View Full Version : Jpy Yen

04-18-2011, 11:17 AM
just as a heads up, if your going to buy anything now in japan do get ready for some price shocks and a very bumpy road with the YEN. Do ask before with the people your buying your parts from to guarantee your exchange rate, if not you could be in for a very big surprise.


04-18-2011, 04:23 PM
Hmm, this is not an unexpected surprise.

What do you expect the rates to reach?

04-18-2011, 05:36 PM
care to elaborate on the upcoming shift?

imotion s14
04-18-2011, 06:09 PM
Simple. The monetary policy of the United States is insanity.

04-18-2011, 11:12 PM
what he said ^^^^.

just put things in writing when buying.

04-18-2011, 11:12 PM
Hmm, this is not an unexpected surprise.

What do you expect the rates to reach?

$1=55yen. :axe:

04-19-2011, 03:09 AM

I bet against, I do think it can get bad, but thats insane. I was excited when it hit 85 the other day.

I pray your wrong!

04-19-2011, 09:58 AM

I bet against, I do think it can get bad, but thats insane. I was excited when it hit 85 the other day.

I pray your wrong!

once it hits 84 thats the open market rate that is not the price your paying unless you own a bank. its going to be sliding backwards, the cluster f of the meltdown isnt over its been rolled over to other countries.

04-19-2011, 01:34 PM
Last time I purchased an item it was about 1$=88Y.. It's been continuously heading downwards.

This is not good

04-20-2011, 01:26 AM
yen rate sucks and there i nothing we can do about it! Obama aint helping either!
Only good thing about Bush was yen rate was better!! LOL

04-20-2011, 08:22 AM
You cant really blame Obama...Shit thats going on with the economy was brought on by Bush Era policies.

Anyways, its been bouncing between 80-84 the last couple of weeks. I had a fucking boner when it hit 84.30 offbase while it was 83 on base. I pulled a couple grand and changed that shit quick. 2 days later and it was back down to 81.

I cant wait to get the hell outta here...if shit goes down the shitter, I would hate to be here for it. Then again, the extra $1k is nice...

04-20-2011, 08:36 AM
Damn and I was about to order some parts as well! I should get on that sooner then later...

yen rate sucks and there i nothing we can do about it! Obama aint helping either!
Only good thing about Bush was yen rate was better!! LOL

Obama took on a rather crappy economy from the get go...

04-20-2011, 10:04 AM
Last time I purchased an item it was about 1$=88Y.. It's been continuously heading downwards.

This is not good
must have been a long time ago last time seen it there was think like way last year I paid that rate after the bank fees. Always people quote the rates seen on line when its really open market price with out the bank taking fees, get a ghetto bank and your paying 10-15 points less but if its a good commercial bank with a high clientel of customers from different parts of Asia then 1-3% off the open market rate. Yup Japan holds a fair ammount of our debt so, im hoping for the best but with this debt ceiling coming into play and japan getting choked right now, i'd tell everyone be very cautions but continue on. :squint:

yen rate sucks and there i nothing we can do about it! Obama aint helping either!
Only good thing about Bush was yen rate was better!! LOL

I do remember one thing when Bush was in office at the end of his term, remember when fuel prices plumited when there was a flood of fuel on the market and prices got really cheap ? remember paying $1.64 a gallon up in the Sierra's and took an awesome joy ride.

I put on that z about 3k on hitting all of the back roads.

As for Obamanomic's sadly, hes got a really nasty fight on his hands and just really approached things in the wrong way, meaning you have to go at it a little differently when dealing with politics, sure he wanted to deliver on promises but un-forseen problems etc, won't get into this here.

really what needed to happen is get everyone back to work and approach healthcare in a totally different manner + also raise import tarriffs etc, fast track oil/shale programs across the usa / allow drilling in the gluf with out the cluster fuck of paperwork and costs involved, revise how the process is thought out and create a special task force in the military how to deal with oil spills and deep water etc, that is called getting people back to work and new job training.

