew up in a black area using the same school sytem. nothing i said was racist, hell i intentionally kept it broad enough and didn't fingerpoint at any race. but i really want to here your explanations/reasoning as to how the points i made STILL fall back on white people. please pick apart my posts i'm an open minded individual and I enjoy healthy mature discussions.

lol PLEASEEEE explain to me why saying kids running around in class with no guidance or acting like animals warrants an attempted punch in the face?

Read on buddy, and you havent experience both sides of shit, your white. we have been talking about the struggle of black people in america. When you reference animals, to refer to the people you see causing problems of course i am going to take offense to it.
Nice second edit btw, if you think that was my fist opportunity to promote violence your sadly mistaken. I take personal offense to people that were sold as livestock for hundreds of years being referred to as animals. Dont try and play that Im a e-thug BS dude, you made a fouls ass comment and I responded as any black man should when a white dude refers to black people as animals. You were talking specifically about your experience growing up with black people, how else was I supposed to take it?

BULL SHIT. the students who don't give a shit and act like animals and their parents who care equally as much are why those schools aren't good. when you have a class of 20 who are doing nothing but disrupting and 3 kids who actually try to learn thats why its bad. when you call the parents and set up meetings and they don't show up thats why it's bad. I HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE when people try to say the reason their race is impoverished/locked up/broke/homeless/jobless/involved in crime is because schools and neighborhoods.

Who specifically are you referring to when you say animals then?
You go from talking about how you spent so much time around so many black people for so many years, how would I not think that you are referencing them?
What you dont seem to understand is that the majority of black feel there is NO hope so what is the point in trying. When you see yourself repeatedly trying for change but it doesnt do anything do you keep trying? Or do you eventually give up when you dont see a change?
We have no been struggling in america for how many hundreds of years? Oh yeah since the beginning of the country!
Now ho do you expect that people started their live as LIVESTOCK, to make that much of a change when they were so recently empowered?
So in the past 30-50 years or so we are supposed to just drop the prior hundred years and change our lives.

We have been systematically undereducated since we were brought to this country. You act like slaves were allowed to read and write. We have been playing a very obvious game of catch up and saying its our fault is fucking ridiculous.
Never once did i say it was BECAUSE of schools and neighborhoods, but the fact that black people are forced into shitty neighborhoods with shitty schools doesnt help. The fact that you were able to move and ALL your "black friends" didnt, should go to show that its not as easy as you claim.

guess what, project housing and section 8 housing doesn't start off shitty. it's when inhabitants who don't give a shit and expect hand outs move in and it gets shitty. public schools in inner cities don't have less qualified teachers, they have students who put forth no effort and have 0 respect/desire to learn. crime/drug sale runs rampant in lower income areas because (going back to the hand out thing) people would rather make easy money then bust their ass for a solid paycheck. things aren't gonig to change. no matter what steps are taken. LEGALLY segration has been over since the 60's...however the majority of black people i've encountered have done nothing but segreate themselves and increase the racial tension. as opposed to trying to stop it of course. and you guys wonder why stereotypes exist.

systematic racism my ass, whats your excuse for those students not applying themselves and their parent's not instilling basic ethics/morals into their kids? you think it's the white mans fault that the majority of kids in inner cities turn to crime as opposed to hard work and an honest paycheck?

Have you ever seen a new project? No because they were all built in the 60's-80's. So how do you know how they are when they are new? have you ever lived in projects? can you even go into projects with out getting hassled? Because I cant. Projects are the biggest egg crate shitholes they could stick anyone in. For you to sit here and say its the inhabitants just shows your ignorance.
How do you presume to know so much about it? How would you even pretend to comprehend what its like to be judged on the color of your skin and have the people in power view it with a negative connotation?
Have you ever seen studies on how much harder it is to get a job with a "black" name than it is a "white" one?
Exact same resumes, but "Jennifer" gets a call back, while "Lakeisha" doesnt. Whos fault is that? I guess there is just a lot of prejudiced hiring managers out there huh?

Yes i think its the "white mans" fault, ronald reagan, strom thurmond, george bush (JR and SR). These people very obviously and openly dont like black people. They were in power for how long? Do you think black people went and found cocaine in colombia and some black scientist invented crack? Nope american government. Who was and always has been a majority of white males. Now I am not saying black people live up to their potential in every case or even try as hard as they should. But when all you see your whole life is that the outcome is the same whether you try or not of course your going to go the easy route.

The fucked up thing is, these "handouts" you complain about were started and continue to run because there is such a huge gap in wealth and opportunity. I mean by your logic black people havent done anything for themselves so how would we create our own handouts just so we could be lazy?
how does that even make sense?

I will pose the same question to you about stereotypes.
How am I supposed to live outside someones preconceived notion of me based on the color of my skin? Should i run up to every white person and shake their hand and say thanks for opportunities you have given me?

Get real dude, the facts speak for themselves There are reasons black people live/act the way they do, and it started on slave ships. If you cant see or believe that than you truly are ignorant and you will die a happy man because you know your right.

Meanwhile you havent answered or addressed any of the comments or questions i have raised. All you have said is basically black people do it to themselves, and if they would just change everything would be ok. LOL thanks for that

08-08-2011, 04:02 PM
sidewaysil80 I would suggest you pull your head out of your ass and study some American history. Not about the wars abroad but the wars here.
Go look up black neighborhoods in Chicago where if you were black and not in your place you could be killed by police, legally. Or you can look up the deed for an old house and look at all the races and religions the owner was barred from selling or renting to by law.

Do some research on how the federal government backs home and business loans until about thirty years ago. I'll give you a hint, one person "of color" within five miles means it ain't gonna happen. You can even find current laws disallowing IQ tests on black people.

Here's another tidbit, the projects were put in to limit upward mobility of ethnic groups. Why do you think they NEVER leveled a white neighborhood to put one in?

Systematic institutionalized racism. Time and again. Not only against blacks but chiefly so. Steps have been taken to fix the problems but much of what created ethnic and socioeconomically disparity in this country remains in place.

I can and have written essays on this subject. It was kind of my life's work until college was put on hold.

08-08-2011, 04:05 PM
I guess I make it seem too much like my opinion, I always forget people dont always educate themselves the way they should.

Kinda like those animals in his school, I guess.

