View Full Version : Forest Park Meet Part 3 (JAPANESE LOVE) (Queens NYC) 4/3/11 @ 11:30am

03-23-2011, 10:01 PM
Forest Park Meet Part 3 (Japanese Love) presented by HeadLightTheory (http://www.HeadlightTheory.com) !!!

Date: Sunday April 3th 2011

STARTS AT 11:30am ends at 3pm

Location : Forest Park is near the intersection of Woodhaven Blvd & Forest Park Drive, Located in Queens, NY

This meet is a little bit different than the others, as this is an Import Cars ONLY Meet, to show support for the crisis in Japan.

link below shows exactly where the meet will be.

forest park ny - Google Maps (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&biw=1440&bih=678&q=forest+park+ny&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Forest+Park,+NY&gl=us&ei=w7OKTcrpGcGcgQe6sIzUDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA)

Here is the link to the FB event page,

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More (http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=196774137023007)

if you have any questions please post them or PM me. Thanks