Phontom economics does not work nor taking a Hawaii vacations while people are loosing their homes, as many people voted for him they see their hero going on a vacation while going to hawaii and next, people are saying (WTF :squint:) they are loosing their home beacause of preditory lenders ? :rant2:

Obamanomic's would have been a 2 term administration,

if and very simply people who were screwed by A,R,M Mortgage's loans and credit cars were put back into their home, I mean how great that would have been, + also make the banks re-adjust the loan amounts to be paid off + take the commissions back from all of the realtors/loan brokers, and have counties and states lower property taxes etc so people can get back to work.

the credit card reform is a joke, simply put what needed to happen so the usa does not find it self in this spot again, you want a credit card - ok you have to front a cash deposit and also credit cards need to allow some sort of insurance program that lets people write off their credit card amount owed and not have that sort of debt Nationalized to the public.

You cant really blame Obama...Shit thats going on with the economy was brought on by Bush Era policies.
Lets agree to disagree with this one but when it comes down to it things are horridly messed up. Look at the one Skyline R33 that was a stripped roller frame was repoed by ICE, but wait, there are over 1+m illegals in the usa/exploiting/medical and whole bunch of other things out there as well.

Anyways, its been bouncing between 80-84 the last couple of weeks. I had a fucking boner when it hit 84.30 offbase while it was 83 on base. I pulled a couple grand and changed that shit quick. 2 days later and it was back down to 81. :).

I cant wait to get the hell outta here...if shit goes down the shitter, I would hate to be here for it. Then again, the extra $1k is nice...
got smart made some $ :).

Damn and I was about to order some parts as well! I should get on that sooner then later...
Obama took on a rather crappy economy from the get go...

just make sure you get stuff in writing and becareful now, instead of greddy parts in japan, sadly there are a lot of freddy knock off parts.

04-20-2011, 02:41 PM
It was a Joke hence the "LOL"

04-20-2011, 04:17 PM
Racer98, it was last month. I could have been wrong though, I used an app on my phone and it said something like $1=87.7855

And that picture of the Z looks like it could be in a brochure lol

04-20-2011, 04:19 PM
It was a Joke hence the "LOL"

Racer98, it was last month. I could have been wrong though, I used an app on my phone and it said something like $1=87.7855 or something.

And that picture of the Z looks like it could be in a brochure lol

never seen that rate, yup i'd like to be back there and checking out the roads, I was escorted out by an unmarked LEO truck for the Yosemite valley. I got there as soon the gates opened up talk about epic roads.

04-20-2011, 04:49 PM
never seen that rate, yup i'd like to be back there and checking out the roads, I was escorted out by an unmarked LEO truck for the Yosemite valley. I got there as soon the gates opened up talk about epic roads.

Well, that's iPhone applications for you I guess :rolleyes:

04-21-2011, 08:13 PM
just make sure you get stuff in writing and becareful now, instead of greddy parts in japan, sadly there are a lot of freddy knock off parts.

For sure, thanks for the heads up.

04-21-2011, 08:22 PM
wish i still did forex

i woulda shorted the hell out of USD and got out quick!

04-22-2011, 10:14 PM
Still waiting, if it hits that bad things will have to change.....my paycheck included!

04-22-2011, 10:39 PM
1 oz gold = $1500
That's where my money is going. ;)

04-23-2011, 01:09 AM
1 oz gold = $1500
That's where my money is going. ;)

I did that back when it was around $750 to 1 oz, but my best bet was AMD, their stock went way down in the $2 range so dropped some serious coin into, and so far I am very happy I did!!

04-24-2011, 12:15 AM
1 oz gold = $1500
That's where my money is going. ;)
thats :bite::bite::bite:

I did that back when it was around $750 to 1 oz, but my best bet was AMD, their stock went way down in the $2 range so dropped some serious coin into, and so far I am very happy I did!!

NSANY bought before renalut took over ($3 per) now its ok.

04-24-2011, 06:20 PM
1 oz gold = $1500
That's where my money is going. ;)

A buddy of mine talked me into doing the same thing, only with Silver. I am very happy he did. We both (he invested much more aggressively than I did, to my regret) bought a few thousand dollars worth last July. When I looked today, its doing very well.

04-24-2011, 06:26 PM
82.305=1 as of now

04-24-2011, 07:10 PM
82.305=1 as of now

This is where it was in 2002 when I started importing parts.
Lets just say anything lower is... well (see: monetary policy of the United States in post #4)!!!


04-24-2011, 10:47 PM
Shit I remember yen rates of like 120something=1

Hopefully I can still pick up some parts when I go home for the summer.