08-08-2011, 05:00 PM
I guess whats bothering me is the lack of resolution. It's made to sound like the struggles of black people in america is just that and always will be. I'd like to think there has been progress in setting the framework for progress.

08-08-2011, 05:08 PM
the civil right movement was the last progress in my opinion.

Im sure someone will say something about us having a black president, but we would have voted in a fucking monkey after bush.

there will never be resolution as long as there are people that believe we can just simply move, or live a down a stereotype.

08-08-2011, 05:08 PM
Black culture has to hold up it's end of the bargain and start moving forward but there is still a "man" there reminding you. A lot of opportunities are presented(scholarships, community grants and such) but the source of the problems remain.

08-08-2011, 06:16 PM
you made a fouls ass comment and I responded as any black man should when a white dude refers to black people as animals. You were talking specifically about your experience growing up with black people, how else was I supposed to take it?
dude, i NEVER referenced black people only as animals. the other kids (white, black, and puerto rican) acted like animals every day. so now thats settled i'd like to discuss your points.

Who specifically are you referring to when you say animals then?
You go from talking about how you spent so much time around so many black people for so many years, how would I not think that you are referencing them?
again, their were plenty of kids of all races. nothing in my entire post was directed soley at black people. i was talking about inner cities and poverty areas. yes the majority are black, but their are tons of other races living in their as well.

What you dont seem to understand is that the majority of black feel there is NO hope so what is the point in trying. When you see yourself repeatedly trying for change but it doesnt do anything do you keep trying?
thats a cop out. their is a black president for christs sake! how can you say nothing much has changed since the civil rights movement?! i'll be the first to admit that yes stereotypes do exsist and predjudice still happens. but look at yourself, you essentially aggreed with me...you say you wake every day and attempt to break that stereotype! in a nutshell i think it would work alot better if others shared your thoughts on the matter

We have no been struggling in america for how many hundreds of years? Oh yeah since the beginning of the country!
Now ho do you expect that people started their live as LIVESTOCK, to make that much of a change when they were so recently empowered?
So in the past 30-50 years or so we are supposed to just drop the prior hundred years and change our lives.
see i feel this i big problem, a BIG problem. other races have it farrrrr worse and you don't realize it. they didn't feel oppressed or so badly beaten down they just gave up. people still bring up slavery like it happened yesterday. where you a slave? where any of your family slaves? i sure as shit didn't own slaves! no one in my family owned slaves (italian immigrants). so why bring it up?

We have been systematically undereducated since we were brought to this country. You act like slaves were allowed to read and write. We have been playing a very obvious game of catch up and saying its our fault is fucking ridiculous.
yes again, with the slavery, yes it was a horrible and ignorant time for our country. but their is no excuse and you haven't been playing catchup. just like you and i the last couple generations grew up in a blatant racism free world. we were all afforded the oppurtunity for public education. i think its the fault of the kids today and those i grew up with who chose to not take it serious and say "fuck it". who else is to blame? if we take 2 white kids and 3 black kids and put them in the same school and the black kids choose not to apply themselves, their parent's don't enforce rules, morals, class on them and they drop out/get expelled...how is that not the fault of the student/parent?

Never once did i say it was BECAUSE of schools and neighborhoods, but the fact that black people are forced into shitty neighborhoods with shitty schools doesnt help. The fact that you were able to move and ALL your "black friends" didnt, should go to show that its not as easy as you claim.
yet the paragraph above you claim that because they're playing "catch up" they have lost motivation or drive? no one is forced into shitty neighborhoods, the dr. doesn't pull a baby out and stamp "ghetto" on the kids ass. he has to live with the choices of his parents. it's up to the parents to break the cycle and try and get their kid to do whats right and succeed in life. the reason i moved out and they didn't was because i busted my ass and they didn't. i tried my hardest to get good grades and when i didn't and couldn't get a scholarship instead of "giving up because things weren't going good enough" i joined the Marines. drastic yes, but it just goes to show where their is a will their is a way. nothing in my life has been easy because i'm white, NOTHING. i've had the EXACT SAME OPPURTUNITIES AS EVERYONE ELSE GROWING UP IN MY CITY....they just chose not to break the cycle and move up in life.

Have you ever seen a new project? No because they were all built in the 60's-80's. So how do you know how they are when they are new? have you ever lived in projects? can you even go into projects with out getting hassled? Because I cant. Projects are the biggest egg crate shitholes they could stick anyone in. For you to sit here and say its the inhabitants just shows your ignorance.
touche, yes they are delapted and to a point unsalvagable and only time is to blame. TO A POINT. but their is no excuse for low income housing/section 8. i've seen them being built and they were literally nicer then where i live now. however after a couple years they look disgusting, cops their all the time, broken bottles all over place. whos fault is that? how is that ignorant? they started off nice, two years later they are trashed! who else is to blame?

How do you presume to know so much about it? How would you even pretend to comprehend what its like to be judged on the color of your skin and have the people in power view it with a negative connotation?
like i said, i grew up in a shit neighborhood filled with shit scumbags of all colors. the majority of my trouble came from the black kids, i was tormented and picked on, robbed and attacked because the color of my skin. so thats how i comphrehend what it's like to be targeted because of my color. have you went through that? have you been attacked or robbed because you were a black guy in a white neighborhood? no, the worst that happens is a cop hassles you. so yeah, whether you want to admit it or not or choose not to acknowledge it reverse racism is dominant in low income/poverty areas.

Have you ever seen studies on how much harder it is to get a job with a "black" name than it is a "white" one?
Exact same resumes, but "Jennifer" gets a call back, while "Lakeisha" doesnt. Whos fault is that? I guess there is just a lot of prejudiced hiring managers out there huh?
no i haven't. does it happen maybe. but what about affirmative action? is that ok? that a man who is less qualified can be hired because the color of his skin? even if thats not the case why do you think those people aren't hired? the stereotype right...the same one you are trying to break by doing your part and bettering yourself. couldn't you say that if more did the same it would break alot faster? so how is it the white mans fault because he's pretentious after years and years of negativey and basis for that stereotype.

