View Full Version : [.mp3] How do I make a 5+ hr CD?

10-20-2003, 08:13 PM
I am looking to start my .mp3 revolution but I am not quite sure how it works. I can obviously burn a standard CD but when riping to WMA how do I convert to .mp3

1. How do I go about making a .mp3 cd.
2. What player do I use (WMA, Nero, etc.)
3. Which type of CD should I use (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW)

I want ot join the 21 century and I need help here people!

FYI- I riped all my music with WMP am I screwed

10-20-2003, 08:37 PM
MP3 cds are the best ever!

For me its super simple, I use CD-RWs so I can alter the cd if I get sick of a song or two.

Step 1. get a mac;)
It will already have iTunes on it, iTunes is by far the best audio program in so far as compatibility and ease of use, its features are also second to none, unless you want thousands of skins, then just stick with winamp.

Step2. make a playlist

Step3. go to preferences, click on burning, then switch from audio cd to mp3 cd, click ok.

Step4. insert blank cd and click "burn cd"

thats it, you will have a mp3 cd in minutes.

The only words of caution I have is that most MP3 headunits I have seen only display older ID3 tags V1.1 or earlier.

:aw: Windows users rejoice! iTunes is now available for you. http://www.apple.com/itunes/ :aw:

Seriously though, past my OS bias, iTunes is great software, I would recommend it to anyone. You can create smart playlists, listen to other people's playlists on your network without downloading any songs, and it even organizes all of your songs as you add them to your playlist(this was a lifesaver for me when I was trying to consolidate all my music.)

10-21-2003, 03:02 AM
I have a burner, using Nero software. All my music is already an mp3. WMA is the suck. Google a convertor to convert your current tracks if you must.

Then, launch nero. drag tracks you want to burn to a "data" CD. Thats it.

Mp3 cd is just a data CD with MP3s on it.

Hell I even have CDs with pictures and stuff, and MP3s which I play in my car. No problems having different data on a mp3 cd.

10-21-2003, 07:33 AM
your pretty screwed if youve gotten them ripped as WMAs. I havent played with software all that much since I really dont have to convert um.... my CD player plays both formats so whatever they get ripped at is what they get burned at. makes life easy on me. I dunno if any of the burn programs offer that feature... find one that does convert throw a blank CD in and open it like another hard drive drag and drop the files click burn as a data disk and your set. I just reripped a bunch of stuff when I burned one for phil since all my stuff was WMA and his CD player only played MP3s then I gave him hell about his cheap ass CD player

10-21-2003, 08:48 AM
Nero....its very simple to use

10-21-2003, 11:09 AM
I just burned a couple of CDs using Nero and it really was easy. Now for the hard part...figuring out what to do with all my WMA music. It won't let me just make a Data CD.
I click on the drop down box and choose Data CD and then hit "copy" and it doesn't do sh1t. This pisses me off. Now I have to convert everything over

10-21-2003, 11:16 AM
read the nero instructions. (not to sound like a smart ass :) ) but make SURE there is no way to convert them. which version of windows are you running?

10-21-2003, 11:21 AM
I am running XP. I don't have the instructions since the software came with my burner.

I have tried using nero's option of burning a WMA CD but everytime I try to drag a song over it says "No Compatable File Found" I am lost and I have ripped about 85 CDs with WMA that I can't burn to CD (in WMA format anyway)

the head
10-21-2003, 11:39 AM
music match audio has burner, player, and song organizer also the option to burn discs in MP3 or standard cd it is available at www.musicmatch.com as free download with available upgrade

10-21-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by nrcooled
I am running XP. I don't have the instructions since the software came with my burner.

I have tried using nero's option of burning a WMA CD but everytime I try to drag a song over it says "No Compatable File Found" I am lost and I have ripped about 85 CDs with WMA that I can't burn to CD (in WMA format anyway)

alright. on XP just pop in a blank disk. a dialog box should open asking what you want to do with the disk. one of the options should be to open it like it was a blank 3.5 disk. then open your music folder and drag and drop your mp3s into the CD window. once its full on the top left of the CD window should be an option to "copy these files to disk" click it and another window will ask you how you want to burn them as an audio disk or a data disk. select data and continue. it'll ask you to name it and then it should burn. (AFAIK it uses a plug in with Nero to do this.)

now this still dosent solve your WMA to MP3 problem... and unfortunately I have no clue how to do it. I just reripped the stuff I did for phlip. :(

Got Sileighty?
10-21-2003, 01:51 PM
wait a minute...are u guys saying that .wma files cant be burned onto a data cd?? hence, they cant be played on an mp3 player?? is that right??

if it is, then WHEW!...thats exactly the reason i havent upgraded to WMP 9. i heard WMP 9 only rips CDs to .wma format.

can anyone confirm all of what i just said for me? thanks

Bill Roberts
10-21-2003, 04:07 PM
Well well.

Lets say this...I got a bundled version of Nero with my latest burner and their was no serial number with it...so when I went to the nero site to ugrade to 6.0 it asked for a serial number. Screw nero.

I went ahead and bought a nifty little program called burn quick. It has a 14 day trial as well.

Go to www.cnet.com and look for downloads and search for burn quick 3.5

It workes perfect. Burn your MP3's as a data file and then you have an mp3 CD.

Now, lets suppose all your tunes are .wma which is windows nasty little compression scheme which I do not like. All you got to do is go to www.dbpoweramp.com and convert those puppies to MP3. It will do it.

IF you want to convert .wma to .wav, just go to www.syntrillium.com and go get cool edit. Set cool edit to record while playing the .wma files. Save as .wav DBpoweramp can change .wav to .mp3 as well.

They are tying to make it hard. I liked nero but for some stupid reason, they want 100 bucks now...and the old nero burns coasters (bad cd's) so fuck nero.