04-25-2011, 12:37 AM
120 to 1 was amazing, everything was dirt cheap


04-26-2011, 01:45 PM
i remember it was 135 to 1!!!!

04-26-2011, 06:14 PM
i remember it was 135 to 1!!!!

Same here I remember at one point it hit 150 to 1 for a few days.....That was how I acquired my HKS 2835pro back then LOL

04-26-2011, 07:02 PM
holy shit!

04-27-2011, 02:08 AM
Same here I remember at one point it hit 150 to 1 for a few days.....That was how I acquired my HKS 2835pro back then LOL

When the fuck was that?
I wish I was older the time I lived in Japan(well I guess I technically still live there since thats where I go when class is out).

I woulda bought cool stuff instead of candy and crap.

imotion s14
04-27-2011, 03:50 PM
You cant really blame Obama...Shit thats going on with the economy was brought on by Bush Era policies.

We're here because we as a nation refuse to deal with the consequences of our debts. Instead we keep trying to kick the debt-can down the street while promising to take care of it later.

Like a fat man promising to go on a diet, but first he's going to put a Chinese buffet out of business.

05-01-2011, 10:41 AM
I love how people blame presidents for the problems we face, they are merely puppets that hardly have any real control. The battle of "good" president v "bad" president is all just a mind game. Take the blindfold off.

05-01-2011, 05:17 PM
I bet if you got some some guns on the wall street asses and major investors who control the damn market then things would change!!!

05-01-2011, 10:22 PM
I bet if you got some some guns on the wall street asses and major investors who control the damn market then things would change!!!

it's deeper then that, its a full blown currency war and before pointing blame i'd like to see who are the ones holding options and futures contracts with currency, light sweet crude and also gasoline supply contracts.

those halper munkys in those blue jackets on the floor of the NYSE AND NASDAQ are just that halper munkys, nothing more.

One really needs to just need to look at the details of the orgin.

housing market is crap / stocks are crap / want to make your customers happy corner the market on something that everyone uses and pfffffit yet screwing everyone in the process and cash out take profits and :hide:


05-02-2011, 01:57 AM
It's all a conspiracy, call me nuts but do your research, I used to go crazy about this stuff, but the rabbit hole goes so deep it can take up your life so I stopped. I just wish people would see.

05-02-2011, 05:57 AM
it's deeper then that, its a full blown currency war and before pointing blame i'd like to see who are the ones holding options and futures contracts with currency, light sweet crude and also gasoline supply contracts.

those halper munkys in those blue jackets on the floor of the NYSE AND NASDAQ are just that halper munkys, nothing more.

One really needs to just need to look at the details of the orgin.

housing market is crap / stocks are crap / want to make your customers happy corner the market on something that everyone uses and pfffffit yet screwing everyone in the process and cash out take profits and :hide:


Need some Chinese Currency circulated on the markets and not kept locked down......Then the Japanese low ass interest rates.....I wish America had these low ass interest rates

05-02-2011, 08:42 AM
It's all a conspiracy,
No its not, just simple business strategy abuse.

if you use the "C" word time to live in the mtn's wear a tinfoil hat and never shave again.

call me nuts but do your research, I used to go crazy about this stuff, but the rabbit hole goes so deep it can take up your life so I stopped. I just wish people would see.

just stop watching the news and your paranoia will stop :)

05-02-2011, 12:29 PM
just stop watching the news and your paranoia will stop :)

Precisely what I've done. Ignorance feels better, even if it may be irresponsible.

imotion s14
06-08-2011, 03:41 PM
79 JPY =1 USD today.

06-09-2011, 09:17 AM
honestly, if any of you want to see the economic forecast where the USA economy is going just watch the exchange rate where its going.

gee awesome more phantom economics.............................

06-11-2011, 01:34 AM
Yen rate is 78 today.......How far down is it going?

imotion s14
06-12-2011, 01:07 PM
I dunno, QE2 is suppose to end this month. How long before QE3 starts?

06-12-2011, 06:34 PM
79 JPY =1 USD today.

Yen rate is 78 today.......How far down is it going?

that is the open market rate with out the bank charging a fee -

good bank might be 2 points off that price

shitty bank will be 7-10points off that

credit cards will charge 15-20 off the market price.

imotion s14
06-13-2011, 01:27 AM
I'm not exchanging currency, just looking at currency trends.