Yes i think its the "white mans" fault, ronald reagan, strom thurmond, george bush (JR and SR). These people very obviously and openly dont like black people. They were in power for how long? Do you think black people went and found cocaine in colombia and some black scientist invented crack? Nope american government. Who was and always has been a majority of white males. Now I am not saying black people live up to their potential in every case or even try as hard as they should. But when all you see your whole life is that the outcome is the same whether you try or not of course your going to go the easy route.
not engaging because i don't know enough about that area to make factual statements.

The fucked up thing is, these "handouts" you complain about were started and continue to run because there is such a huge gap in wealth and opportunity. I mean by your logic black people havent done anything for themselves so how would we create our own handouts just so we could be lazy?
how does that even make sense?
yes their is a gap and the handouts were created to HELP progress, instead people call it quits once they get on welfare or other forms of state aid. and thats for all races, welfare and such is a joke and it PROMOTES laziness and lack of motivation. hell why get a job when i can get handouts while sitting on my ass doing nothing and make almost as much money. how many people do you know collect welfare and use it for what it's for? i've literally seen people gamble with fucking food stamps. gamble with them. thats the mans fault? thats a classic case of "giving and inch and taking a mile".

I will pose the same question to you about stereotypes.
How am I supposed to live outside someones preconceived notion of me based on the color of my skin? Should i run up to every white person and shake their hand and say thanks for opportunities you have given me?
no, just carry yourself in a dignified manor and strive for success. and engrain that in your kids. what i don't get is the general concensus is that people want to be treated equally right? so how come they go sooooooo far out of the way to be different and alienate themselves via obnoxious behavior, lack of class, and moral discipline?
Get real dude, the facts speak for themselves There are reasons black people live/act the way they do, and it started on slave ships. If you cant see or believe that than you truly are ignorant and you will die a happy man because you know your right.
this statement disgusts me. like i mentioned, alot of races have been persecuted and socially rejected, hell some even have GENOCIDE commited against them. how are they able to bounce back? look at the steps they've taken to progress...whats so different from their situation? and again, you weren't a slave, you're family wasn't a slave. wheter you want to admit it me and you were given the same oppurtunities. no difference whatsoever.

Meanwhile you havent answered or addressed any of the comments or questions i have raised. All you have said is basically black people do it to themselves, and if they would just change everything would be ok. LOL thanks for that
first off i wasn't reading your responses. i was doing my best to stay out of it until i read the comments about schools. while i don't think that black people do it to themselves, i feel that their have been plenty of oppurtunities to make things ok. yes, slavery/segragation sucked...but the country has taken great strides to make good on it and give the tools need to succeed. the rest is up to the culture and the people.

08-08-2011, 06:21 PM
Black culture has to hold up it's end of the bargain and start moving forward but there is still a "man" there reminding you. A lot of opportunities are presented(scholarships, community grants and such) but the source of the problems remain.

what problems? like i said and like you said...the culture needs to hold up it's end of the bargain. and in my opinion and experience it's not. plain and simple. it's angers me that out of an entire culture the ones who choose to bettern themselves and strive in life are the rarity. believe it or not i'm not a racist. i just want everyone to be on the same playing field and i feel like some cultures just don't to play ball period.

i don't get it, you literally basically summed up my whole view and opinion but when i say it i'm a racist? because the color of my skin i'm not allowed to agree with you...and yet i'm racist.

08-08-2011, 06:22 PM
I read all 4 pages.

cliffnotes of what I had typed.

I would choose jennifer over lakisha cause the general population would think lakisha is ghetto. Unless Lakisha and Jennifer were equally nice and edumacated people, then I would have here wear a nametag that said "hi my name is Lisa". Is that racist? No, it's marketing.

My family was too poor to move to a better city. Hell they actually moved to a shittier part of town cause that is all we could afford. I still managed to move out and get away from there. Siblings grew up and moved out as well. Military is an amazing opportunity.

...I dont fit no stereotype and Im educated

umm...null and void cause two negatives cancel each out. "i do not fit no stereotype and I'm educated" I'm horrible at english but I'm great at math ;D

Lets just put it this way. We are in America. We do have the ability to change our destinies. Some more than others.

But on a side note, I would want to be a black lawyer. lol. Imagine, even if you were fucked with, you would just lay down the hammer! it would be awesome.

p.s. we all drive a 240. It's becoming the honda of today. So these popo be rollin up on us tryin to catch us ridin dirty....but when I roll down my window...they are like. "who's this white guy blastin Jay Z wearing a fucking purple striped shirt like he's got flavor"

and that's when I get the...get out of your car....aww..tattoo's. shaved head. must be in a gang. Yup. You are right....you got me! lol

08-08-2011, 06:31 PM
I guess whats bothering me is the lack of resolution. It's made to sound like the struggles of black people in america is just that and always will be. I'd like to think there has been progress in setting the framework for progress.

There has been and there will be progress, people like wake like to wallow in their own stink and bitch about everything shitty, and not recognize opportunity,

unless he is 40 he hasn't lived thru any truly horrendous racist times, I know lots of engineers and managers at aerospace companies that had alot harder time proving themselves because it was accepted to treat African American's with less, if any respect. But they had the drive and reached their dreams. Some people would rather just bitch, we can't fix the mentality, we can only keep writing checks.

08-08-2011, 07:04 PM
lmao @ the age remark

08-08-2011, 07:12 PM
dude, i NEVER referenced black people only as animals. the other kids (white, black, and puerto rican) acted like animals every day. so now thats settled i'd like to discuss your points.

When we are talking SPECIFICALLY about black people, you chose to make the reference. Period

thats a cop out. their is a black president for christs sake! how can you say nothing much has changed since the civil rights movement?! i'll be the first to admit that yes stereotypes do exsist and predjudice still happens. but look at yourself, you essentially aggreed with me...you say you wake every day and attempt to break that stereotype! in a nutshell i think it would work alot better if others shared your thoughts on the matter

Lol whats a cop out? so since we have a black president there is no racism?
THAT is a cop out, just like racist people saying they have black friends. Just because one step was taken doesnt mean there is an end in sight. Its not something that can just be dropped and forgotten. And peoples outward appreances dont always show what they harbor in their hearts. if the tea part could call Obama A Ni__er without looking racist they would have a long time ago. Same with bill oreilly and glenn beck. And who do you think is listening to these people?
You think its black people?
Since you are not black, you will not understand, Which was my ENTIRE original point. AL you have done is prove me right.

see i feel this i big problem, a BIG problem. other races have it farrrrr worse and you don't realize it. they didn't feel oppressed or so badly beaten down they just gave up. people still bring up slavery like it happened yesterday. where you a slave? where any of your family slaves? i sure as shit didn't own slaves! no one in my family owned slaves (italian immigrants). so why bring it up?

