View Full Version : MOTO-IQ article on redrilled Injectors - Buyer Beware!

05-10-2011, 03:56 PM

Article Link:Tuners: Test Your Injectors! (http://www.motoiq.com/magazine_articles/articletype/articleview/articleid/1929/tuners-test-your-injectors.aspx)

Interesting article exposing some of the horror stories in the redrilled injector world. As with anything, proper injector testing and flow rating is extremely important. Even with new OEM off the shelf ones, flow testing is the only way to really know if they are as they should be.

I for one have never been a fan of redrilled injector cars, as 90% of them have issues (some small, some larger)...that 10% of 'success' stories isn't enough to convince me EVER to buy them.

Just remember, Fuel is important. If there is any particular area to never skimp, it's your engine's food.

05-10-2011, 06:06 PM
Wow those are some shitty redrills.

for that one injector I wonder who they are talking about? I think I have an Idea Though.
"This is a very well known brand of modded injectors, popular in the Nissan and EVO tuning world"

But yeah I'll never buy redrilled injectors i dont care what their flow test say.

05-10-2011, 06:12 PM
damn thats ugly looking...