View Full Version : liquid propane power for hi-way driving

10-25-2003, 03:14 PM

Kind of a cool write up. I realize it's not a Nissan, but I wonder if this company who created this kit has one for the 180sx in England. Anyways for you all "non Brit readers", in this article "petrol" refers to gasoline and "gas", in this case, refers to liquid propane (LPG). This would be a great idea for saving money on fuel prices, espeically if you are a major commuter. Keep in mind this isn't meant to add power like NOS, a switch is flipped and the car switches from gasoline to the LPG.

What do you board techys think??


10-25-2003, 11:19 PM
lots of guys my brother knows use propane on their mudding trucks, and some of them have diesel with "propane injection" but I don't know if thats the same.
Anyway they use propane on their cars cause it can operate upside down, unlike gasoline, which stalls.

Oh yeah, and in ukraine, a LOT of people have switched systems just like the one on that page, and they can switch between them. And they keep their natural gas or propane tanks in the trunk.
Its bigger in europe, I guess cause gas prices (benzyne in ukraine) are so fucking high.