View Full Version : Has anyone here had a speeding Ticket dismissed in california?

06-03-2011, 01:56 PM
If you have had your speeding or moving violation ticket dismissed, how long does it take to receive your refund check for the money you put up in before the trial date?
i have been checking my mailbox every day since it was dismissed on april 8th, and still nothing, I am really waiting for that $400 because i have no money.

I even went to as afar as contacting the check signer person in los angeles know as the controller and he let me know that the only way to look up to see if a check was sent was to look it up with the Check number, and well that is retarded, because they have no idea who they sent checks to....

if i knew the check number, i would have the check....

where is my money?

06-03-2011, 03:09 PM
i got a cell phone ticket dismissed and it took over 4 months.. Average's supposed to be around 2 months but supposedly they were backed up..

Call the courthouse and ask to speak to a clerk.

06-03-2011, 11:41 PM
i got a speedign ticket dismissed, had to pay for it first but after the judge drop the charge since the COP didnt show up i got my money back 3 months later.

06-05-2011, 04:26 PM
good luck bro. The wonderful establishments known as public offices. You get fat lazy ass retards working the front desks and answering phones. The computer systems are so outdated and still use dot matrix printers. Ghetto. The budget woes and shit. I liked it when I worked at google for about 6 months. Everyone makes sense at google. When I go to city government offices in San Francisco, I scratch my head when I leave.

Hunting for a check number...is one of those less than desirable situations.

06-05-2011, 06:13 PM
took mine 5 days. i think it depends on how busy the court is. it'll probably be pretty long since you're in l.a.

06-06-2011, 02:43 AM
i had a ticket dismissed and after the decision it only took 1-2 weeks to get my refund.

06-06-2011, 05:53 AM
I didn't pay, I extended the trial, made a court appointment, showed up, cop flaked, I win, FUCK THE SYSTEM!

06-06-2011, 08:51 AM
Mine took a couple months.. was specifically a speeding ticket.