View Full Version : Mineral Wells Airport, TX drift event on 5/28/2011

04-28-2011, 04:45 PM
Here is a link to the home of this thread. Mineral Wells Airport, TX drift event on 5/28/2011 (http://www.fabricatedmotorsports.com/forum/index.php?topic=2506.0)


Mineral Wells Airport, TX drift event on 5/28/2011

Pretty standard stuff by now. *We will be hosting a drift event on this date at the Mineral Wells Airport. *Google map it and click satellite view if you don't know where it is, you will see a huge parking lot with our tire marks on it. *You can also just drive towards the huge water tower once you get there, we are almost right under it. *

Drivers meeting is at 9:45, drivers should get there at 9 am. *Spectators can get there whenever they want, but generally a little closer to 11 am. *

$50 to drive all day. *This includes instruction if you would like it from someone who has multiple professional racing licenses, for both drifting and road racing. *Take advantage of this and learn something! *It saves so much time and money, it isn't even fair that we have instructors in this day and age! *When I was learning, it took us a year to learn what new people can learn in the first hour at an event!

$5 to spectate. *Kids under 12 are free.

This is just a fun practice event, so come out and play with us. *If you are a spectator, you are very welcome to ride along in the drivers cars, just bring a helmet and smile : )

05-29-2011, 10:35 AM
It was a fun day out at Mineral Wells yesterday. *I just got back from hiking the Incan trail less than 24 hours before the event, and a drift event is always a little cherry on top of something fun!

Gallery of the event

Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.217888188235468.61561.100000428645888)

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