07-09-2011, 10:11 AM
that is the open market rate with out the bank charging a fee -

good bank might be 2 points off that price

shitty bank will be 7-10points off that

credit cards will charge 15-20 off the market price.

In that case, using my CC is the stupidest way to pay for stuff. I used to use the CC when the USD > JPY. Back in the summer of 2006 I remember the rate was 128JPY = 1USD. :(

07-15-2011, 10:11 AM
Today $1=76Yen = fack

07-15-2011, 11:23 AM
Ouch...77yen on DoD Community Bank. The shitty part is, COLA and housing wont bump up for a while. Those mil folks paying rent, gets raped when the rate changes a couple of points in one sitting. It was just 79 a couple of days ago.

07-15-2011, 02:33 PM
79 a couple of days ago.

yup and OTC rates are even wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy worse if your going to use a crappy bank and or pay with check cards or credit cards.

07-15-2011, 08:25 PM
Lowest so far is 75 when the economy tanked...if it gets lower than that, I'd be really happy to be out of Japan.

07-16-2011, 12:25 PM
This is the worst! I've been holding off on buying stuff for the longest time because of these rates and they're not going to get any better anytime soon :(

07-21-2011, 10:17 AM
today standard OTC rate -




07-21-2011, 10:46 AM
Fuck man this sucks Im heading over there to Oki next month to visit the inlaws :/

Hope Ill have enough money for car parts lol

07-21-2011, 11:13 AM
Fuck man this sucks Im heading over there to Oki next month to visit the inlaws :/

Hope Ill have enough money for car parts lol

um, if the going rate for a Big mac in japan is about now $12usd so any chance of low prices are slim. I dont even want to know how much a Coke costs there now.

its really just bad.

and default means worse.

07-23-2011, 08:01 AM
um, if the going rate for a Big mac in japan is about now $12usd so any chance of low prices are slim. I dont even want to know how much a Coke costs there now.

its really just bad.

and default means worse.

Coke...shit they're starting to phase out the 110-130y Big Cans for the normal size ones. I remember I used to walk up to a vending machine looking for them and finding the small ones for the same price. Sometimes they'd have the big cans in the same machine for 150y. Sometimes they dont, so I just look for another vending machine.

I got hooked on coke and family mart soft boiled eggs...that would probably explain my high cholesterol before I left. :Ownedd:

07-23-2011, 08:14 AM
Coke...shit they're starting to phase out the 110-130y Big Cans for the normal size ones. I remember I used to walk up to a vending machine looking for them and finding the small ones for the same price. Sometimes they'd have the big cans in the same machine for 150y. Sometimes they dont, so I just look for another vending machine.

I got hooked on coke and family mart soft boiled eggs...that would probably explain my high cholesterol before I left. :Ownedd:

You on Langley yet? You should've came out to the Z/G meet, brother. It didn't matter what you were driving.

...Ironically, you're coming here and I'm going back to JP.

08-22-2011, 08:52 PM
today standard OTC rate -




$1=72 yen

thanks again - polish up those speaker stands you're doing a bang up jerb.

08-22-2011, 09:03 PM
72 yen? holy shit. right now im actually glad im not stationed there anymore.

08-22-2011, 10:08 PM
72 yen? holy shit. right now im actually glad im not stationed there anymore.

after banks rip you off , id hate to see what credit cards are doing with exchange rates.

08-22-2011, 10:58 PM
oh man, i didnt even take into account the CC exchange rates. it's gotta be something terrible. are you actually in Roppongi right now? If so, how is it out there right now? It's been over a year since i was last in Tokyo.

08-23-2011, 08:45 AM
oh man, i didnt even take into account the CC exchange rates. it's gotta be something terrible. are you actually in Roppongi right now? If so, how is it out there right now? It's been over a year since i was last in Tokyo.

I think a lot of the people who were there left and have no means of coming back.

08-23-2011, 09:02 AM
I'm actually able to afford a nice trip out to Japan and then this exchange rate BS happens...wtf.