Please tell me what races are have it worse and are more oppressed and how much better they are doing?
What the congo where blacks are killing blacks?
What mexicans in the united states?
or maybe the czechs and serbs?
or the jews and palestinians?
please explain who they are and how they are doing "better'.
See this is the problem, you think because something happened a long time ago people should just forget about it when it still has an effect?
Would you go into a synagogue and tell jews to get over the holocaust?

yes again, with the slavery, yes it was a horrible and ignorant time for our country. but their is no excuse and you haven't been playing catchup. just like you and i the last couple generations grew up in a blatant racism free world. we were all afforded the oppurtunity for public education. i think its the fault of the kids today and those i grew up with who chose to not take it serious and say "fuck it". who else is to blame? if we take 2 white kids and 3 black kids and put them in the same school and the black kids choose not to apply themselves, their parent's don't enforce rules, morals, class on them and they drop out/get expelled...how is that not the fault of the student/parent?

So basically your saying family structure in black homes is not up to par. therefore the kids shouldnt expect to suceed?
Do you understand how shit is passed down? If they were never given the skills to begin with where are they supposed to come from? Do you think black parents dont tell their kids that they want them to go to college? or tell them to come in when its dark?
You claim to have grown up in this environment but it looks like you have so much resentment its not allowing you to take a step back and look at thing for what they really are. THAT is how racism begins.

yet the paragraph above you claim that because they're playing "catch up" they have lost motivation or drive? no one is forced into shitty neighborhoods, the dr. doesn't pull a baby out and stamp "ghetto" on the kids ass. he has to live with the choices of his parents. it's up to the parents to break the cycle and try and get their kid to do whats right and succeed in life. the reason i moved out and they didn't was because i busted my ass and they didn't. i tried my hardest to get good grades and when i didn't and couldn't get a scholarship instead of "giving up because things weren't going good enough" i joined the Marines. drastic yes, but it just goes to show where their is a will their is a way. nothing in my life has been easy because i'm white, NOTHING. i've had the EXACT SAME OPPURTUNITIES AS EVERYONE ELSE GROWING UP IN MY CITY....they just chose not to break the cycle and move up in life.

Now that is the most ignorant thing so far.
Not playing catch up? how can you even fathom that? How can you say that one race that was purposely un-educated and moved into the worst parts of a city arent at a disadvantage?
You really are blind to how things actually affect people, for some reason you seem to think that shit can just be forgotten. You make such broad generalizations its almost impossible for you to nail down your point. You cant just say THEY didnt try, They didnt do anything to better themselves. Srry but for people like me that dont believe in supporting our government in its current form, joining the armed forces isnt an option. So basically black people should go from eekng out a living in the ghetto to fighting wars against other brown people and having probably the same chances of dying? how is that a better option?
The main thing you are missing about having the same opportunities, is that your white.
and that my point. You just cant understand that we, regardless of parenting or environment or any of that, DO NOT have the same opportunities.

touche, yes they are delapted and to a point unsalvagable and only time is to blame. TO A POINT. but their is no excuse for low income housing/section 8. i've seen them being built and they were literally nicer then where i live now. however after a couple years they look disgusting, cops their all the time, broken bottles all over place. whos fault is that? how is that ignorant? they started off nice, two years later they are trashed! who else is to blame?

Must be the black people that lived there and ruined em eh? hence our existence driving property values down?
Where are all the projects in the suburbs? i mean if the feild is so level why are we still called "urban" while we all now modern suburbanites are predominantly white?
well maybe punjab or asian out here.

like i said, i grew up in a shit neighborhood filled with shit scumbags of all colors. the majority of my trouble came from the black kids, i was tormented and picked on, robbed and attacked because the color of my skin. so thats how i comphrehend what it's like to be targeted because of my color. have you went through that? have you been attacked or robbed because you were a black guy in a white neighborhood? no, the worst that happens is a cop hassles you. so yeah, whether you want to admit it or not or choose not to acknowledge it reverse racism is dominant in low income/poverty areas.

You really just dont get it.
I grew up in santa cruz CA, one of the whitest places you can go. YES i have been beaten up, chased, jumped and harassed because I was black, i have been called the N-word for running across the street when the lhand was flashing, this happened when i was in jr high, and came from a full grown man. I used to have to worry about the groups of skinheads roaming the streets in downtown santa cruz trying to give black kids what they call "boot partys".
I have even had entire parties turn into fights because a skinhead pulled a rap tape out of the deck and snapped in half and said "fuck this ni__er shit" and when the homeowner tried to kick him out, he announced that all the white people should go with them and "all the Ni__ers can stay", I was the only black person there at the time. Him and his buddies broke down the door with a fire hydrant, sprayed it inside the house, and started beating people up as they ran out the door. The cops got 27 separate calls for that on incident. All I was doing was trying to fuck this one chick that happened to be there.
Now on the flip side of that, I have been harassed while walking through black neighborhood, was it because of the color of my skin? possibly, i am fairly light. Or was it just that I was somewhere I shouldnt have been?
You really just dont seem to understand the fundamental differences.

no i haven't. does it happen maybe. but what about affirmative action? is that ok? that a man who is less qualified can be hired because the color of his skin? even if thats not the case why do you think those people aren't hired? the stereotype right...the same one you are trying to break by doing your part and bettering yourself. couldn't you say that if more did the same it would break alot faster? so how is it the white mans fault because he's pretentious after years and years of negativey and basis for that stereotype.

affirmative action is a fucking joke and the quota that they have to fill with it is something like 1 minority, not even a black person specifically. As long as they already have a minority working they dont have to hire another one. You people really need to drop that as a fucking crutch. It doesnt even apply in the way you guys try to use it.

not engaging because i don't know enough about that area to make factual statements.

