View Full Version : Mechanics Visit

09-27-2003, 10:54 PM
Ok so my ark sunk.

I fixed up some short in the steering column and now the battery is dead. Battery won't charge?

The tranny won't shift, and the tach is giving false readings.

I still have to change out the starter solenoid and fix a minor pan leak.

To the mechanics it goes. *snifle*

Anybody got any 'good-to-knows' before I send it to a professional for the first time?


09-27-2003, 10:57 PM
so it worked before your little " honey i swear i can do it" bit? wow i have no idea what you possible could have done. sorry for making fun of your situation. but yeah mechanic is the way togo.

09-27-2003, 11:05 PM
Actually it was perfect and running at 5 psi. I was setting up some suspension for it, and another tuning session to bring it to 300 ponies.

After running for about 1000 miles on boost the tranny went funny on me, and after that the electrical. The starter solenoid was junk a lond while ago and the pan leak was a bit on the pan that didn't seal well when I swapped it out.