08-23-2011, 09:10 AM
I'm actually able to afford a nice trip out to Japan and then this exchange rate BS happens...wtf.

if you can go do it, it might be expensive but just have to bargan hunt to eat while your there - there are some pacakges now for $1500 hotel and air. still though $1=72 yen when you get hit with the bank tax.

08-23-2011, 09:11 AM
Yeah, with the yen rate the way it is right now, i dont think we'll be going back to visit my wife's family anytime soon.

08-23-2011, 09:14 AM
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuu

that is all I have to say now on this exchange rate -

the BOJ stance is - well the boat is taking on water but were not sinking.

08-23-2011, 09:15 AM
Yeah, with the yen rate the way it is right now, i dont think we'll be going back to visit my wife's family anytime soon.

Just talked with the Forex people at a bank - this will be like this for a very very long time and there is a push for it to go below 70 and thinking what was said a couple months back $1=55 might be the tipping point.

08-23-2011, 09:25 AM

if it hits 55 im going to move back to japan, have my wife sponsor me, and just live there for the rest of my life.

08-23-2011, 09:33 AM
holy shit.
i am so glad i did not get stationed in japan now like i thought i was.

08-23-2011, 09:43 AM
Yeah, my friends that are there right now and living off base are saying that times are hard.

08-23-2011, 09:50 AM
if you can go do it, it might be expensive but just have to bargan hunt to eat while your there - there are some pacakges now for $1500 hotel and air. still though $1=72 yen when you get hit with the bank tax.

Where are you finding that? I think my flights are more expensive being on the east coast. I've been searching kayak.com for a flight out of either BDL, JFK, or EWR and only come up with ~$1273 for a flight (that's under 15 hours each way).

I was probably just going to try staying in a hostel, which WAS going to be cheap at the time I was looking haha

Overall I was expecting a 2 week trip to be about $2,500. (between flight & travel, stay, food, and misc expenses/souvenirs)

I haven't seen it hit below 75 yet though in a few places I looked.

08-23-2011, 09:54 AM
Even with the Yen rate.. Ill take Japan over the Stateside Bs

Drifting....... 80 dollars for a track day 7 days a week...

Just don't waste money on buying girls drinks in other stupid shit.

E now that im in D1SL and doing the events... I have for the first time in my life hit the check to check phase with the yen rate.. To me its doable because im single and making progress. Next season I should have my D1SL-B license for sure. With contracting work coming my way ill be making much better money as well....

08-23-2011, 10:06 AM
E now that im in D1SL and doing the events... I have for the first time in my life hit the check to check phase with the yen rate.. To me its doable because im single and making progress. Next season I should have my D1SL-B license for sure. With contracting work coming my way ill be making much better money as well....

yeah, if i was still there right now, there is no way in hell id be able to afford to compete in D1SL.

luckily here in Vegas now that we have U-Drift, we can go to the track any day of the week and skid all night for $50. most places in the states dont have shit like this though.

08-23-2011, 10:07 AM
if i had been stationed in japan i would be getting married to my girl, and i do not like on base housing.
off base housing rent would be fucking brutal.

maybe if you 0 responsibilities and all you care about are track days, sure.

08-23-2011, 10:13 AM
Even with the Yen rate.. Ill take Japan over the Stateside Bs

Drifting....... 80 dollars for a track day 7 days a week...

Just don't waste money on buying girls drinks in other stupid shit.

Heh I see your point but don't exactly think I'll be shipping my 240 over there to drift for a week. If anything, in all honesty I'll be doing the latter and buying girls drinks and other stupid stuff lol.

08-23-2011, 10:25 AM
Where are you finding that? I think my flights are more expensive being on the east coast. I've been searching kayak.com for a flight out of either BDL, JFK, or EWR and only come up with ~$1273 for a flight (that's under 15 hours each way).

I was probably just going to try staying in a hostel, which WAS going to be cheap at the time I was looking haha

Overall I was expecting a 2 week trip to be about $2,500. (between flight & travel, stay, food, and misc expenses/souvenirs)

I haven't seen it hit below 75 yet though in a few places I looked.

You checked the lodges on base or the New Sanno (for Kantou region)? iace-usa.com usually has great deals on flights.

Even with the Yen rate.. Ill take Japan over the Stateside Bs

Drifting....... 80 dollars for a track day 7 days a week...

Just don't waste money on buying girls drinks in other stupid shit.

I'm glad someone said it. If you're single, overseas anywhere is better than stateside. Thats why I'm heading back.

I can understand the stress of married men's lives though. Even being in the states is hard if you got others to consider.

08-23-2011, 10:51 AM
You checked the lodges on base or the New Sanno (for Kantou region)? iace-usa.com usually has great deals on flights.

On base, as in military base? Didn't know that was an option. The only problem with iace-usa.com is that the USA site is all in Japanese...I'd have to learn how to read it :bite:

08-23-2011, 10:52 AM
You checked the lodges on base or the New Sanno (for Kantou region)

if the new sanno is anything like it used to be, you need to make reservations about 3 years in advance, LOL

08-23-2011, 11:13 AM
On base, as in military base? Didn't know that was an option. The only problem with iace-usa.com is that the USA site is all in Japanese...I'd have to learn how to read it :bite:

Sorry, I figured your were DoD. Nevermind about the base option. Stay at Popeye, you'll save lots of $$$ but won't be able to have a girl with u.. :cool:

Yo, IAce has a link for 'English' written in English..

if the new sanno is anything like it used to be, you need to make reservations about 3 years in advance, LOL

LOL, yeah, it's pretty bad I suppose. I was looking for Golden Week 2012 reservations around May-Jun this year they were almost all booked.

08-23-2011, 11:27 AM
Sorry, I figured your were DoD. Nevermind about the base option.

Close but not quite. I work for a large aerospace company that manufacturers military engines.

Ahh cool I thought clicking the USA link would bring me to English, but I guess on the top I had to click the US flag too to get it into english :) Thanks!

08-23-2011, 11:34 AM
Ahh cool I thought clicking the USA link would bring me to English, but I guess on the top I had to click the US flag too to get it into english :) Thanks!

... glad I didn't hire you for my large aerospace company that manufactures military engines..

joking. :-)

08-23-2011, 11:45 AM
... glad I didn't hire you for my large aerospace company that manufactures military engines..

joking. :-)

lol hey! clicking USA twice is inefficient. Site needs to work on its lean manufacturing hah.

08-23-2011, 03:28 PM
Where are you finding that? I think my flights are more expensive being on the east coast. I've been searching kayak.com for a flight out of either BDL, JFK, or EWR and only come up with ~$1273 for a flight (that's under 15 hours each way).

I was probably just going to try staying in a hostel, which WAS going to be cheap at the time I was looking haha

Overall I was expecting a 2 week trip to be about $2,500. (between flight & travel, stay, food, and misc expenses/souvenirs)

I haven't seen it hit below 75 yet though in a few places I looked.

HIS travel they are out of Japan and select locations in the USA

you and me as well others will never pay $1=75 yen that is the open market only if your a bank you pay that rate - the rate minus bank and credit card tax.

08-23-2011, 03:36 PM
Yeah HIS is super legit. My wife has used them several times and has received great deals.

08-23-2011, 04:07 PM
Time to start buying stuff from the US and sell it to the Japanese!

08-23-2011, 04:11 PM
corvettes! they love em!

08-23-2011, 06:22 PM
Yeah HIS is super legit. My wife has used them several times and has received great deals.


Time to start buying stuff from the US and sell it to the Japanese!

taken it you haven't sold things there have you ? market is really crap right now there and they aren't spending. High yen - slow exports - layoffs have been happening there left and right and the government there says high yen wont effect anything - sorry - total bs right now.

corvettes! they love em!

They do but they buy from their own buyers as there are many of them here in so.cal already and they know prices in and out. basically they want NCRS spec high points cars for salvage value.

08-25-2011, 01:56 PM
if i had been stationed in japan i would be getting married to my girl, and i do not like on base housing.
off base housing rent would be fucking brutal.

maybe if you 0 responsibilities and all you care about are track days, sure.

Lets not assume guy

All my bills are paid and I have alot of responsibilities...as im a NCO and more further the NCOIC of training for the base in relation to vehicular validation. I am in one of if not the highest deployable AFSC so much so that out of the 4 years I have been stationed in Japan, I have only physically been here a year and some months. Off base is not brutal.. the pay is all the same, you get your pay no matter what, its how much of it you choose to spend on your girl/wife (definitively is your responsibility lol but she can work also), nike's, blu-ray dvd's and all the other stuff that people really need in life.....so if you call that responsibility im happy for you. There are plenty of married guys here with kids who do it right along side me.

