View Full Version : Need Sponsors!!!!

Night Slide Josh
10-06-2003, 01:28 AM
Need Sponsors!!!!
Hi, i am josh.. i am an avid drifter..
i dont suck yet im not d1 material just yet..
i do get noticed from time and time again..
i am looking for any sponsor willing to help a poor drifter out..
ive been in magazines (not main features)
had a newspaper article (local to nj)
also won 2 drift events and 1 2nd place..

i am looking for a body shop or something or other?


pictures of me can be found there.. i am the one with the blue tow strap (thanks stan) as a motor mount

10-06-2003, 01:46 AM
Nice try but your not gonna get anything handed too you for free. :wtc:

10-06-2003, 01:47 AM
sponsors are looking for some one very high profile usually, people who get recognized easily, and people who will get there name out there. If you want to get sponsored start winning big high profile events and make your car easy to spot. Stock black 240 isnt very high profile..

Lets put it like this, I have been in:
Option Magazine
Drift Tengoku Magazine
Battle Magazine
Scene Magazine
Import Racer Magazine

Grip Video 2, 4, and upcomming 5
Team Rice videos
Eight08 videos

and have entered every event for the past 2 years...yet I still don't have any sponsors.

basicly if you dont live in Cali, I dont think you will get much bites..

10-06-2003, 01:52 AM
That is true. Unless you are out in Socal it's hard to get a sponsor. Most major companies that sponsor cars are all based out in California too.

Apexi' USA
Tein USA
Tanabe USA

Basicially almost every Japanese companys US office is based out in Socal. So it's more like

HKS Socal Tein Socal etc etc

Unless a local shop wants to posibly sponcer you I think you pretty much outta luck. New Jersy out of all places I don't think you have much to go on.

10-06-2003, 02:06 AM
posting on a forum wont get you sponsors. learn the lingo if you want to sell your car's soul for sponsorship, if thats what you really want.

- mike

10-06-2003, 03:09 AM
Ouch. :X

Well if a shop decides to sponsor you, hopefully it's a shop that you can say has done good work on your car.

You might be able to get at least get some small sponsorships, like 15% discount on Falken tires or whatnot. Stuff like that.

Good luck!

10-06-2003, 07:10 AM
this is OT

10-06-2003, 10:26 AM
Go to local shops and other stuff, and dont go in asking "MOD MY CAR!!!!!" Tell them your looking for a drift sponsership, tell them how good you do, show them whats been done to your car, pics, vids the more the better.

10-06-2003, 10:30 AM
ack i typed a HUGE response and then zilvia took a poo pooooo

anyways, yeah if you want big companies you should probably be in cali

you can probably get small local shops to help but mostlikely it wll be dealercost and scuh

i have a few spnosors and they help me more then i can beleive and im am extremely grateful for that. i hope to improve my skill and place even better in competitions as well as promote their company

basically work ahrd but honestly if you really want to get spnosors and very nicely you need to DECK YORU CAR OUT VISUALLY. because even if you suck there are lots of folks (in so cali) who have nice cars but no skill...so still a lot of that 'show car' mentality goign on, but good lucks to yas.

10-06-2003, 11:33 AM
saw the pics on FA...damn you SERIOULSY need to get some body work if you want anyone to consider you. at least DECENT (stock is ok) looking. when u are spnosored you are representing a company.if you look bad (car wise) then people will think same of the company

10-07-2003, 12:15 AM
dousan is pretty on it. There are a lot of guys who are sponsored who have not so much skill but have GREAT looking cars. Take for example JDMRice. From what I know Richard is a GREAT guy and is really nice, but I'm sure even he knows that he needs some more practice. Despite that, come on, who can honestly say that Richard's old red 240SX wasnt one of... if not THE baddest 240SXs in the USA? And thats just one example of a bad ass car with so so skills driver. (defintly not hating on Richards skills, just using him as an example)

Its like this...

I have seen a lot of guys from the US mainland drifting (in videos mind you) who are "sponsord" who couldnt even run with the top 10 guys here, and no one here is sponsored. Im not saying that the Hawaii guys are better than everyone else, far from it. Im just saying that its ALL about exposure. Unless you are out there winning events that have 5,000 people attending, or getting features in magazines, you can't hope for to much help from anyone.