Sorry bro but YOU just lost all credibility

yes their is a gap and the handouts were created to HELP progress, instead people call it quits once they get on welfare or other forms of state aid. and thats for all races, welfare and such is a joke and it PROMOTES laziness and lack of motivation. hell why get a job when i can get handouts while sitting on my ass doing nothing and make almost as much money. how many people do you know collect welfare and use it for what it's for? i've literally seen people gamble with fucking food stamps. gamble with them. thats the mans fault? thats a classic case of "giving and inch and taking a mile".

Do you have ANY idea how many white people there are on welfare right now?
Do you realize that the gap between rich and poor grows more everyday.
Do you know anything other than your opinion?

no, just carry yourself in a dignified manor and strive for success. and engrain that in your kids. what i don't get is the general concensus is that people want to be treated equally right? so how come they go sooooooo far out of the way to be different and alienate themselves via obnoxious behavior, lack of class, and moral discipline?

Now this is just ignorant
My dad is highly intelligent, speaks proper english, has run for city council twice. Is the head of the local NAACP and ACLU, Has NEVER been to jail or had any kind of record and raised me to be the same. However that didnt stop him from getting arrested for jaywalking in santa cruz.

this statement disgusts me. like i mentioned, alot of races have been persecuted and socially rejected, hell some even have GENOCIDE commited against them. how are they able to bounce back? look at the steps they've taken to progress...whats so different from their situation? and again, you weren't a slave, you're family wasn't a slave. wheter you want to admit it me and you were given the same oppurtunities. no difference whatsoever.

Again show me these "bounce back" ethnicities. Remember we are talking about AMERICA here. So it would behoove you to stop bringing up other countries.
I would still like examples though.
Maybe the american indians? or any indigenous people for that matter?
aboriginees? africans in south africa?
I suppose you gonna mention the jews bouncing back? lol
come on dude back your shit up.

first off i wasn't reading your responses. i was doing my best to stay out of it until i read the comments about schools. while i don't think that black people do it to themselves, i feel that their have been plenty of oppurtunities to make things ok. yes, slavery/segragation sucked...but the country has taken great strides to make good on it and give the tools need to succeed. the rest is up to the culture and the people.

Finally you admit you werent reading my responses.
Therefore everything you said was just opinionated BS.
Im glad YOU feel that there have been opportunities "to make things ok" What you need to understand is that its going to take as long to make everything ok as it did to fuck it up. We are about 50 years into that 300 or so now.
please tell me these strides the country has taken. What desgregating water fountains? letting us use the same bathrooms? letting us date white chicks?

08-08-2011, 07:15 PM
There has been and there will be progress, people like wake like to wallow in their own stink and bitch about everything shitty, and not recognize opportunity,

unless he is 40 he hasn't lived thru any truly horrendous racist times, I know lots of engineers and managers at aerospace companies that had alot harder time proving themselves because it was accepted to treat African American's with less, if any respect. But they had the drive and reached their dreams. Some people would rather just bitch, we can't fix the mentality, we can only keep writing checks.

Your ignorance is showing

I stated my dealing with racism, for you to assume I havent had any experience with it is truly stupid.
Continue assuming, you guys just make me look more right. You just admitted that there is still prejudice against black people and it is harder for us to prove ourselves, lol.

Please explain how I am wallowing and not recognizing opportunity. I had no idea that you knew me.
Glad that you assume Im lazy and dont strive for anything because of my point of view about our countries history and its affect on me and people like me. I have never said there hasnt been progress, just not as much as you guys claim there has been. The field is still nowhere near level as you guys proclaim it to be. Go read what Phlip told you after your asinine question to him.

But Im just bitching and not doing anything about it. So Im part of the problem right? what are you guys doing to make the world a better more equal place?

08-08-2011, 07:20 PM
Yeah there exist no racism at all anymore... I mean having a serious conversation about the Presidents birth certificate had NOTHING to do with him being black... yup... nothing...

08-08-2011, 07:23 PM
Once again i will pose this question.

Does the KKK still exist?

Does the black panther party still exist?

Now Im really done, this is going nowhere. And as long as people feel that they have already done enough and we should just ignore it, all the longer there will be a place in this country for racism.

08-08-2011, 07:28 PM
Black Panther is a joke, compared to the KKK...


We (black) people don't have time on our hand to hate....we have families in jail, and fatherless kids to raise!

KKK members have square miles of land to train on and perpare for zombie attacks!

08-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Once again i will pose this question.

Does the KKK still exist?

Does the black panther party still exist?

Yes to both, but they are hardly comparable... Not only did the KKK act as terrorist and kill unknown amounts of people, but they were institutionalized and had political clout till about the 80's. By that I mean there existed active members of congress who were public members of the KKK or like groups. In Alabama you needed the Klans approval to run for any state/federal legislative body for example. The Panthers never came within the same universe as that and to suggest otherwise would be... ridiculous to say the least.

08-08-2011, 07:32 PM
The black panther party hardly exists in any capacity other than a small organization of concerned citizens, trust me. But you are 100% right.
I was in Huey Newtons funeral. Look him up if you dont know who he is.

Black panthers get murdered by cops or falsely put in jail, why?

Why dont you hear of KKK members getting the same treatment?

Am I supposed to be comfortable and believe there is no more racism when I go visit my family in Indianapolis and i have to see fucking adopt a highways that are sponsored by the KKK?

If you saw a highway sponsored by the black panther party would you feel threatened?

Oh and sidewayssil80, you suck at spelling. Not a personal jab, just pointing it out.

08-08-2011, 07:57 PM
For the most part all who took part in this thread, aren't racist. Racism breeds from ignorance. To go online and go to a car thread and have a healthy discussion proves niether of us are racist. Rather very intelligent of us to continue discussion on issues still unlining us all(Americans).

What many of us can, and have agreed upon is lazyness in society. What's considered cool, what's considered manly, what's considered a goal in a young person's life. These things greatly affect how two people can go two completely different roads in life. Despite there personalities, your community can greatly affect one person, and not the other.

Many of us (blacks) grew up in nothing, and have seemed to have made it compared to our peers. Our peers which are many are holding us back by chasing hoes, and 22 inch rims.

If you aren't closed minded you'd know that poverty is a hand that holds tight on a community.

08-08-2011, 08:11 PM
I dont believe anyone here got called a racist.

And I agree I think class has as much to do with it as race.

my whole original point, if anyone remembers was that its hard if not impossible for one to put themselves in another races shoes, in regards to specific situations, such as dealing with law enforcement.