With that response you are better off not coming as it seems you would complain about everything like the rest of these lame people here. We all make choices my choice is to compete in motorsports and do what I want in life.

imotion s14
08-26-2011, 11:46 PM
taken it you haven't sold things there have you ? market is really crap right now there and they aren't spending. High yen - slow exports - layoffs have been happening there left and right and the government there says high yen wont effect anything - sorry - total bs right now.

lol they spent like 6 trillion since their bubble economy popped in the late 80s and they still can't figure it out. :facepalm:

Anyway my commodities are doing well against the yen. :kiss:

Tho I should have added yen to my currency holdings.

08-27-2011, 12:04 AM
Yea listen to the chairforce, i mean, airforce guy. Hahah

08-27-2011, 12:07 AM
Yea listen to the chairforce, i mean, airforce guy. Hahah
please do me a favor, and shut the fuck up.

08-27-2011, 12:15 AM
Did u get your feelings hurt little guy? Ahhh

08-27-2011, 12:20 AM
I know people who have died defending this country in the air force, I know people in harms way right now.

So take your stupid crap somewhere else, Every branch does their part and does it well.

08-27-2011, 12:24 AM
As do i there kid, and i continue to serve my country. So relax, stop being an internet tough guy. Cuz you clearly havnt been in the military, branches fuck with other branches all the time. Nobody said anything bad about people dieing and blah blah i hear and see it alot just like any other servicemember, shit happens, get over it nancy. Nobody was pointing anyone out. Just a joke.

08-27-2011, 12:27 AM
Actually i am military, air force.

It was irrelevant to the thread completly, and I'll joke around like that with my freinds, and people I know.

I do not joke that way with people I do not know. Because I have no idea what their experiance has been like, and i have complete and utter respect for every other branch of military.

99% of the time i see that chairforce shit from civillians who have never been a part of any branch.

08-27-2011, 12:56 AM
and guess what, 99 percent of the time, when people get butt hurt about a joke that REAL service-members play around with, those people are civilians....so i guess we are both shit outta luck huh?

08-27-2011, 04:26 AM
hahahah it's all good. not here to brag about my military/combat experience, everyone's experience is different with in each branch. I like doing Joint missions as you get to share alot of things and bust myth.... funniest one I heard this past deployment was......" A yo can I have one of your Air Force MRE's i heard they are better"

08-27-2011, 08:11 AM
" A yo can I have one of your Air Force MRE's i heard they are better"

LOL, some MRE's are good.

but some of them.....FFFFUUUU

08-27-2011, 12:01 PM
Hahaha man I have learned to love em I have ate so many... I will NEVER eat the egg omlet or any Veggie meal everything else ill eat. In field conditions we could not pick though just grab and get the hell out of the way lol.

I took three of them to Ebisu with me... Killed them instant 6000 calories.

08-28-2011, 10:44 PM
i wanna be an airborne ranger.

08-29-2011, 07:54 AM
LOL.......This thread has comedy.

And it is still 75 to the greenback.......

08-29-2011, 08:45 AM
cool sell it to me for that rate then............

no one will do that in the USA mabey some banks in japan but the banks here all have the downs :w00t:

08-29-2011, 08:55 AM
LOL, some MRE's are good.

but some of them.....FFFFUUUU
the chicken ones are <3

08-29-2011, 03:23 PM
I don't get it.

Lately, I've been encountering a lot of Australian companies, services, etc. So much so, that I plan on visiting Australia in the future.

For shits and giggles I google'd our USD vs their AUD. It turns out that our USD is just slightly stronger (source: google, IRS, and Oanda). I also checked their AUD vs JPY. They have a rate of about .80 to the JYP. We have a .75 to their JPY. WTF?

If our USD is slightly stronger than the AUD, then can't we buy AUD and convert to JYP? Seems to be a good route to get more JPY.

I was playing around converting a combination of USD, AUD, JPY but look likes it's only good to convert to AUD for anything under $1000USD. For anything above that it's best to covert straight USD to JPY as you get a better rate... weird.

08-29-2011, 03:40 PM
So much so, that I plan on visiting Australia in the future.

