View Full Version : Fiberglass Help!

03-21-2011, 10:55 AM
I'm having an issue with fitment for my S14 Kouki 50mm Origin rear overfenders (go figure) & after a great install/riviting job by a friend in the area that does every locals work, yet I'm still left with a overhang on my drivers side wheel well that doesn't allow me to place my rear bumper on properly. Everything lines up correctly up top but there is extra material along the wheelwell that needs to be removed. If anybody knows a fiberglass fabricator or a bodyman who can help me, let me know. I'm sure others have had the same issue as myself but here is a picture of exactly what I'm talking about...

03-21-2011, 10:58 AM
did the bumper fit prior to over fenders and is it like this both sides? Im just trying to figure out if its bumper problem or overfender

03-21-2011, 12:04 PM
The other side fit with slight shaving on opposite end towards the sideskirts end caps. The rear bumper is so snug it stays attached to the rear without bolts so if you notice the space allowed by the bumper & quarter panel in the second picture, I simply slid the overs in the space for fitment so it seemed to lineup but it could have possibly not been all the way down gap as it is now that it is riveted. I was not there when they were installed so i noticed the issue after I picked up my ride.

03-21-2011, 01:09 PM
hmmm i would just take it a body shop it doesnt seem like something crazy to fix just got some out of the bumper and extend with more fiberglass

03-21-2011, 04:27 PM
Yea that sounds like a possibility so I'll see about that... One way or the other my wheelwell will be offset slightly from the opposite side.

03-22-2011, 12:21 PM
u can also just cut the over fender higher so the bumper fits on the metal flush instead of on the overfender and just trim it to not have any overhang