08-08-2011, 08:14 PM


08-08-2011, 10:15 PM
African american exist because European brought us here and BRED us for hundreds of years to be the strongest, biggest, and dumbest.

If there had been no slave trade, there would be no african americans, just africans. Therefore we are are own rack, I can just say black people because that includes dark skinned people from all over the world. I am talking specifically about black people in america that are the descendants of slaves. So what ever point your trying to make, doesnt make sense.
so are you trying to say that africans weren't smart enough to migrate to america on their own?

cause you just did

08-08-2011, 10:19 PM

Are you talking about africans emigrating after the united states was formed?

Why does your question seem like your just trying to start shit?

08-08-2011, 10:21 PM
was just saying. you basically said that africans only came to america because of the slave trade. thats how i read it, which still doesnt mean why some black people call themselves african american.

ive been in africa longer than most people that call themselves that

08-08-2011, 10:29 PM
I dont understand your point.

My point WAS that we as african americans dont naturally occur in nature, we were bred.

If an African came to America on his own he is still an African, if he has children in America they are African American, and any subsequent offspring share the same moniker.

Does that make sense?

White people born in south africa are still called south africans right? but they are called white or black by skin color, obviously. So if I say black person, it doesnt give you any definition as to what nationality said black person is.

You being in africa is an american in africa. Assuming your country of origin is america.

08-08-2011, 11:13 PM
you just dont understand

black and latino are the only cultures that add their "heritage" to american.

what makes you so special to think it matters? thats what im getting at. do you think you are better calling yourself an african american, when noone recent in your line is even FOB african? You are a black american. just like i am a white american, not a Polish american.
My wife can say she is Flip american, because her mom is FOB. our kid when we pop one out? American. once you get a generation away...you are 25% or less of the original source...making you not really that source there homie.

08-08-2011, 11:40 PM


You can feel free to circle European American next time you fill out a form. It's only politically correct. I wouldn't want to be called Black American. Black the word, and it's uses in American history has spoiled the word to be used as reference in a positive light.

atrocious, bleak, depressing, depressive, dismal, dispiriting, distressing, doleful, dreary, foreboding, funereal, gloomy, horrible, lugubrious, mournful, ominous, oppressive, sad, sinister, sombre, threatening - dictionary

"Here comes a couple Black Americans"

The way our current culture is only negative thoughts comes to mind.

08-08-2011, 11:42 PM
the point is...you are american. no need to separate yourself..

08-08-2011, 11:55 PM
I'm with you, no doubt!

08-09-2011, 12:23 AM
I'll just leave this here hahaha


08-09-2011, 01:38 AM
you just dont understand

No your just trying to prove a completely nonsensical and totally unrelated point. SO I didnt understand the correlation

BTW, I consider myself 100% american, I was only using the term African american to distinguish from the other nationalities of black people being brought up. Which I explained numerous times.

Try to keep up.

08-09-2011, 01:45 AM
what problems? like i said and like you said...the culture needs to hold up it's end of the bargain. and in my opinion and experience it's not. plain and simple. it's angers me that out of an entire culture the ones who choose to bettern themselves and strive in life are the rarity. believe it or not i'm not a racist. i just want everyone to be on the same playing field and i feel like some cultures just don't to play ball period.

i don't get it, you literally basically summed up my whole view and opinion but when i say it i'm a racist? because the color of my skin i'm not allowed to agree with you...and yet i'm racist.

A culture was suppressed for a hundred years and then crushed during and shortly after the civil rights movement. The government at all levels made steps to put people of color down and keep them there. A lot of these polices are still in place. You can put a bandaide on it by giving out a scholarship but that doesn't address what caused the problem in the first place.

I want to say something about the Black Panthers and the KKK but there is so much to say and people don't usually want to hear it. It just leave you all with a keyword to search for, CoIntelPro.

08-09-2011, 01:49 AM
Military is an amazing opportunity.

Why do you think the army and marine corps are made up of mostly minorities, with African Americans being the largest group?

08-09-2011, 01:57 AM
We are trying to get away!

08-09-2011, 02:04 AM
so are you trying to say that africans weren't smart enough to migrate to america on their own?

cause you just did

What the FUCK is wrong with you? Seriously? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

This is not flaming or trolling. I am stupefied by this comment.

Go find what we call each other versus what the government has decided we will be called. Are we ni__ers, negros, afro-american- african american or black? Maybe we are Negroids. All of those were accepted terms at one point but did anyone bother to ask us what we want to be called. Fuck no. So we took what they wished to beat us down with a gained strength from it and built a new identity.
Your and others ignorance on this whole subject is showing how far we have to go before there is any sort of unity in America.

You truly don't understand and you seemingly have no wish to.

08-09-2011, 02:15 AM
haha you guys take this internet shit wayyy to seriously

08-09-2011, 02:35 AM
Just because its the internet doesnt mean its not serious. Thats the problem with these conversations.

@kingkilburn - We believe we are called Mongoloids

08-09-2011, 02:41 AM
Just because its the internet doesnt mean its not serious. Thats the problem with these conversations.

@kingkilburn - We believe we are called Mongoloids
right back at ya, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

your turn

08-09-2011, 02:48 AM
uh what?

I just happened across this. Funny timing.

08-09-2011, 06:04 AM
Why do you think the army and marine corps are made up of mostly minorities, with African Americans being the largest group?

dude you have some warped figures. i've been a marine for 7 years and thats def not the case. either way it's a 100% un biased and predjudice free enviroment. minority has nothing to do with it. he's just saying that if you absolutley are doing everything you can to better yourself and it's not working out...a four year stint in the military is a giant boost that sets you up for future success.

08-09-2011, 06:57 AM
<-----been harassed his whole life aswell!

brought my first car!

nothing but the ugliest looks

get pulled over in my new first car

"Is this yours" comments

5 years later still!

"proof of ownership" comments

I like nice things!

buy nice ass watches...

"can you afford this" comments

"no lay away" comments

I'll end with some Kanye West


I'll go back to Africa, I've been there. If they (various people) stop rapping the continent!

I'd like to comment on your posts.