It is involved but with these programs, you can do just about anything you need.

10-22-2003, 03:55 AM
Your advice did work...but after I got it burned I realized that my headunit doesn't play WMA:bash: :cry:

So I will be getting a conversion tool.:duh:

10-22-2003, 07:44 AM
hehe well you can mail me that disk then :) glad it worked. check out those links Bill R put up. converting from one format to the other is a PITA. Im so glad my head unit dosent care :D I'll have to remember that site to convert wmas to mp3 for when Phlip gets on the road again.

10-22-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Rennen
MP3 cds are the best ever!

For me its super simple, I use CD-RWs so I can alter the cd if I get sick of a song or two.

Step 1. get a mac;)
It will already have iTunes on it, iTunes is by far the best audio program in so far as compatibility and ease of use, its features are also second to none, unless you want thousands of skins, then just stick with winamp.

Step2. make a playlist

Step3. go to preferences, click on burning, then switch from audio cd to mp3 cd, click ok.

Step4. insert blank cd and click "burn cd"

thats it, you will have a mp3 cd in minutes.

The only words of caution I have is that most MP3 headunits I have seen only display older ID3 tags V1.1 or earlier.

:aw: Windows users rejoice! iTunes is now available for you. http://www.apple.com/itunes/ :aw:

Seriously though, past my OS bias, iTunes is great software, I would recommend it to anyone. You can create smart playlists, listen to other people's playlists on your network without downloading any songs, and it even organizes all of your songs as you add them to your playlist(this was a lifesaver for me when I was trying to consolidate all my music.)

Bwaaa hahahahaha!
Oh dammit where is my "welcome to last week" pic when I need it?!
Seriously man, iTunes is Apples answer to what winamp, sonique, and yes even Windows Media Player have been doing for years now...
Step 1, but a mac?! OMG. The bias you speak of goes both ways... just cuz you've no idea what's available for PC doesn't mean that your favorite mac software is the end all/be all of the category.

My god.

That's like saying your 240 is the greatest car in history because you've never driven anything else... oh wait... my 240 IS the greatest car in history! I guess I'm self-dilluded too! :D

PS. if you took any of this seriously, you need to stay with the kiddies at the shallow end of the pool :P
and let me end by including this:
oh, and my reasoning isn't TOTALLY unfounded, I'm an IS manager for both PC's AND Macs :P

10-22-2003, 07:23 PM
You are so incredibly right!

What I should do is get XP(which I have obviously NEVER used) That way I can have WMP9 try to shaft all my music into its own format so I cant use it in anything! Great idea, I am on my way to pick up a PC now.

Feel free to show me a program that can create a custom playlist by play count, or by user rating, or by last date played(Do you have any idea how useful this is when you have well over 20 gigs of music?). Oh, and this marvelous windows program must also be able to burn a cd with two clicks of the mouse, and import with one click. While you are at it the program must also be able to organize my songs into folders based on their ID3 tags. Till then...

Oh wait, nevermind. you posted a link to a movie mocking an incredibly successful and often imitated(seen any cingular commercials lately?) ad campaign. I guess I was wrong afterall, because that guy claims his computer crashes often. OSX has NEVER crashed on me. This is the most stable and secure OS I have ever used. I have used many windows based OS's before, most of the time on crap school computers, but other times on my roomates' computer, which is far nicer than most. I must say that in my OPINION Mac OSX is easier to use. But then again, I am obviously not allowed to voice my opinion or recommend software to anyone. :confused:

Thank god you aren't anyone I know's IS manager.;)


10-22-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Rennen
You are so incredibly right!

What I should do is get XP(which I have obviously NEVER used) That way I can have WMP9 try to shaft all my music into its own format so I cant use it in anything! Great idea, I am on my way to pick up a PC now.

Feel free to show me a program that can create a custom playlist by play count, or by user rating, or by last date played(Do you have any idea how useful this is when you have well over 20 gigs of music?). Oh, and this marvelous windows program must also be able to burn a cd with two clicks of the mouse, and import with one click. While you are at it the program must also be able to organize my songs into folders based on their ID3 tags. Till then...

Oh wait, nevermind. you posted a link to a movie mocking an incredibly successful and often imitated(seen any cingular commercials lately?) ad campaign. I guess I was wrong afterall, because that guy claims his computer crashes often. OSX has NEVER crashed on me. This is the most stable and secure OS I have ever used. I have used many windows based OS's before, most of the time on crap school computers, but other times on my roomates' computer, which is far nicer than most. I must say that in my OPINION Mac OSX is easier to use. But then again, I am obviously not allowed to voice my opinion or recommend software to anyone. :confused:

Thank god you aren't anyone I know's IS manager.;)


HAHAHAA~ wow man, VENT ON! :P
couldn't u tell my post was pretty much just to f*ck with you? sheesh... It thought the part where I said "don't take any of what I said seriously" was a dead giveaway...hehee trolling mac users is far too easy I guess, the suckers just JUMP right into the boat! hahaha
Chill man, if you want my REAL opinion, I DO think that iTunes is great, in fact its better than media player and the rest BECAUSE of the monololistic nature of Apple, there's too little 3rd party support for mac NOT to make decent products! if they didn't, they'd be gone by now, and even PC mongers have to agree that Apple is hanging in there. Anyways, so there u go, a PC guy giving props to Mac, hahaha (might have something to do with the fact that I have one of each on my desk).
Seriously tho, try not to be so fast on the trigger there quickdraw ;)

10-22-2003, 09:11 PM
damn sarcasm on the internet:D !!!!!!!!!

I was already mad before I got the the just joking part, guess my mind skipped over it.

*swallows pride and slowly backs away*