I wanted to go too, then saw it was about $700-900 more expensive for a flight. wtf is up with that?

08-30-2011, 05:12 AM
I wanted to go too, then saw it was about $700-900 more expensive for a flight. wtf is up with that?

Its farther from the states, bud. I'll probably swim there from Honshu. :boink:

08-30-2011, 12:10 PM

We're getting 75.45 today at the local exchange shops.

I miss 125. :(

08-31-2011, 09:58 AM
Its farther from the states, bud. I'll probably swim there from Honshu. :boink:

I can only imagine the absolute misery of being jammed in coach for a 14+ hour flight. Sounds like a fun vacation already

09-01-2011, 07:49 AM

We're getting 75.45 today at the local exchange shops.

I miss 125. :(

You and me both man!!

09-02-2011, 08:10 PM
I can only imagine the absolute misery of being jammed in coach for a 14+ hour flight. Sounds like a fun vacation already

I lucked my way from an emergency row middle seat into first class on my last flight back to japan.

09-03-2011, 02:45 AM
My asshole has been getting reamed so hard from gas prices here. The bases only serve this shit-tastic 87 octance that's at $3.67 a gallon right now, which is "cheap" compared to the $3.97 those AAFES fags were charging a couple weeks ago.

Right now I'm having to mix on base 87 and off base 93 just to save somewhat, but when it comes to filling up the FD, I weep a little.

Right now 151Y per liter x FD is 75.7 liters = 11430.7Y = $148.80 = bleeding asshole.

It's sad that we have to take our Evo the be economical, but it's looking like we're going to sell it one day soon and buy of these econo-boxes.

09-03-2011, 05:30 PM
I thought base gas on Okinawa was 86 octane?

I just put in about 3000 yen worth of hioku from Esso Express and the rest on base. But then again my car isn't tuned and only requires 87.

09-03-2011, 11:40 PM
LOL, some MRE's are good.

but some of them.....FFFFUUUU

Man, i used to love Jambalaya. Couple exercises, I'd hunt the boxes for those things. Ofcourse, one isnt gonna fill you up, so you eat 2 or 3 of them. Then i read the damn nutritional info on the back...I nearly had a heart-attack...literally!!! Each one had 65% cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat.


We're getting 75.45 today at the local exchange shops.

I miss 125. :(

My asshole has been getting reamed so hard from gas prices here. The bases only serve this shit-tastic 87 octance that's at $3.67 a gallon right now, which is "cheap" compared to the $3.97 those AAFES fags were charging a couple weeks ago.

Right now I'm having to mix on base 87 and off base 93 just to save somewhat, but when it comes to filling up the FD, I weep a little.

Right now 151Y per liter x FD is 75.7 liters = 11430.7Y = $148.80 = bleeding asshole.

It's sad that we have to take our Evo the be economical, but it's looking like we're going to sell it one day soon and buy of these econo-boxes.

Man, I'm happy to get the fuck outta there just in time. What's COLA out there right now? My S14 was going thru a tank every week and I fucking lived on base. $150 a tank per week, another tank if I go driving with Mike and them, that shit would have sucked for the month.

09-04-2011, 04:11 AM
With wife and a kid it was just over $1100 (E5)

09-04-2011, 01:13 PM
Me and the wifey already have an Econobox, YRV Turbo AWD...Takes about $26 to fill from completely empty and it averages around 380km to a tank (8gals)...

09-04-2011, 03:55 PM

We're getting 75.45 today at the local exchange shops.

I miss 125. :(
i left in the mid 80s : 1. kinda glad i did now

09-15-2011, 11:16 AM
Just came back from my 3 week Vacation there in Oki.

Paid about $2,800 for me and the wifes tickets.

We did save alot of money though by staying at the mother In laws House though.

wasnt about to get raped by off base hotels, like 2 years ago

It was $1=75yen It was pretty rough until pay day finally hit

09-15-2011, 11:33 AM
Holy fuck. Who did you purchase tickets through?

09-15-2011, 03:34 PM
Holy fuck. Who did you purchase tickets through?

That's what I've been seeing as the low average prices lately If it hits below $1300 again per person I may pick up a couple tickets. Last I checked it was ~$1365.

kayak.com has been lower than all the other places I've seen.