View Full Version : a quick bn sports measurement please?

05-14-2011, 01:25 AM
i'm just about done my winter build on my car, and was planning to buy a bn type II kit in the near future. i was wondering if anybody on here who has one, could measure the distance from the bottom of the door line, to the bottom of the skirt?

i'm asking this because i'm pretty sure with the height on my car right now, that it will actually touch the ground when installed. i'd like to save myself some time, and alignment costs by getting the car set at the right height and whatnot so when i get it i don't have to get a new alignment haha. thanks much.

05-14-2011, 02:14 AM
Unless you're tucking wheels by a lot, I don't think you'll touch the ground.

The sideskirt looks like it's the same height as the distance from the door/rocker panel gap to the indented line on the door.

05-17-2011, 02:02 AM
i think i would be tucking rim in the back if my fenders weren't pulled so much, causing the rear lip to raise a bit. i don't want much clearance, just enough to save shit from breaking daily with the shitty roads around here.

here's a picture that may help decide whether i need to go up a bit or not:


05-17-2011, 02:48 AM
:hide:good post