View Full Version : NA KA24de failed smog. PLEASE HELP!

05-18-2011, 01:05 PM
Whats up guys? I just took my coupe in for a smog check and I failed. Apparently my timing was retarded to 8 BTDC. Spec is 20 BTDC So I'm hoping this is why I failed HC PPM. If timing doesnt help it's gotta be my cat. I also failed the evap test. There's a evap leak somewhere. Im at a loss when it comes to the Evap system so maybe you guys can throw some pointers my way. Thanks guys!


05-18-2011, 05:04 PM
Wait a few years until it becomes a classic and then you won't need to worry about all that bull. haha. just kidding.

They are old cars, keeping up with them to make sure they perform properly can be a headache.

05-25-2011, 03:43 AM
fix your timing and go from there, if you had hid HCs that could be do to retarded timing. and also cats dont fail for mo reason, so if your cat is fouled, there are other problems there. dont just replace it and call it a day because you will quickly ruin the new one. as for the evap system, run a google search and it should help give you an idea of where to start.