Your first comment about your new car. Cops pay attention to all people who look 16. It's a cops job to enforce the law. A new driver is more likely to not be following the law. I got pulled over more often when I was 16 than I do now and I have the same driving habits now.

Is this yours comment: if you are 16-18 it's very probably you don't own a car yet.

Proof of ownership comment: they ask for registration everytime you get pulled over. How is this remotely racist.

Buy nice ass watches: did you walk in there looking like a bum? I've been asked when new car shopping if I can afford their cars and I simply state I wouldn't be looking if I couldn't. Easy as that.

No lay away: if you aren't a broke ass what do you need layaway for. Seems that guy selling watches read you well.

And I'm glad you quoted kanye west. As if he isn't the staple of uneducated people making money. Don't quote him like he's anybody worth hearing speak.

08-09-2011, 07:19 AM
Why do you think the army and marine corps are made up of mostly minorities, with African Americans being the largest group?

It doesn't feel anything like it when you're there. Of this i can speak.

And I agree I think class has as much to do with it as race.

Badass concession

my whole original point, if anyone remembers was that its hard if not impossible for one to put themselves in another races shoes, in regards to specific situations, such as dealing with law enforcement.


Obviously black people are going to face struggles as have always. I just don't like the way its made out to be as hopeless and neverending as it is. There are choices that are made that perpetuate this just as much as historic events. History stands, I get that a people were bred, but to present the fact as anything other than a trivial fact is detrimental. How is anyone ever supposed to have any self worth when they think that way. The thought that one is a product of unfavorable breeding and the thought that one will be something of value to society one day don't exactly go hand in hand. I can't pretend to know what it's like to be another race but I know if I thought like that it would negatively effect my self image.

I hope I live to see the end of the race issue. I've seen racism down in my mind and seen it dwindle in my family and friends. I hope to see some return though.

To go back to the original post of the video. He got his kid back because he knew the law. Had he pushed a race issue instead of a procedural one I don't see it ending the same.

08-09-2011, 10:20 AM
I'd like to comment on your posts.

Your first comment about your new car. Cops pay attention to all people who look 16. It's a cops job to enforce the law. A new driver is more likely to not be following the law. I got pulled over more often when I was 16 than I do now and I have the same driving habits now.

Is this yours comment: if you are 16-18 it's very probably you don't own a car yet.

Proof of ownership comment: they ask for registration everytime you get pulled over. How is this remotely racist.

Buy nice ass watches: did you walk in there looking like a bum? I've been asked when new car shopping if I can afford their cars and I simply state I wouldn't be looking if I couldn't. Easy as that.

No lay away: if you aren't a broke ass what do you need layaway for. Seems that guy selling watches read you well.

And I'm glad you quoted kanye west. As if he isn't the staple of uneducated people making money. Don't quote him like he's anybody worth hearing speak.

I wish my friend you where right!

I'm not going to goninto everything. From your responses you along with other people still don't see where I was coming from with some of the situations.

I was 24 and and E-5 in the military when buying my first car!

Still at 28 with a wife and kid. My car at first glance isn't mines!

When does a cop ask for liscense registration?

Cop: hey is this your car
Me: yes sir
Cop: let me see the registration and some ID
Me: Roger that

Lmao funny every time it happen, sad that half the time I've never gotten a ticket, and I have gotten many tickets.

I don't wear long t-shirts or baggy pants!

These nice watches or 6-800 nothing super expensive! Why the need to state that there is no payment plan or lay away to me.

Happen many of times! That's what I'm trying to point out with that kanye west line. You clearly couldn't grasp.

It means even though I am an upper middle class African American. It doesn't mean shit.

Do you understand now?

I wish that at the end of life when we all at the gates I along with others playback moments in 1080p HD from every angle imaginable. So that you non colored folks get the picture!

Cause these damn words do nothing!

08-09-2011, 11:13 AM
I'd like to comment on your posts.

Your first comment about your new car. Cops pay attention to all people who look 16. It's a cops job to enforce the law. A new driver is more likely to not be following the law. I got pulled over more often when I was 16 than I do now and I have the same driving habits now.


08-09-2011, 11:22 AM
What the FUCK is wrong with you? Seriously? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

This is not flaming or trolling. I am stupefied by this comment.

Go find what we call each other versus what the government has decided we will be called. Are we ni__ers, negros, afro-american- african american or black? Maybe we are Negroids. All of those were accepted terms at one point but did anyone bother to ask us what we want to be called. Fuck no. So we took what they wished to beat us down with a gained strength from it and built a new identity.
Your and others ignorance on this whole subject is showing how far we have to go before there is any sort of unity in America.

You truly don't understand and you seemingly have no wish to.
calling yourself something other than american, does nothing but damage the sense of unity...

and yes i know this whole topic is way off topic

08-09-2011, 11:28 AM
@kingkilburn - We believe we are called Mongoloids
Mongoloids are Asians. As in East asians not India or Arabs.

I'd like to comment on your posts.

Your first comment about your new car. Cops pay attention to all people who look 16. It's a cops job to enforce the law. A new driver is more likely to not be following the law. I got pulled over more often when I was 16 than I do now and I have the same driving habits now.

Is this yours comment: if you are 16-18 it's very probably you don't own a car yet.

Proof of ownership comment: they ask for registration everytime you get pulled over. How is this remotely racist.

Buy nice ass watches: did you walk in there looking like a bum? I've been asked when new car shopping if I can afford their cars and I simply state I wouldn't be looking if I couldn't. Easy as that.

No lay away: if you aren't a broke ass what do you need layaway for. Seems that guy selling watches read you well.

And I'm glad you quoted kanye west. As if he isn't the staple of uneducated people making money. Don't quote him like he's anybody worth hearing speak.

Have you ever been in the situation where the cop's first words to you are asking you to step out of the car and the second words are where did you steal this car?

Do you know how insulting that is?

08-09-2011, 11:38 AM
Makes you wanna quit

08-09-2011, 11:40 AM
calling yourself something other than american, does nothing but damage the sense of unity...

and yes i know this whole topic is way off topic

Are you a troll or just stupid? :tweak: You sit there saying the most ignorant crap that is deeply insulting and then bounce on the subject when you have no reply. Then you try to slyly work it from another angle that you think can make you sound like a smart level headed person.

08-09-2011, 12:55 PM
Mongoloids are Asians. As in East asians not India or Arabs.

I know, it was a joke.

In American history X they refer to us as mongoloids. So did dave chappele.

08-09-2011, 01:20 PM
Gotcha. lol I haven't seen that movie in years.

08-09-2011, 01:23 PM
I know, it was a joke.

In American history X they refer to us as mongoloids. So did dave chappele.

...I got that one right away...funny thing is I just saw American History X last week

08-09-2011, 01:57 PM
Great movie!

08-09-2011, 02:46 PM
Nice to see every thread on Zilvia where there is a black guy and a white guy turn into some sort of debate.

What you fail to realize is you were both arguing from two totally different topics of conversation, and never really tried to see where the other was coming from.

Now while I do agree that some groups have priorities set in the wrong place, and that is why they're in the situation they're in, I also agree that there are some prejudices that some people have to overcome regardless of their skin color.

The only thing we can do to overcome stereotypes is to not act/be them.

You may not be a stereotype but the average person WILL be. Stereotypes exist for a reason, regardless of weather or not they're right or wrong.

Adversely challenge someone that would press a stereotype upon you, and change their mind.

Becoming open minded doesn't just happen, it takes opportunity and experience.

For every time there was a cop that pulled you over for profiling you, I'm sure you blew his socks off, right? He probably ended up letting you go because you were SUCH a model citizen, I'm sure.

Because you weren't perpetuating any sort of stereotype and he had no reason to assume you weren't some car thief, or some asshole with a chip on his shoulder.

Cops do have a stressful job, and they're not sure how you're going to react. But I'm sure they can guess based on dealing with people of similar skin color/type/race or whatever it may be.

(After all them pulling you over isn't already putting you in a bad mood.)

Regardless of how you feel it is a confrontation between Johnny Law and Mr. ideal Zilvian.

Instead of always being on the side of the victim, think about how the cop feels when he pulls you over, and why he might have some hostility towards you.

Does he know you're unarmed because you drive a BMW, Benz, or 240SX? Would it be safe to assume not?

All I'm saying is, if you guys are going to have an argument, before hottily replying to one another, take into account what they're really saying and why they might be saying it so that you can have a discussion rather than an argument.

08-09-2011, 03:01 PM
I haven't even started to argue!

I'm trying to get a situation across!

08-09-2011, 03:03 PM
Who better to see both sides than a 20 something half black half white male?


08-09-2011, 03:22 PM
Being mixed is a blessing!

My son is half black half chinese!

I cry and smile at the life he has to live!

08-09-2011, 03:59 PM
Im black american, dominican and venezuelan

but people assume Im black and white.

So I would say the three major "black" contributers in this thread probably have the most equal view of both sides.
And while I may not be able to completely put myself in a cops shoes. Im sure that they have already made assumptions about me in order to decide to pull me over. That is the inherent problem with this argument.

08-09-2011, 04:13 PM
I always wonder why they pull me over....

I look over like!


How can I help you officer...

08-09-2011, 05:21 PM
Being mixed is a blessing!

My son is half black half chinese!

I cry and smile at the life he has to live!

Yeah, so am I.

It's not a big deal.

When you start identifying more often than not the bullshit cops have to put up with from our "stereotypes" the more you start to identify with them.

You can't change how the cop's attitude when he enters the interaction you two are about to have, but you can change the way he thinks about you afterwards.

Think about that. Some people are way too reactionary.

08-09-2011, 05:24 PM
^The thread needed that to lighten up the mood...


08-09-2011, 05:31 PM
Yeah, so am I.

It's not a big deal.

When you start identifying more often than not the bullshit cops have to put up with from our "stereotypes" the more you start to identify with them.

You can't change how the cop's attitude when he enters the interaction you two are about to have, but you can change the way he thinks about you afterwards.

Think about that. Some people are way too reactionary.

I agree people are waaay to reactionary.

However we are talking more about cause than effect.

08-09-2011, 06:24 PM
The cause is one of those things he was talking about.

Something you cannot change.

It is something you must accept.

The only thing you have the ability to do is be an example for other people, and use that ability to try to influence others.

08-09-2011, 06:37 PM

Which all of the "black people' in this thread have said they try to do. Unfortunately that is hardly the sentiment of the masses. As you know.

08-11-2011, 09:32 AM
The cause is one of those things he was talking about.

Something you cannot change.

It is something you must accept.

The only thing you have the ability to do is be an example for other people, and use that ability to try to influence others.

I sincerely hope you are in a position to influence many.

08-11-2011, 09:52 AM
I sincerely hope you are in a position to influence many.

I have had enough positive African American role models in my life to know how to act, and seen enough negatively conceived African Americans to know how not to act.

Also, often I have been told that I'm not black at all, but that's because the generalization of the African American male is to speak incorrectly, be inconsiderate, and be perceived as someone of low intelligence.

I don't talk much to people I don't know.

But then again, I look Filipino to a lot of people that aren't racially aware.

08-11-2011, 10:05 AM
I have had enough positive African American role models in my life to know how to act, and seen enough negatively conceived African Americans to know how not to act.

Also, often I have been told that I'm not black at all, but that's because the generalization of the African American male is to speak incorrectly, be inconsiderate, and be perceived as someone of low intelligence.

I don't talk much to people I don't know.

But then again, I look Filipino to a lot of people that aren't racially aware.

One would think that would be the goal... Maintain a less conspicuous profile, blend, and reap all the rewards.

08-11-2011, 01:34 PM
of course its the goal.

There are just a ton of speed bumps and cops behind billboards on that road to the promised land.

08-30-2011, 02:02 PM
go live in japan

you deal with it every fucking day being american over there

haha yea your really right. when i lived there i remember all the racisms around when i was in elementary school and middle school. its kind of funny to me cuz they all thought im full jap but im not

09-08-2011, 10:24 PM
yea i thought he would be saying stuff more substantial than what he was saying. human trafficking, conspiracy blah blah blah. i think the cops just got sick of hearing his voice. then again we don't know the back story

09-08-2011, 10:58 PM
Owned? More like looked like some crackhead with his crazy ass hat. Seroiusly why the fuck are you praising him? He was rude as hell, and just maybe his son commited a crime? No backstory. He was talking about some stupid ass nonesense and being ignorant as shit, should of arrested his ass too.