10-07-2003, 12:26 AM
I'll give ya ten dollars to put my name on your windsheild. :x:

10-07-2003, 11:35 AM
local sponsors can some times be better...my sponsor hooked me up with a free boost controller, carbon hood and HID's... and every thing at dealer costs... :D

tire sponsors is where its at... i go through tires once every 2 months daily driving.

10-07-2003, 11:40 AM
jdmriceII car is out of control
is so sponsored its pretty much NOT owned by him. sucks too :( but its hot. now he needs another 'personal' car hahaha


anyways yeah there are lots of folks who SUCK and get sponsors and lots who are EXCELLENT who dont. so its hit and miss. its really who you know and how well you do. example: if daddy owns Apex your going to 'obviously' get sponsored up the butt. even if you suck or are top notch.

ya go to BIG events that get national coverage..then you might see some changes. you gotta win too or do so wel it catches someone's eye

anyways. good luck.

10-07-2003, 02:00 PM
pic link no worky.

sponsorship is not all it's cracked up to be.
free/discounted stuff is nice... but being told what to do is not so nice. :/

10-07-2003, 03:48 PM
Isn't it better to kick ass and have no or little sponsors than have your car owned by big companies but not place well? I mena im talking if you TRUELY enjoy drifting for the fun and stuff, not just the trend or look.

Its like in D1 when the plain old Hachiroku sponsored by no one but a local parts garage or drift team places well and beats out the high $$$ teams. We have a couple of those over here on the mainland. And I bet if the top Driftsession guys came over most of them would pace very very high as well in one of the cali events. Not knockin Cali drivers (like Matto said) but give it up for the islands I mean HI has been at it (orginized at least) for much longer.

Bah. Anyway, sponsorship is overrated. Getting hookups through freinds or small companies is the best. Having your car's appearnce, tuning, feel, all dictated by someone else is (as Nitekids says)"TEH SUXORZ"!

10-07-2003, 03:50 PM
so true, brings tears to my eyes :wtc:

hey we got the same 'sponsors'! :p

Night Slide Josh
10-07-2003, 07:05 PM

i need sponsors cuz i cant afford most of this crap..
im a poor drifter who drifts..
i go through.. 20 rear tires in a month...
i already have a tire hookup which i get used for free and full use of the shop..
but i need parts..
cuz sadly..
my ka just isnt enough.. i need more hp

10-07-2003, 07:08 PM
do what alex and asad said to do on freshalloy

make a portfolio

send it around (write letters)

i assure you, you wont get much (if anything) posting on a fan board. you gotta get off your ass.

10-08-2003, 10:48 AM
having sponsors isn't fun unless they are your friends. meaning you guys can hang out and do something other than talk about your cars and driving... the obligation that comes with it is nerve wrecking. they demand, like they own the car! hahahaha.. that's from what i've been told.

i have sponsors, but they're all my friends. i'm just lucky to have them as a friend. it's fun that way, not just business talk but the feeling of relax, enjoyment and chillin` like villain`. also, they don't pressure you to win at any competition. all i know is, win or lose they are there! because... it's all about friendship.

as far as hawaii being the best... i guess so, i haven't seen them other than videos. but i heard hawaii top guys are coming over to driftday9 in vegas. i'm looking forward to that.

also, richard - jdmrice/jdmrice2. the intention of building his car started out as a showcar. so he is sponsored like a dream.. as a show car not as a drift car. it just so happened he likes drifting.
i give him big props that he practices in his show car.
i don't think it's fair to use his car as a comparison of sponsorship vs drifting skills.. he never said nor intended to get sponsors
because of drifting.

but yeah... we have a lot in california that has nice cars and got into drifting then got hooked up with... some kinda sticky dealy.
is it unfortunate? i dunno... to each his own i guess. i'm happy for them because they got a dealy.

all i know is.. before i got my friends to sponsor or help me out i already lost 2 corollas and 1 S13 because of drifting/driving/canyons.
so i'm glad i got helped.. because it's a very expensive hobby to support. but it's by far the best!!!! the feeling of happiness to suck your balls in because you think you're gonna fly off the strip because u came in hot... and think.. holy cow! how did i do that.. then you go try it again.. and again.. then you try something new. or something like that.. i dunno... i just had coffee.. so ok talk to you later! hahahahaha..

10-08-2003, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by driftheaven
i'm glad i got helped.. because it's a very expensive hobby to support. Amen to that!!
It's a pity that some people think that we shouldn't be doing it if we can't fully afford it. :rolleyes: :down: :rolleyes: