View Full Version : WTB: Wheel Stud

11-07-2003, 03:27 PM
Need Stock wheel stud. I have a basemodel S14 and i broke a wheel stud. All i need is one. I really have no idea if i can just replace that one or if i need to replace the hub with studs already in it. If you have what i need....e-mail me: [email protected] or AIM: DJ Flyp. thanks

11-07-2003, 03:40 PM
this happened to me a couple months ago.

i do not recommend u drive but you can juss slowly.

you can get a stud at kragens or autozone palces like that. just go up to the parts area and ask for a 114.3 stud

then..go jack up ur car, take of the wheel. then take off ur brake caliper and rotor..the caliper is held on by like 3 bolts i think. two in the rear and one in front i think i cant rmemeber correctly..when u see it u will know

then hammber out the broke one..like right on it..it should pop out

dont forget ur hammering metal to metal so its gonna be loud

after it pops out..line up the new stud from behind..and hammer it in straight. its crampped back there so its gonna take a while.

beats paying money to have it done...ull have it done in like 45mins or less first time around

good luck

EDIT: oh yea..its gonna cost like a buck something for a stud :)

11-07-2003, 09:56 PM
dood, thats awesome. THanks a lot. Hopefully it works! Wait, let me rephrase that...Hopefully I can do it :)

11-07-2003, 11:39 PM
HA! and people say im never helpful..well at least the poeple on 240sxforums.com say so.

anyways..good luck with it. im sure u an do it

also..now that i told ya..do u still WTB a lug stud??? i can get ya one for i dunno...25 shipped :p

11-08-2003, 04:56 AM
if you have air tools it goes by much quicker too, rather that hammering it back in.

11-09-2003, 02:19 PM
ask for a 114.3 stud

Do not do this.

114.3 is distance between studs, not the length of it or thread etc.

Ask for a stud for your specific car.

If you still cant find one, I'll send you 4 or 5.